Toeicktp2023 - 01 Buoi 2

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MS.THAM TOEIC | 037.773.



101. The national media------- ignored the report on bridge safety

and recommendations.
(A) large
(B) largest
(C) largely
(D) larger

102. The new security system can provide------- by phone when a

window or door has been opened.
(A) alertly
(B) alerts
(C) alert
(D) alerted

103. Employees will be reimbursed------- for the expenses they

incurred during the business trip.
(A) soon
(B) very
(C) many
(D) about

104. Ms. Herrera and Mr. Lee set up most of the centerpieces for
the banquet------- because the rest of the team got stuck in traffic.
(A) theirs
(B) their
(C) their own
(D) themselves
MS.THAM TOEIC | 037.773.3861

105. Applications for the engineer position will be accepted only

----- March 31, so don’t forget to submit yours.
(A) until
(B) without
(C) against
(D) throughout

106. The mechanic ------- that the tires on the vehicle were heavily
worn and in need of replacement.
(A) noting
(B) note
(C) noted
(D) to note

107. The stunning white sands of Sheridan Beach------- thousands

of tourists every year.
(A) exhibit
(B) attract
(C) improve
(D) feature

108. Before using any ingredients in his dishes, Chef Montague

checks that they are ------- from preservatives.
(A) to free
(B) freely
(C) free
(D) freedom
MS.THAM TOEIC | 037.773.3861

109. The budget prepared by Mr. Elliot does not account -------
changes in currency rates, so it was considered inaccurate.
(A) for
(B) through
(C) of
(D) upon

110. The state government recently formed a ------- to explore

strategies for preventing air pollution.
(A) relationship
(B) committee
(C) barrier
(D) politician

111. As we have had some problems with our distributor, the phone
model is ------- for the next few weeks.
(A) occupied
(B) rearranged
(C) unavailable
(D) correct

112. Ms. Harvey, whose sculptures are on display at the gallery, has
worked as a professional artist ------- more than forty years.
(A) for
(B) to
(C) at
(D) of
MS.THAM TOEIC | 037.773.3861

113. Mr. Mueller was surprised that the suggestion most favored by
the management team was in fact ------- .
(A) his
(B) himself
(C) him
(D) he

114. Reporters pointed out that ------- of the remarks made by the
company’s CEO were incorrect.
(A) what
(B) other
(C) several
(D) even

115. Many online retailers may consider ------- their security

measures so that sensitive customer data cannot be stolen.
(A) to modify
(B) modifies
(C) modifying
(D) modified

116. The Carlyle Research Library houses the most------- collection

of manuscripts produced by novelist Ann Ortega.
(A) extends
(B) extensive
(C) extended
(D) extension
MS.THAM TOEIC | 037.773.3861

117. ------- the city planner has finalized the plans for the roadwork,
a more accurate estimate can be provided.
(A) Upon
(B) After
(C) Not only
(D) Whether

118. The campaign manager believed that Joan Moore’s writing

style fit the needs of the speechwriter role -------.
(A) routinely
(B) constantly
(C) perfectly
(D) urgently

119. The company was nominated for several awards in its field,
and this has led to increased investor ------- .
(A) enthuse
(B) enthusiastic
(C) enthusiasm
(D) enthusiastically

120. The database is password protected so that it can only be

accessed by employees who are ------- to use it.
(A) Complied
(B) preferred
(C) researched
(D) authorized
MS.THAM TOEIC | 037.773.3861

121. The magazine costs $1.95 per Issue via a subscription, -------
the newsstand price is nearly three times that amount.
(A) whether
(B) all
(C) approximately
(D) whereas

122. Six companies entered bids for the construction of the city’s
recreation center, and ------- met the required criteria for the project.
(A) both
(B) all
(C) anyone
(D) everything

123. Ms. Lee confirmed that a fifteen-foot cargo truck would be -------
for moving her belongings and furniture.
(A) occasional
(B) flexible
(C) sufficient
(D) eligible

124. Most offices in the area only recycle paper, glass, arid plastic,
but Logan Inc. has collection containers for cardboard ------- .
(A) such as
(B) long enough
(C) even so
(D) as well
MS.THAM TOEIC | 037.773.3861

125. Visitors to the Santa Rosa Resort ------- tip the housekeeping
staff $5 per night’s stay.
(A) mutually
(B) customarily
(C) sharply
(D) perfectly

126. The Horace Institute’s ------- of lectures for first-time managers

has been extremely popular.
(A) behavior
(R) movement
(C) series
(D) route

127. The scales developed by Condor Laboratories weigh both

liquids and solids ------- unprecedented precision.
(A) around
(B) unlike
(C) toward
(D) with

128. The new machinery installed at Bonfoy Manufacturing is

capable of ------- hundreds of yards of fabric per day.
(A) produce
(B) producer
(C) producing
(D) produces
MS.THAM TOEIC | 037.773.3861

129. Fire department personnel will check the building thoroughly to

------- the structure is sound before allowing people back into it.
(A) calculate
(B) ensure
(C) accept
(D) retain

130. This new navigation system can recalculate the best route
------ by factoring in real-time traffic.
(A) automates
(B) automatically
(C) automation
(D) automating

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