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furc*,st Rq.rE Details.

Right now around 1600 Cooperative societies are

with a
:ctetirg * (n DPIrcU/AMCU wfrich records the data related to farmers who! :.,'r'Ik 31 Cooperative societies. Other Cooperative societies are keeping
of nrr.C r€c6rros hffiCF is .in the process of Procuring SIM based module for
jte policy DPrc.fs ffin rl enable them to transmit data over the cellular network, thus
of the lf sdrron Frcrffi try SP must have capabilities to capture the data either directly
to act as 1iuc0 Flnfs q Frorn the server of SIM based module provider. As some of the
Sooetes sil operating with no DPMCU therefore solution should also have
opton d ererqg data rnanually at nearest point where data can be entered in to the
Finance ml5 sy,*rm- tlobae bced application at Society level to collect the data is required
- -:: '-: -::- -- ::::='a:,e socle'ty level data collection. Af1, gV
he ERp
- lnput / Output Services
rocess - Container / Silo Details Y
ridder. - Container
,rnent €Cnrtling Center /BMC's
@aines New , Rate Category , Rate CharUType, Classification of
Milk product supplying Unions / Other suppliers I
- Products (lonversion Norms/
tent - BMC Routes Wa
ipts - Purchase From Other Dairies €
Stock Transfer From Other Dairies 15
)d, - Tanker Receipts - Milk
)d - Products Receipts - PRO
- Truck Sheet Entry

QOutput - Bulk Sales / Conversion 3+d

Milk lssues - Production / Packing c
Tanker Transportation Bills
- MitX Supplier Registration , \' l*.
| - Distance From CC's/Main Daita
i- ,.n,.," tt4ovement Details '@
- Transportation Rate Chart -
- Vehicle Capacity
Other Claims/Recovery
2.4.5 Cream/Butter Production
2.4.6 BMc/Chilling Center Closing Stock
- Receipt/Dispatch Challan Details
- Weekly/Monthly CC/BMC Milk /
Accou nt
- Milk Reconciliation
- Bulk Sales/Conversion Details
- Tanker Bills
- Conversion Butter/SMpA/VMp
- Conversion Bills
- Other Required Statements


- Opening Balance
- New packets
Production process
- Define New process
- Consumables Opening Balance
- Production pranning through
setting Routing rasks (process_
wise Planning)
- Sfage-ruse euality Control
- Machine dvailabitity check for production
- Ailocation of machines for production run
and brocking assef
- Expected out_put at each production
- Production results capture
- Quality check and production run

- For plant
- For Stores
- Auto generated sfores requisition _ using BOM
- For Finished Goods Section
- For Others
- For Packing
- Of Consumables
- From FGS/Others
- From Processing
- Batch Wise Product Production
- Closing Stock of DaY
- Receipts Details
- Stock Transfer Details
- Stock of Products
- Stock of Consumables
- Production Loss [FaUSNF]
- Other Required RePorts
- Production Plan Schedules
- Production Plan Results
- Quality Control Reports throughout Production Process

- Asset Usage RePorts


2.6.1 Supplier
- New
- Assign ltems
- Category
Item Details
- New
- Groups
- Tax & Duties
- Unit Master
- Conversion Factor
2.6.2 Purchase
- Material Purchase lndent
- Purchase Requisition Register

- Quotations
- Purchase Order
- Status of ,purchase Order
- Cash Purchase Details
- Work Orders
- capturing / Automated generation of purchase requisition
- Quality controls - procured items
- Supplier performance rating

- Enquiry Reports
- Quotation
- ComparativeStatement
- Purchase/ Work Order
- Pending Enquiry/pO
- Supplier Reports
- Warning letter for poor performance
STORES {spares/DCSlGeneral/Return

- Stores
- 4t

ltems(lnventory ltem definition)

- Definition of lnventory Locations and re-order tevets at each
- Group/Ledgers(Category definition)
- Unit of Measurement definition, packing
Materiat definition
lssues tO"
Materials/stock transferl
- Material lssue Note
- Stock Adjustments viz., shrinkage, pilferage adjustment
- Tracking of lot number, batch number
- Bar code generation for tagging inventory
- Feature to upload images of the product
- Definition of shipment instructions
ffifinition for EOQ and MRP computation
- Location-wise inventory-wise definition of EOQ and MRP
- Receipts [With POMithout PO]
- Linking Goods'Received Note (GRN) to lnvoice'
- lssues Detail
- Receipts Detail
- Stock Detail - dePartment wise
- GRN Register
- Stock Transfer Register
- Material lssue Register
- Detailed stock statement of Raw material, work-in-progress,
Finished Goods location-wise
- stock Valuation Report (based on chosen valuation method
FIFO, Average Cost)
- Delivery Challan generation
- lnvoice & gate Pass generation
- Material receipt report generation
- Details of material released from diff. couriers
- Direct purchase materials MRR generation, stock updation etc'
- Schemes materials details

- Scrap materials stock & sales details

- Return materials details from diff. dept
- Demo materials details
- Location wise updations& details


2.8.1 Milk Bill

- New Procurement Routes
- New DCS
- New Bank
- Rate Chart
- Addition / Deduction GrouPs
- Addition / Deduction Schedules

eostin gsTproGG of Bilts

- Truck Sheet Reports

- Claim/Recovery Statement
- Plant Summary
- Share Reports
- DCS Balance Details
- Periodic reports.

| - DCS MBRT Test

- Containe(SILO) euality
- Return Goods euality
- lncoming Mitk euality [BMC/CCS/Other
- outgoing Mirk euarity
[Burk sares/conversion/Retair Sares]
- Bacteriorogicar rest Resurts/ Quarity
check approvar by HoD
- Stores lnventory euality
- Departmental lnventory
- Quality controls - procured items
- lnternal lnSpection Report
- lnternal lnspection Approval
- Third party lnspection
- Action against Non Conformity
- stage-wise preventive Quarity check production
in process
- Finished product euality Check

- Quality Reports
- Test Reports
- HDDFC Reports
- Other Required
- Certificate of Compliance
lnternal lnspection RePort
Dispatch Clearance Register
2.8.7 Delivery Challan


New PTC/BMC Contractors

Supply Sources
Extension Officers
DCS Loan/DCS Training
Society lFarm
- New
- Members
- Assign Route
Union to DCS Sales
- Sale of Cattle Feeds
- Sale of Fodder/Seeds
- Sale of LN2/ Al Materials
- Sale of materials related various Govt Schemes
- Procurement levY details
- Sale of Mineral Mixture
Officer Progress Details
- Deputy Manager, Asst Manager & Extension officer'
- Montly RePorts
- RMP/BS of DCS at
Artificial nsemination

- Farmer / Owner Detail

- Cattle Detail
- lnseminator/PD Detail
- SINGLE/Cluster Center Details
- AI/PD Detail
- Calving Detail
Animal Health
- Doctor's Detail

- Drug Details [Drug Types/Nature of Drugs/Dosage
- Case Sheet

- Low Quality Reports

- Procurement Details
- DCS Balance Details
- Animal Health lnformation
- Artificial lnsemination lnformation
- EO Progress Reports, RMp & BS of
- sares recovery reports and redgers
DCs wise(yearry/Monthry)
- Fat & SNF

Pay Bilts

I Earning/Deduction Details

Regular Bills
Supplementary Bills
Arrears Bilts
Encashment Bills
Computation",of Monthly Earning
Computation of Statutory Deductions
(pF, ESl, pT, TDS)
Automatic creation of payro, rnvoice based on attendance
(including computation of.shift
Loans and Advances to Employees

- Statutory Reports
- GH/SS Reports
- LOP/LWF Reports
- FTA Detaits.
- Pay Stip
- Bank Statements
- Loan Reports
- GSLIS Reports
- EPF/ESI RePorts
- lssuance of consolidated cheque to Bank for credit salary
accounts of emPloYees


2.12.1 Global chart of Accounting

Orqa nization-wise ( profit-center wise G L Accou nt$
2.12.2 Transaction Entry I

--Receipts : cash/Bank Receipts (Both online/ cheque Payments) I

-- Payments : Cash/Bank Receipts (Both Online/ Cheque I

Payments) I

-- Journal Entry |

-- Contra Entry
-- Debit Note/Credit Note
-- Expenses Processing
-- ldentification of lnvoice V/s Payment Relationship
-- General Ledger Reconciliation
* Acquisition/Disposal of Fixed Asset
.. Depreciation of Assets
2.12.3 Reports
--GL Wise Trail Balance
--Organization-wise Trial Balance
--Department-wise or Profit center-wise financial statements
--Consolidated Financial Statements
--Cash Bool</Bank Book
--Sales Register/Pu rchase Register
--Expense Register
I --Journal Register

I --OeOit Note/Credit Note Register


--Fixed Asset Register

2.12.4 Automation Features
--Automated Posting of Journal Entries
--Automated Reversal of Journal Entries in cancellation
--Automated generation of tax invoices

--Automated generation of compliance
--Customized reports for key
management staff

--Raw material costing definitions

--Man power costing definitions
--Overhead costing definitions

--Product-wise Ex-factory costin


Marketing & Sales: lndent & Dispatch


- Sub Agent Assign

- Assign Routes
- Create Customer Types
- Bill Category
- Tax Category
- customer Birs Addition /Deduction Accounting Heads.
- Customer Eeposit
- Employee Concession Milk
- New Salesman
- New Distribution Route
- New Distribution Batch

- New Tax Category
- New Packets ( pack Size)
- New Rate Category
- Assign Rates To Categor"y
2.13.5 Sales Through Routes
- Reset lndents For DaY
- Record lndents
- Assign Special lndents (Advance Paid) To Route
- Record DisPatch
- Record Returns
2.13.6 Sales Through Direct lndents
- credit Sales - Record lndent , Dispatch , Returns , Process Bills
- Advance Paid Record lndent for Present/Advance Dates,
- Credit lnstitutions - Record lndent , Dispatch , Returns
- Other lndents For (KMF/Other Dairies, DCS)
- Record lndent, DisPatch , Returns'
Milk /Products Return process and automated accounting
Stock Transfer lnvoice (including transfers to depots
Commission calculations for booth agents, transporters
2.13.7 Process Bills
- Create Challan (Single/All)
- Create Cash Route Bills
- Create Credit Bills (Single/All)
- Create Tax invoice

2.13.8 Reports
- Route Abstract - Milk/Product Abstract
- Route sheet - For Packets/ crates, secondary Route sheet,
Uploading Route Sheet'
- challans - Bank challans, cash Payment Bills, credit Bills.
- Partywise Sales lnvoicbs
- All Analysis RePorts
- Tracking profile of distribution network
Segmenf-wse Sa/es RePorfs
2.14.1 Financial Year
Opening Balance (Customer/Contractor)

- Bank Receipts
- Dairy Receipts
- CDM Receipts
- Cash Receipts [Adhoc/Challan Dairy paylCash
- Balances - Customer/Contractor/Adhoc
- Bank Reconcile Statements
- Sales Reconcile Statements
- Other Required
- Customer Financial History Reports
- Age-wise analysis of Receivables
Distribution Coniractor Bills

Return Mitk FAt Chart

Contractor Addition /Deduction Accounting
Vehicle Master
Distribution Routes/Contractor/Deposit

Other Claims/Recovery
Standard Recovery Setting
Process Coniractor payment Bills
- Contractor Bills'
- Return Milk Abstract
- DTC Route Abstract
- Cost Statement
- Bank Statement
- Other Required Reports'
- Tracking Transporters profiles

Cash Counter

2.16.1 @r Challan/Adhoc/Route Cash Challan

/Other Cash ReceiPts

Cash Payments - Towards Advance / Bank / Others'

- Receipt (Adhoc/Route Cash/Customer Challan)
- Payment Details
- User Wise Cash Collection

Finished Goods $ection

Opening Balance [Packets/Prod ucts]

ffi Production/PlanuKM F U nitsl

Product Dispatch [Route/l ndenUOther]

Product Returns [Route/lndenUOther]
2.17.3 Reports
- Dispatch/Return Statement [Shift/Daily]
- Dispatch/Return [Route/lndenUOthers]
- Dispatch/ReturnVariant
- Receipt Details [ProducVKMF]
- Stock Statement (Packets) - ShifUDaily/Monthly
- Stock Statement (Kg/Liter) - ShifUDaily/Monthly
- Crate Details [AbstracUDaily Details]

Milk Dispatch
Dispatch I Route/lndent]
Return [Route/lndent]

2.19.1 lnwards
- Return Products [Route/lndent]
- Return of Crates
Visitor Management

Vehicle Management
Reporting of Employee lndiscipline
lssue of UTp products to Employees
Security Penalty

- Milk/Curd Crate Account

- Route/lndent Wise Dispatch _ Return
- Net Sales Statements

- Test Sources
- Microbiological Test Types


- Containe(SILO) euatity
- Return Goods euality
- lncoming Mitk euatity [BMC/CCS/Other
- outgoing Mirk euarity [Burk sares/conversion/Retair
- Bacteriorogicar rest ResultsrQuatity
check approvar by HoD
- Stores lnventory euality
- Departmental lnventory
- Quality controls - procufed items
- lnternal lnspection Report
- lnternal lnspection Approval
- Third Party lnspection
- Action against Non Conformity
- Stage-wise preventive euaiity check production
in process
- Finished product euality
- Test Reports
- KMF Reports
- Other Required
- Certificate of ComPliance
- lnternal lnsPection RePort
- Dispatch Clearance Register
Delivery Challan
- Staff Strength (section wise)
- Total salarY Paid (section wise)
- Milk receipt from Chilling Center /BMC's (Daily/Monthly)
- Milk receipt from other plants (Daily/Monthly)
- Milk dispatch to other plants (Daily/Monthly)
- Milk & Milk Products production(Daily/Monthly)
- Milk Payment report Route Wise, Quality wise(Cow
,Buffalo/QTY, FAT,SN F)
- TOTAL Milk PaYment (
- Total MPCS suPPlYing milk
- Total Milk Pourers
)rotat Regd. members
- Total Artificial lnsemination lnformation'(
- Daily milk & milk Products sale (Type wise, station wise, dealer
wise) |
- Total Sale of cattle feed ' I
- Total Sale of ghee bY MPCS

- Daily receipt dispatch ,issue to production, sale closing, opening

stock of SMP,WBUTTER
- Daily consumption of SMP,WBUTTER in production
otal payment to milk trdnsporters'(route wise)

Note: The activities mentioned in the modules cover majority of

the activities taken up
in the departments. However the service provider should study in detail and
the software to suit the needs of the users'


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