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Prose, Poetry and Drama

Syllabus, Classroom Rules and Procedures

Hasman Josh, S.Pd., M.Pd
Department of English Education University of Muhammadiyah
Course Description
The study of Prose Poetry and Drama is emphasizes the intensive development of teaching and learning
language classroom as well as introduces students to defenition, different genres and styles of prose, poetry
and drama. Students will analyze and produce various works of prose-poetry-drama writing which include
fiction and nonfiction, argumentative, literary analysis, research, narrative, and expository.
Students will also study a variety of both traditional and modern literature. The styles of literature works
include novels, drama, short stories, poetry, and etc. We will utilize various activities in this class to develop
and improve the students’ reading, comprehension, writing, listening, speaking, and critical thinking skills.

Will also review and enhance vocabulary, grammar, and spelling.

Students will be required to have the following materials for this class:
Shakespeare Text book, Articles, Local Physical, PDFbooks 2012
1 composition or 1-subject notebook
1 pack of college ruled loose leaf paper
1 folder
packs blue/black pens
1 pack highlighters

Videos, Poetry and Drama performance, Teaching and Learning scenarios, Theatre, colored
paper, Markers, Scripts, narration sheet s

Assessment/ Grading

Each marking period, grades will be calculated according to the following:

Major Writing Assignments/Projects: 45%

Tests/Quizzes: 35%

Assessments: 20%
Consequences: If you do not follow the rules listed above, the following consequences will be given:

PND Grading
A = 85-100
B = 75-85
C = 55-75
D = 35-55
E = Failing

1. Verbal warning

Classroom Rules:
1. Students will be present and on time.
2. Students will be prepared and ready to learn. Students will have all materials for class at the
beginning of class.
3. Students will be responsible for their learning and will refrain from any activity that interrupts
the learning environment. This includes, but is not limited to, talking during instruction, quizzes
and tests, throwing objects, sleeping, being out of assigned seat, etc.
4. Students will participate in all classroom activities as well as comply with the teacher’s requests.
5. Students will be respectful. Students will show respect to their classmates and teacher. (No
name-calling, inappropriate language, bullying, harassing, etc.)

2. Name will be written on the board

3. One check next to name = 30 Minutes Detention
4. Two checks next to name=60 Minutes Detention
5. You will be asked to go to the PSR (Problem Solving Room)= Saturday Detention
Classroom Procedures:
1. Entering the Classroom: Students will enter quietly and respectfully, sit in their assigned seat,
and take out their notebook. When the bell rings everyone should be quiet and working on the
“Do-Now” assignment that is written on the board and or slide.
2. Tardy: Any student who is not in the classroom and in their seat when the bell rings will be
considered tardy and will receive an automatic 30 minutes detention. If you are late, go directly
to your seat and begin working.
3. Leaving the Classroom: You are to remain in your seats until I dismiss you. Once you are
dismissed, you are to push in your chair and leave the room quietly.
4. Listening/Responding to Questions: Everyone will be respected when they are speaking. If
you would like to ask a question or make a comment, raise your hand and wait to be called on.
You will not speak while someone else is speaking. Everyone will have an opportunity to talk.
5. Intervention Period: You will be pulled for intervention from 3-4 PM if you need extra help;
you are missing work, or need to make up wasted class time.
6. Using the Restroom: You are only allowed to use the restroom within the first 10 and last 10
minutes of class. You are not allowed to leave in the middle of class. If you need to leave in the
beginning or the end of class, you are to take out your travel pass, fill in the necessary
information, and raise your hand.
7. Announcements: Anytime an announcement is made you are to be silent. There is very
important information given.
8. Absences: If you are absent, it is your responsibility to make up and turn in all missing work.
Please ask at the beginning or end of class what you owe. It is not up to me to make sure you
are caught up. If you do not make up work, your grade will reflect it.
9. Grooming: Make-up, perfume, cologne, lotion, or any other grooming accessories are not
allowed in class.
10. Eating/ Drinking: You are not allowed to eat in class. Drinks with lids are allowed.
11. Plagiarism: All submitted assignments are expected to be the student’s original work. Any
student caught plagiarizing or cheating will be subject to disciplinary action, receive a failing
grade, AND be required to do the work over.
Note to Parents:
I encourage parents/guardians to contact me at any time regarding your son or daughter by phone or e-
mail. I am a firm believer that a student’s success improves with the involvement of their parent or
guardian. If you do not hear back from me within 24 hours, the likelihood is that I did not receive your
message. I would appreciate your trying to contact me again as it is crucial that we communicate with one another.
Please sign and return to Mr. Hasman Josh
I have read and fully understand the Prose and Dramas’ course outline.
Student Name (Please Print) ____________________________________________
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Parents – Please let me know the best way to contact you.
Home phone _______________________
Work phone _______________________
Email ____________________________________

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