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Data Science

IMDB Performance Dashboard
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of
(A.Y. 2023-2024)
18-IT-A- Durvesh Gawade
32-IT-A- Vasudevanand Jha
36 -IT-A-Vinay Kaintura

Under the Guidance of

Mrs. Nidhi Bhavsar
Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology
Engineering, TCET

Choice Based Credit Grading System with Holistic Student

Development (CBCGS-HME 2020)


This is to certify that Durvesh Gawade, Vasudevanand Jha, and Vinay Kaintura
are bonafide students of the Information Technology Engineering Department,
Thakur College of Engineering and Technology, Mumbai. They have satisfactorily
completed the requirements of Data Science as prescribed by Thakur College of
Engineering and Technology (An Autonomous College affiliated to the University of
Mumbai), while working on the “IMDB Performance Dashboard”

Signature: Signature:
Name: Mrs. Nidhi Bhavsar Name: Mr. Rajesh Bansode
Designation: - Asst. Professor, IT Designation: - Professor, I/C HOD IT

Chapter Topic Page

No. No.
1 Abstract 4
2 Introduction 5
3 Problem Statement 6
3 Software used 6
4 Methodology 7
5 Project Screenshots 9
6 Result 10
7 Conclusion 11
Power BI is a powerful business intelligence tool that enables users to transform raw data into
interactive and visually appealing reports and dashboards. In this project, I created an IMDb Insights
dashboard using Power BI to analyze and visualize data related to the film and television industry. This
involved importing and cleansing data from the IMDb database, followed by exploring and examining
various aspects such as ratings, genres, cast, and production details.

The IMDb Insights dashboard provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface for exploring key
performance indicators and trends within the entertainment industry. Through the use of interactive
visualizations, such as charts, graphs, and tables, users can quickly identify patterns and gain valuable
insights into movie and TV show performance. Filters and slicers allow for a customized exploration of
the data, enabling users to focus on specific genres, periods, or other attributes.

Power BI's robust data modeling capabilities allow for the creation of complex calculations and
relationships between different datasets, providing a comprehensive view of the data., the ability to
integrate with other data sources and share reports and dashboards across teams facilitates collaboration
and informed decision-makingPower BI's real-time data processing capabilities enable users to stay up-
to-date with the latest trends and performance metrics in the film and television industry. The ability to
connect to various data sources, including streaming data, ensures that the dashboard reflects the most
current information. This real-time access to data can be particularly valuable for industry professionals
looking to monitor ongoing projects, track box office performance, and assess audience reception.

By leveraging Power BI's advanced analytics features, such as DAX and machine learning integrations,
users can conduct predictive analysis and uncover deeper insights that drive strategic decision-making.
The intuitive design and user-friendly interface make it accessible to a wide range of stakeholders, from
data analysts to executives, fostering a data-centric culture within organizations. In summary, Power
BI's comprehensive suite of tools and features greatly enhances the ability to analyze IMDb data
effectively, leading to actionable insights and impactful outcomes in the entertainment industry..
The film and television industry is a dynamic and multifaceted domain, with data-driven insights
playing a crucial role in understanding audience preferences, predicting trends, and making informed
decisions. In this project, we delve into the world of movies and TV shows using Power BI, a powerful
business intelligence tool that offers a robust platform for data analysis and visualization.

By harnessing the rich dataset from IMDb, the world's largest online database of information related to
film and television, we aim to create an interactive and insightful dashboard. This dashboard allows for
in-depth exploration of various aspects such as ratings, genres, cast, and production details. The
objective is to uncover patterns, trends, and relationships that can inform strategic planning and
creative endeavors in the entertainment industry.

Through interactive visualizations and intuitive data modeling, this Power BI project provides a
comprehensive overview of the film and television landscape. Stakeholders can quickly grasp key
performance indicators, identify emerging trends, and gain a deeper understanding of the industry.
Ultimately, this analysis empowers professionals in the entertainment sector to make data-driven
decisions that enhance audience engagement and optimize production strategies. the interactive nature
of the Power BI dashboard allows users to customize their exploration of the IMDb data according to
specific interests or focus areas. Users can filter data based on genres, time periods, production
companies, or cast members to gain tailored insights into various aspects of the industry. This level of
customization provides a deeper, more nuanced understanding of how different elements contribute to
the success of films and TV shows.

Moreover, Power BI's collaboration features enable seamless sharing of reports and dashboards across
teams and departments. This facilitates a more unified approach to strategic planning and analysis,
allowing stakeholders to work together using the same set of data and insights. The ability to embed the
dashboard in other applications or platforms further enhances its accessibility and reach, ensuring that
key insights are readily available to those who need them. In summary, Power BI serves as a powerful
tool for transforming raw IMDb data into actionable insights, offering a comprehensive view of the
entertainment industry and fostering data-driven decision-making at all levels.

Problem Statement:

The film and television industry is a rapidly evolving domain with a constant influx of new content and
changing audience preferences. In this competitive landscape, industry professionals need reliable and
up-to-date insights to make informed decisions about production, marketing, and distribution strategies.
Traditional methods of data analysis may not provide the level of detail or interactivity needed to fully
understand the complexities of the industry. There is a need for a comprehensive and interactive tool
that can effectively analyze and visualize data from IMDb, the world's largest online database of
information related to film and television, to gain valuable insights into the industry.


Trend Identification: To analyze the data to identify trends in movie and TV show performance,
including genre popularity, cast and crew impact, box office success, and audience reception.

Customizable Data Exploration: To enable users to customize their exploration of the data using
filters and slicers, allowing them to focus on specific genres, periods, or other attributes for tailored

Predictive Analysis: To leverage Power BI's advanced analytics features, such as DAX (Data Analysis
Expressions), to conduct predictive analysis and forecast potential trends in the industry.

Data-Driven Decision Making: To empower stakeholders in the film and television industry to make
data-driven decisions by providing them with actionable insights from the dashboard.

Collaboration and Sharing: To facilitate collaboration among different teams and departments by
enabling seamless sharing of the Power BI dashboard and reports.

Software Used
Power BI
Methodology :

The process of creating the IMDb Insights dashboard in Power BI involves a series of systematic steps
that enable the extraction, transformation, and visualization of data to generate meaningful insights.
Here’s an outline of the methodology used:

Data Acquisition:

Identify Data Sources: Locate relevant data sources from IMDb or other available datasets containing
information about movies, TV shows, cast, genres, and other key aspects.
Data Retrieval: Collect the data through APIs, data dumps, or other data retrieval methods to access
comprehensive information.

Data Preparation:

Data Cleaning: Clean the dataset by removing any duplicate records, handling missing values, and
standardizing data formats.
Data Transformation: Structure the data by performing necessary transformations such as renaming
columns, aggregating data, and creating calculated fields.

Data Import and Integration:

Import Data into Power BI: Import the prepared data into Power BI to begin the analysis and
visualization process.
Data Modeling: Establish relationships between different data tables and create calculated measures
using DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) to enable complex analysis and insights.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA):

Initial Data Exploration: Conduct preliminary data exploration to identify trends and patterns within
the dataset.
Insight Identification: Identify key areas of interest and potential insights, such as performance trends
of different genres, cast, and crew.

Dashboard Development:

Visual Selection and Creation: Select the appropriate visualizations (e.g., bar charts, line graphs,
scatter plots) to effectively convey insights from the data.
Design and Layout: Design the dashboard layout for optimal user experience and ease of navigation,
incorporating interactive elements such as filters and slicers.
Testing and Refinement:

Insights and Analysis:

Data Analysis: Utilize the interactive dashboard to explore the data and derive insights into key
aspects of the film and television industry.
Trend Analysis: Analyze trends, such as changes in genre popularity, performance of films over time,
and audience reception.

Sharing and Collaboration:

Sharing: Share the dashboard with relevant stakeholders for review and analysis, ensuring they have
access to the insights derived from the data.
Collaboration: Encourage collaborative discussions based on insights gained from the dashboard to
inform decision-making.

The analysis of IMDb data using Power BI led to several key findings and insights that provide
valuable perspectives on the film and television industry. One significant result was the identification
of trends in genre popularity over time, revealing shifts in audience interests and preferences. The
dashboard also highlighted the top-performing genres based on metrics such as average ratings,
viewership, and box office performance. Furthermore, the data analysis uncovered the impact of cast
and crew members on the success of movies and TV shows, demonstrating the importance of star
power and collaboration networks.

In terms of audience reception, the data provided insights into changing trends in audience feedback
and highlighted key factors that contribute to high ratings and positive reception. By leveraging Power
BI's advanced analytics features, the project also offered predictive insights, such as forecasting
potential trends and identifying areas for future investments. These findings enable stakeholders to
make informed decisions and guide strategic planning.

The interactive nature of the Power BI dashboard allowed users to customize their exploration of the
data, focusing on specific areas of interest to derive tailored insights. This level of customization,
combined with the ability to share the dashboard with relevant stakeholders, facilitated collaborative
discussions and enhanced the overall understanding of the industry's current state and future potential.
Overall, the results demonstrated the effectiveness of Power BI in transforming raw IMDb data into
actionable insights, supporting data-driven decision-making in the entertainment industry.

In conclusion, IMDb Insights dashboard developed using Power BI provided a comprehensive

and interactive platform for analyzing the complex data within the film and television industry.
The ability to identify trends, patterns, and key factors for success through visualizations and
advanced analytics has proven invaluable for stakeholders. This project not only empowered
industry professionals to make data-driven decisions but also offered predictive insights to guide
future strategies and investments. The customization options and collaborative features of the
dashboard fostered a deeper understanding of the entertainment landscape, leading to more
informed and impactful decision-making. Overall, the project demonstrated the significant
benefits of leveraging Power BI to transform raw data into actionable insights that drive success
in the ever-evolving world of film and television.

The creation of the IMDb Insights dashboard in Power BI represents a significant step forward in
leveraging data for strategic advantage in the film and television industry. By providing a clear
and accessible interface for analyzing key metrics and trends, the project enhances stakeholders'
ability to make informed choices that can shape the future of the industry. The insights gained
from the dashboard facilitate a more nuanced understanding of audience preferences and
performance metrics, which can drive innovation and creativity in content production. As
industry professionals continue to embrace data-driven approaches, projects like this demonstrate
how Power BI can serve as a powerful tool for achieving greater efficiency, competitive
advantage, and success in the rapidly evolving world of entertainment.

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