Mashapa Kgothatso Blessing 21909415

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I Kgothatso Blessing Mashapa 21909415

Module: BPT1501

1.I understand what plagiarism entails and I’m aware of the University's policy in this regard

2. I declare that this assignment is my own, original work. Where I used someone else's work,
whether a printed source, the internet or any other source, I give the proper acknowledgement
and include a complete reference list.

3. I did not use another current or previous student's work, submitting it as my own.

4. I did not allow and will not allow anyone to copy my work with the intention of submitting it
as his or her own work.

Signature: K. MASHAPA

Date: 21 APRIL 2024

1.1 Identify the appropriate technology/ies and
explain how you will integrate this/these technology/ies in your lesson in order to:

(a) Enhance the quality of teaching and learning

• Permits students to ask questions regarding your class and any concepts they are unsure
• Utilize identical and suitable resources that enable learners to comprehend and expand
their knowledge in them.
• We can use digital textbooks to help students enjoy to the course more because we are
aware of how well they use technology (Granberg et al.,2000).

(b) Make learning fun

• You must show kindness to your fellow students in order to the lesson enjoyable and
help them develop positive relationship with their education.
• Because game learning can facilitate the acquisition of educational materials and the
development of cognitive skills, it can also help students enjoy their lesson.
• Permit your pupils to participate in online and group projects (Granberg et al.,2000).

(c) Promote innovation

• Make sure students can relate to the real-life situation
• Every learner ought to acquire knowledge and rectify their errors, but only if their
teachers provide them with greater motivation to do so
• We can use digital textbooks to help students enjoy to the course more because we are
aware of how well they use technology.

(d) Bring the quiet and shy learner to life

• In order to bring a quiet and reserved student to life, you must increase their
self-assurance. Improving involvement and participation

• Assign homework that requires students to record a video at home to present to you
during the following class.

• Make sure that learners are surrounded by kind, understanding classmates and friend.
Ascertain that they deliver a lesson to the class twice or three times a week in front of
the students

• Teach them not to give up on themselves to believe in their own strength and ability to
succeed (Granberg et al.,2000).

2.1Mention THREE (3) disadvantages of using technology in teaching and learning.




2.2. Explain how you can address the disadvantages mentioned in Question 1.


-While occupied with activities unrelated to their learning, student may pretend to be studying
by focusing on their devices (Granberg et al.,2000).


-On sometimes, the learning system may go down while students are supposed to complete
their assignments and turn them in on the same day (Granberg et al.,2000).


-Some students may find it challenging to work on themselves which could lead to subpar
outcomes (Granberg et al.,2000)

2.3 Can technology replace teachers? Discuss

- No, teachers cannot be replaced by technology because it is difficult for other students to
learn online without teachers being able to communicate themselves (Granberg et al., 2000).

-Some students require additional instruction where teachers make time for them and make
sure they develop the skills and methods necessary to be successful learners every day in order
for them to learn more, comprehend more, and produce good results things you cannot
accomplish with technology.

-It is evident that students find it difficult to concentrate when utilizing technology, and they
will divert their attention from watching instructional films in favor of other activities (Granberg
et al.,2000).

Granberg, E.M. 2000. How Technology Enhances Teaching and Learning. Vanderbilt Center for Teaching.

Hussain, I and Safdar, M. (2008). Role of Information Technologies in Teaching Learning Process:
Perception of the Faculty. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, (9), 2, 46 – 56

Muthler, S. 2015. Online Safety: A Teacher’s Guide to Dealing with Cyberbullying, Sexting, and Student

Shah, S.A. 2013. Making the Teacher Relevant and Effective in a Technology-Led Teaching and Learning
Environment. Social and Behaviour Sciences, 103, 612 - 620

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