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Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment


Division: - SRE BU / BS: - SRE/AM Project /Factory Name: - R&D Building Doc No: SRE/R&D/EIPL/HIRA/01

Project Site Location/Factory Location: - Siemens Limited, R&D Building Rev: 0

Scope of Work: - Operation & maintenance of HVAC work Date: 11/30/2023
Persons involved: - Swati Gupte (SIEMENS) , Siraj Shaikh, Ram Achal Bind, Asif Shaikh, Tushar Kalwar (EIPL)

Likelihood of Occurrence of Hazardous event or exposure (OH&S) & Likelihood

of Env Aspect. Hierarchy of Control Measures
OH &S Risk/Environment impact Rating Matrix

never will (<5

Almost certain

Could happen,
R = SxL

Could occur at
% possibility)

occur at most

occur in most
Will probably
but probably

Expected to

some time

(> 90%
Elimination 1


Severity (S) Substitution /Reduction at source 2

OHSAS 18001 : Occu. Health & Safety ISO 14001: Environmental Impact (Scale, Severity & Duration of Impact) 1 2 3 4 Engineering Controls/ Conservation/Reuse/Recycle/Treatment 3

Minor environmental incident (leakage, spillage, waste of resource etc.) within the workplace & not lasting Low Low Low Medium
First Aid Case/temp Illness/Near Miss Incident of less severe in nature for more than 1 shift. Or, conservation of natural resources (water/fuel/electricity etc.) or, business 1 (Acceptable & Non- (Acceptable & Non- (Acceptable & Non- (Acceptable & Admin Controls (Training/Supervision/Guidelines/procedures/PTW/signages/posters/ etc.) 4
opportunity through waste/scrap/conservation. significant) significant) significant) Significant)

Moderate environmental incident within the workplace/department & not lasting for more than 1 day and /or
waste of natural resources as follows (by judgement): 1) Water: 1 % of average monthly consumption 2)
Reportable / Loss Time Injury/major fire with injury/Near Miss incident of high Low Medium High
Diesel/fuel: 0.25 % of avg monthly consumption 3) Electricity: 1 % of monthly energy consumption 4) 1 % Medium (Acceptable
severity/legal approvals about to expire in 2 weeks & no action taken / the 2 (Acceptable & Non- (Acceptable & (Not acceptable Personal Protective Equipment's / Proper segregation/ Secondary containment 5
excess of monthly raw material 5) HW waste or air /water emission or noise very close to permissible Significant)
& Significant)
& Significant)
measured parameters(or its exposure) are 10 % within the permissible limits. significant)
limits, or, legal approvals about to expire in 2 weeks & no action taken in this regard. Interested parties
communication without involvement of legal authorities.

Reportable environmental incident (fire/major leakage/spillage) within the factory/site. and /or waste of
natural resources as follows (by judgement) :
Major / Serious Injuries/Occupational Diseases /legal approvals expired / the Low Medium High High
1) Water: 5 % of average monthly consumption 2) Diesel/fuel: 1 % of avg monthly consumption 3)
measured parameters (or its exposure) are not complying with the permissible 3 (Acceptable & Non- (Acceptable & (Not acceptable & (Not acceptable
Electricity: 5 % of monthly energy consumption 4) 5 % excess of monthly raw material 5) HW waste or air Significant) & Significant)
limits. significant) Significant)
/water emission or noise exceeding than the permissible limits, or, legal approvals expired & no action
evident. Interested parties communication with involvement of legal authorities.

Reportable environmental incident (fire/major leakage/spillage) affecting nearby external areas & HW
Fatality / Permanent Disability/ Legal approvals not obtained or measured Medium High High High
waste/ or air or water emission or noise exceeding than the permissible limits for continuously for 3
parameters not meeting the legal requirements for more than 3 months & 4 (Acceptable & (Not acceptable & (Not acceptable & (Not acceptable
months/cycles or received communication from legal authority on legal non-compliance & actions taken in Significant) & Significant)
actions taken in this regard not evident. Significant) Significant)
this regard are not evident.

EHS Risk Assessment Assessment

Environment (ISO 14001) & Hazard/Risk (OHSAS 18001)
Activities & Sub-activities [Consider ISO 14001 (No controls) (Residual Risk/Impact)
Controls Measures Contr
Routine/Normal; Non-routine/Abnormal; (EMS) / OHSAS Applicable Legal requirement Acceptable & Non-significant;
Sr. No. ( Method statement; site specific controls in bullet points & environment procedure (if ol


Emergency activities] 18001 (OH&S) (Y/N); Provide brief if 'Y' Acceptable & Significant; Significant & Not-acceptable
applicable)) Type Risk/


relevance Anapest / OH&S Hazard Env. Impact / OH&S Risk Risk/Impact

Medically unfit manpower. Y(Local Admin/Siemens Internal

OH&S Physical injury 3 2 6 1. For all critical and risky activities only qualified medically fit and trained manpower will deploy. 4 3 1 3 Acceptable & Non-Significant

1. Safety induction is required for all new joiners by the EHS officer / electrical area In charge of
SRE/ Location specific Induction to be provided
Mobilization and deployment of manpower
2. Explain hazard identification and control measures to workers through daily tool box talk each day
Lack of site knowledge
1 Injured by himself or themselves before starting work
Y(Local Admin/Siemens Internal
OH&S 3 2 6 4 3 1 3 Acceptable & Non-Significant
Training and Documentation Resulting to personal injury & property Requirement) 3. Explain each employee what to do and what not to do
Lack of training
Improper documentation
4. Job Specific training / TBT to be provided for the activity by referring HIRA/ SWMS.
5. Job specific PTW importance to be discussed & make sure the copy is available with site team
related to the activity.

Standing on door step while travelling Fall injury or fatality / Hit by vehicles causing Y(Local Admin/Siemens Internal
OH&S 4 3 12 Instructions and road safety rules to be followed. 4 4 1 4 Acceptable & Significant
via transport/ crossing of roads loss of body parts or fatality Requirement)
2 Travel to site personnel
Air pollution, Resource depletion, noise Y(Local Admin/Siemens Internal
EMS Commutation using personal vehicle 3 3 9 Use company hired or pool cars over personal or local taxi transport. 4 3 1 3 Acceptable & Non-Significant
pollution Requirement)

1. Before unloading ensure that all cylinders have valve guards in place.
2. Ensure that cylinders are gently lowered from the truck.
3. Use of safety shoes, safety helmets.
4. While unloading ensure that there are no obvious leakages in the cylinder.
1. Injury cause due to breakage of cylinder
5. Store upright and use in well ventilated, secure areas away from pedestrian or vehicle
valve resulting in cylinder acting as a
1. Leakage from the cylinder projectile Y(Local Admin/Siemens Internal
OH&S 4 3 12 6. Guard cylinders against being knocked violently or allowed to fall. 4 4 1 4 Acceptable & Significant
2. Suddenly fall of cylinder 2. Foot injury while unloading cylinders from Requirement)
7. Always move cylinders securely with an appropriate trolley.
Unloading, shifting& storage of compressed truck
3 8. Keep in a cool, well ventilated area, away from heat sources, sources of ignition and combustible
gas cylinder 3. Gas leakage from cylinder.
materials, especially flammable gases.
9. Keep full and empty cylinders separate.
10. Keep oil and grease away from cylinders and valves.
11. Never use force when opening or closing valves.

Improper floor condition in loading/ Toppling of materials resulting into major Y(Local Admin/Siemens Internal 1. Material handling by vehicle is allowed on firm ground only.
OH&S 4 3 12 4 4 1 4 Acceptable & Significant
unloading area injury or even fatality Requirement) 2. Work permit system to be followed.

1. Suitable training needs to be provided to all workmen's engaged in loading/unloading

Using improper way of material
Fall of person or material resulting into major 2. Ensure no excess loads will be carried out.
4 Manual Material Handling OH&S handling, unskilled personals engaged in 2 3 6 N 4 2 1 2 Acceptable & Non-Significant
injury 3. Use of suitable PPEs.
material handling, excess load carrying
Adequate supervision.

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Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

EHS Risk Assessment Assessment

Environment (ISO 14001) & Hazard/Risk (OHSAS 18001)
Activities & Sub-activities [Consider ISO 14001 (No controls) (Residual Risk/Impact)
Controls Measures Contr
Routine/Normal; Non-routine/Abnormal; (EMS) / OHSAS Applicable Legal requirement Acceptable & Non-significant;
Sr. No. ( Method statement; site specific controls in bullet points & environment procedure (if ol


Emergency activities] 18001 (OH&S) (Y/N); Provide brief if 'Y' Acceptable & Significant; Significant & Not-acceptable
applicable)) Type Risk/


relevance Anapest / OH&S Hazard Env. Impact / OH&S Risk Risk/Impact

OH&S Sitting on chair for the long hours Ergonomically Problems 2 3 6 NA Tacking breaks while long hours sitting on chairs at suitable intervals 1 2 1 2 Acceptable & Non-Significant

Use of printer papers, 1. Ensure Optimum and Efficient Printing.

EMS Resource Depletion, Waste Generation 2 3 6 NA 1 2 1 2 Acceptable & Non-Significant
Disposal of Printer Cartridge 2. Misuse of printing will be stopped.

OH&S Sitting on computer/ laptop for long time Irritation to eye/Ergonomically hazards 2 3 6 NA Tacking breaks while long hours sitting on chairs at suitable intervals 1 2 1 2 Acceptable & Non-Significant
5 Working in the site office
1. Cleaning on Floor.
OH&S Wet floor in the office Slip or trip 2 3 6 NA 1 2 1 2 Acceptable & Non-Significant
2. Training requirement of Housekeeping.

1. Follow up emergency preparedness plan mentioned in site safety plan.

OH&S Short-circuiting in the office Fire 2 3 6 NA 2. Ensure electrical overloading is not done. 1 2 1 2 Acceptable & Non-Significant
3.All electrical devices should be of standard rating with proper protection.

1. Scaffold training should be given to all workers. , A type cage ladder should be used.
2. Only competent manpower should be engaged for erection and dismantling of scaffold.
3. Full body safety harness must be worn and anchored during erection.
4. Scaffold material should not kept in access/Pathway.
5. Tested tools and tackles should be use. Area to be barricaded & unauthorized entry should be
restricted and Cautionary signage to be displayed.
6. All necessary PPEs(Helmet, gloves/ safety shoes, FBH etc.) must be use while carrying out the
Physical injury, property damage
Fall of material /fall of workmen, collaps job.
Person Injury
of scaffold ,incompetent manpower, 7. Proper stocking of material at work area.
lack of awareness/knowledge of scaffolding
Scaffolding material is not in good 8. Scaffold wheel should be locked and green tag must be sticked during the work.
work can lead to incident,
condition like- damaged rusted 9. Ensure that scaffold should not touch to live electrical cable.
Work at height /Use of mobile scaffold & slip & fall due to improper access. Y(Local Admin/Siemens Internal
6 OH&S scaffolding components, scaffold 3 3 9 10. Material should not throw from height to ground floor. 4 3 2 6 Acceptable & Significant
cage ladder ( Up to 3m height) Failure of scaffold while load is higher Requirement)
erection was performed on unstable 11. After 2meter height use scaffold outrigger.
resulting into fall of person and material
surface, 12. Mobile Scaffold placed near doorways, walkways, passageways or driveways shall be secured
causing major injury
Lack of knowledge about scaffolding from accidental displacement and suitable barricade shall be provided around it.
Toppling of scaffold and fall of person and
work 13. Maintain 3-point contact, while climbing up and down.
material causing major injury
14. Scaffold shall not be moved, shifted when occupied .
15. Scaffold should be inspected by client safety personnel before start of use.
16.Handrails and toe guards shall be provided at the staging before staring any work. No work shall
be allowed without guardrails and toe guards. While erecting guards rails all the workmen shall use
full body harness and shall anchor the hook in the structural steel
17. Scaffolding installation is allowed only after safety inspection.
18. Adequate supervision and follow-up work permit system.

Metallic fumes, Disposal of Grinding Y(Local Admin/Siemens Internal 1. Grinding activity should be done well ventilated area. 2. Ensure optimum
EMS Waste generation, Resource Depletion 3 3 9 5 3 2 6 Acceptable & Non-Significant
wheel, Electricity usage Requirement) and efficient use of grinding machine.

1. All open rotating parts has to be covered.

Entanglement of Body part resulting into Y(Local Admin/Siemens Internal
OH&S Open Rotating Machinery parts 3 3 9 2.Routeined safety inspection for all hand tools/ electrical tools. 3 3 2 6 Acceptable & Non-Significant
severe injury Requirement)
3.Use op appropriate PPE's.
7 Grinding

Y(Local Admin/Siemens Internal 1. Use of spark arrestor on the grinding machine. 2. Use of appropriate
OH&S Sparks during grinding operation Burning to user or other working area 3 3 9 3 3 2 6 Acceptable & Non-Significant
Requirement) PPE's. 3. Follow up of work permit system.

Y(Local Admin/Siemens Internal 1. Use of good quality grinding wheel recommended by manufacturer.
OH&S Use of bad Quality Grinding wheel Body injury to operator or other working 3 3 9 3 3 2 6 Acceptable & Non-Significant
Requirement) 2. Safety Essentials no.09 to be followed.

1. Permit to work system must be followed, SOPs for change over system must be followed
2. Emergency preparedness document should be in place
3. Complete Isolation of all incoming, outgoing, For inside equipment's maintenance works,
1. Cut Injury upstream and downstream isolation must be implemented,
Electrical Isolation of VAV,Fire damper,Fresh 1. Electric Energy
2. Damage to electrical equipment's in plant Y(Local Admin/Siemens Internal 4. Follow 6 golden rules of electricity for each isolation, Before touching the surfaces.
8 air unit,AC timer,CRC,AHU,Cassette OH&S 2. Dust Exposure 4 2 8 3 4 1 4 Acceptable & Significant
room Requirement) 5. All electrical testing tools must be connected through 30mA RCCB (Based on instrument manual)
AC/VRV/AC. 3. Sharp Edge 3. Electric shock with double insulated cables.
6. Ensure all rotating parts are protected with guards
7. Usage of calibrated device (< 1 year) for testing works.
8. Use NCVD with Electrical gloves to check voltages across line.

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Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

EHS Risk Assessment Assessment

Environment (ISO 14001) & Hazard/Risk (OHSAS 18001)
Activities & Sub-activities [Consider ISO 14001 (No controls) (Residual Risk/Impact)
Controls Measures Contr
Routine/Normal; Non-routine/Abnormal; (EMS) / OHSAS Applicable Legal requirement Acceptable & Non-significant;
Sr. No. ( Method statement; site specific controls in bullet points & environment procedure (if ol


Emergency activities] 18001 (OH&S) (Y/N); Provide brief if 'Y' Acceptable & Significant; Significant & Not-acceptable
applicable)) Type Risk/


relevance Anapest / OH&S Hazard Env. Impact / OH&S Risk Risk/Impact

1. Ensure all machine and tools must be checked and tagged fit for use as per manufacturer's
2. Inspect the machine before usage
3. Tag the machine if it passes the technical requirements
4. Relevant checklists to be maintained at locations for the machines.
5. Safe operating procedures to be followed by referring the OEM user manuals
6. Competent trained personnel to operate machine
7. Periodical inspection and maintenance conducted
8. Electric Connections should be take from RCCB powered DB's
1.Entrap of person / body part in 9. The Live Trailing cables should be minimized and warning signages needs to be placed
running Blower Engagement injury
Machine & Tools Inspection & Testing Electrical shock, physical injury , equipment 10. All the rotating parts of the machine needs to be guarded
2. Blower in to motion due to back
(compressor and Condenser fan damage - resulting to personal injury & Y(Local Admin/Siemens Internal Ensure the relevant PPE's are worn
9 OH&S pressure 4 2 8 3 4 1 4 Acceptable & Significant
motor,VAV,Fire damper,Fresh air unit,AC property damage Requirement) 11. Use of plastic body/double insulated power tools
3. Improper grounding, improper Electrocution
timer,CRC,Cassette,VRV,AHU AC). 12. Area in the vicinity should be kept clear of combustible material.
operation and maintenance Injury due to rotating fan blade/belt drive 13. Physical Isolation of Electrical Power Source (Lock Out/Tag Out) to be ensured while
4. Rotating fan blade/belt drive.
performing any activity on the rotating/moving parts.
14. Do proper inspection of tools tackles used for cleaning.
15. Re-assess risk at the time of work and if changes are seen on the incorporate points in HIRA
16. Follow work permit system and Follow OEM SOP during work.
17. Workmen's training, ensure that they know how to do work or not, and keep effective
supervision during work.
18. Provide appropriate PPE at work and ensure it is used (Follow RFQ)
19. Before working in the area, do safety walk, make observation and follow the principles of ZHC.

1. Use of hand gloves

Sharp Edge Y(Local Admin/Siemens Internal 2. Skilled manpower to be deployed for the job.
10 Removal of Air Filter (Manually) OH&S 1. Cut Injury 3 2 6 5 3 1 3 Acceptable & Non-Significant
Requirement) 3. Ensure machine is turn off
4. Use appropriate working platform such as ladder to retch the air filter area

1. Use of Goggles, Dust mask,hanglowes

2. Ensure Inspection of blower machine Before use
3. Work area to be barricade and restrict entry to others to avoid them affecting from dust
Cleaning of AC Filter with air blower indoor 1. Inhalation of Dust Y(Local Admin/Siemens Internal 4. Ensure al necessary PPE like Dust mask, Cut resistance gloves, helmet , clear glass etc. must be
11 OH&S Dust Exposure 3 2 6 3 3 1 3 Acceptable & Non-Significant
Body. 2. Eye Irritation Requirement) used
5. Ladder must be used as per Siemens guidelines, A type ladder is not allowed, only platform
ladder must be used.
6. The chemical used for the cleaning activities , MSDS must be present at site

1.Use of industrial plug top from 30 mA ELCB.

2.Cover all electrical & control equipment with Plastic.
3. Ensure nozzle pressure at minimum Level.
4.Enure proper drainage of the water.
5.Use of Goggles, gum boot, Rubber hand gloves, dust mask & body fit clothing.
6. The Hazards related to chemicals needs to be communicated in Job specific TBT
7. First Aid provision, Eye Wash bottle location etc. needs to be communicated with Team
1. Electric shock
Cleaning of Filter & AHU Coil, and tis Coil & 1. Electric energy 8. The Labelling is mandatory for the Chemical bottles used at sites
2. Cut injury Y(Local Admin/Siemens Internal
12 outdoor coil with water jet blower(Manually OH&S 2. High Water Pressure 4 4 16 9. Follow LOTO system before manpower engaged for cleaning of any other parts like tis coil etc. 4 4 1 4 Acceptable & Significant
3. Slip & trip Requirement)
and visual) 3. Muddy Water accumulation 4.Skin & Eye Irritation 10. Do proper inspection of tools tackles used for cleaning.
11. Re-assess risk at the time of work and if changes are seen on the incorporate points in HIRA
12. Follow work permit system and Follow OEM SOP during work.
13. Workmen's training, ensure that they know how to do work or not, and keep effective
supervision during work.
14. Provide appropriate PPE at work and ensure it is used (Follow RFQ)
15. Before working in the area, do safety walk, make observation and follow the principles of ZHC.

1.Use of industrial plug top from 30 mA ELCB.

2.Cover all electrical & control equipment with Plastic.
3. Ensure nozzle pressure at minimum Level.
4.Enure proper drainage of the water.
5.Use of Goggles, gum boot, Rubber hand gloves, dust mask & body fit clothing.
6. Presence of skilled/ experience manpower in adequate numbers to be ensured
7. Double insulated / plastic body power tools to be used
8. Industrial socket with ELCB Distribution board to be used for power supply including joint less
Operation and Maintenance of HVAC sized cables
1. Electric shock
outdoor and indoor unit, condenser and 1. Electric energy 9. Ensure ground areas are free of trip and slip hazards like haphazard cables, wet floors etc.
2. Cut injury
evaporator coil with water jet
2. High Water Pressure 3. Slip & trip Y(Local Admin/Siemens Internal Ensure that electric cables are routed 2m off the ground or guarded on ground to prevent
13 spray,compressor and Condenser fan OH&S 4 2 8 3 4 1 4 Acceptable & Significant
3. Muddy Water accumulation 4.Skin & Eye Irritation Requirement) damage.
motor,VAV,Fire damper,,Fresh air unit,AC
4. Use of Chemical 5. Injury due to projectiles like bolts due to 10.Ensure both suction & discharge valves in close position.
timer,CRC,AHU,Cassette AC/VRV/ AC.
failure of flanges. 11. Follow LOTO system before manpower engaged .
Indor motor by Manually and Visual)
12. Do proper inspection of tools tackles used for cleaning.
13. Re-assess risk at the time of work and if changes are seen on the incorporate points in HIRA
14. Follow work permit system and Follow OEM SOP during work.
15. Workmen's training, ensure that they know how to do work or not, and keep effective
supervision during work.
16. Provide appropriate PPE at work and ensure it is used (Follow RFQ)
17. Before working in the area, do safety walk, make observation and follow the principles of ZHC.

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Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

EHS Risk Assessment Assessment

Environment (ISO 14001) & Hazard/Risk (OHSAS 18001)
Activities & Sub-activities [Consider ISO 14001 (No controls) (Residual Risk/Impact)
Controls Measures Contr
Routine/Normal; Non-routine/Abnormal; (EMS) / OHSAS Applicable Legal requirement Acceptable & Non-significant;
Sr. No. ( Method statement; site specific controls in bullet points & environment procedure (if ol


Emergency activities] 18001 (OH&S) (Y/N); Provide brief if 'Y' Acceptable & Significant; Significant & Not-acceptable
applicable)) Type Risk/


relevance Anapest / OH&S Hazard Env. Impact / OH&S Risk Risk/Impact

1. Locking of blower by mechanical means

2. use of proper hand tools in good condition. Bearing Puller
3. Body fit clothing.
4. Use of hand gloves.
Y(Local Admin/Siemens Internal 5. Use Of hot work permit
14 Replacement of old AC Motor / Compressor OH&S Entrap of body part Cut / Amputation Injury 4 2 8 3 4 1 4 Acceptable & Significant
Requirement) 6. Butane Cylinder must be leak proof.
7. Ensure hot work ( breezing) must be carried out in Ventilled space with proper PPE.
8. Kept F.E near to hot work
9. Regular routine safety inspection will ensure the use of right quality compressor.

1. use of proper hand tools in good condition.

2. Use of hand gloves
Physical injury
Incompetent person. Y(Local Admin/Siemens Internal 3. Deployment of Competent person.
15 Leak testing OH&S Suffocation 4 2 8 5 4 1 4 Acceptable & Significant
Improper tools Requirement) 4. handling Nitrogen cylinder with proper handling Method.
Cold burn
5. Compressed Gas Cylinders should be handled using a trolley & should be secured by a chain.
6. Cylinder should have a valve guard in place.

1. Periodic maintenance of Limit Switch

2. Use of work permit system/toolbox talk
3. Skilled manpower to be deployed for the job.
4. Ensure use of hand gloves & goggles.
5. Caliberation certificate for clammeter
6. container to be used for Greece & oil activity. USE proper PPE and Tools.
Replacement and testing of 1. Electric energy 1. Electric shock 7. Follow LOTO system before manpower engaged .
Indoor/Outdoor/Panal/CT/AHU/VAV/Cassett 2. High Water Pressure 2. Cut injury Y(Local Admin/Siemens Internal
16 OH&S 4 2 8 8. Do proper inspection of tools tackles used for cleaning. 4 4 1 4 Acceptable & Significant
e AC/VRV/ PCB Card,Replacemet of 3. Muddy Water accumulation 3. Slip & trip Requirement)
Contactor ,Capacitor 4.Skin & Eye Irritation 9. Re-assess risk at the time of work and if changes are seen on the incorporate points in HIRA
4. Use of Chemical
10. Follow work permit system and Follow OEM SOP during work.
11. Workmen's training, ensure that they know how to do work or not, and keep effective
supervision during work.
12. Provide appropriate PPE at work and ensure it is used (Follow RFQ)
13. Before working in the area, do safety walk, make observation and follow the principles of ZHC.

1) Cylinder to be used of good condition and certified

2) Storage of cylinder in ventilated cover area
Gas Cylinder( refrigeration Gas & Nitrogen 1)Burst of cylinder, 2) leak from Y(Local Admin/Siemens Internal
17 OH&S 1) burn and destroy body tissues on contact. 4 3 12 3) Storage of cylinder in vertical position, having safety cap and secured properly. 3 4 1 4 Acceptable & Significant
Gas) nozzle, Requirement)
4) Shifting of cylinder to be done in trolley with chain tie.
5) Cylinder should be tied properly with chain.

1. Physical injury
2. Cold Burn 1.Ensure requirements of refrigerant charging are as per the specifications given by designer.
Refrigerant Charging Y(Local Admin/Siemens Internal
18 OH&S Failure of flanges/ Pipe/ Cylinders 3. Environment degradation 4 2 8 2. Ensure All Flange bolts are tightened to the required torque. 3 4 1 4 Acceptable & Significant
Using Manifold gauge) Requirement)
4. Burn injury 3. It must be done in parts in order to have better visibility for area under refrigerant charging.
5. dizziness if Inhaled

1. Daily housekeeping process after completion of work

1. Poor access for mobiilization . 1.personal injury
2.Remove unwanted scrap materials immediately from the site.
19 House keeping OH&S 2. unhygenic work environment . 2. grow of mosquito and mosquito bites 2 2 4 N 3 2 1 2 Acceptable & Non-Significant
3.clearing of water loging .
3. water logging. 3. Illness.
4. Maintain 5s house keeping

1.In case of Any Emergency contact :022-6855 3333

2.Should made awaraness of Medicare facility nearer to the site.
3.Leave the area calmly, without running, moving in opposite direction to that from the incident to Assembly
1.Collapse of structure/mc
4.Re-Assemble at the Assembly point so that checks are carried out to ensure that everybody has evacuated.
2.Catastropic events
1.Injury to person 5.If you are trapped or can not leave the area, inform the nearest personnel in you vicinity of your presence
3.Fire/Chemical explosion
2.Electrocution, burn injury to person by shouting or visual signals.
20 Emergency Facilities OH&S 4.Damage of fire line 3 3 9 N 4 3 1 3 Acceptable & Non-Significant
3.Property damage 6.Fire extinguishers will be placed at designated places and access should be clear to reach.
5.SnakeBite or any other insects bites
4.Serious injury to worker 7.Display emergency contact numbers for worker and supervisors for help in any emergency.
6.Collaps of scaffold
8.To Give proper Instructions about snake bite and make him aware about this risk.
7.Fall of person from height.
9.Conduct mock drill to aware all worker.
10.First aid box should be provided by contractor at side.
11.Certified first aider should be present at the side.

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

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