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ARCANE RESISTANCE: You have Magic Resistance, a side effect of growing up in a

lyrium-rich environment. Powers are cast on you at a -2. However, dwarves also do not dream.

OUTSIDER (Minor): Most dwarves live in the underground Thaig of Orzammar, making them
strange to surface folk. Dwarves subtract 2 from Persuasion rolls made to influence those who
aren’t her own kind.

REDUCED PACE: Dwarves have short legs compared to most races. Decrease their Pace by 1
and their running die one die type.

TOUGH: Dwarves are stout and tough. They start with a d6 Vigor instead of a d4. This
increases maximum Vigor to d12 + 1.


INCREASED PACE: Elves are fast on their feet; useful for wandering the woods or scrambling
through streets. Elves increase their pace by 1.

OUTSIDER (Minor): Most elves live in alienages; slums in human cities, sectioned off from the
human inhabitants, making them foreign and even scorned by humans who even live in the
same cities as them. Elves subtract 2 from Persuasion rolls made to influence those who aren’t
her own kind.

WILL OF THE SCORNED: Elves where once the greatest mages in Thedas, but are now
stepped on by the dominant humans. As a sign of this heritage, elves start with a d6 in spirit,
making the spirit cap for elves 1d12+1.


ADAPTABLE: Humans begin play with any Novice Edge of their choosing. They must meet its
Requirements as usual.


HORNS: Qunari’s horns are Natural Weapons (page 104) that cause Strength+d4 damage.

MAGIC SUSCEPTIBILITY: Qunari are susceptible to magic. Powers are cast on you at a +1.
OUTSIDER (Minor): Qunari come from a land to the north, making them rare to the people of
Thedas. Qunari subtract 2 from Persuasion rolls made to influence those who aren’t her own

STURDY AND STRONG: Qunari average about 7 feet tall, and have a robust build, increasing
their size (and therefore their toughness) by 1. This also means qunari start with a d6 Strength.
Both of these features increase their maximum Strength to 1d12+2.

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