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Facebook advertisements:

Advertising policies: Typically checks ads within 24


What is reviewed: Violation of the ad policy e.g.

images, videos, texts, targeting info, landing pages and
other info.

Outcome: Ad will be rejected

Re-review of ads: ads will always be re-reviewed

What to do if your ad is rejected?

Create new ads, or

Request another review in Account Quality.

Prohibited content:

 Violence and criminal behaviour

 Privacy violation
 misinformation
 Content-related requests and decisions
 Illegal products or services
 Discriminatory practices
 Tobacco and related products
 Unsafe substances
 Weapons, ammunition and explosives
 18+ products or services
 Adult content
 Third-party infringement (copyright, trademark
 Sensational content (shocking / violent content)
 Personal attributes (e.g. age)
 Controversial content
 Must not lead to non-functional landing page
 Cheating
 Bad grammar and punctuation
 Buttons that do not have a function
 Personal health
 Not promote short-term loans
 Not fully describe the business model
 Not promote auctions, bidding etc.
 Low-quality content
 Must not contain spyware nor malware
 Must not scam customers
 Circumventing the ad review process
 Must not promote financial products and services
 Sale of body parts
 Must not discourage with vaccines
 Must avoid ties with groups that contains violence
Restricted content:

 Alcohol
 Dating
 Online gaming and gambling
 Promotion of online pharmacies
 Promotion of non-lawed drugs
 Subscription services
 Financial and insurance products and services
 Branded content (otherwise tag the 3rd party
 Ads about social issues like politics
 Disclaimers about social issues
 Crypto products and services
 Drug and alcohol treatment
 Cosmetic procedures like weight loss products
(must target 18+)
 Social casino games
 Promotion of drugs without permission

Video ads:

 Avoid disruptive content (flashing screens)

 Entertainment-related restrictions (must target
18+ if it is not family friendly).

 Must not target to harass users

 Must comply with the applicable terms


 Relevance (any image, text etc. must relate to ad)

 Accuracy (ad must represent the company)
 Related landing pages

Lead ads:

 Ad must not request account numbers

 Must not request criminal history without
 Financial information (bank account)
 Government-issued identifiers (national security
 Health information
 Insurance information
 Political affiliation
 Race or ethnicity
 Religion
 Sexual orientation and life without permission
 Similar information that the customer would use a
prefill question to request
 Trade union membership without permission
 Ask for usernames or passwords

Use of Facebook brand assets:

 Ads must not partner with any Meta brands

 Ads must not represent any Meta brands
 Ads must not use Facebook’s copyrights
 Any Meta brands in an ad must have an accurate
appearance on how the UI currently appears

Things to know:
 Ad policies applies to everything
 Adverters are responsible for complying with all
the rules and laws
 Facebook does not use sensitive personal data for
ad targeting
 Once displayed, ads are public info.
 Each advertiser must be managed through
separate accounts.
 Must not sell, rent, buy or exchange site
 They have the right to do whatever they want
 Meta can grant permission when needed
 Policies can change anytime without notice

To troubleshoot your restricted account:

 On your computer, go to Account Quality.
 Click Account Status overview in the left menu.
 Click the restricted account that you want to
 Look for a What you can do section.
o If you can't see a What you can
do section, there are no further steps
for you to take at this time.
 In the What you can do section, take the
recommended steps for your account. We may
ask you to:
o Confirm your identity
o Secure your account
o Request a review

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