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Olympiad Mathematics

Name: ______________________ Mark: __________________

Q1) 765 × 213 ÷ 27 ! 765 × 327 ÷ 27

ANS !"# ( )

Q2) Fanny went to his May’s farm which had sheep and chickens.
There were 32 heads and 90 feet among them.
How many chickens did his grandfather have?

ANS 123 ( )

Q3) Mary sold cups and cakes. Each cup costs $39 and each cake
costs 2/3 as much as the cup. Mary sold 1/3 of the items and
collected $3757. If 3/7 of the items sold were cups, find the total
numbers of items left.
瑪麗賣杯⼦和蛋糕。每杯售價 $39,每塊蛋糕成本是杯⼦的 2/3。
瑪麗賣掉了 1/3 的物品並收了 $3757。
如果售出的物品中有 3/7 是杯⼦,請找出剩餘物品的總數。

ANS !"# ( )
Q6) Region A, B and C represent the number of points assigned to the
three target areas as shown below. The total points in Region A and B,
B and C, A and C are 11, 19 and 18 respectively. How many points is
assigned to Region A?
區域 A,B 和 C 代表三個目標區域,如下所示。 A 區和 B 區的總分、
B 和 C、A 和 C 分別為 11、19 和 18。區域 A 有多少分?


ANS 答案: ( )

Q7) Give a new definition to two integers a and b, find 6△4 + 9△8。

對兩個整數 a 和 b 定義新運算, 求 6△4+9△8。


ANS 答案: ( )
Q8) There are 3 thieves being sued for robbery. Only one of their says
is true. Which one is true:

(A) "B is lying."

(B) "C is lying."
(C) A & B are lying."

3 名小偷被控搶劫罪。他們只有一個說是真的。哪一個是正確的:

(A)“ B 在說謊。”
(B)“ C 在說謊。”
(C)”A 和 B 在撒謊。”

ANS 答案: ( )

Q9) Grandfather said to John, ‘I am 7 times your age now. I will be

6 times your age in a few years. I will be 5 times, 4 times, 3 times,
and 2 times your age in a few years.’
What is the age of John now?
!!"#$%&'()*+,-./+ 0 1234,./+ 5 12
6378,9:;./+ < 1=> 1=? 1=@ 1AB

ANS GH& ( )
Q10) The school has set up three interest groups, music, ball games
and fine arts. The students of the first team participated in two
of them. 9 of them participated in the ball team, 6 in the art
group, and 7 in the music group. How many students
participate in art and music group?

參加了其中的兩個小組,其中 9 人參加球類小組,6 人參加美術小組,

7 人參加音樂小組的活動。參加美術和音樂小組活動的有多少個同學?

ANS 答案: ( )

Q11) Mary and Jim set off from A and B respectively and walked towards
each other. When they set off, their speed ratio was 3:2. After they
met at the first time, Mary's speed increased by 20%, and Jim's
speed increased by 30%. In this way, when Mary arrived B, Jim is
still 14 kilometers away from A. What is the distance between
A and B?
甲、乙兩人分別從 A、B 兩地出發,相向而行,出發時他們的速度比
是 3:2。他們第一次相遇後,甲的速度提高了 20%,乙的速度提高了
30%。這樣,當甲抵 B 地時,乙離 A 地還有 14 千米。那麼 A、B 兩

ANS 答案: ( )
Q12) Fill in 11-19 in the boxes to make the sums of all rows and
columns are equal.
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Q13) There are two sealed bags A and B. Inside the bags, it is either an
apple or an orange. John put an orange into bag B and picked one
object from bag B and got an orange. Now, which of the bags
would have a higher possibility of getting an orange?
!" #$%&'(!)" *'(+,-.)/*約翰將⼀個橙⼦放入袋⼦
B !"#$% ! !&'()()*+ ,-.)袋更有可能抽到橙︖

#$% !"# & '

Q14) a(2+a) - b(2+a) + c(2+a) - d(2+a)= ?

a=188, b=2, c=20, d=4

!"# !"# $ %
Q15) There are seven numbers in a row. Their average is 30.
The average of the first three numbers is 28.
The average of the last five numbers is 33.
Find the third number.
!"#$%&'()*+,(-.)/ 01*23#)(-.)/ 45*
67#)(-.)/ 0089:3#)8

ANS ;<= ( )

Q16) Grandfather said to John, ‘I am 7 times your age now. I will be

6 times your age in a few years. I will be 5 times, 4 times, 3 times,
and 2 times your age in a few years.’
What is the age of John now?

ANS ;<= ( )

Q17) 1, 2, 3, 7, 8. These five numbers can be listed as a formula:

(1 + 3) × 7 = 28.
Please use the six numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 to form an equation.
! 1"2"3"7"8 #$%&'()*+,%-./

(1 + 3) × 7 = 280

1! 0"1"2"3"4"6 #2%&'*+,%-.0

ANS 34/ ( )
Q18) At least how many matches need to be moved to make the equation


ANS 答案: ( )

Q19) There is a square cake. Jane used 3 different ways to cut it in equal
pieces. Which part of the part is the largest?
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