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@ Genes which code for a pair of contrasting traits a Jumping genes (2) Alleles % Split genes (4) None of these Sofa ot fardta yi & sitet few pe wed @, 3 seer & Q@). afr sie a orilea (3) -¥ehe sta (a) Si a att ot ‘At which stage does oogenesis start in human female ? (2) During embryonic development (2) At puberty (3) During menarche _ During menopause 4. Al) G, phase i al at afer ea wri eh () pied ea (3) Wieeta & aaa (4) In which phase of the cell division docs DNA replication take place ? (3) G, phase (4) Gy phase wivren fous ot fre waren F 1 HIER Q) set (3) G) wae (4) Which of the following is an example of homogametic ? (1) Human (2) Papaya (3) Cladophora (4) Amoeba XS-BIO (BOT+ZOO)OPT)-S [(12)/11084] 5 / 92 umipousea 42) JO Wistue8i0 aatesnvo oy) st sosered SuIMoypoy O43 JO YIU Dh (+) EbhIs — () ep (2) sp (1) 2 Genbi ceil cbolebh|2 Bebe fr Ebldab| BEblblelle Amor’ (4) ummupes (6) x seddog —{z) pest (1) S]asneyxe sTIqowoine uy YUE Nod yeyour NywWeY ysour ouL Ss ee) bie (e) (e) “bipa 2 ¢ Qimalbe le Geib ebb Bb Deut ; 9320!71SS] 99 8vdt - D> ioe Prafetien 4 & staan vested seiftar ar an sam & 2 (1) weeRa (2) aptfert (3) wearer (4) Test rary 7. Darwin’s theory is based on (1) Mutation (2) Acquired character A (3) Natural selection (4) None of these Stat or faaia areatta & QQ) seahtads ue (2) surfs wert oe (3) Efe ops (4) SHH a ah at 8. Through aquaculture and pisciculture we have been able to increase the production of aquatic plants and animals of QB both fresh water and marine water (2) fresh water only pe (8) marine water only (4) _ river water only XS-BIO (BOT+ZOO\(OPT)-S |(12)/11084| 7 / 32 Plasmids are extra-chromosomal genetic material of which of following ? SLE Viruses (2) Algae (3) Fungi i Bacteria sealees Paraffin & fevath are tprapta amie vet #2” a ZZ 10. When a living organism is benefitted without harming any other living organism, it is called () Commensalism (2) Symbiosis C Lo Parasiti (4) Predation arated état &, ai wa Ue Start, Peel ae choad ot qe eae ae Herel @ the () ert (2) (3) 11. The primary endosperm nucleus formed in angiosperms is (1) haploid diploid (3) triploid (4) _ tetraploid aagecttaet 4 a3 aren wrayer eae eta & (2) feqhra @ eat XS-BIO (BOT+Z00)(OPT)-S [(12)/11084 ‘Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in q@) oonamatlin of biodiversity (2) Protection of aquatic animals (3) Survey of natural resource oo (4) Fertility of the soil feat fe sftat S 1902 4 ge yet rar ander ar dele (1) Sa fafaucr & deer S (2) aha stat aera & (3) wipiae dared & wderr & (4) Barat sa a Which of the following chemicals is a constituent of contraceptive pills ? I> as ca ia Stes thet a ow see E 7 Q) Q) safer @) SRA 4) fear 14, Which vitamin is present in golden ri (2) Vitamin D (3) Vitamin E (4) Vitamin K q) 2) aD (3) (4) faerie 15. Ina food chain herbivores are (1) Producers (2) Primary consumers Fy Secondary consumers (4) | Decomposers XS-BIO (BOT+Z00)(OPT)-S_[(12)/11084] 11 / 32 16. Which of the following is not a nitrogen fixing organism (1) Paramoccium (2) Anabaena (3) Azotobacter (4) Rhizobium farsfenfas Hf & sis wey areata ferdeecor eet aren sta et 2 QQ) Rife Q) tacit evifera (3) wheiaaex 4) i t completes inside i hich embryonic developmen 17. The animals in W alled _ female body are ¢' Hi) oviparous > S sha ray ate af ‘a often rer adhe ater ae eter 8, weer t Q) seq (2) aetessrm (repr) (3) (a) 8 (2) da a eee 18 atio for a dihybrid cross is ( 2:1 aa 9:4 (4) “9 ieisoaae ( 2:1 (2) 4 (9)-.9 -4 (4). 39: Secu 19, For which discase is the Himgiri variety of wheat resistant @ (1) Leaf andstripe rust (2) White rust eee (3) Bacterial blight (4) Leaf curl xs-B1o (BOT+Z00)(0PT}-S [(12)/11084] 19 / 32 7g ar fed fare fare dh & wieder eter 8-2 (1) 90h oer ert fee (2) wan fag (3) Star; siren (4) wher 20, According to Central Pollution Control Board which particulate size (in micrometre) is harmful to human health ? ai 10 QQ) 75 7 (3) 5 (4) 2:5 or less Sata age Pda aig & aren fea ore & ata (agate spforatta: geet are eareet 3 fore Jararate & 2 a) 16 33) ee i fy +5 Al SA @ 5 (25 | XS-BIO (BOT+Z00)0PT)-S 2 Q) 650 - 800 ce (2) 900 ce (8) 1400 cc @) Pidseaet are 3 aftaen at aren et (650 - 800 ce @) % (3) 1400 cc (@) Red data book collects the record of which of the following ? (1) _ Red flowered plants Aquatic animals site sta (3) feet thet ct srqait & a (4) wpa dares On which day of menstrual cycle does ovulation occur ? 1) 1-5 days 1 - 10 days a), ys iy (3) 24 - 28 days (4) 12-16 days am % fra fen aigtcnt wera ata & 2 «> = oe TY i he process by which RNA is formed from DNA is called (1) Replicati ‘cplication 2 Transcription (3) Translation (4) Linkage 6 siren frees are gteae 8 ancora Sein ei &, axon & (1) sfeepfe (2) sacar (3) Sac (4) aT? Which substances are produced by the breakdown of vy a carbohydrates in the process of fermentation ? (1) Bthanol and carbon dioxide Water and carbon dioxide e (3) | Ethanol and oxygen Water and oxygen (4) e xs.pio (poT+Zooyorn)§ [(12)/11084] 17 / 32 Fete alte get & ah (1) Beier ws wed eottaeree (2) Sm ul ret Sesitaas (3) Sais ct aii (4) siete Sie 26. Which of the following is a cloning vector ? (1) Plasmid (2) RNA fe : es (3) Mesosome (4) Ribosome Frafetiad 48 att wa acifin dare & 2 (2) va (3) Water {Bacteria Pretend 8 et afta an spe ante wea al 8 2 2) 3eT (4) Stary 28. Which of the following is an example of false fruit > 4) Mango (2) Apple 29. Interferons are secreted by . x infected cells (1) Viral infected cells (2) Fungal infec! i d cells (3) Bacterial infected cells (4), Protozoan infecte tea seen 3 BTC eae ate E1 (1) Samy Satie arest (2) araee deel ater (3) Stary data sifremsi (4) siesta tata stfeerait The Bt gene is isolated from the organism called (1) B coli (2). Bacillus thuringiensis (3) Brassica napus (4) Lactobacittus 5 hts fore’ act tr er frat Ten 8, eee & (1) é aeag (2) arr eda (3) afer rer (4) eae reer XS-BIO (BOT+Z00)(0P7).5 20 31. 32. — ZS is Beience qT ‘he average amount of energy transferred from one trophic level to the next trophic level is QQ) S% (2) 10% (4) 20% Tae a orret chsh eae Ah wetafta et arett sat a star (2) 10% (3) 15% JA) 20% Which of the following is tested by amniocentesis ? (1) Genetic disorder (2) Sex determination —(3) Health of embryo (4 Allof these watraifeeton & are frafatan 4 a fara at sire ah ach & 2 (1) araeifiren farcere (2) fern Frater (3) or ar ae (4) wa wt XS-BIO (BOT+ZOO\OPT)-S_ |(12)/1108., <1 / 32 34. is caused by the trisomy Q) Turner's syndrome (2) Down’s syndrome (3) Haemophilia Klinefelter’s syndrome Oy 21 SDR & freer & ataar aigatine Prem seaa ele t ? (1) Sie faghr (2) ssa fagie (3) 0 dateieer (4) Feretvex fart Which nitrogenous basc is not present in a DNA molecule 2 (1) Adenine (2) Guanine (3) Cytosine (4) Uracil we Howtos ary H ara agent are saul tet & 2 (2) qs of 21st nS Beience The number of ovum produced from one primary oocyte is yea (2) 2 (3) 3 (4 4 Um wets stes @ art art sismai af ser t pea (2) 2 (3) © XS-BIO (BOT+ZOO)(OPT)-S_ [(12)/11084 (Very short answer type Question® } . (aft og sada 9 ) Answer any five questions. faret whe weit & sex or Write the name of one sex hormone secreted by human male. SITAR & ERT enfera fare art are wes fer ete ar ATH er | Give an example of adaptive radiation. argpett fair ae va see S| 3. Write the names of two micro-organisms that are used welfare. ara ear Haat A art aret st yeastat a ary fer 4. Write the names of two biodiversity hotspots of India, ara & a safafarage eie-cite & am fare XS-BIO (BOT+Z00\(0PT)-s 26 / 92 Seience 5. Bywi 'y which method does asexual reproduction take place in yeast ? fore fats cre sreiftes ray ane eta ® 2 What is chromosomal disorder ? fear Te ? 7 What is a lichen ? ise Te ? Section -B wg -B ( Short answer type questions ) Cary ata wer) Answer any five questions. 3x5=15 frvdl wha wert sex & 8. Define pollination. Write the characteristics of air pollinated flowers. cpereor aat fcontirs et ary Hara et ae geil Sy ere wt fare 9, _ Differentiate between homologous and analogous organs. yh wore zou int A tat reat QQ aarid OF Te i gk ae XS-BIO (BOT+ZOO)(OPT)-S. |(12)/11084| 27 / 32 a got Pare ay, ei po sate 5 ot : rite ent 9 atta & sere td geet aap aT : eat? 11. The following diagram shows a simplified biogeochemical cycle = > 8 Tay a Bt eae O, (e) t > Se athe er ame fore frat aa sar exter fer Rear re 1 8 Fe et Pst elisa 4h) Feet reat wT a ae fete we aber ae gar & 2 iil) Fa wera a a act & fae at ore aeat 12. What measures shouldbe taken to prevent from contacting sexually transmitted diseases 2 ars daria nt & deem & aura & fa = saa fare art ate 2 13, With the help of a suitable monohybrid cross, explain law of ce in brief Wh SIw Ua eee Gea ot wea a vfs A Fey a ater eae BI 4. How has the biotechnology been used in the production of pest resistant plants ? aie-det drat & scares A stasitalfitat an suet fara were game? XS-BIO (BOT+Z00\(OPT)-s [(12)/11084] 29 / 32 Mons hybrid toss does wih bho : a wg -C (Long answer type questions ) (att setter wet) Answer any three questions. faret dia wet ee 4 15, Explain the process of DNA replication with the help of suitable — diagrams. “seem fest th aeerer & here afer ait wear aT TET HE 16. Explain the process of spermatogenesis in human. arse Hepa Sr at sear at STE HL = immunity ? What are the various types of immunity ? Explain. siren a @ 2 ferent & fata sane Fare 2 aTeT BEI 18, Discuss the various tools of ‘Recombinant DNA Technology’. spats dlery cerhat! & fata err a oat a | D> Ws 19. What is air pollution ? What is the impact of air pollution on our a ¥ environment ? How can the air pollution be reduced ? SY VEIT TS 2 SA TAA ay VEIT HT FAT HT lS 2 a cpt fase See HA fesaT oT WaT Ss 7

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