Runit 2

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1. Holistic marketing is a concept that sees a business as one single entity. It believes that the whole
is greater than the sum of its parts. This means that all the different parts of a business, like sales,
operations, HR, and marketing, work together towards one common goal. For example, Coca-Cola
uses the holistic marketing concept. They recently refreshed their entire global identity to “Real
Magic” to show the brand’s goal to refresh the world and make a difference

2. The difference between holistic marketing and traditional marketing is that holistic marketing
views the business as one interdependent entity, which allows it to bring a cross-enterprise
perspective to strategy at the corporate level⁴. Traditional marketing often works in silos on isolated
advertising projects. Holistic marketing also cares about the role the business plays in the broader
economy, in society, and in the lives of customers. This is not usually a concern for traditional


1. **holistic marketing** - j) a marketing strategy that integrates marketing across all business
functions and considers the broader role of the business in society and the economy

2. **silos** - i) isolated and disconnected departments or groups within an organization that do not
share information or collaborate effectively

3. **interdependent** - h) reliant on one another, where the actions or decisions of one part affect
others within the system

4. **synergy** - g) the interaction or cooperation of two or more elements to produce a combined

effect greater than the sum of their separate effects

5. **aspirational** - 1) relating to a strong desire or ambition to achieve something higher or greater

6. **cost-effective** - d) producing the desired outcome or results in a way that optimizes the use of
resources and minimizes expenses

7. **segmentation** - e) the process of dividing a target market into defined customer subgroups
based on their differences or characteristics

8. **advocates** - b) customers or individuals who actively support or promote a brand, product, or


9. **demise** - c) the end or downfall of something; in this context, it refers to the decline of the
traditional marketing department

10. **hierarchy** - a) a system of organization where people or elements are ranked or classified
based on their level of authority or importance


1) According to the article, what is one of the key characteristics of holistic marketing?

- c) Engaging employees in cross-functional teams

- This refers to the sentence: "In fact, three of the five drivers of organizational effectiveness
identified by the HBR are holistic marketing practices: (1) connecting marketing to the business
strategy across the organization; (2) engaging employees at all levels on the brand purpose; and (3)
organizing agile, cross-functional teams against shared business objectives."

2) What did Regis McKenna imply when saying: "Marketing is everything and everything is

- a) Marketing involves all aspects of a business.

- This refers to the sentence: "Famously, he argued that all critical drivers that define how
companies do business are "ultimately the functions of marketing" - which means that "marketing is
everything and everything is marketing."

3) What make marketing become more crucial in modern economies, according to Philip Kotler?

- a) A surplus of goods and a shortage of customers

- This refers to the sentence: "In 2002, Philip Kotler, a trained economist who has been called "the
most influential marketer of all time," said that marketing has become "much more important in the
hierarchy of company functions" for the simple reason that modern economies have a "surfeit of
goods" and a "shortage of customers."

4) How does holistic marketing differ from market segmentation?

- a) Holistic marketing aims to unify a market, while market segmentation divides it.

- This refers to the sentence: "In contrast to another powerful trend in marketing - market
segmentation, the process of dividing a target market into defined customer subgroups based on
their differences - holistic marketing is focused on unifying a market by identifying shared goals."

5) According to the article, what are three of the drivers of organizational effectiveness related to
holistic marketing?

- c) Connecting marketing to business strategy, engaging employees, and cross-functional teams

- This refers to the sentence: "In fact, three of the five drivers of organizational effectiveness
identified by the HBR are holistic marketing practices: (1) connecting marketing to the business
strategy across the organization; (2) engaging employees at all levels on the brand purpose; and (3)
organizing agile, cross-functional teams against shared business objectives."

True False

1. **True**. Holistic marketing aims to move marketing beyond the marketing department and
integrate it with all business functions. This is mentioned in the sentence: "As marketing continues to
evolve in the 21st century, one of the most successful concepts has been holistic marketing, a
strategy to move marketing beyond the marketing department to an enterprise-wide role in strategy
for all business functions."

2. **False**. Regis McKenna argued that the traditional view of marketing as a separate function is
obsolete, not that it is a subordinate function. The correct statement is in the sentence: "As early at
1991, Regis McKenna, the "P.R. Guru of Silicon Valley," said in the Harvard Business Review (HBR)
that the traditional image of marketing as a "distinct... separate function... subordinate to the core
functions" is "totally unsupportable and obsolete."
3. **False**. Holistic marketing is concerned with profit drivers and also considers the broader role
of the business in society. The correct statement is in the sentence: "Beyond redefining the
marketing function as a force at the core of the business, holistic marketers are also concerned with
other profit drivers that traditional marketers often neglected, including the role the business plays
in the broader economy, in society, and in the lives of customers."

4. **False**. Market segmentation focuses on dividing a target market into defined customer
subgroups based on their differences, not on identifying shared goals. The correct statement is in the
sentence: "In contrast to another powerful trend in marketing - market segmentation, the process of
dividing a target market into defined customer subgroups based on their differences - holistic
marketing is focused on unifying a market by identifying shared goals."

5. **True**. Holistic marketing can lead to cost-free advertising by creating customer-advocates for
the brand. This is implied in the sentence: "As Kotler said, branding is not only about creating
customers - it's about "creating fans" that trust the brand to help them live better lives. Companies
that communicate a higher brand purpose don't only have engaged customers - they have customer-
advocates who provide cost-free advertising across channels."

Answer following questions

1. Early proponents of holistic marketing were **Regis McKenna** and **Philip Kotler**. They
believed that marketing is integral to all business functions and drives critical business decisions.

2. Key principles of holistic marketing include viewing the business as an interdependent entity,
redefining marketing as a core business function, considering the business's societal role, and
unifying the market by identifying shared goals.


1. Holistic marketers identify opportunities, design products, and build the infrastructure **across**
all business functions.

2. Regis McKenna argued that critical drivers that define how companies do business are functions
**of** marketing.

3. Philip Kotler emphasized the importance of marketing **in** the hierarchy **of** company

4. Holistic marketing **with** practices involve connecting marketing **to** the business strategy
**across** the organization.

5. Businesses align their brands **with** what their customers want **at** the big-picture,
aspirational level.


1. Holistic marketing has become successful in the 21st century because it views a business as a
whole entity, integrating all departments towards a common goal. This approach aligns with the
interconnected nature of today's global economy and the increasing demand for businesses to be
socially responsible.

2. Businesses can implement holistic marketing principles by ensuring all departments work together
towards the same objectives. This could involve regular cross-departmental meetings, shared
performance metrics, and a unified brand message that is communicated across all customer



1. **branding** - c) products specific to a particular region, often associated with a name or logo

2. **chair** - d) the position of being in charge of a meeting

3. **Chambers of Commerce** - e) an organized group representing businesses in a specific industry

or region

4. **handicrafts** - g) objects made skillfully by hand, often with traditional methods

5. **multilateral** - f) relating to or involving many nations or parties

6. **G-20** - h) a group of twenty major economies and finance ministers

7. **destinations** - i) places or locations to which people travel or move

8. **millets** - b) small-seeded grains used as food, mainly to make flour, and also to feed to birds
and animals.

9. **value addition** - j) the act of increasing the worth or desirability of something

10. **startups** - a) small and medium-sized businesses

Best anwser

1. The focus of the article is **b) G-20 meetings in Karnataka**. This is mentioned in the sentence:
"Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Thursday said most of the G-20 meetings next year
will be held at several destinations across the country, including those in Karnataka..."

2. The state encouraged to do branding and showcase its products during the G-20 meetings is **b)
Karnataka**. This is stated in the sentence: "She also requested the Chambers of Commerce to work
together with those industries, particularly small and medium, and those particularly working in
handicrafts and traditional Karnataka products, so that they are showcased and the benefit of G-20
coming to the state is reaped fully."

3. The Finance Minister refers to **a) Millets** as the "gold for wellbeing". This is referred to in the
sentence: "Noting that next year is the "year of millets" and Karnataka is the lead producer of millets
in the country, Sitharaman, while highlighting its processing said millet is now the "gold for
wellbeing", all over the world there is a market for it."

4. The Finance Minister describes **c) Encouraging startups to invest in millet processing** as the
key factor in making millet processing more valuable. This is mentioned in the sentence: "People who
are enablers in business, such as Chartered Accountants, tax consultants, chambers of commerce,
should identify the ways in which these startups can benefit and bring value addition in millet
processing, and thereby fetching better prices for farmers, she added."
True False

1. **False**. Most of the G-20 meetings next year will not be held in Delhi, but at several
destinations across the country, including those in Karnataka. This is mentioned in the sentence: "The
Prime Minister has said G-20 meetings will happen not just in Delhi, most of them will happen
outside of Delhi, and there are several destinations in Karnataka where the meetings will be held."

2. **True**. Karnataka is indeed the lead producer of millets in India. This is stated in the sentence:
"Noting that next year is the "year of millets" and Karnataka is the lead producer of millets in the

3. **False**. The Union Finance Minister did not specifically call on the Chambers of Commerce to
work with startups in the millet processing industry. Instead, she called on them to work with
industries, particularly small and medium ones, and those working in handicrafts and traditional
Karnataka products. The correct statement is in the sentence: "She also requested the Chambers of
Commerce to work together with those industries, particularly small and medium, and those
particularly working in handicrafts and traditional Karnataka products, so that they are showcased
and the benefit of G-20 coming to the state is reaped fully."


1. **reap** - d) the benefit

2. **hold** - f) the chair

3. **lead** - e) producer

4. **multilateral** - c) institutions

5. **tax** - b) consultants

6. **value** - a) addition

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