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How have recent developments in digital technologies affected the

music recording and performance industries in Malaysia?

Technological advancements have influenced the evolution of the music industry. Things have
changed from phonographs, tape machines and jukeboxes to digital recording software and
online streaming platforms such as YouTube and TikTok. Nowadays, music recordings are
easier to produce as the development of technologies has improved. Back then, the resolution of
music videos is low and the colours are quite dull. Therefore the quality of the music videos is
rough. However, the development of digital technologies in Malaysia helps the production of
music videos which makes the quality of the video better than before. Music videos' resolutions
are more high-definition and the contents are more interesting. This helps to attract people to
watch the videos and helps to increase the views and sales of the music videos. Not only that, but
the sound quality of recordings also improved which captivate listeners to listen to the music.
Furthermore, technologies also help celebrities to generate income by performing on stage. Great
music systems help celebrities to perform better which enchant the audiences. Performances also
help to increase the sales of music albums and support the music industry in Malaysia. Other
than that, digital technologies such as the Internet also help the change of recording industries in
Malaysia. The ability to instantly share music across the globe thanks to the Internet is a
significant advantage for both musicians and listeners. Customers can "borrow" music from
streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music rather than purchasing it so celebrities are now
more likely to concentrate on singles rather than albums as a result of this development. Hence,
recording businesses in Malaysia must learn how to create music that people want to purchase
and offer it in a way that will support the business for the sustain of the music industry in

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