Youtube Test - 05

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TNPSC Group IV Youtube Restart Test....

1. 
a) 
b) 
c) 
d) 
e) 
2. 
a) 
b) 
c) 
d) 
e) 
3. 
A.  1. 
B.  2. 
C.  3. 
D.  4. 
a) 3 4 1 2 b) 2 3 1 4
c) 2 3 4 1 d) 4 1 2 3
e) 
4. ‘’‘’
a)  b)  c) 
d)  e) 
5. 
a)  (A)  (R)    (R)  (A) 
b) (A) (R) 
c) (A) (R) 
d) (A) (R) (R) (A)
e) 
 - 99445 11344 |  - 98942 41422 |  - 75503 52916 |  - 98431 10566 |  - 97555 52003 |  - 90433 10773 1
TNPSC Group IV Youtube Restart Test....

6. 
a)   
b)   
c)   
d)   
e) 
7. 
a)  b)  c) 
d)  e) 
8.      
a)  b) 
c)  d) 
e) 
9. 
a)  b) 
c)  d) 
e) 
10. 
a)  b)  c) 
d)  e) 
11. 
a) 
b) 
c) 
d) 
e) 
2  - 99445 11344 |  - 98942 41422 |  - 75503 52916 |  - 98431 10566 |  - 97555 52003 |  - 90433 10773
TNPSC Group IV Youtube Restart Test....

12. ‘’‘’
a)  b) 
c)  d) 
e) 
13.       
a) 
b) 
c) 
d) 
e) 
14. 
a) 
b) 
c) 
d) 
e) 
15. 
I. 
II. 
III. 
IV. 
a) I II III IV  b) I II III IV 
c) I II III IV  d) I, II, III, IV 
e) 
16.       
a)  b) 
c)  d) 
e) 
 - 99445 11344 |  - 98942 41422 |  - 75503 52916 |  - 98431 10566 |  - 97555 52003 |  - 90433 10773 3
TNPSC Group IV Youtube Restart Test....

17. ‘’
a)  b) 
c)  d) 
e) 
18. 
a)  b)  c) 
d)  e) 
19. 
A.  1. 
B.  2. 
C.  3. 
D.  4. 
a) 4 3 1 2 b) 4 2 3 1
c) 3 1 2 4 d) 4 3 2 1
e) 
20. 
(A) : 
(R)      
a) (A) (R) 
b) (A) (R) (R) (A)
c) (A)  (R) 
d) (A) (R) (R) (A) 
e) 
21. 
a)  b) 
c)  d) 
e) 
4  - 99445 11344 |  - 98942 41422 |  - 75503 52916 |  - 98431 10566 |  - 97555 52003 |  - 90433 10773
TNPSC Group IV Youtube Restart Test....

22.       

a)  b) 
c)  d) 
e) 
23. 
(R) 
a) (A) (R) (R) (A)
b) (A) (R) 
c) (A) (R) (R) (A)
d) (A)(R) 
e) 
24. 
A.  1. 
B.  2. 
C.  3. 
D.  4. 
a) 3 2 4 1 b) 3 1 2 4
c) 3 4 1 2 d) 2 3 4 1
e) 
25. 
a) 
b) 
c) 
d) 
e) 
 - 99445 11344 |  - 98942 41422 |  - 75503 52916 |  - 98431 10566 |  - 97555 52003 |  - 90433 10773 5
TNPSC Group IV Youtube Restart Test....

26. 
a)  b)  c) 
d)  e) 
27. 
“        
a) 
b) 
c) 
d) 
e) 
28. 
a) 
b) 
c) 
d) 
e) 
29. 
I II
A.  1.  
B.  2. 
C.  3. 
D.  4. 
a) 2 3 4 1 b) 3 4 2 1
c) 1 2 3 4 d) 4 1 2 3
e) 
30. 
1.  2. 
3.  4. 
a) 1, 2, 3, 4 b) 1, 3, 42 c) 1, 23, 4
d) 2, 3, 41 e) 

6  - 99445 11344 |  - 98942 41422 |  - 75503 52916 |  - 98431 10566 |  - 97555 52003 |  - 90433 10773
TNPSC Group IV Youtube Restart Test....

31. 
a) 
b) 
c) 
d) 
e) 
32. 
A.  1. 
B.  2. 
C.  3. 
D.  4. 
a) 4 3 1 2 b) 1 2 3 4
c) 4 3 2 1 d) 3 2 4 1
e) 
33. 
(A) :
(R) :
       
a) (A) (R) 
b) (A) (R) - (A)
c) (A) (R) 
d) (A) (R)(A)(R) 
e) 
34. 
a)   
b)   
c)   
d)   
e) 
 - 99445 11344 |  - 98942 41422 |  - 75503 52916 |  - 98431 10566 |  - 97555 52003 |  - 90433 10773 7
TNPSC Group IV Youtube Restart Test....

35. 
a)  b)  c) 
d)  e) 
36. 
a) 
b) 
c) 
d) 
e) 
37.      
a)  b) 
c)  d) 
e) 
38. 
“      
a) 
b) 
c) 
d) 
e) 
39. 
A.  1. 
B.  2. 
C.  3. 
D.  4. 
a) 3 1 4 2 b) 4 1 3 2
c) 4 1 2 3 d) 2 3 4 1
e) 
8  - 99445 11344 |  - 98942 41422 |  - 75503 52916 |  - 98431 10566 |  - 97555 52003 |  - 90433 10773
TNPSC Group IV Youtube Restart Test....

40. 
a)  b)  c) 
d)  e) 
41.      
a) 
b) 
c) 
d) 
e) 
42. 
a)  b) 
c)  d) 
e) 
43. 
 I II
a)  1. 
b)  2. 
c)  3. 
d)  4. 
a) 1 2 3 4 b) 4 3 2 1
c) 2 1 4 3 d) 2 3 4 1
e) 
 - 99445 11344 |  - 98942 41422 |  - 75503 52916 |  - 98431 10566 |  - 97555 52003 |  - 90433 10773 9
TNPSC Group IV Youtube Restart Test....

44.       

a)  b) 
c)  d) 
e) 
45. 
(R) 
a) (A) (R) 
b) (A) (R) (R) (A)
c) (A) (R) (R) (A)
d) (A) (R) 
e) 
46. 
A.  1. 
B.  2. 
C.  3. 
D.  4. 
a) 3 4 1 2 b) 3 1 4 2
c) 2 1 4 3 d) 4 2 1 3
e) 
47. 
a) 
b) 
c) 
d) 
e) 
10  - 99445 11344 |  - 98942 41422 |  - 75503 52916 |  - 98431 10566 |  - 97555 52003 |  - 90433 10773
TNPSC Group IV Youtube Restart Test....

48. 
a)  b) 
c)  d) 
e) 
49. 
a) 
b)       
        
c) 
d) 
e) 
50. 
a)   
b)   
c)   
d)   
e) 
51. “
a)  b)  c) 
d)  e) 
52. 
a) 
b) 
c) 
d) 
e) 
 - 99445 11344 |  - 98942 41422 |  - 75503 52916 |  - 98431 10566 |  - 97555 52003 |  - 90433 10773 11
TNPSC Group IV Youtube Restart Test....

53. 
I II
A.  1. 
B.  2. 
C.  3. 
D.   4. 
a) 4 1 3 2 b) 3 4 1 2
c) 2 4 1 3 d) 1 2 3 4
e) 
54.    
a) 
b) 
c) 
d) 
e) 
55. 
a)  b)  c) 
d)  e) 
56. ‘’
a)  b)  c) 
d)  e) 
57. 
a) 
b) 
c) 
d) 
e) 
12  - 99445 11344 |  - 98942 41422 |  - 75503 52916 |  - 98431 10566 |  - 97555 52003 |  - 90433 10773
TNPSC Group IV Youtube Restart Test....

58.         

a)  b)  c) 
d)  e) 
59. 
A.  1. 
B.  2. 
C.  3. 
D.  4. 
a) 3 2 1 4 b) 2 3 1 4
c) 3 4 2 1 d) 4 3 2 1
e) 
60. 
a)  b)  c) 
d)  e) 
61. State funding of elections was backed by ______ committee.
a) Indirajit Gupta Committee b) Tarkunde Committee
c) Vohra Committee d) Tanka Committee
e) Answer not Known
a)  b)  c) 
d)  e) 
62. Which one of the following statement is correct about the nature of High
courts in India?
a) Assam High Court has been made a high court for Assam, Nagaland,
Tripura, Manipur etc
b) The Jurisdiction of a High Court is not coterminous with the territory of
a state
c) Article 224 defines the meaning of High Court
d) President is empowered to establish a common High Court
e) Answer not Known
 - 99445 11344 |  - 98942 41422 |  - 75503 52916 |  - 98431 10566 |  - 97555 52003 |  - 90433 10773 13
TNPSC Group IV Youtube Restart Test....

a)       
b)       
c) ‘’
d)      
e) 
63. According to A.V.Dicey concept on Rule of Law which of the following is / are
the elements of the concept.
1. Supremacy of Law
2. Equality before law
3. Predominance of legal spirit
 
 
 
a) 1, 2 b) 2, 3 c) 1, 3
d) 1, 2, 3 e) Answer not Known / 
64. Which amendment act lowered the voting age from 21 to 18?
a) 61st amendment act, 1988 b) 62nd amendment act, 1988
c) 61st amendment act, 1989 d) 62nd amendment act, 1989
e) Answer not known
        
a) 
b) 
c) 
d) 
e) 
14  - 99445 11344 |  - 98942 41422 |  - 75503 52916 |  - 98431 10566 |  - 97555 52003 |  - 90433 10773
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65. The Election Commission was converted into a “Three members Commis-
sion in the following year.
  “   ”  
a) 1987 b) 1988 c) 1989
d) 1990 e) Answer not known / 
66. Who became the first judge from the depressed class and the first Dalit
Chief Justice of the supreme court?
a) Harilal J.Kania b) Bijan Kumar c) K.G.Balakrishnan
d) Chandru e) Answer not known
  
a)  b)  c) K.G.
d)  e) 
67. “Laws and rules are only for the people. People are not for the law and the
rules”. said by
a) Rajaji b) Kamaraj c) Gandhiji
d) Nehru e) Answer not known
“    
a)  b)  c) 
d)  e) 
68. Consider the following statements and choose the incorrect statement.
1. The Doctrine of Judicial review originated and developed in the USA.
2. It was propounded for the first time in the famous case of Marbury
versus Madison (1803) by John Marshall.
a) 1 only b) 2 only c) Both
d) None e) Answer not Known
 
  vs 
a)  b)  c) 
d)  e) 
 - 99445 11344 |  - 98942 41422 |  - 75503 52916 |  - 98431 10566 |  - 97555 52003 |  - 90433 10773 15
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69. Who stated that “The Supreme Court of India has more powers than any
other Supreme Court in any part of the world” ?
a) B.R.Ambedkar b) Alladi Krishnasamy Ayyar
c) Jawaharlal Nehru d) Ivor Jennings
e) Answer not Known
a)  b) 
c)  d) 
e) 
70.Match List I with List II
List I List II
High Courts Year of Establishment
A) Allahabad 1. 1862
B) Delhi 2. 1884
C) Karnataka 3. 1966
D) Madras 4. 1866
I II
 
A)   
B)   
C)   
D)   
a) 1 3 4 2 b) 2 4 3 1
c) 3 1 2 4 d) 4 3 2 1
e) Answer not Known /

16  - 99445 11344 |  - 98942 41422 |  - 75503 52916 |  - 98431 10566 |  - 97555 52003 |  - 90433 10773
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71. How many Judges including Chief Justice were in the federal court which was
established in 1937 ?
a) 6 b) 7 c) 10
d) 11 e) Answer not Known / 
72. Consider the following statements and select the true statement/s
1. 99th Constitutional Amendment act of 2014 and National Judicial ap-
pointment commission replaced the collegium system.
2. Introduced a new body national Judicial appointmet commission (NJAC)
3. But in 2018 Supreme Court declared it was unconstitutional.
 
 (NJAC)
 
a) 1, 2 b) 2, 3 c) 1, 3
d) 1, 2, 3 e) Answer not Known / 
73. The spirit of laws published in the year
a) 1948 b) 1848 c) 1748
d) 1648 e) Answer not Known / 
74. The first general elections were held in British India in the year.
a) 1919 b) 1920 c) 1921
d) 1922 e) Answer not known / 
75. Which one of the followings is not a major feature of the rule of Law ?
a) All are equal before law b) Nobody is above law
c) The same law is applicable to all d) The Equal Protections of law
e) Answer not Known
 - 99445 11344 |  - 98942 41422 |  - 75503 52916 |  - 98431 10566 |  - 97555 52003 |  - 90433 10773 17
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a) 
b) 
c) 
d) 
e) 
76. Delimitation of constituencies is the responsibility of
a) President b) Planning Commission
c) Election Commission d) National Development Council
e) Answer not Known
a)  b)  c) 
d)  e) 
77. National Voters Day:
a) 24th September b) 24th January c) 25th September
d) 25th January e) Answer not known
a)  b)  c) 
d)  e) 
78. Who popularised the concept - “Law should govern”?
a) Harold.J. Laski b) Nelson Mandela c) Rousseau
d) A.V. Dicey e) Answer not Known
a)  b)  c) 
d)  e) 
79. Who coined the word Judicial Activism for the first time in the world ?
a) Arthur Schlesinger b) Robert Mathew c) Edwin Taylor
d) Marbury Madison e) Answer not Known
18  - 99445 11344 |  - 98942 41422 |  - 75503 52916 |  - 98431 10566 |  - 97555 52003 |  - 90433 10773
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        

a)  b)   c) 
d)  e) 
80. ‘Rule of Law’ is embodied in which Article of the Indian Constitution?
a) 12 b) 13 c) 14
d) 15 e) Answer not Known / 
81. The HCF of 924, 105 and 525 is
924, 105, 525 
a) 21 b) 84 c) 105
d) 25 e) Answer not Known / 
82. Find the HCF (or) GCD of the following/

(x 3  x2  x  1),(x 4  1)

a) (x  1)(x2  1) b) (x+1)( x2  1) c) (x  1)(x2  1)

d) (x +1)( x2  1) e) Answer not Known / 

83. Which is true for the statements?
1. The degree of the polynomial is the highest (non-negative integer) power
of the variable involved in the term
2. The G.C.D of co-prime factors if 1
3. 1 is the prime number
a) 1, 2 only b) 1, 3 only c) 2, 3 only
d) all e) Answer not Known
1. 
2. 
3. 
a)  b)  c) 
d)  e) 
 - 99445 11344 |  - 98942 41422 |  - 75503 52916 |  - 98431 10566 |  - 97555 52003 |  - 90433 10773 19
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84. Find the H.C.F. of 9a2b2, 18b2c2, 27c2a2

9a2b2, 18b2c2, 27c2a2
a) 9 b) 18 c) 27
d) 36 e) Answer not Known / 
85. The HCF of 4  27  3125, 8  9  25  7 and 16  81  5  11  49 is
4  27  3125, 8  9  25  7 16  81  5  11  49
a) 180 b) 360 c) 540
d) 1260 e) Answer not Known / 
86. Find the H.C.F. of/ 
23 x 32 x 5 x 74, 22 x 35 x 52 x 76, 23 x 53 x 72
a) 980 b) 870 c) 960
d) 840 e) Answer not Known / 
87. Let A = HCF of (124, 88), B = HCF of (88, 52) Which of the following is true ?
A = 124 88B = 88 52
a) A=B b) A  B c) A < B
d) A>B e) Answer not Known / 

2 8 64 10
88. The H.C.F of , , , is
3 9 81 27

2 8 64 10
, , , 
3 9 81 27

2 2 160
a) b) c)
3 81 3

d) e) Answer not Known / 
89. What is the HCF of a2b4+2a2b2 and (ab)7-4a2b2?
a2b4+2a2b2, (ab)7-4a2b2 (HCF) 
a) ab b) a2b 3 c) a3b 2
d) a 2b 2 e) Answer not Known / 

20  - 99445 11344 |  - 98942 41422 |  - 75503 52916 |  - 98431 10566 |  - 97555 52003 |  - 90433 10773
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90. H.C.F of two numbers is 12 and their difference is 12. Find the numbers
a) 66, 78 b) 70, 82 c) 94, 106
d) 84, 96 e) Answer not Known / 
91. When a stationery bus starts to move, the passengers experience a sudden
backward push. What is the reason behind it ?
a) Inertia of Motion b) Inertia of Rest c) Potential Energy
d) Kinetic Energy e) Answer not Known
a)  b)  c) 
d)  e) 
92. Where should metacentre of a ship lie, to keep it in equilibrim?
a) Below its centre of buoyancy b) below its centre of gravity
c) above the centre of gravity d) above the centre of buoyancy
e) Answer not Known
       
a)  b)  c) 
d)  e) 
93. Why the wings of an aero plane are shaped with lower surface being flat and
the upper surface being curved?
a) to reduce vibrations
b) to make difference in pressure to lift the plane vertically
c) to accomodate more passenger in the wing
d) to strengthen the wheel fitted in wing
e) Answer not Known
a) 
b) 
c) 
d) 
e) 
 - 99445 11344 |  - 98942 41422 |  - 75503 52916 |  - 98431 10566 |  - 97555 52003 |  - 90433 10773 21
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94. Which breaking system is most efficient at high speed?

a) Electric breaking b) Magnetic breaking c) Drum breaking
d) Disc breaking e) Answer not Known
a)  b)  c) 
d)  e) 
95. Pick out the correct reasons:
Oil mixed with petrol for two wheelers due to the following reason(s)
1. It lubricates the engine parts.
2. It remove heat inside two engines.
3. It allows for the deposit of barbon on the spark plug.
a) (1), (2) and (3) b) (1) and (2) only c) (2) and (3) only
d) (1) and (3) only e) Answer not Known
      
 
 
 (plug)
a)  b)  c) 
d)  e) 
96. I. World food India-2023 second edition started recently in NewDelhi
II. The symbol of the world food India-2023 edition is “Millin”
a) 1 and 2 are incorrect b) 1 is correct 2 is incorrect
c) 1 is incorrect 2 is correct d) Both 1 and 2 are correct
e) Answer not Known
I. 
II. “Millin” 
a)  b)  c) 
d)  e) 
22  - 99445 11344 |  - 98942 41422 |  - 75503 52916 |  - 98431 10566 |  - 97555 52003 |  - 90433 10773
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97. According to the international tuberculosis report 2023, which country has
the highest incidence of tuberculosis in the world in 2022?
a) Peru b) India c) Japan
d) China e) Answer not Known
        
a)  b)  c) 
d)  e) 
98. National cancer awareness day is observed on which day?
a) November 9 b) November 7 c) November 10
d) November 19 e) Answer not Known
a)  b)  c) 
d)  e) 
99. Which country hosted the second global south summit?
a) England b) India c) Australia
d) Iran e) Answer not Known
a)  b)  c) 
d)  e) 
100. I. India has signed an agreement with Russia to purchase S - 400 missiles
II. The kusha project is a joint venture between India and Russia
a) 1 is wrong 2 is correct b) Both 1 and 2 are correct
c) 1 is correct 2 is incorrect d) Both 1 and 2 are incorrect
e) Answer not Known
I. S - 400 
II. 
a)  b)  c) 
d)  e) 
 - 99445 11344 |  - 98942 41422 |  - 75503 52916 |  - 98431 10566 |  - 97555 52003 |  - 90433 10773 23

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