Runit 6

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Lead in

1. The leader I admire most is Ho Chi Minh. He is a very good leader. He fought for freedom in
Vietnam. He was the first prime minister of Vietnam. He is very brave and strong. He shows us that
we should never give up what we believe in.

2. I think men and women can both be good leaders. They have different strengths. Men are often
seen as strong and decisive. Women are often seen as caring and understanding. These are all
important qualities in a leader. But it not mean that men can't be caring or women can't be strong. It
depend on the person, not their gender.


1. acquisition - d. something that is bought by a company

2. adapt - a. to change your ideas or behaviour to make them suitable for a new situation

3. downturn - b. a reduction in the amount or success of something

4. implement - e. to start using a plan or system

5. top-notch - c. excellent


1. The team worked diligently to implement the new software system within the given timeline.

2. The company announced the acquisition of a smaller competitor to expand its market reach.

3. ABC Bakery had to adapt its marketing strategy to target a new demographic.

4. The recent economic downturn has led to a decrease in consumer spending.

5. The organization is known for its top-notch customer service and high-quality products.

Reading task

1. One of the key factors in protecting yourself and your business in an economic downturn is
developing effective leadership practices[^a^].

This is mentioned in the sentence: "One of the keys to protecting yourself and your business in an
economic downturn is to develop a culture that builds and sustains effective leadership practices."

2. To take advantage of new opportunities during an economic decline, leaders should revise and
prioritize company objectives[^d^].

This is suggested in the sentence: "To take advantage of new opportunities, leaders should consider
doing the following: Review your strategy - Figure out which objectives you're meeting, which ones
need more emphasis, and which ones you should reconsider or drop as the environment around you

3. Some of the worries and fears that employees may have include job security and workplace

This is referred to in the sentence: "People feel the pressures of work, and they fear for their jobs."

4. Cutting costs by eliminating unnecessary positions is NOT mentioned as a recommended action

for leaders to succeed in tough economic times[^c^].
While the article does mention cost-cutting, it specifically states: "Take the opportunity to trim costs -
Encourage cost-consciousness within your team or organization to cut unnecessary costs." It does
not suggest eliminating positions.

True false

5. False. The article suggests that leaders should both cut costs and pursue new business
opportunities during challenging economic times. This is mentioned in the sentence: "Take personal
responsibility for customer care and contact. Actively help pursue new business. Show that you're
willing to make extra effort to commit to the organization's success."

6. True. The article states that effective leadership practices are important regardless of the
economic climate. This is mentioned in the sentence: "After all, good leadership is good leadership,
regardless of the economic climate."

7. False. The article suggests that even during good economic times, leaders can face challenges. This
is implied in the sentence: "In summary, leadership during good economic times already has its

8. True. The article implies that developing a culture of effective leadership practices is crucial for
company growth. This is suggested in the sentence: "One of the keys to protecting yourself and your
business in an economic downturn is to develop a culture that builds and sustains effective
leadership practices."

Same mean

9. The word "which" in the phrase "... which will improve your company's future competitive
position" refers to the action of "looking for bargains, in terms of mergers and acquisitions" during
an economic decline. This is mentioned in the sentence: "Use market conditions to create a stronger
business model for the future - Consider looking for bargains, in terms of mergers and acquisitions,
which will improve your company's future competitive position."

10. The word "their" in the phrase "... support their people ..." refers to the "leaders and managers"
during tough economic times. This is mentioned in the sentence: "In these conditions, leaders and
managers must keep a sharp eye on their environment, prepare for recovery, support their people,
and project enthusiasm and energy." Here, "their people" refers to the employees or team members
that the leaders or managers are responsible for.


1. Yes, a good leader often needs to have a strong will. This is because a leader needs to make
difficult decisions and stand by them. If a leader does not have a strong will, they may be easily
influenced by others and may not be able to effectively lead their team.

2. Empathy is important for leaders because it allows them to understand the feelings and
perspectives of their team members. This understanding can help leaders to make decisions that are
in the best interest of their team. It can also help to build trust and respect between the leader and
their team.
3. Reflection is important in leadership because it allows leaders to learn from their experiences and
improve their leadership skills. By reflecting on their actions and decisions, leaders can identify what
they did well and what they could do better in the future. This can help them to become more
effective leaders.

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