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VO BAI PHUC (Téng Chui bién kiém Chu bién) NOM cet eey- Oct en i BLN Oa OURO en him MO ETN ° NHA XUAT BAN fn DAI HOC SU PHAM TP H6 CHi MINH i) DTP Education Solutions ener ens Nectt Peet me stand up, st dovm, hands up | Stand up, please. ‘open your book, close your | Open your book. book, hands down Yes, Teacher. Getting Hello. What's your name? Started hello, goodbye, Tom, lucy | My name's Tom pages 05-09 tr red, yellow, blue, black, white ee ile ‘one, Wo, three, four, five, six, | How old are you? seven, eight, nie, ten Im eight How de you spell “Alfio”? The alphabet rare /sp/ sound the USA, the UK, lay, India, | Where are you fom? I'm from tho USA. a IMy Friends |!2Pen, Abo Where's sha from? She's from Japan. dancing, singing, drawing, | Do your fiends like dancing? pages 10-23 | reading, painting Yes, they do./No, they don’. (afecinel How are you? Yim good, and you? li: Ethics bi, good, great His ice to meet you. fs nice 19 meet you, too. | Focus on Polite Thank you You're welcome. greetings This is my father father, mother, bother, ster | Hello, 'm Ale. /N/ sound Helle, Alf rondfcther, grandmother, | Who's she? She's my aun 2.Family | Sree, aunt ousin What's her name? Her name's May. Pees cdo your homework, clean your poges 24-37, | do yous homewors laon YOU" | Caan your room! 70l/ sound ike my at. Coiture dog, cat, fish, Hove cats. ‘ Leas dogs Focus on: My family pet Is this your eraser? eraser, ruler, pencil, notabook, | Yes, its./No, it isn't /e1/ sound, /10/ pencil case {Are theee your notebooks? sound Yes, they are./No, they aren't math, English, at, PE. Do you like math? soon 3.Schoo! | (Physical education), music __| Yes, Ido./No, I don't ean Monday, Tusday, Wednetda, | Wien do vou have English? : 9 do you have Engi oa pare Friday, Saturdoy, 1 hove Englih on Wednesdays and Fridays. | /#®/ sound ; UL Ant preetercrnet crt teriod Menage Facustend(GAlsra/4 ‘gray, favorite: ‘a ‘My favorite can make orange with yellow and red. po re aa kitchen, | Where's Dad? fainietyerts Ju:/ sound cleaning, playing, eating, | What's he doing? is) soon Home — {2e2@ta: soaking iain aoc) y pir pete, oe, tbe, |e pk ine Bving oon? Joo! ware, [a wand 52.65 | box house fs, itis./No, ian. ° Culture Live on La Thanh Street in Hanoi Focus on: Living in bed, closet, chair, desk TV | Wy bedroom has a bed, a TV, and lwo choirs Britain/ Vietnam Review (Units 1-4) pages 66-67 ee eet badminton, tennis, volleyball, ee Can you play soccer? eens nea fries, pizza, cake, ice cream, chicken, fish ‘Would you like some fies? Yes, please,/Sure, thanks! No, thank you! basketball, soccer Yes, Fean./No, | con't ere a a a aa | What are od at? hing, kicking, catching, throwing | What are you 181 sound eee I'm good at kicking. Hobbies | watch TY, go skateboarding, ‘May I watch TV? 1S sound go out, go swimming Yes, you may./No, you may nol. pages 68-81 hand, arm, foot/feet, leg, head, || Ye my legs and fet in soccer, UL RE. body Jcan’t kick the ball in basketball Focus on: Parts of the body dress, shit, shorts, socks, pants | What do you want? If sound skit jock, joans, boots ahi | NO ote Yop wearing? /43/ sound clothes | that your bl scar, sweater, pajamas, | Yes it's /No, tient poges 82-95 | skiing Darel sated fecha 1SKf sound, Yes, they are./No, they aren't ‘What do you wear at school? an Deeb ofecP Foeemt ret eed fuse Yes, do./No, | don’, kit mts CH Es, cad exp ener eT sot How mony marbles do you have? card, block, dice, marble arent 1:1 sound 7.Toys under, on, in, toy box, wardrobe | Put the ball onthe chit /oi/ sound, /e9/ sound pages 96-109 eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, CL: Math peed " | Seven plus twelve is nineteen. ‘ fifteen, sixen, seventeen, Focus on: Addition and ‘eighteen, nineteen, twenty os ee subtraction pple, banana, carrot, cupcake, | There isan apple. ce Teese ceeven fts/ sound [Are there any tomatoes? Yes there are some fomaloes./ onion, tomate, egg, potato, ime | N®; there a Cl eacad 8. Food pages 110-123 /ai/ sound, /v2/ sound knife, fork, spoon, chopsticks, noodles ‘We eat ice cream with a spoon. ‘We often eat chicken. My favorite food is fish Culture Focus on: Eating in the USA/Vienam Review (Units 5~8) pages 124-125 Tescon eg EN CANT ASS ) Listen and point. Repeat. @ 1 a 2 a vu, f " stand up sit down hands up 3 ) listen and point. Repeat. Role-play. @\ © a S Sit down, Stand up, ) Point, say, and do. ee) ~ bal eee Simon says: “Stand up, please.” Hands up, please. vs Q Hands up, please. ) Play Simon says. ADD. all ' (LY) uisten and point. Repeat. A @ @) EN ~~ open your book close your book hands down HE Listen and point. Repeat. Role-play. oe “) ee ” Hands down. Close your m Yes, Teacher. Yes, Teacher. Yes, Teacher. & Point, say, and do. 0 3 Open your book. a Yes, Teacher. () Play Reaa my lips. Open your book. om No, Nick. & ‘ Close your book. Yes, that's right. LESSONI3) eg A (CN TSS LLY) Listen and point. Repeat. & 2 » i 2 im A AG Tom hello goodbye 3 4 Lucy ) Listen and point. Repeat. Role-play. @ go S Hello. Whats My name's yourname? ‘Cody. My name's Mai. ) Practice with your friends. 8 a Hello. What's your name? ) Play the Chain game. Hello. What's Hello. What's a yourname? Myname’sHarry, yourname? My name's Nick. eno Ce ary i a a ED Listen and point. Repeat. @ 2 | anh red yellow blue black white Zi e (©) usten and fitt inthe blanks. Repeat. Role-play. AED # $ What color What color iis is it? ___.) kd 5 CO d f a (9) Point, ask, and answer. SD irsrea ED Play Guess the picture. What color ? yi is it? > & Iswhite. Ws block. > > | No. 1 Me GELLING SOLAR LED UL) Listen and point. Repeat. fi a a er) ie) fc ily ti ) Listen and fill in the blanks. Repeat. Role-play. (7) How ol a) { How old are you’ are you? a = are you? seven ) Point, ask, and answer. How old are you? |'m seven, 3 (6) ) Play Magic finger. I'm seven. How old are you? Yes. Unit1 [San ) 1. Listen and point. Repeat. @ ) 1. Listen and practice. @ A ane @ 2. Look and match @. Practice. How do you spell “Nick”? A.BEN. A: B: . "Mai"? A: — do you spel Mai" B. do you ‘A: How do you spell "Ben"? B: _ A: B: C. NECK. ____ spell “Sue”? How SUE. D. How GED (1 listen and repeat. A V 2. Chant. @ spell, space é | D ? 1. Look and listen. £2) 2. Listen and write. 4 @ Wow... Hello. What's your name? My name's (§3). Umm. How do you spell "(G3)"? © Hi, > What's your name? My name's (@). 2 How di > © (©) Right! What's your name? My name's (9). How do you spell ’ < @ Q) 3. Practice with your friends. 8 aS (3) 1. Point, ask, and answer. Ben Nick 2. Ask your friend how to spell their name. Write their name. @ (03) Play the chain game with your friends’ names. MUA: sson2} ) 1. Listen and point. Repeat. (@) the USA the UK ltaly 2. Play Guess, 2. Fill in the blanks (3. Practice. Where are you from? Where's she from? Where you from? Where's he from? India Japan I'm from India She’s from I'm from the USA, He's from Alpha D> _ 1. Listen and repeat. a& V 2. Chant. A india, Alpha é = | D 1. Look and listen. & 2. Listen and write. () @ S ©) Where are you from, Alfie? ® — Umfom... Where are you from, Tom? I'm from ... Cy) aay G©O@® The United States of America. ... And Nick? Where's he from? He’s from ... z= > The United Kingdom. ... Ha ha. They sound so funny. ©) ~ Wow! QO@20O8® e 3. Practice with your friends. 8 a 4 | ey op Ua dancing singing drawing reading painting 2. Play Slow motion. ze Yes, they do./ "Es No, they don’t. 2. Look and match @. Practice. D friend: jinting? @ 0 your fiends pointing sa dont Ow \iNe © Do ____ friends like dancing? « C. like © D. they @ No, they . ° ee 1. Listen and repeat. > | singing, dancing DD 1. Look and tisten. A @8 | ( @©GHOHO| |@©OH)||® © 2. Chant. > 2. Listen and write. @s @ Allie, this is my school. Wow! Nice pictures. Do your friends like (1) drawing? Yes, they do, Do you like (2) Tom? Yes, | do. Do your friends like reading? No, they don’t. Do you like singing, Alfie? No, | don’t. | like (3) (Oh, OK. Do your friends like singing, Tom? Yes, they do. Alfie, this is my friend, Mai. Hi, Alfie. Hi, Mai. | really (4) your pictures! 1 E } Point, ask, and answer. SPS, Vie NA 4 hi good great 2. Play Flashcard peek. ED 1. Listen and practice. @ Cy How ee 907 rm good, endow? © eres cre mayo, to. © etts00) steven 2. Read and write @. Practice. @ Is nice to meet you. (@) Hi, you? \'m great, and you? (3) Thank . (4) You're __. Hello, Bobby. I’m It's nice to meet you, You're welcome. Matt. How are you? | — | | too. “ —_— I'm great! __ | | II's nice to meet you. Thank you. — Hil I'm Bobby. } What's your name? | —- I'm good, and you? | __ DD 1. ook ana tisten. A 2. Listen and write. @ @ He good Alice great Hello, I'm (2) m (3) cna It's nice to meet you. 3. Practice with your friends. 6 @ ay | E Read and circle True or False. @ er AT eeu I'm great, and you? It's nice to meet you. You're welcome. 1. The boy is Lisa. 2. The girl is Peter. True/False 3. The girl says, “Thank you.” True/False 4. The boy says, “I’m good.” True/False i? Look at >. Write a story. @ Hello. _ Alex. Alex. I'm How are: 2 welcome. > Role-play. oe € TSI EVIE ANDIPRACTICE VV VY i=" Ep Listen and write a name or a number. @ Name: Cod: o ——Cody ____ © Ase: 8 From: © Class number: ED Look and read. Puta Ww ora(X). @ (2) 4 tv SS Re Do your friends lke singing? Where are you from? Yes, they do. vw I'm from the USA. Do your friends like reading? Where's he from? Yes, they do. O He'sfrom India. Ld ——=—=—=——— > Play the board game. @ B How do you spell “Nick”? @ * Where are you fom? B: NVCK, B: I'm from the USA. @ Aide your fiends ke dancing? B: Yes, they do. Whatcan youdo 7 * | can spell people’s names. UB * | can ask where someone is from. OOK © | can ask what people like doing. =“ 1. Listen and ee Repeat. @ aAePeae father mother brother sister 2. Play Four corners. Hello, I’m Alfie. 2. Fill in the blanks (3. Practice. @ This is my _sister g © Thisis mother. g 8 Alfie. 2 © Hello, ____Tom. € E> | Hse and repeat. @ V7 2. Chant. @ brother, mother é 4 a i» 1. Look and listen. (2) 2. Listen and write. @ Tom: Here, Alfie. This is my (1) father. 1 | Alfie: Hello, I'm Alfie. Mr. Brown: Hello, Alfie. Tom: Alfie, this is my (2) , Ben. 2 | Alfie: Hello, Ben. Ben: Hi, Alfie. Tom: OK, Alfie, this is my (3) 3.) Mrs. Brown: Hello, Alfie. Alfie: Hello. oe Alfie: Oh! And who is this? (4)! 4 I'm Alfie! What's your name? Tom: Haha! Oh, Alfie. That's Ziggy. 3. Practice with your friends. 8 a HED 1 Point and say. This is my father. father mother 2. Role-play. oo 6 This is my sister, Lucy. e Hello, Lucy. Hello, Alfie. I'm Alfie. ? iD 1. Draw your family. Point and say. @ This is my sister, Mai. 2. Role-play. Qe Hello, Mai. I'm Lan. Hello, Lan. (nin ED 1. Listen and point. Repeat. ® @) @ ® ® Ss & ») L a grandfather — grandmother uncle aunt cousin 2. Play Heads up. What’s missing? 9 She’s my aunt. Her name’s May. 2. Look and write @. Practice. A: Who's he? B: He’s my ___uncle A: What's ___ 2 B: Her A: What's his name? B: His name's HED (1. Listen and repeat. v7 2. Chant. 2) grandmother, grandfather 4 | D2 1. Look and listen. 42) 2. Listen and circle. a®@ Alfie: Who's he? Tom: He's my (1) cousinébrothe?) Alfie: What's his name? Tom: His name's Alex. Alfie: Who's he, Torn? Tom: He's my (2) brother/cousin. Alfie: Oh, what's his name? Tom: His name's Bill. Alfie: Oh, who's he? Tom: He's my (3) father/uncle. Alfie: What's his name? Tom: His name's Tony. Alfie: Is that your (4) aunt/grandmother? Tom: Yes, it is. Alfie: What's her name? Tom: Her name's May. Allie: Your family looks nice, Tom. 3. Practice with your friends. 8 a nn | E ) Point, ask, and answer. 2 vo oO grandfather/Dan —_grandmother/Grace sz @®8& father/Sam — mother/Ann uncle/Tony aunt/May @2@e 3@ 46 sister/Lucy brother/Ben _brother/Alex cousin/Sue cousin Bill (3) draw your famity. Ask and answer. ( (LW 1. tisten and point. Repeat. A Rees do your clean your homework room wake up go to bed 2. Play Pass the word, ti 4 Hy clean your room. ED 1. Listen and practice. yee 2. Look and write @ Practice. homework © Clean your ! up! © ve your ! Go to bed! GED (1. Listen and repeat, y 2. Chant. 2 play, please é | D 1. Look and listen. @ 2. Listen and write. & @ Mrs. Brown: Lucy, (1) wake up | Mrs, Brown: Tom! What are you doing? Tom: Playing. Mrs. Brown: Stop playing and (2), please, Tom! Tom: OK, Mom. Mrs. Brown: Ben, this place is so messy! (3) right now. Ben: OK. Mrs. Brown: You look tired, Ben. (4) Ben: OK, Mom. Alfie: Zzzzz. | E ) Point and say. Wid LW 1 tisten and point. Repeat. 2 HE Wwe fish bird 2. Play Heads up. What’s missing? E> Read and circle. @ My family pet My name is Bill. | live with my mother and father in Toronto, Canada. My family pet is a dog. His name is Charlie. He is five years old. He is brown. | love my dog. 1. Bill is fromCanadayVieinam. 2. His family pet is a dog/cat. 3. His pet is five/seven years old. 4. His pet is brown/black. | D} 1. Look and listen. & 2. Listen and write. @s @ 1. Joe: Mary, do you have a pet? Mary: Yes, Ihave a bird _. His name is Tommy. Joe: Really? Cooll What color is he? Mary: He's . 2. Mary: Do you have a pet bird, Joe? Joe: | birds. We have a cat. Mary: What color is he? Joe: He’s _ 3. Practice with your friends. 9 | E 1. Read and circle True or False. @ we! My family pet My name is Linh. | live with my mother, father, and brother. My family pet is a cat. Her name is Mimi. She rattan ie is nine years old. She is black and white. | love my cat. 1. The girl has two brothers. TruefFalse> 2. Her pet is nine years old. Twwe/False 3. Linh is her pet. Twe/False 2. Circle Linh’s pet. (2) i? Look at a. Write about your pet. @ My name - | live with My family pet . His/Her name He/She is _ ___ old. He/She is _ a Po my Ek Talk about your pet. 8 TED Re vienpanoyeracricy Ae ED tisten ana draw tines. A @ grandfather Read the sentences. Choose a word from the box. Fill in the blanks. (2) homework ups bed too Clean your __room _| Do your | ED Play the board game. brother/ Ben @ This is my friend, Alfie. @ Goto bed! @ Who's he? Hello, Alfie. He's my father. What's his name? His name's Sam. What can youdo 7 # I.can talk about my family. * I can ask who someone is. * | can follow instructions. QD 1. tisten and point. Repeat. A ® @ ® eraser ruler pencil notebook pencil case 2. Play Slow motion. |B) 1. Listen and practice. co " Is this your eraser? Ff i ) Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. Are these your notebooks? Yes, they are./No, they aren’t. 2. Look and write @. Practice. No 4sthis Are these aren't @ A: bsthis____ your ruler? © A: _____ your erasers? B: Yes, it is. B: Yes, they are. A: Here you are. A: Here you are. B: Thank you. B: Thank you. 6 A: Is this your notebook? oO A: Are these your pencils? Bs itisn't. B: No, they . 38 i | Ustn and repeat aw 2. Chant. eraser, here é | D 1, Look and listen. & 2. Listen and write. G2 Lucy: Let’s go! | want to go to school early and play with my friends. Kids: Ow! lucy: Ouch! I'm sorry. Ella: It’s OK. Lucy: Is this your (1) sencil __? Ella: Yes, it is. lucy: Here you are. Ella: Thank you! Alfie: Is this your (2) Nick? Nick: No, it isn’t. Ella: Are these your notebooks, Tom? Tom: (3) Nick: |s this your pencil case, Lucy? Lucy: (4) Ella: I's my pencil case, Nick. Nick: OK. Here you are. Ella: Thank you. 3. Practice with your friends. 6 a> Unit3 Lessama QD 1. tisten and point. Repeat. A Bsatz PE. (physical education} =n math English music 2. Play Four corners. @ A: Do you like __ music? @) A: Do you like math? 2. Fill in the blanks (2). Practice. B: Yes, Ido. B: No, © A: Do you like art? oO A: like English? B: Ido. B: No, | don't. & ( 1. Listen and repeat. 2) Vv 2. Chant. English, physical é 4 5 | D 1. Look and listen. @ 2. Listen and circle. a®@ Alfie: Do you like school, Tom? Tom: Yes, Alfie. | love school. Alfie: That's great! Do you like (1)GrYPE.2 Tom: Yes, | do. Alfie: Hey, Nick. Do you like English? Nick: English? (2) Yes, I do./No, I don’t. OO ) Alfie: What about you, Mai? Do you like (3) music/English? Mai: Hmmm. No, I don’t. Alfie: Do you like math? Mai: Yes, Ido. | really like math. Tom: Alfie, do you like math? Alfie: Math? (4) Yes, I do./No, I don’t. Tom: Do you like PE.? Alfie: Yes, Ido. PE. is great! 3. Practice with your friends. 6 QD ———==——_=_=== DB Point, ask, and answer. iD Fill in the school form. Ask, write, and circle. @ You Your friend cart Yes/No oPE. Yes/No «math Yes/No «English Yes/No Subject: + art Yes/No PE. Yes/No «math Yes/No «English Yes/No VARKER D! CED e sson3} (EW 1. tisten ana point. Repeat. @ Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday | Friday Saturday Sunday 2. Play Pass the word. When do you have English? Ihave English on Cy Veeecias Os ‘A: When do you have at? B: | have art on A: When do you have 2 B: | have music on Tuesdays and Ee | c | 1. listen and repeat. @) v 2. Chant. > Math, Saturday é n A mH 1, Look and listen. 4) 2. Listen and circle. a@ Tom: When do you have P-E., Ben? Ben: | have PE. on (1) Fridays(Tuesdays) and Wednesdays. Ben: When do you have math, Tom? Tom: | have math on (2) Mondays/Thursdays ond Fridays. Tom: When do you have art, Ben? Ben: I have art on (3) Wednesdays/ Thursdays and Fridays. Ben: When do you have music, Tom? Tom: | have music on (4) Tuesdays/Fridays. I love music! Listen! Ben: Stop itl 3. Practice with your friends. 9 a | E } Point, ask, and answer. When do you have English? 'have English on Tuesdays and Thursdays. (Monday -) (Tuesday ) (Wednesday) © (Thursday _) a | FD Look at i. Play the Memory game. When do you h ho | have math on ave mai Mondays and Wednesdays. eC RN FS Ab he aes, Look (10 seconds} Speak ED 1. Listen and point. Repeat. (> [@ | 8) 8] 8] Boo green orange pink purple gray favorite 2. Play Slow motion. GED 1usten and practice. @ CE ROI WD wrteneccbrinvenc, A GQ ‘sins 0 +- 8 2. Fillin the blanks @. Practice. @O Whais your favorite color? 61 _ pink with red and white. 6 mw color is pink. @ can make green yellow and blue. a (9) Read and fill in the blanks. (7) FOCUS ON: Colors Making colors With red, yellow, blue, black, and white you can make all your Favorite colors. Yellow and blue make green. You can make brown with green and red. Red and white make pink. What colors can you make? 1. Write the colors. 2. Fill in the blanks. a+ @- My favorite color is ; Yel low and blue make green __. You can make it with b+ = . W+ dre (DD 1. took anatisten. A 2. Listen and write. 2 () @ Alex: Hi, Emma. © Emma: Is this your orange notebook? rmadFiAleee Alex: Yes, it is. Is this your pink eraser? Alex: What's your favorite color? Emma: ae Emma: My favorite color is pink. Alex: © Alex: Emma: Alex: What's your favorite color? My favorite color is orange. Do you like my @ Alex: Do you like orange pencil case? painting? Yes, I do. Do you like Emma: Yes, I do. | can paint a bird my pink pencil? with —_ and orange. | your Alex: Wow! | can paint a fish with pink pencil. Ie blue and yellow. [J] 3. Practice with your friends. 6 a | E 1. Read and circle True or False. @ Pre Aad My favorite color is yellow. | have a yellow pencil case and a yellow notebook. I love my yellow pencil case. eer ir a I can paint a fish with yellow and orange. I can eee make orange with yellow and red. 1. Minh has a blue notebook. True/Fals) 2. Minh can paint a fish. True/False 3. Minh can make yellow with orange and red. Trwe/False My favorite color . Ihave I love Ican paint I can make ke Tell your friends about your favorite color. 98 SHOL tS Ep listen and write. & @ math art music English RES Ser ye OCS Sy PE. music English WDD Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. Write the words. (3 (=) OOOOOO 7 o(® OOOOC CME) 0 P| 200000 —_— > Play Connect three. @ B When do you have math? A: Do you like PE.? B: [have math on Tuesdays and Thursdays. B: Yes, | do. A: Is this your ruler? B: Yes, itis. * | can talk about my school things. © | can talk about school subjects | like/don’t like. I can say days of the week. ow ) 1. Listen and point. Repeat. & a! | a | im. ts = living room bedroom kitchen bathroom yard 2. Play Guess. aEa ) 1. Listen and practice. @ © Where's Dad? & He’s in the yard. —~ Where’s Grandma? = She’s in the kitchen. 2. Look and puta(y) ora (X) ). Practice. 7 A) Where's Dad? Where's Lucy? hr He’s in the yard. She's in the bathroom. | Ww ae Ly Where's Tom? He's in the living room. Where's Nick? He’s in the bathroom. ae HD (1 Listen and repeat. @ V 2. Chant. A bedroom, bathroom é m 1. Look and listen. &) 2. Listen and write. @ @ lucy: Where's Fluffy, Mom? Mom: She's with Daddy. lucy: Where’s Dad? Mom: He's in the (1) kitchen lucy: Dad! Where's Fluffy? Dad: | think she’s with Tom. lucy: Oh. Where's Tom? Dad: He’s in the (2) (OY lucy: Hi, Tom. Is Fluffy here? Tom: | think Ben has her. lucy: Where's Ben? Tom: He's in the (3) . lucy: Hi, Ben. Where's Fluffy? Ben: She's with Alfie lucy: Where's Alfie? Ben: He's in the (4) Alfie: Help! Help! lucy: Oh, Alfie! 3. Practice with your friends, 8 aS i j= | E } Point, ask, and answer. Where's Tom? He's in the living room. ED Play Guess the picture. Where's Grandma? She's in the yard. cleaning playing eating sleeping cooking 2. Play Slow motion. 2. Look and write (2. Practice. ‘@ | What's she doing? What's he doing? She's _ploying He's _. S +3 _ ? eS What's doing? a xD | Listen and repeat. 2) V 2. Chant. @ eating, sleeping é 1 DD 1. took ana tisten. A 2. Listen and write. A @D Alfie: Hi, Mr. Brown. Where's Grandpa Dan? Mr. Brown: He's in the bedroom. Alfie: What's he doing? Mr. Brown: He's (1) cleaning _. Alfie: Grandpa Dan, where’s Lucy? Grandpa Dan: I think she’s in the kitchen. Alfie: What's she doing? Grandpa Dan: She's (2) Alfie: Hey, Lucy. Lucy: Hi, Alfie, Alfie: Where's Mrs. Brown? Lucy: She's in the living room. Alfie: What's she doing? Lucy: She's (3) Alfie: Hi, Mrs. Brown. Where's Ben? Mrs. Brown: He's in the yard. Alfie: What's he doing? Mrs. Brown: He's (4) Alfie: Oh. And where's Tom? Mrs. Brown: | don’t know. 3. Practice with your friends. 8 a> —————EES ? Point, ask, and answer. Where's Dan? He's in the yard. What's he doing? He's sleeping. a) cor) Alfie = - =e ok sa-2 7 ee — Ly hae ee . Bill ) Play the Pretend game. rae ree What's he doing aes am LESSON) ” 1. Listen and point. Repeat. & jas—%5 mirror picture table box house © y 2. Play Board race. @ Is the picture in the bedroom? ©) Is the in the living room? 6 , itis. O vo it —_ | c) | listen and repeat. £2, V 2. Chant. sofa, house é QD) 1. Look and tisten. @, 2, Listen and number. @ ( ZC) a) mC) EC) lucy: Can | help you, Daddy? Mr. Brown: Yes, please, Lucy. Can you help me find some things? lucy: Sure, Daddy. Mr. Brown: Is the _(1) _ in the kitchen, Lucy? Lucy: Yes, it is. Here you are. Mr. Brown: Is the __(2) _ in the bedroom? Lucy: Let me see. Yes, itis. Mr. Brown: That's great. YT Mr. Brown: Is the __[3)__ in the living room? Lucy: Oh, no, it isn’t. Mr. Brown: That's OK. We can find it later. Mr. Brown: Is the _ (4) in the living room? lucy: No, it isn’t. Mr. Brown: OK. Do you see a box? lucy: Yes. Mr. Brown: Look in the box, Lucy. lucy: Wow! Daddy! There's a litle cat! Mr. Brown: It’s for you! Welcome to our new ‘ house! 3. Practice with your friends, 98 a i j= | E 2 Ask and answer. Is the table in the living room? Yes, it is. iD Look at Part ED. Play the Memory game. |s the cat in the bedroom? No, it isn’t. Correct. Look (10 seconds) ED 1. Listen and point. Repeat. 2) _\ elie bed closet chair desk 2. Play Heads up. What’s missing? DD 1 uisten and practice. @ PL patti Sit 2. Look and puta Ww ora (3%) a. Practice. uyén Va a enin Tas | ee Steet Ward a,Pha_| Tri Street. Nhuan District, Ho chi Minh City It has a chair, a mirror, and a TV. It has a bed, a closet, ‘and a desk. 45 NauyénTnipinh | | live in Ho Chi Minh City. street Trung Hoa Ward, iu Giiy District, Hanoi E> Read and circle the correct answer: My name is Brian. I live on a houseboat in England. It’s great. I can drive it on the canal. It has one bedroom, a living room, and a bathroom. I really love my home. 1. His home is a house¢houseboal> 2. He is from England/Australia. 3. He can drive his houseboat on the street/canal. 4. His home has a bedroom/kitchen. ED 1. Look and listen. 2. Listen and write. &) @ ‘Alex: Where do you live, Mia? Mia: | live on (1) _Red_ Street in London. |, Alex: Cool. Who do you live with? live with my mother, father, and two (2) _. 4 "| i 2 ONT a | Mia: What's your home like, Alex? Alex: It's great. | love my bedroom. Mia: What's it like? Alex: It's (3) « Ithas a closet, a (4) anda TV. Mia: Wow. That sounds nice. 3. Practice with your friends. | E ) Read and circle True or False. @ rere) Rc a | live on Hoang Vain Thy Street in Da Lat. | live with my mother and father. My house has eight rooms. | love my bedroom. It is pink. It has a bed, a desk, and a closet. 1. Ilive in Da Lat. Cve/False 2. | live with my brother and sister. True/False 3. My bedroom is red. True/False 4, [have a desk in my bedroom. True/False | FD Look at BD. Write about your home. @ 2 2 - - ° 2 ° 2 - - - - E> Talk about your home. 9 live on in live with My house rooms. | bedroom. It is - Ithas TMV EWIANDIORACTICE VO ED Listen and WM the box. & e Gi GP eo eR Genre |B) Look and read. Puta w ora (3). @ @ 4 She’s playing. ® | “eects She’s sleeping. a @ He’s eating. pu O O ODO ®& Ee _ E> Play the board game. A: Where's Mom? ® A: Is the mirror in the living room? B: She’s in the kitchen. B: Yes, itis. @ / What's she doing? B: She's sleeping. WET ce eg | can say rooms in the house. Goa © | can ask where people and things are. So &G * | can say what people are doing. OA Per 1. Look and number. ( (a) chair (o) O sofa (e) () bed a rs) @ () table = o ome © (C) desk 2. Complete the words. (} 72a 22 _roui-g) geonemoiier __ture 3.Read and circte. @ Where are you from? (2) Is this your eraser? ___ from Japan. Yes, it. 'm B. He's C. She's A. isn't B. is C. do (3) When do you have English? (4) What's your favorite color? | have English Mondays. _____ favorite color is red. A. on B. at Cin A. I'm B. My C. It's (5) What's she doing? | live on Brown Street cooking in the kitchen. lente, A. She's B. I'm C. He's A. in B. at C. on eT) 4. Read and match. @ . (a) a. I'm good, and you? «(®) b. No, they aren’t. (©) c. Her name is Linh. «(@) d. Yes, itis. @) e. Yes, they do. @) Do your friends like singing? (2) How are you? (3) What's her name? (4) Are these your pencils? (5) What's she doing? Is the mirror in the bathroom? ° + (#) f. She's eating. 5. Listen and circle. a®@ (2) A: Where are you from? (2) A: Do your friends like reading? B: a) I’m from Italy. B: a) Yes, they do. @)I'm from India. b) No, they don’t. (3) A: Where's Dad? (4) A: Are those your notebooks? B: a} He’s in the kitchen. B: a) Yes, they are. b) He’s in the living room. b) No, they aren't. Reading and Writing 6. Look, read, and fill in the blanks. () Hello. I'm John. I'm from (1) Be tou the UK. | like (2) — . | love my (3) Si . | have (4) on Tuesdays ; Thursdays. My bedroom has a bed, a desk, and a (5) Ute) badminton tennis volleyball basketball soccer 2. Play Heads up. What’s missing? (DD 1. tisten and practice. @ Ge Conyoupleysoesi? 95 oe ‘ee 2. Look and write @. Practice. @ A: Can you play soccer? © A: Can you play tennis? B: can. B: No, Q*— play basketball? @ A: Can you badminton? B: No, I can’t. B: Yes, I can. ——=—=—— ee > 1. Listen and repeat. 2. Chant. > leyball, soccer ™ (DD 1. Look and listen. @ 2. Listen and write. QQ Lucy, can you play & (1) badminton 2 @ Yes, Ican, Grandma. g Hey, Tom, can you play (2)____? ¢e No, | can’t. “= Mai, can you play volleyball? ao «| love volleyball. £ Me too. It’s a lot of fun. @ Alfie, can you play basketball? a e What about you, Grandma? Watch this! Wow! 2 co] 3. Practice with your friends, 8 QQ | E ) Point, ask, and answer. Unit5 Lessa2 1 2 " & e@ hitting kicking catching throwing 2. Play the Pretend game. E> 1. Listen and practice. @ MEET LP toamtatisin 2. Look and write @. Practice. throwing @ What are you__good at? QO are you good at? © I'm good at . @ ______ good at catching. 7 1. Listen and repeat. (2) throwing, three | D) 1. Look and listen. @ ‘AT THE SPORTS CEN kicking, soccer hitiing balls, volleyball a 4 catching, basketball @ throwing, basketball 2. Chant. (> é 2. Listen and draw lines. @) @ James: What are you good at, Mai? Mai: I'm good at... . James: Good. You can play with the ... team. James: What are you good at, Tom? Tom: I'm good at ... . James: OK. ... for you. James: What about you, Lucy? lucy: I'm good at... . See? James: Lucy, the ... team. James: Alfie, what are you good at? Alfie: I'm good at ... balls. James: Good. ... team. OK, Grandma? What are you good at? Grandma: I’m good at doing this! Kiail Children: Wow! 3, Practice with your friends. () a Se | E Point, ask, and answer. = Wiha re you good @ Ym good at kicking. o 8 o ee 9 oe 9° Write about you. Then, ask your friends and complete the table. @) GQ OEP ingots You: I'm good at Friend 1: I'm good Friend 2: I'm Friend 3: Friend 4: ) 1. Listen and point. Repeat. &) 2 3 4 e és 4° = ~ watch TV go skateboarding go out go swimming 1 2. Play Flashcard peek. iis is hs ) 1. Listen and practice. Yes, may. gy No, you may not. Peyton af. ea) aL) 2. Look and circle @. Practice. A: May ‘watch TV? A: May | go skateboarding/swimming? B: ‘No, you may not. B: Yes, you may./No, you may not. = S| x vf A: May | go skateboarding/swimming? A: May | go out/watch TV? B: Yes, you may./No, you may not. B: Yes, you may./No, you may not. ae wy =| . Listen and repeat. (2) 2. Chant. watch, catch é nt. Hf» 1. Look and listen. A 2. Listen and number. a®@ Yes. Can | come, too? No. Sorry, | No, you may not. 1 Yes, you may. | Tom: Hmm. Oh, it's Cody and Mai. Cody/Mai: Hey, Tom. Tom: Grandma, may | go out? Grandma: _(1) Alfie: May | watch TV? Grandma: _[2) Alfie: Great. Thank you. Tom: May | go swimming? Grandma: _(3) _ Tom. The swimming pool is too far away. Tom: OK, may I go skateboarding? Grandma: _[4) Tom: Sure. Children: Wow! 3. Practice with your friends.) @Q — (3) point, ask, and answer. Ab a i? Play the Chain game. hand arm foot/feet leg head body 2. Play Board race. a» 1. Listen and practice. @ mz! 2. Fill in the blanks (2. Practice. 0! use my arms and hands in volleyball. © can’t catch in volleyball. © tse hands and arms in volleyball. © can’t throw the ball volleyball. (a) Read ana itt in the blanks. PeTat eeto @ Soccer ___ is fun. © You can and kick the ball in soccer. © You use your and feet in soccer. © You can't the ball in soccer. © The can catch and throw the ball. a» 1. Look and listen. () 2. Listen and circle. {3 Tyler; Hi, Hannah. What are you good at? Hannah: I'm good at playing soccer. Tyler: sit your favorite sport? Hannah (1 ides, No, itisn’t Tyler: Can you use your (2) head/feet? Hannah: Yes, | can, And I can run, What are you good at? Tyler: I'm good at playing volleyball. My favorite sport is (3) basketball/soccer. Hannah: Can you use your (4) feet/head in volleyball? Tyler: No, can't. | use my hands and arms in volleyball. Hannah: Oh wow! 3. Practice with your friends. Ci) By, | E 1. Read and circle the sport he is good at. @ iC ee My favorite sport is basketball. | am good at playing basketball. | use my hands and arms. | can catch and throw the ball in basketball. | can't kick the ball. eeecece 2. Read and fill in the blanks. () @ He can use his in basketball. © He can catch and — the ball in basketball. © He can't the ball in basketball. (LY) Look at 9). write avout your favorite sport. @ My favorite sport lam good at —_ Ek Tell your friend about your favorite sport. 9 TED Re Viewipanoyeracrice PA GD Drury Wwe =~ Listen and draw lines. e Ales ( Mai_ ) (Tom ) C ill ( Bill) (Nik) | kicking | painting | hitting | | throwing | catching | (ED Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. Write the words. () soccer “e Ole] OOOOOO VOOVDDO.OMOO MOOOOOODOM (9) Play Block buster. @ * Lan you play voleyball @ Bi What are you good ai? B: Yes, | can. B: I'm good at throwing. @ 4 Moy g0 oui? B: No, you may not. | can say which sports | can play. | can say what I'm good at. | can ask for permission. -» 1. Listen and point. “ a& Sone il dress shirt shorts pants 2, Play Guess, | BD 1. Listen and practice. A. What do you want? A a@ | want a dress. € What do you want? 2. Look and write @. Practice. ° ii A: What do you want? e f ‘A: What do you want? B: | want____a shirt __ B: Iwant | want some socks. A: What di 2 A: What do 2 e OO B: | want ————=—=—=—=——— > 1. Listen and repeat. v 2. Chant. > shirt, shorts é , HD 1. Look and listen. A 2. Listen and number. &) @ { ashit | { some socks} | some pants (1) } | adress Jill: | want some new clothes. Lucy: Me too. What do you want? Jills Twant (1). lucy: OK. Lucy: What else do you want? 2° Jill Twant_(2)_. lucy: Oh, | see some over there. Jill: How about you, Lucy? What do you want? 3 Lucy: Iwant_{3)_. Jill: Good idea. Jill: What else do you want? 4) lucy: |want (4). Jill: OK. I'm ready to go. 3. Practice with your friends. 8 @> ) Point, ask, and answer, What do you want? | want a shirt. ) Play the Chain game. What do What do you want? - yeu went? | want a shirt. | want some socks. © 393 ~y ae = ED 1, Listen and point. Repeat. &@ A@ uP skirt jocket Jeans boots Tshirt 2. Play Heads up. What's missing? (QD 1. tisten and practice. @ What are you wearing? a I'm wearing blue jeans. 2 I'm wearing a red jacket. 2. Look and write @. Practice. @ What are you wearing? I'm wearing @ blue skirt. A © What are you wearing? I'm wearing a yellow . mm © What are you 2 I'm wearing a green . T © Whe wearing? I'm wearing red . u aw (QD 1. Listen and repeat. 2. Chant, (> Jacket, jeans é = | DD 1. Look and listen. 2. Listen and write. @\ @ Hello, Grandma! We're at the train station now. I can't see you. What are you wearing, Lucy? I'm wearing a yellow (1) jacket . No, | still can’t see you. What else are you wearing? I'm wearing blue (2) . What are you wearing, Grandma? I'm wearing a blue (3) . What's Grandpa wearing? He's wearing red (4) . Is OK, I see you, Lucy! villl © ©O©®®@) © @® | @ © | @6© @ No! Dan! Come back here! 3, Practice with your friends. 98 a ——————— ~@ B= ese: reece! wrens cw ames as ies @ eet : ‘Hae | EW 1 tisten and point. Repeat. A ® @) ? @ : @) ®) a belt scarf sweater pajamas skiing 2. Play the Pretend game. pajamas 2. Look and write @. Practice. @ is that your sweater _? wv 8 , itis. _____ your pajamas? O Are ooo |. Listen and repeat. (2) scarf, skiing WDD 1 book ana tisten. A 3. Practice with your friends. (>) 9 O@D OEO@®H || @0| ©@0)|/@ O© 2. Chant. > - 2. Listen and circle. @. @ Let's go skiing, girls! Is that your sweater, Lucy? (1s, it 5Y/No, it isn’. Is that your scarf, Lucy? (2) Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. Oh, OK. Are those your pajamas, Jill? (3) Yes, they are./No, they aren't Thank you. Jill, is that your belt? (4) Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. OK, girls. Come on. Dan! Your...! Grandpa! Look out! Aarghlll | E ) Point, ask, and answer. Are those your Is that your pants? No, they aren't. Jacket? Yes, itis. (i {v3 apf) inl ota {3} t v5 x (x) J ED Play draw it. « Is that your scarf? Is that your belt? {ZW 1.tisten and point. Repeat. @ uniform polo shirt tie sneakers 2. Play Heads up. What’s missing? aD 1. Listen and practice. &) What do you wear at school? —_| wear a blue tie. Do you like your uniform? rae en 2. Look and write (9 . Practice. What _do you _ wear at school? | wear blue | wear a white __ Do you __ Yes, D> 1. Read and circle. @ So) My school uniform My name is David. I live with my mother, father and brother in Australia, At school, | wear a blue polo shirt and blue shorts. | wear black sneakers. I like my uniform. 1. David is from AmericafAustralia) 2. He has a sister/brother. 3. His uniform is a blue jacket/polo shirt. A. His sneakers are blue/black. 2. Circle David's uniform. (2) 2. Listen and write, a®@ : What do you wear at school, Mia? ia: | wear a white shirt and a blue __skirt _. : Do you like your ? ia: Yes, | do. ia: What do you wear at school, Tom? : | wear black , a white shirt, anda ia: Do you like your uniform? : No, | don’t. BD Read and circle True or False. @ ere ee Ry rt) My name is Mai. | go to school in Hanoi, Vietnam. At school, | wear a white shirt and a blue skirt. | like my uniform. 1. Her name is Mai. CrepFalse True/False True/False 2. Mai is a student in Australia. 3. Her uniform shirt is white. 4. Her uniform skirt is black. Twe/False iD Look at Bb. Write about your school uniform. @ My name _ . | go to school At school, | wear, GbbCEHHES (0) Talk avout your schoot uniform. UTS REVIEW AND PRACTICE i ———— EW tssten anae/) the box. @ e A oF B c we aw B Cc (2 lal azn, Read the sentences. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct words next to the letters A-D. @ fill sweater shite jeans socks > A: What are you A: What do you want? wearing? B: | want a (A) __shirt B: I'm wearing a red (8) ____. A: Are those your la (C) B: Yes, they are. A: What do you want? B: | want some (0) ____. Sn E> Play the board game. © A: What do you want? ® A: What are you wearing? B: | want some shorts. B: I'm wearing a green T-shirt. @ Ait those your jeans? B: No, they aren't. What can youdo 7 | can talk about different clothes. © | can say what clothes | want. * | can say what clothes I’m wearing. Ua ww. {ZW 1. tisten and point. Repeat. @, ® ® Ps ©. eo. = robot doll small cor 2. Play Pass the word. | Bd 1. Listen and practice. @ 2, Look and write €). Practice. @ 4“ What-can____ you see? B: can see a small doll. Q 8 “ @ A What can you see? B: Ican see a _ . ee & © A: What can 2B: I can see a big robot. ee & = ‘A: What can you see? B: I can see a -g R ball, small WDD 1 took ana tisten. & red car OC big ball Q) 3. Practice with your friends.) 1. Listen and repeat. 2) v 2. Chant. > 2. Listen and number. & @ small C) robot Alfie: Wow! Toys! Ben: | can’t see. What can you see? Tom: Icanseea__(1) Ben: Oh, cooll Ben: What can you see, Tom? Tom: Oh, Ben, Icanseea (2) _. Ben: What can you see, Alfie? Alfie: | can see a__{3) _. Ben: Oh, cooll Ben: What else can you see, Alfie? Alfie: Ican seea__(4) dell, Ben: Owww... Alfie: I'll help you, Ben. O Ben: Woo hoo! Yay, Allie. | can see it now. 73 7 oint, ask, and answer. jat can you see? - ia > Unit7 essa 2. Look, read, and put a vA) ora (%) 2. Practice. u A: How many dice do you (QQ) A: How many marbles do have? you have? B:Ihave wo dice. (1 33 B: I have six marbles. < A: How many cards do you A: How many blocks do you have? have? B: | have eight cards. J B: | have five blocks. Listen and repeat. (2) marble, card ED 1, Look and listen. @ Ihave (3) cards. oe 2. Chant. @b G a 2. Listen and write. @\ @ Love playing with my blocks. Wow! Its so big. How many blocks do you have? E Ihave (1) ten — blocks. Wow! How many dice do you have, Ben? Thave (2) dice. e How many cards do you have, Lucy? How many marbles do you have, Tom? e e I have (4) ___ marbles. How many do you have? I don't have any. Here. Have some of mine. Thanks, Tom. 3. Practice with your friends. a EGR 1 E } Point, ask, and answer. iD Play Magic finger. HESSON,3) wy ED 1. Listen and point. Repeat. @ ® A under toy box wardrobe 2. Play Board race. (ED i tisten and practice. A 2. Look and match @. Practice. @© Pathe ball the toy box. + A. the red car 6 the robot on the table. « + B. Put © Put the doll in . . C. in O ru_ under the chair,» * D. the wardrobe in & Tllistenend repeat. (ab toy, chair QD) 1. Look ana tisten. @ Mrs. Brown: Tom! Look at this room! Pick up Alfie: OK. Tom: Put the (2) in the toy box. Alfie: On the toy box? Tom: No. In the toy box. Tom: Put the red car (3) the 2. Chant. 2. Listen and write. (7) @ all your toys! Tom: Yes, Mom. Alfie: | can help, Tom. Where do | put this? Tom: Thanks, Alfie. Put the balls (1) __undar the bed. wardrobe. Alfie: Under the wardrobe? OK. Tom: Alfie, put the books (4) the wardrobe. Alfie: OK. Tom: No, not on the wardrobe. Alfie: Whoaaa... OK. Finished! Lucy: Yeah, let’s go! 3. Practice with your friends. 98 a | E } Point and say. | ‘Sele! gl under/on/in the... BS FD oF iD Play Simon says. LA TN ED 1. Listen and point. Repeat. @. Cea) twelve thirteen fourteen _ fifteen 6 VY Bb DW ®@ sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty 2. Play Guess. (5) i uisten and practice. @ © =e) © © 2. Look and write €). Practice. @ Eleven plus ___five _is sixteen. Saas \ © Nine plus eight is plus minus © seven two is five. \ seventeen © sx_ twelve is eighteen. 6 minus thirteen is seven. (0) 1. Read and fill in the blanks. () Pele Re er At school, we learn addition (+) and subtraction (-) with blocks. Ihave ten blocks on my desk. | put four blocks in a bag. How many blocks do | have? | have six blocks. Like math! oO ® & Oe aj ® Eleven __plus two is __thirleen__. eDFOS@ = is oB—a Gs — o3— Os 9 — rm } 2. Practice with your friends. 8 a> ED Listen and write. fa) @ lisa: | have eleven marbles in my bag. | put (a) __four marbles in my bag. How many marbles are in my bag? Daniel: Eleven plus (b} is (c) You have (d) eet Daniel: | have (e} robots on my desk. | put ) robots on my bed. How many robots are on my desk? Lisa: (g) minus (h) is eleven. You have eleven robots on your desk. ©) read and fill in the blanks. Pree C CE ee i dice cars robots toys (cars + dice + robots) iD Look at i. Write your own math problem. @ Ihave | put | put | put How many |G) Tell your friend your math problem. Complete your friends’ math problem. @ UTA REVIEWIANDIBRACTICES Vw ED listen and (y/) the box. a Q @ What can Lucy see? } © What can Ben see? © Tom: How many marbles? fa) ib | OQ Nick: How many cards? o Cece 8 | [b ae > Play Connect three. A: How many blocks do you have? @) A: What can you see? B: | have ten blocks. B: I can see a big car. @ A: Put the robot in the toy box. | can talk about how many toys | have. | can talk about what | can see. © | can make simple commands. Unit8 [ESSai WAI ED 1. Listen and point. Repeat. fa apple banana carrot cupcake donut 2. Play Heads up. What’s missing? |B) 1, Listen and practice. @, CES pi 2. Look and write). Practice. bananas are donut 4s a cupcake. O There ten carrots. Qihere___is © There are seven . Q There isa . I. Listen and repeat. (2) donuts, carrots 5 4 - ae wy =: 2. Chant. 2) WDD 1. Look ana tisten. A 2.listenandwrite. A @ Lucy: Wow, apples! One, two, three... There are ten (1) anoles . Tom: Look! There are eight (2) ___. SSS Alfie: There are six (3) Yum! Yum! Ben: Wow! There is a (4). Mrs. Brown: That's for your dad, Ben. (Later...) Mrs, Brown: Sam! There is a cupcake in the kitchen for you. Mr. Brown: Great! What? Uh! Where is it? 3. Practice with your friends. 8 a EE UCtCti‘“S: Unit8 lassm2 teleyo ED 1. Listen and point. et a ® ® ha2ee onion tomato potato lime 2. Play Board race. DD 1 tisten ana practice. A Yes, there are (some tomatoes)./ n Are there any tomatoes? No, there aren't. Is there an onion? eae Yes, there is (an onion)./ @ bm No, there isn’t. 2. Read and match @. Practice. any carrots? A. there is $ No, there. B. Is 8 there an egg? C. there aren't O ‘e:, ___an egg D. Are there @ potato? . e E. aren't @ vo . © Fis there i HED (1. Listen and repeat. aw 2. Chant. @ eggs, tomatoes é J WD) 1. Look and tisten. A 2. Listen and number. & @ [eggs | [ tomatoes _{1] ] | bananas | onion lucy: Alfie, are there any _[1)_? Alfie: Yes, there are some (1) __. Lucy: Great! Lucy: Thanks, Alfie. Are there any (2) __? Alfie: No, there aren’t. lucy: Hmm, OK. Alfie: Is there an __(3)__? lucy: No, there isn’t. lucy: Are there any (4) __? Alfie: Yes, there are some __(4]__? Lucy: Here, Alfie. Drink this! Alfie: Ugh! Lucy! What's this? lucy: Sorry, Alfie! 3. Practice with your friends. 8 a (ane ” | E } Point, ask, and answer. i +F tomatoes/lime onions/cupcakes apple/eggs | : | ° donut/potatoes carrots/banana limes/onion wD Draw the food in your fridge. Ask and answer. @ Unit8 SSO WOE HED 1. tisten and point. Repeat. @ Use fries pizza cake ice cream chicken 2. Play Flashcard peek. DD 1 tisten ana practice. A G Woikdyou ie some ies? os, poo /Sue hats! gy “Weiiyadlasere cate) tN tkyou. 4 i 2. Look and write @ Practice. Would you like thank you —some pizza —please- QA: Would you like some chicken? @JA: some cake? B: Yes, please B: No, thank you. OA: Would you like some ice cream? A: Would you like , Bill? B: No, . B: Sure, thanks! oe GA® 1. listen and repeat. fries, sure p 1. Look and listen. 2. Chant. > é 2. Listen and write. @ Alfie: Would you like some (1) _pizza_, Mrs. Brown? Mrs. Brown: No, thank you. Allie: Mmm, this pizza is really good, Mrs. Brown Alfie: Wow! These fries are so good! Would you like (2) , Lucy? Lucy: No, thank you, Alfie. Allie: OK Alfie: Would you like some ice cream, Tom? Tom: (3) | Mmm, this ice cream is great! Alfie: Mmm. Yes, it is. Alfie: Would you like some cake, Mr. Brown? Mr. Brown: (4) Alfie: Mmm, this cake is yummy!... Owl Mr. Brown: Are you OK, Alfie? Alfie: Urgh! | don't feel good. Ow.. HD Point, ask, and answer. i ED 1. Listen and point. Repeat. a i | uv knife fork spoon chopsticks noodles 2. Play Heads up. What’s missing? (DD 1 tisten and practice. A ¥. Read and circle. @ rt) eur Ly. Wie My name's Daniel. I'm from the USA. In my house, we often eat pizza. My favorite food is steak. We eat with a knife and fork. We eat some dishes with a spoon. @ Daniel is from Vieinamfthe USA, © He and his family often eat steak/pizza. ~ © His favorite food is noodles/steak. © They eat with a knife and chopsticks/fork. | Dd} 1. Look and listen. 2. Listen and write. @ Théo: Do you use chopsticks in the USA, Emma? Emma: No, we don’t. We use a (1) knife and fork. Thao: Do you eat noodles? Emma: No, we don’t. We eat (2) . Emma: Do you use chopsticks in Vietnam, Théo? Théo: Yes, we do. We use chopsticks and a a Emma: Do you eat (4) 2 Théo: Yes. My favorite food is bun bo. 3, Practice with your friends. 98 a> = | E Read and circle True or False. @ FOCUS ON: Eating in Vietnam My name's Toan. I'm from Vietnam. We often eat rice and noodles. My favorite food is phd. In my house, we eat with chopsticks and a spoon. We don’t use a knife. @ oan is from Vietnam. Cwe/False @© They often eat steak. Trve/False © his favorite food is phd. True/False @ They don’t use a spoon. Tre/False i 1. Write about you. @ 1. What is your name? 2. What do you often eat? 3. What is your favorite food? 4. What do you eat with? 5. What don't you use? 2. Look at i. Now write about eating in your house. Write 10-20 words. () Ep Listen and draw lines. > @ see « | BD Look and read. Write Yes or No. @ = @O There is a cake. Yes © There is some chicken 6 There are seven carrots. @ There is some fish. ee x Play the board game. There are three bananas. ® A: Would you like some pizza? B: Yes, please. A: Are there any carrots? B: Yes, there are (some carrots). | can talk about different food. Ua | can say how much food there is. e & | can ask other people what food they want. Oe i Pee 1. Look and write. The first letters are given. () 2. Read and circle the odd one out. @ pizza elt egg (2) card doll robot arm (3) skirt soccer tennis basketball (@) jeans dress skiing pajamas Grammar 3. Unscramble and write. @ (@) wearing/I'm/boots./brown 'm wearing brown boots. (2) like/you/Would/fish?/some (3) noodles/We/eat/chopsticks./with @ can't/I/kick/basketball./in/ball/the ee est 4. Read and match. @ @ Can you play badminton? (2) Are those your shorts? + (a) Yes, there is. + (b) | wear a yellow and blue tie. . @) No, they aren’t. . @ No, you may not. (3) Is there a potato? . (4) What are you wearing? . &) May | watch TV? . @ Yes, | can. (6) What do you wear at school? © ° (F) I'm wearing a white polo shirt. 5. Listen and put acy) ora(X). a@ @ | want a red T-shirt. Wy (2) Sarah has nine Ben would like Jenny is good at ® some cake. O @ catching. O Reading and Writing 6. Look, read, and fill in the blanks. ()) eo «be B | have lots of toys in my bedroom. They are in my (1) __foy box _. | have a robot. It’s (2) and blue. | also have (3) blocks. | have six (4) cars in my (5) 7. What do you have? Whereis it? Write 10-20 words. () | have It is/They are apple /'zpl/ arm Jarrm/ art Jazrt/ aunt /ent/ badminton /‘beedminten/ banana /ba'nene/ basketball /‘beeskrtba:l/ bathroom /‘bee@ru:m/ bed /bed/ bedroom /'bedruzm/ belt /belt/ big /big/ bird /baird/ black /blak/ block /blatk/ blue /blur/ WORDLIST qua tao : canh tay mén mg thuat : 6, dl, mg : cu long : qua chuéi : bong 13 phong tim cai givong ; phéng nga : that lung : to, lon : coon mau den 6 choi hinh khdi mau xanh duong body ['ba:di/ boots /butts/ box {barks brother ['brader/ cake {kerk/ car {kazt/ card {kazrd/ carrot ['keerat/ cat [ket] catch /keetf/ chair itfer/ chicken /'tfakin/ chopsticks ['tfazpstrks/ clean your room {klizn jar ruzm/ clean {klizn/ close your book /klauz jar buk/ co thé 6 ting cai hop anh trai, em trai banh ngot 616, xe hoi tdm thé cli ca rét con méo bat cai ghé thit ga 461 dtia don phong lau chu déng/ gp sch lai closet /'klazztt/ cook I'kuk/ cousin I'kazn/ cupcake /'kapketk/ dance /dens/ desk /desk/ dice /dars/ do your homework /du jor ‘thaumwazrk/ dog {da:g/ doll {da:l/ donut /'daunat/ draw /dra:/ dress /dres/ eat fint/ egg Jeg/ eight fert/ cai tl quan 40 nau nuéng anh/chifem ho banh nuéng nho nhay, nhay mua cai ban vin xtc xc lam bai tap vé nha con ché bup bé banh vong dam, 40 dam tring sé tam (8) eighteen jer'tizn/ eleven /'levn/ English /'tnglaf/ eraser /Yrersar/ father /'faxder/ favorite /'fervartt/ fifteen /,faftisn/ fish /ftf/ five /faiv/ footifeet /fot/ /firt/ fork /foirk/ four four) fourteen /,for'ti:n/ Friday /'frarder/ fries /fraxz/ go out /gau aut/ s6 mudi tam (18) sé mudi mét (11) mén tiéng Anh cuc tay bd, ba yéu thich s6 mudi lm (15) con ca, mén c s6 nam (5) ban chan/ déi ban chan cai nfa s6 bén (4) s6 mudi bén (14) Thi Sau khoai tay chién dira ngoai go skateboarding /gau ‘skext,bozrdiy/ go swimming /gau 'swimtin/ go to bed /gau ta bed/ good /gud/ goodbye /,gud'bar/ grandfather /‘greenfardar/ grandmother /‘greenmadar/ gray /gret/ great /grett/ green Jgrizn/ hand /heend/ hands down /heendz daun/ hands up /handz ap/ head /hed/ hello /ha'lau/ hi /hax/ di trugt van diboi ding khde, tot tam biét ng néi, ‘6ng ngoai ba ndi, ba ngoai mau xam tuyét voi, rt t6t mau xanh la ban tay ha tay xuéng gio tay len dau xin chao xin chao /'ars krizm/ in /tn/ India /'ndia/ Italy /'ttali/ jacket /'d3zkrt/ Japan /d3e'paen/ jeans /dgiznz/ kick /ktk/ kitchen /‘krtfin/ knife /naxf/ leg /leg/ lime /larm/ living room /livrq rurm/ marble /'mazrbl/ danh ngéi nha kem 6 trong nue An D6 nuoc Y a0 khoac. nue Nhat quan jean, quan bo da nha bép con dao chan qua chanh (xanh) phong khach vién bi math /me0/ mirror /'muirer/ Monday /'mander/ mother /'mader/ music J'mjurztk/ nine /nain/ nineteen /,natn'tizn/ noodles /'nurdiz/ notebook /'nautbuk/ on Jan} one /wan/ onion /'anjen/ ‘open your book /‘aupen jar buk/ orange /'ourtnd3/ paint /pemt/ pajamas /pa'dgzmaz/ mén toan cai guong Tht? Hai me mén am nhac sé chin (9) sé mudi chin (19) mi, bun, pho quyén v6, quyén sé 6 trén sé mét (1) ci hanh tay mo sach ra mau cam vé bang co quan 4o ngi pants quan tay, /paents/ quan dai pencil case cai hop but /'pens| kers/ pencil cay biit chi /'pensl/ P.E. (physical education) mén thé duc J pis ‘in/ picture bie tranh /'prktfar/ pink mau hdng /pink/ pizza banh pi-za /'pittsa/ play choi /pler/ polo shirt 4o thun c6 6 /'paulau fazrt/ potato khoai tay /pa'tertau/ purple mau tim /'p3irpl/ read doc Jrisd/ red mau dé jred/ robot nguoi may /'raubazt/ ruler cai thuoc ké Jrutlar/ Saturday Thr Bay /'seetarder/ scarf /skazrf/ seven /'sevn/ seventeen /,sevn'tizn/ shirt /saurt/ shorts /farrts/ sing /stn/ sister /‘sistar/ sit down /stt daun/ six /stks/ sixteen /,stks'tizn/ ski /skiz/ skirt /skazrt/ sleep /slizp/ small /smail/ sneakers /'snitkarz/ soccer /'satkar/ khan choang 6 bay (7) s6 mudi bay (17) a0 so mi quan so6e, quan cdc hat, ca hat chi gai, em gai ngdi xuéng s6 su (6) s6 mudi su (16) truot tuyét vay ngu nho, bé giay thé thao béng da socks /saxks/ sofa /'seufe/ spoon /spurn/ stand up /staend Ap/ Sunday /'sandet/ sweater /'swetar/ table /'terbl/ ten /ten/ tennis /'tents/ the UK /@ juz 'ker/ ! the USA [Ba jut es ‘er/ thirteen / O3zr'tizn/ three /Oriz/ throw /@rau/ Thursday /'@a:rzder/ tie jtat/ doi tat ghé sé-pha cai thia ding lén Chu Nhat ao len cai ban sé mudi (10) quan vot Vuong quéc Anh nu6e My, Hoa Ky s6 mudi ba (13) s6 ba (3) Tha Nam ca vat tomato /te'merteu/ toy box /tor barks/ T-shirt ['tiz fazrt/ Tuesday /turzder/ TV / tis 'vir/ twelve /twelv/ twenty /'twenti/ two /tur/ uncle /'agkl/ under /'andar/ uniform /‘juzntfairm/ volleyball /'vazlibazl/ wake up /wetk ap/ wardrobe /'worrdraub/ watch TV /waxtf tir 'viz/ Wednesday /'wenzder/ ca chua 1 white mau trang hép 43 choi ard san 4o thun : yellow mau vang Ther Ba cai ti-vi s6 mudi hai (12) sé hai mui (20) s6 hai (2) chu, bac, cau 6 dui déng phue bong chuyén thire day td dd, td quan ao xem ti-vi Thier Tu Credits Weare oatefl forthe permission to reproduce the folowing materials. 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