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Name: Matugas, Ritzelyn M.

Course Code: Educ 52

Section: BSED FIL 2B Schedule: ThF 4: 00- 5: 30PM

"Teacher' s Di ary" i s a Thai movi e about a t eacher who fi nds an ol d di ary l eft by t he previ ous

t eacher at a faraway school . In t he di ary, t hey uncover st ori es about t eachi ng chal l enges and a surpri si ng

love tale. Reading it, they realize how important love and dedication are in teaching. Inspired by what

they read; the teacher gains new energy to face their own teaching difficulties. It's a story that shows how

understanding and determination can change lives, emphasizing the importance of kindness and resilience

in education.

In "Teacher's Diary," both Teacher Ann and Teacher Song establish a positive school

atmosphere by genuinely caring for their students and drawing from their previous experiences . They

demonstrate kindness and genuine interest in each student, fostering a sense of value and motivation

among them. This approach proves effective as it cultivates strong connections and provides support for

students throughout their educational journey, contributing to a nurturing and encouraging learning


In fostering a positive school culture within my future classroom, I would employ these 7


aking sure everyone feels welcome no matter who they are. Second,
First, Being Inclusive: M

orking Together: Doing activities in groups so everyone helps each other. Third, Clear Rules: M
W aking

sure everyone knows what they should do. Fourth, Being Friendly: Being nice to each other and helping
out . Fifth, Celebrating Success: Saying well done when someone does something good. Sixth, Believing

in Growth: Thinking that if you try hard, you can get better at anything. Seventh the last number, being

a Good Example: Acting the way you want others to act . By doing these things, I want my classroom to

be a happy place where everyone feels good and learns a lot!

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