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Identify the Living Things

This task of identify living things in biology subjects

Arranged by:
Alice Myrany Evadewi (10B) – Absen 1


ACADEMIC YEAR 2020 – 2021
It’s a great opportunity for me to became one of the student in Immanuel senior high
school in Pontianak. In the accomplishment of this chapter I am submitting a project report
on “identify the living things”. Subject to the limitation of time efforts and resources every
possible attempt has been made to study the problem deeply.

Pontianak, 13 August 2020,

Alice Myrany E

A. Chapter 1 preliminary
1. Background
2. Purpose
3. Procedure
4. Data Analyze
B. Chapter 2 discussion
1. Basic needs of Living Things
2. Seven functions of living things
3. The Classifications of Living Things
4. Biodiversity
C. Chapter 3 Closing
1. Conclusion

Chapter 1

A. Backgrounds
Living things are all around us. Living things include many kinds of organisms, from
plants, animals, fungi and algae that can be readily seen in nature to the multitude of
tiny creatures known as protozoa, bacteria and archaea that can be seen only with a
microscope. Living things can be found in every type of habitats on Earth. On land
and in lakes, rivers, and oceans. Although all of this organism are very different from
one another, they all have two things in common, they are all descended from a single
ancient ancestor, and they are all alive.
Most scientist believe that the first living organism on earth probably evolved within a
billion years of earth’s formation, which occurred roughly 4.5 billion years ago. This
belief is based on evidence from the fossil record. Fossil remains of microorganisms
resembling cyanobacteria (a group of microorganisms formerly known as blue-green
algae) were discovered embedded in rocks that were roughly 3.5 billion years old.

B. Purpose
The purpose of making this report is
1. To describe what is living things
2. To describe the basic needs of the living things
3. To describe the seven functions of the living things
4. To describe the classification of the living things
5. To describe biodiversity

C. Procedure
a. Put each specimen inside the jar and add 50% alcohol to preserved
b. Took the preserved animals and put it on the table. Observe the
characteristics by using loupe.
c. Identify the animals by using the following determination key.

1 a. Unsegmented body........................................species A
b. Segmented body............................................... go to 2
2 a. Jointed legs ..................................................... go to 3
b. Legs are not jointed ................................................................. species B
3 a. Has more than three pairs legs ................................................. go to 4
b. Three pairs legs .............................................. species C
4 a. Has 2 body parts .............................................................. 4
b. Has same sized body parts ....................................................... species D.
D. Data Analyze
a. Write down the determination key of species A in order.
1a : Snail (gasttropoda)
b. Write down the determination key of species B in order.
1b-2b : Earthworm ( lumbricana)
c. Write down the determination key of species C in order.
1b-2a-3b : Ants (formicidae)
d. Write down the determination key of species D in order.
1b-2a-3a-4a : Spider ( araneae)
e. Write down the determination key of species E in order.
1b-2a-3a-4b : Millipede (Diplopoda)
No Picture Date taken Characteristic Species
1. 15/08/202 Snail ( gastropoda) have a strong Kingdom :
0 muscular foot, have unsegmented Animalia, phylum :
body, have no legs but they have mollucusa, class :
mucus to enable them to crawl and gastropoda ,
to keep their soft bodies from dying order :
out, snails (gastropoda) also have stylommatophora,
two pairs of tentacles on their head. family : helicadae,
genus : helix,
species : aspersa

2. 15/08/202 Earthworm ( lumbricana) body is Kingdom :

0 streamlined and every segment Animalia, phylum :
contains a number of bristles called annelida, class:
satea. The streamed line shapes clitellata, order :
helps the earthworm travel through haplotaxida or
soil and the bristles improve grip if lumbriculida,
the soil is wet. The muscles of the family :
earthworm (lumbricana) are acanthodrilidae
surrounded every segment of the through
earthworm (lumbricana) body. sparaganophilidae,
genus and species :
3. 11/08/202 Their body are covered with a hard Kingdom :
0 armor called the exoskeleton. They Animalia, phylum :
can be colored or black in color and antropoda, class:
length can be anywhere from 1/3” insect, order:
to 1/2”. Like other insects, they Hymenoptera,
have 6 legs, each have three joints. family :
Ants (formicidae) have large heads formicidae,
with compound eyes, elbowed subfamily :
antennae and powerful jaws dolichoderinae,
genus :
species :
4. 11/08/202 The bodies are divided into two Kingdom :
0 tagmata ( sections or segments), Animalia, phylum:
have 8 jointed legs, are not be able arthropoda, class:
to chew no wings or antennae, arachinada, order:
spiders also have several araenae, family,
adaptations that distinguish them genus and species
from other arachnids are devided into
110 families, 3,600
genera and 39,000

5. 12/08/202 it’s a group of anthropods which Kingdom :

0 have the characteristic of two pairs Animalia, phylum:
of jointed legs, have 15 pairs of anthropoda, class:
legs, have the same sized body diploda, order:
parts polydesmida,
species : spp
Chapter 2

A. Basic needs of living tings

All living things have certain basic needs. The most fundamental need of
living things is water without water this life could not exist. Water is needed for many
chemical reactions that take place in cells. It also helps transport and give nutrients
and eliminate waste substances.
All organisms need nutrients for energy, growth, and repair. Every organism
has its own way of obtaining nutrients. Some organisms, such as animals and
protozoa, get nutrients from ingesting food. Plants and algae make their own food
through the process of photosynthesis. Fungi get nutrients by breaking down and
absorbing decaying organic materials.
Air and light also are critical needs for some organisms. Air is a fundamental
need of most living things, though some types of microorganisms cannot tolerate
oxygen. For plants and other organisms that undergo photosynthesis, light is an
essential requirement for life.
Space is another critical basic need; organisms such as plants and fungi that are
anchored to a substrate need a certain amount of space in which to grow and thrive.
Animals and other organisms that can move need living space as well as territory in
which to search for food and mates.

B. Seven functions of living things

There are seven key functions, or processes, necessary for life. To be categorized as a
living thing, an organism is called as Living Things If they have all this
1. Movement
Living things have the ability to move in some way without outside help. The
movement may consist of the flow of material within the organism or external
movement of the organism or parts of the organism.
2. Sensitivity
Living things respond to conditions around them. For example, green plants grow
toward sunshine, certain microorganisms shrink into tiny balls when something
touches them, and human beings blink when light shines into their eyes.
3. Respiration
All living organisms must be capable of releasing energy stored in food molecules
through a chemical process known as respirations. In respiration, oxygen is taken up
and carbon dioxide is given off.
4. Nutrition
Living things require energy in order to survive. The energy is derived from nutrients,
or food. Green plants, algae, and certain archaea and bacteria can make food from
water and carbon dioxide by photosynthesis. Plants can make proteins by taking up
nitrogen provided by bacteria that live in nodules in the plant’s roots. Animals, fungi,
protozoa, and many archaea and bacteria need to get food from an outside source.
They do this in different ways, all of which depend on what physical adaptations the
organism has. Some animals such as mammals bite into their food with teeth; certain
insects suck up nectar from flowers. Many species of protozoa and bacteria take in
nutrients through membranes that cover their bodies.
5. Growth
Living things grow by making new parts and materials and changing old ones. This
happens when a seed grows into a plant or a chick matures into a hen. As human
beings grow, they add new structures, such as teeth, and change the proportions of
6. Reproduction
When living things reproduce, they make new living things. This is true even of the
simplest microorganisms, which may reproduce by simply dividing into two parts.
Each new part is able to move, feed, grow, and perform the other functions of living.
7. Excretion
All living organisms create waste products via the processes of living. Much waste
comes from food. The rest is produced by movement, growth, and other functions of
living. If this waste remained in living things, it would soon cause illness and death.
Thus living things must have a way to dispose of waste matter. The process that
removes waste products from the body is called excretion.

C. The classification of Living things

Living things are classified into groups that start out large and become more
specific in a system of classification called taxonomy. Scientist classify living things
at eight different levels: domain, kingdom, Phylum, class, order, family, genus and
species. There are 3 classification system; natural, artificial and phylogenic.
 Natural
In natural it’s devided into 3 groups, which are morphological,
anatomical and physiological. Morphological is a branch of biology dealing
with the study of the form and structure of organisms and their specific
structural features. These include aspects of the outward appearance as well.
Anatomical is a field in the biological scientist concerned with the
identification and description of the body structures of the living things. The
last is physiological, physiological is the study of normal function of the
function of the living creatures, how the organ system works.
 Phylogenic
Phylogenic shows us the evolutionary relationships among various
biological species or the other entities. Their phylogeny are based upon their
similarities and differences in their physical or genetic characteristic.
 Artificial
Artificial is a field of science that involves redesigning organism for
useful purposes by engineering them to have new abilities.

D. Biodiversity
Biodiversity is various difference between organisms show diversity among
organism. There are several types of biomes, they are desert, savanna/ grassland,
seasonal/ deciduous, tropical rain forest, wetland, taiga (ever green), tundra ( near
pole ), marine ( coral reef ), beach/ river. The biodiversity of Indonesia are land, sea
and other aquatic ecosystem, high level of species diversity, endemic species are
locally unique species that can only be found on certain regions or islands and
biodiversity distribution: Indonesia is an archipelago country, located between two
continents and high right on the equater.
Biodiversity distribution of fauna in Indonesia:
West Side ( Wallage) Central Side ( Wallacea) East Side ( Weber)
Sumatra, java and borneo Celebes (Sulawesi), Papua
Timor (kupang), Nusa
Asiatic Intermediate Australian
Large sized mammals, Mixture of the Asiatic and Small sized mammals
many species of monkeys Australian types with a pouch, no
and apes, freshwater fish, monkeys, many types of
rarely colorful birds. colorful birds.
Sumatrans tiger, sun bear, Babirusa, anoa, cuscus, Parrot, bird of paradise,
one horned rhinoceros, komodo dragon tree kangaroos,
Asian elephant, cassowary.
orangutans, peacocks
Fauna in Indonesia, there are java leopard/ macan tutul jawa ( panther
pardusmelas), long nosed monkey/ bekantan ( nasalis larvatus), sumtran tiger/
harimau ( panther tigris sumatrae), komodo dragon ( veranus komodensis) and ect

Biodiversity distribution of flora :

Tropical rain forest Seasonal forest Savanna Steppe/ grassland
Deep jungle, thick Consist mainly Composed of Vast grasslands
heterogenic, vegetation and of one kind of grass and a long dry
high humidity, many vegetation vegetation, season
species of large and small (homogeny) bushes and
trees canopies, ephiphytes, perennial
saprophytes trees
Sumatra, Borneo, Papua, Generally found Madura and Sumba and Bima
Celebes and west java in East Java Gayo (Aceh)

Loss of biodiversity
 Fragmentation and the loss of habitat
It’s because of the increase of human population, over use natural resources,
dam building, off shore construction, poor fishing method, agriculture
extension and logging
 Species introduction
Effort to introduce foreign species to local habitats caused the loss of local
 Over exploitation
Overly exploitation to the point of extinction
 Soil, air and water population
Pollutants disgrace the ecosystem and reduce and eliminate sensitive
populations or species
 Global climate change
Increase the earth’s temperature, changing ecosystems habitat conditions
 Forest and agricultural industrialization.
Biodiversity conservation
In-situ conservation and ex-situ conservation, in-situ conservation is direct
conservation is done in it’s original habitat, meanwhile ex-situ conservation is done
by bringing organisms out of their original habitat.
Chapter 3

Living things includes a lot of organisms, start from humans, plants, animals, fungi
and algae. Living things can be say as living things if they have the all seven
characteristic. We also can identify the living things by the classification of living
things for animal, in classification there’s taxonomy.
Sources can do

 miss ppt

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