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M Nithish Kumar


Wireless Sensor Networks

Assignement -3
Paper 1: Analysis of Clustering based Hierarchical Routing Protocols for
WUSN Architecture

Wireless Underground Sensor Networks (WUSN) play a crucial role in various

applications such as environmental monitoring, disaster prevention, and military
operations. This summary provides an overview of research on cluster-based
routing protocols for WUSN, focusing on comparative analyses of different
protocols, challenges, applications, and key considerations in designing efficient
routing strategies.
● Individual nodes in one-dimensional WUSNs gather data underwater and
connect with distant stations using fiber optics or acoustic waves for
single-hop transmission.
● Sensor nodes in 2D-WUSNs organize into clusters, with anchor nodes
serving as coordinators. Nodes collect data and use both horizontal and
vertical communication to send it to control nodes.
● 3D-WUSN Structure,Nodes in high-range data transmission
communicate using these topologies. Sensor nodes are grouped together
in this instance.
● WUSN Architecture in 4DThese WUSNs incorporate elements of 3D-
and mobile-specific WUSNs. Remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) are
used by mobile WUSNs to gather and transmit data to anchor nodes,
which subsequently forward it to other locations. Depending on how far
apart nodes are from the ROV and from one another, they can
independently relay data.

Comparative Analysis of Cluster-Based Routing Protocols

● Cluster-based routing protocols in WUSN involve organizing sensor

nodes into clusters led by cluster heads for efficient data aggregation.
Various protocols such as LEACH, HEED, PEGASIS, TEEN, APTEEN,
SEP, and DEBC have been developed to address energy efficiency, power
consumption, scalability, and stability in WSN. A comparative analysis of
these protocols based on performance parameters such as scalability,
M Nithish Kumar

energy efficiency, and error rates provides insights into their strengths and
limitations. Differences among these protocols are observed in terms of
clustering parameters like node deployment, heterogeneity, location
awareness, and cluster head mobility, highlighting the importance of
selecting the most suitable protocol based on specific network
● Here's a brief explanation of each protocol mentioned:

1. LEACH: An energy-equitable clustering procedure that divides sensor

node clusters according to received signal strength and rotates cluster
heads in random order.
2. PEGASIS: This protocol arranges nodes into a single-chain topology
where each node receives from and transmits to its nearest neighbor, and
only one node is chosen to transmit to the base station, as opposed to
creating several clusters.
3. HEED: Chooses cluster heads using a hybrid of their residual energy
and a secondary parameter, like the node's proximity to its neighbors, in
an effort to extend the lifetime of the network by spreading energy
consumption across high-energy nodes.
4. TEEN: Designed for applications that require speed, this protocol
responds to abrupt changes in the parameters that are being tracked by
adjusting soft and hard thresholds, reducing the number of transmissions.
5. APTEEN: It aims to offer a flexible and hybrid strategy for both
periodic data gathering and response to time-critical events by combining
the qualities of TEEN and LEACH.
6. SEP: A strategy designed to increase the network's stable period by
taking into account the heterogeneity of node energy and giving nodes
with higher starting energy a better chance of becoming cluster chiefs.
7. DEBC: The goal of this protocol is to balance node energy
consumption by taking into account their remaining energy while
choosing a cluster head.
8. EEHC: A protocol that creates a hierarchical cluster structure in an
effort to increase energy efficiency, possibly improving lifetime and

Challenges and Applications of WUSN

M Nithish Kumar

● Key challenges in WUSN include limited bandwidth, high cost of

devices, propagation delay, energy consumption, and lack of dependable
communication. These challenges necessitate the development of
efficient routing protocols that can optimize energy consumption,
enhance data transmission, and ensure network reliability in underground
environments. Various applications of WUSN span across environmental
monitoring, underwater life monitoring, disaster prevention, assisted
navigation, equipment monitoring, military operations, and sports,
showcasing the diverse range of scenarios where WUSN can provide
valuable insights and support critical operations.

Future Research Possibilities and Optimization Techniques

● Future research in WUSN should focus on addressing the challenges of

limited bandwidth, energy consumption, and communication reliability
through innovative routing protocols and optimization techniques. Soft
computing techniques can be leveraged to optimize energy parameters in
cluster-based routing protocols, enhancing network performance and
prolonging the lifespan of sensor nodes. By exploring advanced
optimization algorithms and considering the unique characteristics of
underground environments, researchers can develop more robust and
efficient routing strategies for WUSN.


● In conclusion, cluster-based routing protocols play a vital role in

optimizing data aggregation, energy efficiency, and network performance
in Wireless Underground Sensor Networks. Through comparative
analyses, researchers can identify the strengths and weaknesses of
existing protocols and work towards developing innovative solutions to
overcome the challenges faced in WUSN

Paper 2 : A Review of Routing Protocols for Wireless Body Area Networks

in case of miners’ safety.
M Nithish Kumar

The importance of wireless body area networks for the safety of miners is
discussed in this paper. This study compares and discusses well-known
routing protocols. WBANs are used to monitor the health of miners and
the state of the field in real time. Wireless mesh network routing
approaches are highly helpful in the case of mines since the operational
fields are quickly deployed, inexpensive, and temporary. Static nodes are
the intended use of WMN. Since miners travel around a much and WMN
uses a lot of power, it is not helpful for their connectivity.

One major issue with 5G's use to underground mining is its

communication range. WBAN are less expensive and require less energy
than the previously discussed paradigms, making them appropriate for
underground mining environments. This study compares and explains the
several WBAN routing protocols.

● WBAN is especially useful in the fields of gaming electronics, sports

electronics, medical devices, and healthcare. WBAN supports the
following types of mining devices: blood pressure, heart rate, body
temperature, oxygen levels, temperature, methane level, fire and
poisonous gas, dust penetration, and UV level of the surrounding
● In WBANs, probabilistic protocols are quite helpful. They use less
energy. Based on the minimum link state value determined by a cost
function, a path is constructed. In contrast to cluster routing protocols,
overheads are generated on a periodic basis.
1. Efficient Thermal and Power Aware routing (ETPA): a cost function
that takes into account the node's energy, temperature, and received
power from neighboring nodes. Fit for WBANs.
2. In order to reduce average end-to-end delays, DVRPLC is

cross layering protocols :

1. WASP: to minimize energy usage and increase throughput, the benefits
of the MAC layer and network layer are used.
2. Using a distributed spanning tree, AMR (Adaptive multihop tree based
routing protocol) lowers hop count and energy level RSSI.
M Nithish Kumar

● The primary cause for concern in WBAn is temperature.

1. Data packets are transported by avoiding hot spots or nodes
thanks to TARA (Thermal Aware Routing Algorithm), which takes
temperature into account.
2. The ideal path is determined by the LTRT (least total route
temperature) routing protocol, which takes temperature and hop
count into account.

● Challenges faced and solutions for designing Routing protocols for

WBAN in underground Mining fields:

Minerals can interfere in transmission of WBAN. Channel models

for different mining environments should be studied.

AI : Although energy constraints can be managed, computation

power will affect application of AI. Thus, Mobile Edge Computing
is used for AI.

Centralized control of Network: We suppose that a sink node is

embedded in the miner's uniform. SDN (Software defined
Network) is a potential network paradigm for this case.

Paper 3: Research on Wireless Sensor Networks Routing Algorithms for

coal mine mobile sensing
M Nithish Kumar

The research paper discusses the use of wireless sensor networks (WSN) in coal
mines. Wireless sensor networks play a crucial role in enhancing safety and
monitoring in coal mines. Several research studies have been conducted to
improve routing protocols in these networks to optimize communication and
data transmission in underground environments. This summary will discuss the
key findings and advancements in routing protocols for wireless sensor
networks in coal mines, focusing on topics such as the LEACH protocol,
maximum lifetime routing strategies, energy balancing, multi-sink networks,
level routing algorithms, and hierarchical routing protocols.

The Paper also highlights the difficulties that WSN in coal mines faces, such as
significant latency times for data transfer, uneven energy use, and limited
network lifetimes. It also explores the hierarchical routing protocol utilized in
coal mines, emphasizing the clustering mechanisms and cluster head selection
optimization techniques.

The paper discusses the use of optimization algorithms such as particle swarm
optimization (PSO), ant colony algorithm, and fruit fly algorithm (FOA) for the
hierarchical routing protocol in clustering mechanisms. These algorithms are
considered effective for optimizing the cluster head election method and
controlling cluster range in the hierarchical routing protocol used in wireless
sensor networks in mines.

LEACH Protocol and Maximum Lifetime Routing Strategies

● The LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy) protocol is a
popular choice for wireless sensor networks due to its energy-efficient
clustering mechanism. Research has focused on enhancing the
performance of the LEACH protocol in coal mines to prolong network
lifetime and improve data transmission. Additionally, studies have
explored maximum lifetime routing strategies to ensure efficient energy
utilization and prolong the lifespan of sensor nodes in challenging
underground environments.

Energy Balancing and Multisink Networks

● Energy balancing is a critical aspect of routing protocols in wireless
sensor networks to prevent premature node failures and ensure uniform
M Nithish Kumar

energy consumption across the network. Researchers have proposed

energy balancing techniques tailored for coal mine environments to
address the unique challenges faced by sensor nodes operating in harsh
conditions. Furthermore, the concept of multisink networks has been
investigated to improve data collection efficiency and reliability in
large-scale coal mines by utilizing multiple sink nodes for data

Level Routing Algorithms and Hierarchical Routing Protocols

● Level routing algorithms have shown promise in optimizing data

transmission and energy efficiency in coal mine wireless sensor networks.
These algorithms aim to reduce latency, and energy consumption, and
improve overall network performance. Researchers have identified the
potential of level routing algorithms in addressing the specific
requirements of underground environments, such as low visibility and
high interference. Moreover, hierarchical routing protocols have been
extensively studied to overcome the challenges of scalability and data
aggregation in large coal mines. Various optimization algorithms have
been proposed to enhance the efficiency of hierarchical routing protocols
while considering the limitations of underground communication.

Future Directions and Conclusion

● The research on routing protocols for wireless sensor networks in coal

mines has made significant strides in improving communication, data
transmission, and energy efficiency. However, several challenges remain,
such as optimizing network performance, reducing energy consumption,
and enhancing data reliability in underground environments. Future
research should focus on developing innovative solutions to address these
challenges and further enhance the capabilities of wireless sensor
networks in coal mines. By leveraging advancements in routing protocols
and optimization algorithms.

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