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The objective of the following inventory is to understand your assumptions which guide
your behaviour. The formatting of this inventory is based on the principal of ‘Forced
Choice’ Questionnaire


There are 60 statements each of which mirror what you commonly do in your day – to –
day work.

Below each statement are 2 alternatives A and B.

Please read each statement carefully and then give points, as shown below:

Either 5 to A And 0 to B
Or 4 to A And 1 to B
Or 3 to A And 2 to B
Or 2 to A And 3 to B
Or 1 to A And 4 to B
Or 0 to A And 5 to B

You must ensure that the total of A and B in any of the above combinations MUST ADD
TO 5.
You are not permitted to leave out a single statement.

Please note that giving a ‘5’ indicates a powerful preference and a ‘0’ indicates the least
preferred option with 1, 2, 3 and 4 being mid-range.

Copyright ©1999 H.F.Mulla Associates

1. To sort out differences of opinion 7. During meetings, if I observe
among my subordinates, I should discrepancies in the data, I should
A___ Ensure that a spirit of co-operation A___ go to the board and highlight the
and goodwill exists. same and request the other members
also to contribute to the data.
B___ Make the decisions and insist that B___ See to it that a frank and open
they follow them. deliberation ensues, to arrive at a
sound decision.
2. To create a winning team, I should 8. When rules and regulations are
communicate my expectations to breached, I should
my subordinates
A___ ensure that they adhere to my A___ take swift and stern remedial
instructions measures to ensure that it will not
B___ show appreciation to everyone in the B___ be open and honest to confront
team in equal measure. feelings before they become issues.
3. Prior to making a business 9. In order to earn the esteem of my
decision, I should subordinates, I should
A___ be willing to accept the facts, positions A___ critique the performance of my
or views of others, even if they have subordinates and show appreciation
been found to be antithetical to those when my suggestions are
of my own. incorporated.
B___ Allow the findings and views of the B___ critique the performance of my
subordinates to supersede or override subordinates in the interest of the
those of my own. organization and self.
4. When my subordinates complain of 10. When there is a disagreement with
an irate customer, I should my subordinates, I should.
A___ always be firm with the subordinates, A___ Disengage from the issue in order to
explaining to them that the customer avoid a crisis as subordinates like it
is always right. that way.
B___ discuss the complaint and make B___ ensure that my subordinates feelings
suggestions, in private, to each of the are taken care of and that I am ready
subordinates involved. to offer whatever help I can.
5. When faced with complaints from 11. To insulate subordinates against
other departments, I should problems that may occur in the
future I should
A___ listen to the complaints but avoid A___ assert my leadership through
getting involved in the matter. authority and the use of researched
facts and logic.
B___ be reassuring in my response and B___ exercise my leadership by
take steps to ensure that internal considering the needs of each of the
morale is not affected. subordinates so that problems do not
6. When a need arises for my 12. Prior to undertaking any planning
subordinates to work overtime, I activity, I should
A___ allow them to work overtime as long A___ make plans according to what
as they think necessary and leave subordinates will accept and what
them alone as they know their own they will resist and then plan for each
jobs better than anyone else. subordinate according to what he
thinks is okay.
B___ allow them to work overtime to the B___ Take all suggestions from my
extent that they are comfortable in subordinates, even in their modified
doing what they have to do. form, to ensure that good
relationships are maintained.

Copyright ©1999 H.F.Mulla Associates
13. When there is a breakdown in 19. In appraising my subordinates
communication with my performance, I should
subordinates, I should
A___ take the initiative to search for the A___ cursorily look into specific issues and
underlying causes and convince my make some suggestions for
subordinates that I am right. improvement.
B___ Jointly search for the underlying causes B___ praise performance where it is good,
and discuss openly so as to reach a and skirt over the negative points.
mutual understanding.
14. In instituting changes within the 20. To motivate subordinates towards
department, it is advisable for me to achieving the best results, the
decisions should be developed
A___ enlighten the subordinates of the main A___ by involving all the subordinates in
nature of the changes and convince efforts directed at reaching a decision
them as to how their support would be which I feel would be beneficial to
advantageous to all concerned. most.
B___ ensure that the subordinates B___ after garnering the goodwill and
comprehend the changes and how support of most or all of the
these changes would impact them and subordinates.
organization, so that the concerns could
be resolved.
15. Before arriving at the facts of the 21. When my views differ from that of
cases, I should my subordinate, I should
A___ ensure that at all times I have greater A___ ensure that the subordinate has
understanding and depth of the facts understood my directions and insist
than the others. that no changes are made.
B___ get on overall view of the facts, B___ Disengage from the issue and trust the
positions and ideas and convince the subordinate to solve the problem
subordinates of the correctness of my himself.
analysis and findings.
16. On facing complaints from a 22. To work within budget constraints, I
customer, I should should
A___ enter into a frank discussion with the A___ constantly monitor my subordinates’
subordinates so as to identify the real expenses and ensure that they comply
issues involved. with the same.
B___ assure the customer that the problem B___ seek to resolve my subordinates’
will never occur again and show concerns so that we achieve an
sympathy to those subordinates who understanding and an agreement to
have to deal with difficult customers so keep within the budget.
that they do not get demoralized.
17. To avoid having to change a decision 23. The sales targets of my
already made, I should base it on: subordinates should be
A___ information and data provided by the A___ high so as to satisfy my expectations of
boss to ensure that all subordinates will their targets.
follow it.
B___ Meaningful information, opinions and B___ at a level that I do not get into
ideas regardless of whether these were problems with them.
submitted by others or were my own.
18. When I need to take disciplinary 24. When my subordinates are unable
action, I should to deliver quality service to the
customers, I should
A___ gather relevant data & information from A___ discuss the matter and make
my subordinates for me to arrive at the suggestions in private, to each of the
right course of action and make a subordinates involved.
B___ Take the middle ground and make a B___ enter into an open discussion with the
decision based on the tried methods of subordinates so as to identify the real
the past. issues involved.


Copyright ©1999 H.F.Mulla Associates

25. In detailing projects, 31. In order to earn credibility in the eyes of
my subordinates, I should
A___ decisions should be made by me, after A___ encourage subordinates to speak up, but in
thoroughly researching all the facts. assessing, be firm about keeping my views
and the interest of the organization in mind,
B___ decisions should be made by my B___ encourage subordinates to speak up, but in
subordinates, since they are most likely assessing try to be reasonable and
to follow their own views, opinions and moderate so that the review is acceptable.
26. On completion of an assignment, I 32. On completion of a major assignment, I
should discuss it with my team should
A___ so as to provide them with conclusive A___ refrain from delving in to the past negative
facts and data, pinpointing areas which performance of the subordinates and
need improvement. regardless of individual contribution, thank
them for the efforts.
B___ so that my subordinates and I can B___ accept only those critiques of my
openly accept our respective mistakes subordinates which represent their
and learn from the same. common concern for improvement in the
27. In expressing a difference of opinion 33. When my subordinates have a clash of
to my subordinates, I should ideas, I should
A___ be open and direct and let them know A___ consciously remain silent and let them sort
that their acceptance of it will be out their differences themselves, because I
appreciated. believe they can.
B___ make sure that the subordinate B___ search for a jointly work through the
understands my views and complies underlying causes for the conflict.
with the same.
28. In undertaking a new assignment. 34. In planning a major assignment, I
A___ I should ensure that each person’s view A___ encourage subordinates to submit only
should be taken into consideration in those ideas and proposals which are based
some form or other. on a proper research and validation of
facts, which are by and large in
concurrence with my own.
B___ we should jointly establish the project B___ Get an overall view of the facts, positions
plan and make efforts to see that the and idea available with the subordinate and
team buys into it. conclude that each of the subordinates
would have undertaken adequate research
of the same.
29. To obtain the best results from my 35. When co-ordinating activities among
subordinates, I should set goals for various departments is tough, I should
them and
A___ put the goals on record and circulate a A___ stay clear and avoid interfering, but follow
memo to them providing all details. up on the developments when matters get
out of hand.
B___ see that they are comfortable in the B___ settle the issue through the use of pre-
process of achieving their targets, lest established policies and procedures since
they get demotivated. these have, by a large, succeeded in the
30. Knowing and understanding my 36. To really understand my subordinates, I
subordinates style of functioning, I should
A___ realise that my subordinates must be A___ give my subordinates a clear picture &
reminded of their responsibilities and work with them to achieve a common
pushed to work harder. understanding.
B___ realise that my subordinates will work B___ give my subordinates a broad idea and
only when asked to participate and support, to execute the job in a manner
contribute to the task. that they are at ease with.

Copyright ©1999 H.F.Mulla Associates
37. When my subordinates do not 43. When announcing a change in the
adhere to the deadlines set for work, policy, I should
I should
A___ express fully and frankly my anxieties A___ ensure that the policy that I have worked
and concerns about not adhering to the upon is understood by all concerned and
deadlines, and tell them that this is in distribute typed copies of the same so that
their own interest. the policy is not misinterpreted.
B___ take a quick and stern corrective action B___ ensure that the policy that some of them
to ensure that the deadlines are met. have worked upon is understood by all and
that my door is always open for them if
some of them may have not understood
the same.
38. When I am organising a meeting, 44. I should recognize that the work habits
decisions should be made by of people are such that
A___ my subordinates, since they always A___ I must facilitate their tasks so as to ensure
know best. their involvement and commitment.
B___ me, based on past experiences and B___ people being people, they should not be
precedents. pushed beyond what is perceived by most
as being fair.
39. During a mid-term review with my 45. To ensure success of my subordinates,
subordinates, I should decisions should be made
A___ allow the subordinates to express their A___ by discussing with subordinates to create a
views and concerns, but avoid giving congenial work atmosphere for getting the
critique, because they can realise it work done.
B___ avoid being critical of their drawbacks B___ in such a way that in most cases the
so that they do not get demotivated. decision is workable to the benefit of both
the individual and the organization.
40. To bring about a transformational 46. When in doubt about certain matters,
change, I should decisions should be developed
A___ explain to the subordinates the A___ by involving all the subordinates and
proposed changes and ensure that they delaying my involvement unless the
carry out the changes. problem becomes chronic.
B___ explain to the subordinates about the B___ by gaining the involvement of only those
general and routine changes through resources that could contribute to quality or
others who get along with them, since implementation.
then there will be less resistance.
41. In order to avoid future crisis and 47. After an organizational change has been
serious conflicts among my affected, I should discuss it with my
subordinates, I should team
A___ not get involved with issues between A___ and let go of the situation for a while so
subordinates, unless absolutely that people will support the change in the
necessary. manner they understand best, after they
have a second thought.
B___ expect that they will accept my B___ in order to show appreciation for their
interventions and follow my directions. support and ensure that the subordinates
will learn from the experience they have
gained from me.
42. When faced with a problem, I should 48. When my subordinates are at
loggerheads with each other
A___ monitor and guide subordinates in their A___ I should use my wit and make sure that the
investigations of facts, so as to help subordinates follow my instructions
them reach the solutions and for them
to know that they can rely on me.
B___ investigate from the point of view of B___ I should disengage from the issue and let
searching for the positive aspects in them sort out their differences.
dealing with the problem in order to
motivate subordinates.

Copyright ©1999 H.F.Mulla Associates
49. In tackling major issues, I should as a 55. When there is a clash of ideas between
leader subordinates, I should
A___ involve the subordinates in tackling the A___ express my gratitude to them for voicing their
issues, but not encourage those whose opinions, and firmly putting an end to the
views are largely divergent from my own. dispute.
B___ take pains to find out how such major B___ express as far as possible the points of
issues have been handled in the past so agreement to resolve the conflict and jokingly
as to implement them successfully. refer to the negative issues in order to
prevent the souring of relationships.
50. When my subordinates require leave 56. While in the process of signing an
during peak season, I should agreement regarding terms and
conditions with a new client, I should
A___ take into consideration both the work and A___ inquire with as many people from the new
staffing requirements in arriving at a client organization about the company, while
decision. maintaining my routine ways of working so
that I can incorporate most of what they want.
B___ meet each person informally and let the B___ portray to the client that I trust him implicitly
subordinates know that their thoughts and so that he would feel guilty if there were any
feelings have been taken into account clauses against my interest.
before arriving at a decision.
51. To encourage excellent effort, 57. A boss should execute his authority in a
important decisions should be made manner that
A___ after garnering the support of most or all of A___ subordinates are sufficiently independent,
the subordinates to create a sense of unless the situation gets out of hand.
B___ by gaining involvement of only those who B___ subordinates who keep me posted in totality
can effectively contribute to the decision- are commended.
making process.
52. When my subordinates face problems 58. During the lunch hour if I see a
in executing work subordinate misbehaving with his
colleague, the best thing to do is
A___ I should assert my leadership through A___ reprimand the subordinate to ensure that it
exercising authority and giving them an does not repeat again.
B___ they should know when I am available to B___ to call the subordinate to my cabin and speak
them to address their feelings and help on him separately so as not to disturb our
them put matters into perspective. relationship.
53. When investigating the concerns of my 59. Before deciding how to manage an issue, I
subordinates should
A___ I should monitor and guide subordinates in A___ include my subordinate’s suggestions, where
their investigation of the facts so as to help the majority view is perceived as being
them reach the solutions which are more acceptable.
or less in line with my views.
B___ I should expect the subordinates to accept B___ allow subordinates to express their views and
my reading of the situation or face the show marked appreciation for their
consequences. compliance.
54. A boss that genuinely understands 60. The best way to develop subordinates
people will plan a job by
A___ give my subordinates a broad idea and A___ is to allow them to be more or less on their
support, to execute the job in a manner own and for me to stay clear of the situation,
that they are at ease with. so that they learn from experience.
B___ not only explaining the purpose of the job B___ give them ample opportunities to perform and
and assigning individual tasks but also realize that they will learn from them.
double-checking to make sure that
subordinates think what I request is okay.


Copyright ©1999 H.F.Mulla Associates

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