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Welcome to our site, where we specialize in feature article writing.

Our team of experienced writers

are dedicated to creating high-quality and engaging feature articles that will captivate your audience.

What sets feature articles apart from other types of writing is their focus on storytelling and in-depth
exploration of a particular topic. Our writers are skilled in crafting compelling narratives that will
keep your readers hooked from beginning to end.

Whether you need a feature article for your magazine, website, or any other publication, we have got
you covered. Our writers are well-versed in a wide range of topics and can tailor their writing to suit
your specific needs and target audience.

At, we understand the importance of delivering original and well-researched

content. That is why all of our feature articles are thoroughly researched and written from scratch.
We also offer unlimited revisions to ensure that you are completely satisfied with the final product.

Ordering a feature article from is easy and hassle-free. Simply provide us with your
topic, guidelines, and deadline, and our team will take care of the rest. We guarantee timely delivery
and 100% plagiarism-free content.

Don't just take our word for it, check out our testimonials page to see what our satisfied clients have
to say about our services. Let us help you elevate your publication with our top-notch feature article

So why wait? Order your feature article from today and experience the difference
our professional writers can make!
find the answer. Students can edit the article only; because proofreading is expensive. However, the
editors must proofread the article before publishing it in print media such as newspapers and
magazines. The researchers suggested some common questions for writers that they can ask. The
as follows: do they understand the process, are there any steps missing, and is there anything else to
add? Senior Project Proposal - Mr. Ackerman`s Classes The seven steps to writing a feature article
as follows: แลคโตบาซิลลัสรามโนซัส คือจุลินทรีย์มีชีวิต ช่วยในการกระตุ้นการทํางานของระบบภูมิคุ้มกัน
ขับสารพิษ ปรับสมดุลในลําไส้ และนอกจากประโยชน์ด้านสุขภาพต่อร่างกายและระบบทางเดินอาหารแล้ว
ยังเรียกได้ว่าเป็นตัวช่วยสําคัญสําหรับทุกคนเลยทีเดียว วันนี วิณพา
จะพาทุกคนไปดูประโยชน์สําคัญของจุลินทรีย์ชนิดนี กันค่ะHi Roxy! Thank you for your feedback. Take
care! Human Interest: Many feature stories focus on an issue as it impacts people. They often focus
on one person or a group of people. Consider the audience you’d like to talk to. As you brainstorm
story ideas, think about who will read these stories. Ask yourself questions such as Who will be my
readers? and What kinds of angles appeal to these readers? For example, you might write a profile
about a pastry chef, but you’ll write differently depending on if your readers are aspiring chefs or if
wedding planners looking to buy a wedding cake.[1] Be sure to ask your interviewee if it’s okay to
audio-record the interview. If you plan to use the audio for any purpose other than for your own
purposes writing up the article (such as a podcast that might accompany the feature article), you must
tell them and get their consent. (3) Consult "The Associated Press Stylebook" for style guidelines,
such as how to format numbers, dates, street names, and so on.[7]
CHILDRENSLEARNINGCENTER.ORG Get feedback on the article. Ask a friend or colleague to
through the article. Your editor will also give you feedback. Be open to this feedback and don’t take
personally. They want you to write a good, solid article, and will give you advice on how to change,
clarify or expand on what you’ve already written in order to make the best article possible. The
start to write the feature article in this stage. Therefore, it is the most significant part of feature
writing. In the first paragraph, they should introduce the feature so readers can understand the topic’s
essence. In addition, journalists explain the advantages of reading this article; therefore, they use
catchy sentences to attract audiences. For example, journalists must explain what kind of adverse
consequences the audience can encounter by hacking if they want to write a feature article about
how to stop hacking Facebook IDs. So it triggers them to read the full article. An article is a very
common type of text nowadays. We can find all kinds of articles in newspapers, magazines, blogs,
etc. For this reason, in order to know how to write an article for FCE, we must bear in mind who
will be reading our article. This, as we will see later on, we will find out from the instructions the
FCE Writing paper provides us with. But before we move on to that, let’s take a look at
the characteristics of an article for FCE Writing Part 2: After students have done their reporting, lead
them through the tips for writing an effective first draft. Help them understand the lead-body-ending
structure. Read More Select country Be sure to ask your interviewee if it’s okay to audio-record the
If you plan to use the audio for any purpose other than for your own purposes writing up the article
(such as a podcast that might accompany the feature article), you must tell them and get their
consent. Choose a format for your article. Feature articles do not have a particular formula the way
hard news articles do. You don’t need to follow the “inverted pyramid” style of writing that conveys
“who, what, where, when and why” of a news story. Instead, choose a more inventive way to write a
story. Some possible formats may include: 6. There are many more ways to begin a feature article.
And then again, two or more types of leads may be combined to produce an irresistible introduction
masterpiece. Just remember to match the tone of the article and to suit the taste of the target readers.
Analysing a Feature Article By Lisa Greeves Lead and conclusion: Explain the strategy that the
writer is using in the lead of this feature article. How long is the lead? Is it descriptive? Anecdotal?
Setting a scene? What is the reason for using a lead like this? What does it accomplish? Similarly,
examine the conclusion of the feature article. Does it connect back to the lead in some way or not? Is
catchy or dull? Where does the conclusion to the article begin and how long is it? Sum up the overall
effect and success of the lead and conclusion in this article. What can another writer learn from the
strategies used here? Content areas: Examine and name the different categories of content that the
covers. Are there too many content areas (making the article too unwieldy), just enough content
areas, or not enough? Are there other content areas that could have been addressed but were not?
Background: Most features have some kind of background explanation or an explanation of some
history of the topic at hand. Describe the background information featured in this article. Does it
provide enough information or not? Is there anything mentioned in the article that assumes the reader
understands it and its importance? What other kinds of background information could have been
featured? Number and quality of sources: How many different sources are in this article? How
would you categorize these different sources? How are they authority figures? Are they appropriate
not? Was there too many of one type of source, or were there any other types of sources that you
expected to hear from and didn’t? Is there a certain view or side to the story that you feel should
have been represented by a source that wasn’t? Or are all views and sides covered? Quality of
quotations: Examine the feature article for the strongest and weakest quotations. Where do you find
strongest, most memorable quotation? What kind of source does it come from? What does it add to
article? Why was it used? Pinpoint what you feel to 6 Head inland to the awe-inspiring landscapes of
Rocky Mountains, where you can embark on outdoor adventures year-round. In Colorado, ski the
slopes of Aspen or hike the trails of Rocky Mountain National Park, while in Utah, marvel at the
otherworldly rock formations of Arches and Zion National Parks. Help your students come up with
interesting feature topics by asking these questions: Lesson 1: Determine Your PAT (Purpose,
Audience, Topic) – Start by brainstorming some good feature article topics. Use the graphic
organizer we have provided to model how to focus on a purpose, audience and topic for a feature
article. Be prepared to use that topic in a guided writing exercise with your students. Profile: This
type focuses on a specific individual’s character or lifestyle. This type is intended to help the reader
feel like they’ve gotten a window into someone’s life. Often, these features are written about
celebrities or other public figures. Include your email address to get a message when this question is
answered. Profile: This feature type focuses on a specific individual’s character or lifestyle. This
type is intended to help the reader feel like they’ve gotten a window into someone’s life. Often, these
features are written about celebrities or other public figures. What does a feature article look like?
อาหารบํารุงระบบย่อยอาหาร มีส่วนช่วยให้ระบบย่อยอาหารทํางานตามปกติ
ลดความเสี ยงของปัญหาระบบทางเดินอาหารเช่น ปวดท้อง ท้องอืด ท้องเสีย ท้องผูก
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การกินอาหารที ไม่มีประโยชน์และมีพฤติกรรมการกินที ไม่เหมาะสมเช่น การกินเร็วเกินไปหรืออดอาหาร
อาจส่งผลเสียต่อระบบย่อยอาหารได้ วันนี วิณพา
จะพาทุกคนไปทําความรู้จักกับอาหารบํารุงระบบย่อยอาหารกันค่ะ Writing an Article vs Writing a Blog
Post: What s the Difference?
Find a compelling story. Read the news and talk to people to find interesting stories. Think about
what phenomena are happening and how you can talk about them in a new and innovative way.
Example of a feature article your inbox every week! Senior Project Proposal - Mr. Ackerman`s
Classes Start with an interesting fact, a quote, or an anecdote for a good hook. How to Write a
Feature Article (with Pictures) - wikiHow ข่าวสารและบทความ ที น่ารูถ้ ูกรวมอยู่ในเว็บไซต์ วิณพา
เราคัดสรรข้อความดีๆ และสาระน่ารู้สําหรับคนอยากสร้างแบรนด์ และอยากตามทันเทรนด์ปัจจุบัน TPT is the
largest marketplace for PreK-12 resources, powered by a community of educators. how to write a
feature article for english 2. serious as well as a light tone. The writer can make use of special
language (jargon) depending on his target readers. Examples of informative features are: an article on
the latest findings about human cloning, an article about the results of a survey conducted on a
particular topic, a piece on how to organize a stress-free party. How-To Features This is another
common type of feature article. It is a practical guide to doing something or achieving a goal. This
type is best written in a light tone for easier understanding. It should be direct to the point and
written in easy-to-understand language. Examples include: How to hurdle your first job interview,
one week to quit smoking, quick tricks to earn extra cash. Entertainment Features More commonly
written in a light tone, this type aims to entertain; to provide comic relief. Entertainment pieces are
great space fillers and are usually shorter than the informative pieces. It may be written using a first
person point-of-view. It can be satirical in tone. Some examples are: Wacky ways to meet your
possible better half, a satire on the political candidates running for a forthcoming election, how you
trained your lazy cat to hunt for mice. Human Interest Features This type targets the emotions of the
readers. The subject matter is simple but the writer elicits reaction from the readers through the use
of language, tone and style. Examples are: a feature article on an adopted child’s colorful journey to
trace his biological parents, how a poverty-stricken family started a community project that changed
the lives of the whole neighborhood, a day in a shelter for the elderly. News Supplemental Features
As the name states, this type of feature article supplements a news item. It should merely enhance
and complement but not replace a news item. News supplementals stem from news articles.
Examples are: a piece on how to detect a terrorist to supplement a news item about the latest terrorist
attack, a supplement on the first successful heart transplant to complement a news item about the
latest findings on heart surgery. Seasonal Features This type is dependent on the season. Examples
are: an article on choosing budget-friendly gifts for Christmas season, Halloween surprises for kids,
Valentine’s on a budget. Personal Account Features This type talks about a particular or unusual
experience or achievement of the writer or somebody else as narrated to him. It is best written using a
first person point-of-view by the person who 2 THIS WEB PAGE IS PARKED FREE Below you
will find various Fact Sheets that may help you with your travel planning. When they have
completed their first drafts, provide the revising and editing checklist to help students improve their
stories. Download Now Decide on the type of feature you want to write. There are a number of ways
to write a feature, depending on what you want to focus on. Some of these include: Save Feature
Article Sample For Later Decide on the type of feature you want to write. There are a number of
ways to write a feature, depending on what you want to focus on. Some of these include: Revise
your article. Once you finish writing, put the article away for a day to get some distance from it.
Come back to it when you are fresh and read through it all the way. Think of ways to sharpen
descriptions, clarify points and streamline explanations. What areas do you need to cut out? What
areas need additional information? Lead with an Interesting Fact – Teaches the reader something
new and sparks interest in the topic (The Kentucky Derby had its first winner in 1875 when Aristides
outran his other four-legged foes.) CHILDRENSLEARNINGCENTER.ORG Save Luis @ KSE
Academy With its vast landscapes, vibrant cities, and rich cultural tapestry, the USA beckons
travelers from around the world to embark on a journey of discovery. Whether you’re exploring the
natural wonders of the West Coast or immersing yourself in the history of the East Coast, a trip to
the USA promises an unforgettable adventure filled with experiences that will stay with you long
after you return home. Calle Arabial 4, 18004 Granada Simple Tips for Writing a Feature Article -
Freelance Writing Solutions มากิเบอร์รี หลายคนอาจจะเคยได้ยินมาบ้าง
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จริงๆ แล้ว มากิเบอร์รี
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International อาหารบํารุงระบบย่อยอาหาร มีส่วนช่วยให้ระบบย่อยอาหารทํางานตามปกติ
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และโรคระบบทางเดินอาหารอื นๆในทางกลับกัน
การกินอาหารที ไม่มีประโยชน์และมีพฤติกรรมการกินที ไม่เหมาะสมเช่น การกินเร็วเกินไปหรืออดอาหาร
อาจส่งผลเสียต่อระบบย่อยอาหารได้ วันนี วิณพา
จะพาทุกคนไปทําความรู้จักกับอาหารบํารุงระบบย่อยอาหารกันค่ะ PhD in Communication & Society,
University of Oregon Point out that their answers could be the seeds for great feature stories. They
just need to think of an angle that will make readers say, "Wow!" 1. • A feature story differs from a
straight news story in one respect – its intent. • A news story provides information about an event,
idea or situation. • The feature does a bit more – it may also interpret news, add depth and colour to
a story, instruct or entertain. From the majestic peaks of the Rocky Mountains to the bustling streets
of New York City, the United States of America offers travelers a diverse array of experiences
waiting to be explored. Whether you’re drawn to natural wonders, iconic landmarks, or vibrant
cities, a journey through the USA promises adventure at every turn. Feature articles are longer and
dig more deeply into the topic. Length varies for each publication, but a typical feature word count
runs between 1,000–2,000 words. Consider publishing the news stories in a classroom newspaper.
Save Simple Tips for Writing a Feature Article - Freelance Writing Solutions Ask follow up questions.
Part of being a good interviewer is determining when someone is finished talking about a particular
subject and when it will be helpful to prompt them for further discussion. You can also use your
follow up questions to make connections between ideas. Domain name for sale THIS WEB PAGE IS
PARKED FREE ฝ่ายจัดซื อ: 02-4612171-3 ต่อ 15 1. How To Write a Feature Article Formulating
Ideas Having a good idea, and having lots of good ideas is difficult, but a writer has to rely on a
constant stream of good ideas, which they generate themselves. A good tip is to keep ideas jotted
down on postcards, filed away for future use, so that the cupboard is never bare. Collecting and
Filing Cuttings One way of generating ideas is to constantly scan sources - magazines, papers,
journals - for the germ of an idea. Anything you come across can be filed away for future use.
Subject Research Once you have a clear idea of what you are going to write then, and only then, do
you start the legwork. This may take the form at first of background research and reading. Whether
you use all the material you find or not, it may help to lead you to other sources or to potential
interviewees. Interviewing Most articles will carry some interview material. It is this which makes the
article fresh and live, and which gives it authenticity. Too many writers see features as a platform for
their own opinions. The very best articles listen to others talking. Writing, Drafting and Editing The
process of drafting and polishing your article is a very personal one. Some people say they never
plan first, some never rewrite, others do both. The computer has made it much easier to do planning,
writing and editing all in one. But make no mistake - editing, sharpening, polishing your article,
however you do it, is a very important stage. Feature Articles by Lizzie R. Santos There are many
types of feature articles. Here are some of them. Informative Features Perhaps the most written, an
informative feature presents information. It can include figures, graphs, charts, photos and any other
valuable source/s of information related to the topic being written about. An informative feature
article may be written in a 1 Consider the type of publication you’re writing for. If you are writing
for a magazine or blog with a very specific topic, such as gardening, then you will likely need to
tailor your feature article to reflect that interest in some way. A newspaper, on the other hand, is
meant for a more general audience and may be more open to varied content. Start the story with an
ordinary moment and trace how the story became unusual. A feature article can be published at any
point. The topic is usually of interest for a long period of time. “Everyone is necessarily the hero of
his own life story.” Jewett, C. (2022, March 8). The loophole that's fueling a return to teenage
vaping. The New York Times.
nicotine.html?searchResultPosition=17 Send a thank you note to your interviewee. Thank them for
their time, and give them an idea of when to expect the article about them. This is also a chance
when you can ask a few follow-up questions if you find you need more information. Download Now
Give a list of questions to your interviewee ahead of time. The direction of the interview should not
be a surprise to the interviewee. Giving them the questions before the interview will help them be
able to give more thoughtful answers. Consider the audience you’d like to talk to. As you brainstorm
story ideas, think about who will read these stories. Ask yourself questions such as Who will be my
readers? and What kinds of angles appeal to these readers? For example, you might write a profile
about a pastry chef, but you’ll write differently depending on if your readers are aspiring chefs or if
they are wedding planners looking to buy a wedding cake.[1] $200.00 Audio-record the interview.
Use an audio recorder for the interview, but take notes throughout as well. There is always the
possibility that your recorder will run out of batteries or memory. Did you like this post? Please share
it with other students and English teachers. Subscribe to our newsletter and don’t forget to follow us
on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram,& YouTube.
0% Prepare for your interview. Do research ahead of time to ensure that you are asking the most
compelling questions. Have a long list of questions to keep the conversation flowing. Know your
interview subject’s background and experience, as well as their views on the subject that you’re
interviewing them about. Select country Save Feature Article Sample For Later 3. Catchy, visually-
interesting headline this one uses an allusion to Nirvana’s Smells Like Teen Spirit Attention-grabbing
“hooks” which set tone and ideas of the article 1st paragraph expands on the main “hook” which
sets tone and focus of the article “time-line” of images – with captions and “hook” heading “text
box” quote pasted into article – a “hook” to grab more attention and can be found in the body of the
article Visually-interesting image/photograph which matches the tone and content of the written text
copyright: 402: PAYMENT_REQUIRED Read More Give a list of questions to
your interviewee ahead of time. The direction of the interview should not be a surprise to the
interviewee. Giving them the questions before the interview will help them be able to give more
thoughtful answers. 100% Check with your editor to see how long they would like your article to be.
Lead with Onomatopoeia – A sound effect can create immediate interest in the topic of the article
(CRACK! The lightning cut through the old barn and the fire ignited.) Reported resources will be
reviewed by our team. Report this resource to let us know if this resource violates TPT’s content
guidelines. Lead with the Ending – Creates interest in how the story came to that point (It was the
first and last time that 30-year old Doug Henry would get the chance to see a space shuttle take off.)
$200.00 Work on your own paper - Catawba County Schools Consider the type of publication you’re
writing for. If you are writing for a magazine or blog with a very specific topic, such as gardening,
then you will likely need to tailor your feature article to reflect that interest in some way. A
newspaper, on the other hand, is meant for a more general audience and may be more open to varied
content. Ask open-ended questions. Questions that rely on yes or no answers will not give you very
rich information. Instead, ask questions that start with “how” or “why.” These types of questions
give the interviewee a chance to tell a story, relate details or give their opinion. Decide on
approximate length for the article. Newspaper feature stories run between 500 and 2,500 words,
while magazine features run from 500 to 5,000 words. Blog features run from 250 to 2,500 words.
Explore the world from the comfort of your classroom using Google Expeditions on Tes Rules for
writing proper, cogent expository prose Try to make sense on what happening in your country, such
as a large volcano explosion. Use that as a basis for your article. Copyright © 2016 Winnapa
Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved. 100% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful In
case you are interested, here are the links to the first three in our series on Newspapers as well as a
link to our post focusing on vocabulary surrounding newspapers. Save Submit your article by the
deadline. Make sure your article is submitted to your editor or to the publication on or before the
deadline. Late articles usually do not get printed, and then all of your hard work will either be
delayed until the next issue or not published at all.
Feature articles are longer and dig more deeply into the topic. Length varies for each publication, but
a typical feature word count runs between 1,000–2,000 words. Lead with a Famous Quote – Makes
the reader want to know how this quote relates to the topic of the article (“To be…or not to be.”
That is the question that twelve-year old Noah seemed to be asking of his friends.) Domains can be
owned and operated from anywhere Expand on your lead in the second paragraph. While your lead
might draw people in, your second paragraph (and subsequent paragraphs) need to start explaining
the reason for the story. Why are we reading this story? What is important about it? Schedule an
interview at a time and place convenient for the interviewee. Ask your interviewee to tell you when
and where the best place is for them to meet. If they give you a choice, ask for a quiet place where
you will be relatively undisturbed for the duration of the interview. Tips for Writing Feature Articles
- English Grammar Rules & Usage Yes it is. Just remember that you are following a certain format
and try to relate everything you write to the topic of your article. ​Evans-Butler, B. (2018).
Compassion and effective care. The West Australian,p. HEA19. 100% found this document useful
(3 votes) Putting the Art in Article: Writing Techniques for an Engaging Story 5. For inspiration…
check-out other feature articles! copyright: Consider publishing the news stories
in a classroom newspaper. The Education Debate – Formative/Diagnostic Task 3. actually had the
experience. Examples are: a piece on the writer’s unusual collection, how the writer survived a
natural calamity, a cancer survivor’s account focusing on her spiritual transformation. Personality
Sketches Also known as the "Profile," this type of feature article brings out the subject matter’s
distinct personality. It may be written in either a serious or light tone. While the personal account
deals with an achievement or an experience of the subject, the personality sketch focuses on the
person himself. Examples are: A celebrity as an ordinary parent, most cover stories of magazines, a
write-up on a CEO celebrating his 90th birthday. Interview Pieces Interviews are conducted for
different reasons. The writer may interview a person who is an authority on a subject matter to get
information from him. An interview may be conducted to clarify an issue or even just to find out
more about the interviewee himself as an individual. Thus, there are different kinds of interview
articles depending on why an interview was conducted. Examples are: An interview piece on
somebody who served as a celebrity’s bodyguard focusing on his experiences with the celebrity, an
interview on the celebrity himself focusing on his latest project. Historical Features This type focuses
on a historical event. The writer should ensure that the facts and figures he presents are accurate.
Examples are: a piece on the September 11 World Trade Center bombing, an research piece on the
atomic bombing of Japan during the second world war, a feature article on the assassination of
President John F. Kennedy. Travelogues Usually written as advertorials, travelogues focus on
destinations. Travelogues are best written using descriptive language to make the destination come
alive in the readers’ minds. Examples are: Feature articles on mountain resorts, shrines and other
tourist attractions. Interpretative Features This kind of feature is a writer’s interpretation of or
opinion on a topic that may be social, economic, political, and controversial or even ordinary but
relevant issue. Examples are: a writer’s opinion on pre- marital sex, a writer’s evaluation of a movie,
an opinion piece on a controversial bill being passed in congress. Feature articles may fall under one,
two or even more categories. For instance, a comic piece on different techniques to find an instant
date for Valentine’s Day may be considered as a practical how-to, a seasonal article, an entertaining
piece and a personal account all in one. Now, isn’t that so much fun -- and challenging -- to write? 3
All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published Get feedback on the article. Ask a
friend or colleague to read through the article. Your editor will also give you feedback. Be open to
this feedback and don’t take it personally. They want you to write a good, solid article, and will give
you advice on how to change, clarify or expand on what you’ve already written in order to make the
best article possible. Code: DEPLOYMENT_DISABLED 0% found this document not useful, Mark
this document as not useful Simple Tips for Writing a Feature Article - Freelance Writing Solutions 8.
Some examples of what feature articles look like… copyright: Schedule about
30-45 minutes with this person. Be respectful of their time and don’t take up their whole day. Be
sure to confirm the date and time a couple of days ahead of the scheduled interview to make sure the
time still works for the interviewee. Decide on approximate length for the article. Newspaper feature
stories run between 500 and 2,500 words, while magazine features run from 500 to 5,000 words.
Blog features run from 250 to 2,500 words. Get feedback on the article. Ask a friend or colleague to
read through the article. Your editor will also give you feedback. Be open to this feedback and don’t
take it personally. They want you to write a good, solid article, and will give you advice on how to
change, clarify or expand on what you’ve already written in order to make the best article possible.
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Report this resource to let us know if this resource violates TPT’s content guidelines. The writers
start to write the feature article in this stage. Therefore, it is the most significant part of feature
writing. In the first paragraph, they should introduce the feature so readers can understand the topic’s
essence. In addition, journalists explain the advantages of reading this article; therefore, they use
catchy sentences to attract audiences. For example, journalists must explain what kind of adverse
consequences the audience can encounter by hacking if they want to write a feature article about
how to stop hacking Facebook IDs. So it triggers them to read the full article. A feature article is an
article written to give more depth to topical events, people or issues. Written by an expert or a
journalist, these texts provide background information on a newsworthy topic as well as the writer’s
personal slant or experience.

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