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I. General Overview
Catch-up Subject: Health Education Grade Level: 5
Quarterly Theme: Drug Education Sub-theme: Good citizenship
Time: Friday week 1 quarter 4 Date: April 5, 2024
II. Session Outline
Session Title:
“ Making wise decision about substance”
At the end of the session, learners will be able to:
Objectives: a) define key concepts about right decision;
b) understand on how to become a good citizenship; and
c) practice proper ways on how to decide in a right way.
Key Concepts:  Before making a decision, it's important to have a clear
understanding of what you want to achieve and the objectives
you aim to fulfill. This clarity helps in evaluating choices
against your desired outcomes.
 Making informed decisions requires gathering relevant
information and considering various perspectives. This may
involve conducting research, seeking advice from experts, or
consulting relevant sources to gain a comprehensive
understanding of the situation.
 Critical thinking involves analyzing information objectively,
evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of different options,
and reasoning logically to arrive at a well-informed decision. It
entails questioning assumptions, identifying biases, and
considering evidence to support your choice.
 It's essential to explore multiple alternatives before making a
decision. This allows you to weigh the pros and cons of each
option and select the one that best aligns with your goals and
 Every decision involves some level of risk. Evaluating the
potential risks and benefits associated with each option helps
in making a more balanced decision. It's important to consider
both short-term and long-term consequences.
 Making the right decision often involves considering ethical
principles and values. This includes considering the impact of
your decision on others, adhering to moral standards, and
acting with integrity and fairness.
 Establishing a systematic decision-making process can help in
making consistent and effective decisions. This may involve
defining decision criteria, generating alternatives, evaluating
options, and implementing a course of action.
 Recognize that circumstances may change, and it's essential to
remain flexible and adaptable in your decision-making process.
Being open to new information and adjusting your approach as
needed can help in making better decisions over time.
 After making a decision, take the time to reflect on the
outcomes and evaluate the effectiveness of your choice.
Learning from both successes and failures can help refine your
decision-making skills and improve future decisions.



III. Teaching Strategies

Components Duration Activities and Procedures
A. Introduction 10 mins Activity: The Right Decision
and Warm-Up Materials: PowerPoint presentation
 Divide students into groups and host a friendly
debate on a current health topic, Team A: White
Lie is good Team B: White lie is bad
B. Concept 15 mins Activity: Judge the pictures
Exploration Materials: Pictures that shows having a wrong decision
 The teacher will show some pictures then the
students will decide what’s the outcome of having
a good decision in life.
C. Valuing 20 mins Activity: Right decision is a Must
Materials: PowerPoint presentation showing the
disadvantage of not thinking well before deciding.
 The teacher will show a video showing the effect of
not thinking well before deciding something.
 The teacher will discuss the importance and
advantages of thinking before decision.
Journal Writing 15 mins Activity: #PulotoftheDay
Materials: Journals, writing tools, coloring materials,
cellphones for digital entries, bond paper.
 Explain the task: Creatively express the
disadvantage of not thinking well before deciding.
 Allow time to write, draw, or record thoughts.
 Sharing Option: Offer learners the chance to share
 Conclude by emphasizing the critical role of
understanding growth and development and
practicing proper hygiene for positive social
interactions and relationships.


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