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“Like this little old plant that ain’t never had enough sunshine or nothing—and look at it
...” (Hansberry 47).
This quote emphasizes the importance of the environment and care in one’s growth. The old
plant grown by Mama always had a lack of sunlight since it was set beside a small window.
Similarly, Beneatha and Walter grew up in a family that struggled with financial problems. The
situation that both the plant and Mama’s children were significantly affected by their
unfavorable environment implies the absence of positive influences and opportunities they have
had throughout their lives.
“It expresses ME!” (Hansberry 108).
This quote highlights the importance of the plant to Mama. Although a plant is hard to care for in a hostile environment
because it is a living thing that needs sunlight and water, she never gives up as she never renounces her children. By
expressing the plant as herself, she connotes the significance of the plant as the symbolization of the dreams of her
children and her dream of making a garden too. Since the plant is the closest she has ever got to having, she cannot
give up her dreams.
“The door opens and she comes back in, grabs her plant, and goes out for the last time” (Hansberry 135).
This quote signifies the role of Mama’s plant, which symbolizes the dreams and visions she has for her children. Mama’s
dream was to have a small garden, and her dreams were about to be achieved. However, Walter loses the money, and
Mama’s children’s dreams are deferred. Although her dreams come true, she doesn’t want to leave the plant behind
along with the apartment. Since it is the symbol of Beneatha and Walter’s dreams, and the hope that they will come
true, she doesn’t want to give up their dreams but pursue it.

“Lord, if this little old plant don’t get more sun than it’s been getting it ain’t never going to see spring again”
(Hansberry 35).
“Well, I always wanted me a garden like I used to see sometimes at the back of the houses down home. This plant
is close as I ever got to having one” (Hansberry 47).
“(MAMA reads and throws it on the floor—understanding and looking off as she draws her chair up to the table on
which she has put her plant and some sticks and some cord) MAMA Father, give us strength” (Hansberry 107).


Walter- In the middle of the story, Mama refuses to
MAMA- The plant is a symbol of dreams and
hopes to Mama. In A Raisin in the Sun, Mama
cares for the plant as she cares for her children,
give Walter the rest of the check left after buying
the house. Walter uses the expression to show his
although it is an unfavorable condition for a frustration: “So you butchered up a dream of mine
plant to grow. She never gives up growing the —you—who always talking ’bout your children’s
plant. During the story, Mama’s dream about dreams ...” (Hansberry 85). Since the plant
having a small garden eventually comes true,
by buying a house in Clybourne Park.
represents the dreams of Youngers to Mama, she
always cares for the plant as she cares for her
1. Hope
However, Walter’s friend runs away with the children's dreams. Seeing Walter’s self-pity, Mama
money Walter put into investment, death hands him a part of the money left. However, 2. restitution
comes to Beneatha and Walter’s dreams. Since Walter loses all the money he got from Mama, and
the plant is the depiction of her children’s
dreams, she does not leave the plant behind
eventually, his dream is deferred. This shows the
cycle of Walter’s dream as the life cycle of a plant,
3. Dream
with the apartment but takes it with her. the dreams of Youngers.

WHAT THE SYMBOL In A Raisin in the Sun, the plant has a vital role in symbolizing the
deferral of the Younger’s Dreams, serving as the representation of their
hopes, restitution, and the pursuit of a better life, emphasizing Mama’s
CONTRIBUTES TO care about her plant, an unwavering intention to sustain hopes and
THEMATIC DEVELOPMENT dreams those of her children and herself.

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