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Contingency Plan

Examples of issues
These are examples of ‘problem solving’ and can be identified in your production

Possible Issue Actions to be Undertaken

Bad weather during filming Reschedule filming to a later date. If not
possible, move filming indoors entirely,
using a possible set or venue
Locations unavailable Consider other potential locations which are
Actors become ill/unavailable Consider back up actors
Equipment is unavailable for time of filming Reschedule shooting plan to accommodate
equipment availability
Props are unavailable Look at using back up props or script

Use the table below to identify any possible issues which might occur or happen to occur
during your production

Possible Issue Actions to be Undertaken

Weather Checking the Weather Forecast to see the
best time to film, if it does happen to rain, I
do have access to an umbrella and can
probably get some covers for my
People/Members of the public Ensure I avoid/stay away from other
members of the public that could potentially
disrupt/interfere filming, I will also be filming
during college time meaning people would
be at school, which ensures it wouldn’t be
during peak hours.

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