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College of Business Administration

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Five-Year Strategic Plan of College of Business and Technology

From 2021-2025

A Business Research
Presented to:

Mr.Cirilo C. Solas III

Faculty, College of Business and Technology
Iloilo Doctor’s College

In Partial Fulfilment
Of the Requirements for the Course
Business Research


John Keith Lau

Leah Mae Tacan
Queenie Joy Gesolgon
Therese Vive Esmejarda
Pamela Dalida
College of Business Administration
West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City


This undergraduate thesis entitled “Five-Year Strategic Plan of College of Business and

Technology from 2021-2025" was prepared and submitted by the following:

John Keith Lau Queenie Joy Gesolgon Leah Mae Tacan

Therese Vive Esmejarda Pamela Dalida

In partial fulfillment of the requirements of the course, Business Research (FMT 116),

has been examined for oral examination and approved on January 2022.

Budget and Management Specialist 1 Physician and Customer Relations
Department of Budget in Management Associate Manager/Executive Asst.
Panelist Qualimed Hospital


Account Officer
Bank of the Philippines Island



Accepted and approved in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor
of Science in Business Administration.


Dean, College of Business and Technology
College of Business Administration
West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City


The completion of this undertaking could not have been possible without the participation and

assistance of so many people whose names may not all be enumerated. Their contributions are

sincerely appreciated and gratefully acknowledged. The researchers would like to express their

deep appreciation and indebtedness to Mr. Cirilo C. Solas III for his guidance and motivation to

the researchers to go on despite difficulties. Also, for sharing his precious time and giving useful

suggestions for the improvement of the paper.

The researchers are also grateful to their beloved parents, relatives, and friends who in one way

or another shared their support; morally, financially, and physically.

Above all, to the Great Almighty: the author of knowledge and wisdom, for his countless love.

The researchers;
John Keith Lau
Leah Mae Tacan
Queenie Joy Gesolgon
Therese Vive Esmejarda
Pamela Dalida
College of Business Administration
West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City
College of Business Administration
West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.................................................................................................................................1
I. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................3
II. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM................................................................................................................5
III. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY.....................................................................................................................7
IV. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY.................................................................................................................8
V. SCOPE AND LIMITATION OF THE STUDY..................................................................................................9
VI. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE........................................................................................................10
VII. METHODOLOGY..................................................................................................................................12
VIII. STRATEGIC PLAN.................................................................................................................................13
A. ANALYSIS OF EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT...........................................................................................16
1. Economic Factors.......................................................................................................................16
2. Technological Factor..................................................................................................................17
3. Social factors..............................................................................................................................19
4. Existing Competitors......................................................................................................................20
B. ANALYSIS OF THE INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT....................................................................................21
1. Strengths...................................................................................................................................22
IX. Financial Status.................................................................................................................................27
Table 1 College of Business and Technology Income Statement For the year ended December 2021......29
Table 2 College of Business and Technology Income Statement...............................................................30
For the year ended December 31, 2022....................................................................................................30
Table 3 College of Business and Technology Balance Sheet......................................................................31
As of December 31, 2021..........................................................................................................................31
Table 4 College of Business and Technology Balance Sheet......................................................................32
College of Business Administration
West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

As of December 31, 2022..........................................................................................................................32

Table 5 College of Business and Technology Comparative Income Statement..........................................33
Vertical Analysis For the period.................................................................................................................33
December 31, 2021, and December 31, 2022...........................................................................................33
Table 6.......................................................................................................................................................35
College of Business and Technology Comparative Balance.......................................................................35
Sheet Vertical Analysis For the period ended............................................................................................35
December 31, 2021 and December 31, 2022............................................................................................35
X. Organization and Management.............................................................................................................42
XI. SWOT Matrix........................................................................................................................................45
XII. Domain................................................................................................................................................47
XIII. Differential Advantage........................................................................................................................47
XIV. Strategic Thrusts.................................................................................................................................48
XV. The Action Plan...................................................................................................................................50
XVI. Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations.................................................................................51
XVII. Bibliography......................................................................................................................................52
XVIII. APPENDICES.....................................................................................................................................53
College of Business Administration
West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City


Strategic Planning is a process of analyzing the organization's external and internal

environment, developing a mission and vision, formulating overall goals, identifying general

strategies to be pursued, and allocating resources to achieve the organizational goals. The overall

purpose of strategic planning is to deal effectively with environmental opportunities and threats

as they relate to the organization's strengths and weaknesses. Planning is the most basic

managerial function and it is very important to the organizations seeking more effective ways of

obtaining chosen goals (Anlocotan, n.d.)

College of Business and Technology must have a strategic plan to achieve its goals and

objectives. The major consideration is that many established Colleges and Universities are

operating in the city and the College of Business and Technology of Iloilo Doctors' College is

relatively new and has yet to establish its name in the business. It has to plan for what strategies

to use to be highly competitive.

This plan acknowledges that the major strength of the business is its less capitalization

and highly competent lecturers but its weakness is the lack of instructors, facilities, and lecturing

materials. The continuous and increasing demand for business administration and information

technology students in the city which cannot be met within the next ten years put College of

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College of Business Administration
West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Business and Technology in an enviable positive and sound strategy that would improve the

profitability of the business for the next five years which is the duration of this strategic plan.

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College of Business Administration
West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Strategic planning in education doesn’t only apply to K-12 school districts. Higher

education colleges and universities invest in strategic plans to help guide the institution’s

direction, differentiate appeal in an often competitive marketplace of prospective students,

and foster the right conditions for truly distinctive research. There are several different

ways to approach strategic planning in education, depending on the priorities of the school

and the needs of the community it serves (Porter, 2021). Defined models provide a good

springboard, but we recommend adopting an iterative process to find what works best for

your school. Sometimes, less really is more. This Plan on a Page is just that—one page. It

works by identifying four areas of strategic planning, with goals, measures, and an action

plan to achieve each one. The four areas are broadly applicable to all schools: student

performance, human resources, partnerships, and equity. Alternatively, the VMOSA

model stands for Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategies, and Action Plans. It’s designed to

help education leaders define a vision and develop practical ways to bring about the

necessary change. Or, the Five-Step Model is another straightforward approach that begins

by asking “How well are we doing?” before defining improvements and a path to achieve

them. The aftermath of the pandemic has left many of us uncertain about what the future

holds. In education, hybrid or blended learning that reduces the time students spend on-

site looks set to remain in place for some time . However, it might change education forever.

Whatever happens, you don’t have to figure out the next normal on your own. Strategic

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College of Business Administration
West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

planning in education is at its best when it is inclusive and collaborative. Engage your wider

community of stakeholders and start asking the questions that will shape the next decade in

your school (Porter, 2021).

One of the colleges and universities offering business administration and information

technology courses here is the College of Business and Technology of Iloilo Doctors'

College located at West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City. College of Business and Technology is

relatively new compared to other colleges and universities in Iloilo City. It is one of the

several colleges and universities which had been operating profitability in the city.

College of Business and Technology of Iloilo Doctors’ College, claims that they are

the passport for a brighter future and they are committed to Excellence. College of Business

and Technology had been operating profitably since it started its business in Iloilo City.

However, the threats posed by several College of Business Administration of another school

who had successfully operated for a long time in the city and had claimed that they

produced good quality students posed the strongest threat to the operation of the school.

Thus, the management has to devise ways to assure profitable operation for the next five

years considering that the demand for business administration and information technology

graduates could not be met until fifteen years from now. A sound strategic plan towards this

end is in order, hence this study.

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College of Business Administration
West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City


The major purpose of this study was to prepare a strategic plan for the College of

Business and Technology of Iloilo Doctors' College covering five years.

Specifically, the following questions were answered:

1. What is the vision and mission of the College of Business and Technology of

Iloilo Doctors' College?

2. What are the specific objectives of its 5-year plan?

3. What are the internal environment, that is, strength and weaknesses which

possibly affects the operation of the College of Business and Technology of

Iloilo Doctors' College?

4. What is the external environment, that is, opportunities and threats that affect

the College of Business and Technology of Iloilo Doctors' College?

5. What are strategies can be formulated making use of SWOT Analysis to:

a. Determine other schools offering Business administration and

information technology courses which College of Business and

Technology of Iloilo Doctors' College can offer if the said classes.

b. Use the strength of the College of Business and Technology of Iloilo

Doctors' College delivery of knowledge to its clientele to improve the

performance of the school.

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College of Business Administration
West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

c. Redesign the College design of the school to make it more efficient.

d. Translate the strategies identified into a five-year plan for the

improvement of the college’s performance


This study, which is a strategic plan, was prepared to devise innovative and

appropriate strategies for the College of Business and Technology of Iloilo Doctors'

College to achieve its mission, vision, and objectives. Specifically, the plan aims to:

1. Define the vision and mission of the College of Business and Technology of

Iloilo Doctors' College.

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College of Business Administration
West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

2. State the specific objectives for its 5-year plan.

3. Assess the external environment, which refers to, opportunities and threats

that affect the College of Business and Technology of Iloilo Doctors' College.

4. Assess the internal environment, which refers to, strengths and weaknesses

which possibly affect the operation of the College of Business and

Technology of Iloilo Doctors' College.

5. Formulate strategies making use of SWOT Analysis to:

a. Determine another school for Business Administration and Information

Technology which College of Business and Technology of Iloilo

Doctors' College can offer that classes.

b. To use the strength of the College of Business and Technology of

Iloilo Doctors' College and use it to improve the delivery of knowledge

to its clientele to improve performance in the said course.

c. To redesign the college strategies of the school to make it more


d. To translate the strategies identified into a five-year plan for the

improvement of the school’s performance.

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West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City


This study will benefit, first of all, the College of Business and Technology of

Iloilo Doctors' College since they will be provided with a detailed analysis of the

operation of their business for free. Furthermore, the recommended strategies to

improve the performance of this business may be implemented by the College of

Business and Technology of Iloilo Doctors' College with some modifications to suit

their management capability.

This study will also benefit other businesses who intend to prepare their

strategic plan. The mechanics and contents of the plan could be used as a pattern in

the preparation of their specific strategic plan.

The student of management courses will also benefit from the study because

they will be provided with information on the importance of the strategic plan and

also its preparation protocol.

Other researchers may also benefit from the study, particularly those who are

also preparing a strategic plan for a specific business they can cite the contents and

findings of the study to explain some aspects of their strategic plan.

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College of Business Administration
West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City


This study is limited to the College of Business and Technology of Iloilo

Doctors' College located at West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City. It focused on the

formulation of a five-year strategic plan for the College of Business and Technology

of Iloilo Doctors' College based on the SWOT matrix analysis for the next five years

considering the continuing demand for business administration and information

technology students.

The strategic plan includes the presentation of the vision, mission, and

objectives of the College of Business and Technology of Iloilo Doctors' College, the

assessment of the internal and external environment to identify the school's strengths,

weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The plan also includes determination of the

domain, differential advantage, strategic thrust, target results, and possible action

plan towards the attainment of their objectives. A financial statement of the College

of Business and Technology of Iloilo Doctors' College for the next five years was

also presented to show the profitability of the business.


Alba, et al (2006) prepared a three-year strategic plan for Kimoni Philippines Inc.

(Iloilo Based). The strategic plan presented the vision, mission, and objectives of

Kimoni. It also assessed its present environment, both the internal and external which

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College of Business Administration
West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

were used in identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. After

these were done, strategic thrusts were formulated including target results and

possible action plans towards the attainment of the company's objectives. The

presented financial statement assured the continuous profitability of the business

provided the strategies suggested are implemented.

International Study

The Five-Year Strategic Process

In February 2020, the newly named president of the University of Nebraska system, Ted

Carter, gathered a diverse 28-member team of students, faculty, staff, and administrators

to help chart the path forward for Nebraska’s public university. The team’s goal: At a

time of great change in higher education, lay out a vision for what the future should look

like for the University of Nebraska.

From that early work has emerged a five-year plan for growth and success across the

four-campus University of Nebraska system. In addition to the strategic planning team,

Carter engaged alumni and donors, elected leaders, leaders in business and agriculture,

the Board of Regents, NU senior leadership, and others in conversations about the

University’s future.

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West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

National Study

UP as a leading regional and global university in an environment that sustains

21st-century learning, knowledge creation, and public service for society and humanity.

That is the vision of the UP System administration under the leadership of President

Danilo L. Concepcion.

Taking its cue from the mandates of Republic Act 9500, the UP Charter of 2008,

the administration has crafted this strategic plan that will drive the direction of the

University in the next six years.

Concepcion and his team, guided by the UP values of honor and excellence,

endeavor to further strengthen the University in carrying out its main functions—

knowledge creation and public service.

The administration recognizes UP's stature and role as the country's national university

and therefore aims to steer its activities toward achieving the overarching goal of

contributing to national development.

To do this, the University environment must continue to provide, support, and

promote the right conditions for the creation and proliferation of new and innovative

knowledge as well as the delivery of timely, relevant, and meaningful public service.

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West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Achieving the right conditions entails promoting access and diversity, optimizing the use

of resources, and improving the welfare of UP constituents.

A letter was prepared signed by the researchers and endorsed by the adviser

addressed to the management of the College of Business and Technology of Iloilo

Doctors' College requesting permission to gather data to prepare a strategic plan. A

questionnaire was prepared for the management of College of Business and Technology

students of Iloilo Doctors' College to accomplish.

After receiving the completed questionnaire, the SWOT Analysis was done based on

the information provided. An assessment of the external environment which included

economic, socio-cultural, technological, and competitive factors was done and used as

the basis of formulating opportunities and threats. The internal environment of the

business was also evaluated to define the strengths and weaknesses of the business.

The strategic thrusts and projected financial statement were identified and prepared

based on the information provided by the staff of the College of Business and



Vision Statement of Iloilo Doctors’ College

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College of Business Administration
West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Vision is an organization's fundamental aspirations and purpose that usually appeals

to its members' hearts and minds.


To be a Premiere Tertiary Educational Institution.

The Company Owner

 Commits IDC's to honesty, integrity, and efficient service.

 Commits to hiring the best staff for the college and giving them the freedom

and support to do it well.

 Commits to provide good quality education with the best equipment and

materials necessary for the staff to do their job well.

 Commits provide an environment that encourages innovation and growth.

 Commits to a happy, excited, and creative workplace.

 Commits to offer classes that will teach development skills when in the field.

Mission Statement of Iloilo Doctors’ College

The mission is the basic purpose of the organization and its scope of operations. It is

a statement of the organization’s reason to exist.

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West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City


In light of this Vision, IDC aims to:

1. Instill a love for God, country, and community;

2. Deliver quality education and undertake sustainability of the institution;

3. Contribute to the attainment of national development goals of economic and social


Objectives of Iloilo Doctor’ College

The objective is the goal towards which a particular effort is directed. A well-stated

objective identifies a specific communication task to be accomplished with a specific

target audience during a specific period to achieve a particular degree of changes as

evaluated by a specific measurement.

Iloilo Doctors’ College aims to:

1. Have a higher standard by hiring the best, talented, and most qualified

lecturers/instructors available.

2. Maintain excellence by providing students with materials and equipment

necessary for an excellent school environment.

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3. Provide an environment conducive to learning innovation and growth.

4. Provide honest and efficient service with the utmost integrity.


The external environment includes various factors which could affect the

operation of the school such as economic, technological, social, and competitive

demand of the school industry. In SWOT analysis, the external environment includes

the opportunities and threats to the operation of the school.

Opportunities are specific results that an organization seeks to achieve in

pursuing its basic common goal. It is a condition in the general environment that may

hinder a company's or corporation's effort events that can harm the company's long-

term viability that can cause potential losses to the company. It is a condition in the

general environment that may hinder a company's effort to achieve strategic


The subsequent discussions revolve around the factors of the external

environment which could either be an advantage/benefit to the company or

disadvantage for that matter.

1. Economic Factors- These factors have a direct on the potential

attractiveness of various strategies.

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1.1. Economic crisis

This refers to the changes in commodities' buying prices and the buying

power of the public. What is taking place at present is that the buying price of the

commodity increases but the buying power of the clientele decreases. Thus, there

is a need for the clientele to increase their buying power by increasing the inflow

of the buying instrument which is the money. For the moment, this is made

possible by overseas employment which generates income several times in

equivalent to the peso value of the country.

Dollar/Pound Sterling/Dinar have peso equivalents almost 50 to 100 times per

unit and so the clientele is looking forwards to income in this monetary

equivalent. This means that they are more than willing to pay for whatever

approach to increase the opportunity for employment in countries that pay in

these denominations. One very sound approach at present is to get an Information

Technology degree, review for various examinations to increase the chance of

passing. College of Business and Technology could get a market share of

Information Technology graduates who wish to get employment abroad to

improve their economic status.

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West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

2. Technological Factor- These include technology changes and innovations

that directly influence the operation of the school.

The most useful and advanced technology as far as the operation of the

College of Business and Technology of Iloilo Doctors' College is concerned, is

communication technology. The cellular phone made possible fast and easy contact

with clients and students so that class operation is facilitated to its maximum


Another technological advance is international networking which made

possible "online" sourcing of the latest review materials worldwide. This is important

specifically for IELTS.

Web designing is another technological innovation, which facilitates

electronic advertising which had never been possible before. Through the web, the

school can promote its services in like manner that the call centers and e-businesses

do. The use of the web for advertising creates not only added clients but

respectability with the school from other competing colleges and universities.

Computers also help in the computer-aided instruction (CAI) method of the

class. The process facilitates the exchange and transfer of information between the

instructor and the student. This class strategy is useful both in the classroom and out-

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of-the-classroom classes which makes it very convenient for the students.

Furthermore, the student can access the material's file for their self-review at home.

The information technology process facilitates the operation/management of

the school in terms of planning, control, and decision-making. Whatever available

information regarding placement of the student and related matters which could help

the school in upgrading its services reaches the management the soonest time

possible. Updating of information which is important in the operation of the school is

taken care of through rapid information technology advances.

3. Social factors- These consider factors that have something to do with the

approval of society or interaction of people who have significant

contributions to the successful operation of the business.

It is necessary for the College of Business and Technology of Iloilo Doctors' College

management to know their competitor as much as possible, where they operate, how

they operate, their linkages with institutions, and their strategies for attracting

students. These are vital information which the College of Business and Technology

should be familiar with. By knowing competitors, effective strategies could easily be

formulated for the improvement of the business. College of Business and Technology

needs to establish a so-called competitive degree over other colleges and universities,

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so it has to know why clients choose this school, what makes them acceptable and

popular, what brings about dynamism in these schools.

Since the College of Business and Technology is relatively new in Iloilo City,

it must establish a market position that is stable and not easy to push over by other

competitors. This means that the school has to push other established competitors in

the business, otherwise, it has to settle with its current market share which is very

meager by standards of business administration and information technology in the

city and the neighboring provinces.

There are four aspects of competitions that the College of Business and

Technology of Iloilo Doctors' College should consider:

4. Existing Competitors

Six big colleges and universities are conducting their review classes for their

business administration and information technology graduates and graduates of

neighboring provinces. These are Central Philippine University (CPU), St. Paul's

University Iloilo (SPUI), University of Iloilo (UI), University of San Agustin

(USA), and West Visayas State University (WVSU). In addition, there are six

known colleges and universities which operate either independently or in

collaboration/affiliation with the aforementioned colleges and universities.

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5. Potential Competitors

Potential competitors include newcomers gaining attractive market foothold

expecting to earn handsome profits. This usually happens when incumbents or

oldtimers in the business allow the newcomers to usurp their turf.

For emphasis, the strong demand for BA and IT students abroad could not

keep enterprising people to join the bandwagon of colleges and universities

considering the mass of students. There is no legal prohibition of any kind for

any business to operate in the city as long as the requirements are met and

there are enough resources to run the business. This reality is a potential

threat to the sustainable operation of the College of Business and Technology.


Just like the assessment of the external environment, analysis of the internal

environment is important to come up with sound strategic decision-making (Olsen,


An organization’s ability to choose the desired level of performance can be

threatened or enhanced by its environment. The difference between a threat and an

opportunity depends on the outlook of the organization and its mastery of the threat

to transform it into an opportunity.

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There is a need to identify and understand the organization's internal strengths

and weaknesses to enhance these strengths and correct the weaknesses to provide the

highest competitive advantage to the competitors in the market.

The strengths and weaknesses of the College of Business and Technology of

Iloilo Doctors' College are subsequently presented:

1. Strengths- refer to something that the school does extremely well. It

helps the school take advantage of external opportunities and overcome

external threats.

These are external attributes, skills, characteristics, or assets that the

school possesses which provide an enviable position for exceptional

competitiveness in the market. Strength creates a technical and

competitive position for the College of Business and Technology to use as

an offensive or defensive weapon.

1.1 Highly competent review instructors

Review is an academic endeavor and competence in this regard is

measured in terms of the educational qualifications of the

lecturer/instructors. The school boasts of its highly qualified and well-

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prepared faculty and facilitators. They are Masters and Doctoral degree

holders in the field of Business Administration and Information


1.2 School Location and Environment

Location plays a major role for any business and it represents an

integral part of the strategic planning process of virtually all

organizations. The importance of an ideal location should never be taken

for granted because it determines the accessibility to its clients and the

more accessible it is, the more clients it can get.

College of Business and Technology of Iloilo Doctors' College's

location is almost at the heart of the city and considered strategic for

students because of its access from almost any point in the city and

outside the city's boundaries.

1.3 Updated materials, books, and reviewers

The business and technology profession is very dynamic and as such,

topics covered by local and international examinations vary

considerably every year. College of Business and Technology must

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keep itself updated to cope with the changing times and to maintain its

competitiveness in the market.

Realizing these, the College of Business and Technology use updated

materials books, and reviewers every review program to maintain or

increase its competitiveness in the local and global market and be true

in its slogan, "your passport for a brighter future".

1.4 Less Capitalization

Capitalization is a primary concern for most businesses but not for

schools since the student provide part of the business capitalization

with their initial payment. Unlike product businesses where the owners

infuse capital to purchase raw materials, the school has its raw

materials from the intellect of its lecturers/instructors. Furthermore,

they will be paid only after they have delivered their classes and the

payment is already assured from the fees of the students.

The business of the College of Business and Technology is partly

subsidized by the clients even before the product is delivered in the

form of service. Hence, the income is assured before the delivery of

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the goods (service). This is a very sound business management and an

inherent strength of the business.

Another aspect of the business which adds up to its less capitalization

is the less number of personnel requirements. College of Business and

Technology operates with only 20 regular personnel including the

Dean of the organization. Ten or so other personnel are the

lecturers/instructors who are paid on a per duration of service basis.

Thus, the school no longer pays for other incentives and benefits since

the lecturers/instructors are paid at a premium rate.

1.5 Promotions

The promotion covers all the activities that the school undertakes to

communicate and tell the world of their products/services offered to

the target market. It is one of the four Ps of marketing, in addition to

product, price, and place, and should not be neglected nor be taken for

granted by the school. This implies that it is not enough to offer a

product/service to the target clients. The product/service has to be

made known to these clients through appropriate advertising and

promotions. Thus, the school has to come up with a strong

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communication and promotion program to make known its presence to

provide additional alternatives for the student to go to.

Getting used to the idea there is such a school as Iloilo Doctors’

College will bring the school into the right perspective of the clients

and provide assurance of the effectiveness of the school to prepare

them for various activities.

1.6 Add-ins

Add-inns are additional benefits packages that the school provides to

attract more students. These include free tuition and other fees

including books to honor students, a 50% discount to the old student,

etc. The add-ins are come-ons of the business which would make a

student decide whether to remain in school or not.

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IX. Financial Status

Financial status is the scoreboard of the business. It translates the business divers'

activities into a set of objective numbers that provides information about the firm's

performance, problems, and prospects. It involves the interpretations of accounting

numbers for assessing performance and future planning actions.

General-purpose financial statements contain historical information about the

company's financial conditions, operating results, and other business activities. They

serve as the communication link between the company and the various interested users

such as the creditor, suppliers, customers, investors, and management. As these users

read the financial reports, they try to find answers to the questions concerning the

profitability of the business, its ability to meet the financial obligations, the safety of the

investment in it, and the effectiveness of the management in running the firm.

Financial statement analysis involves the assessment or evaluation of the

business's past performance, its present condition, and future business potentials. The

basic financial statements are the Income Statement and Balance Sheet. The Income

Statement shows the result of the operations (whether there is profit or loss) for a given

period. Its elements are sales and expenses. On the other hand, the Balance Sheet shows

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the financial condition of the company as of a given date. Its elements are assets,

liabilities, and owner's or stockholder's equity.

For this study, vertical and horizontal financial statement analysis was used as one

of the tools in assessing the financial status of the College of Business and Technology

for a given period.

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College of Business Administration
West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Table 1 College of Business and Technology Income Statement For the year
ended December 2021


Departmental fee P 250,000.00 P 250,000.00


Cost of Operation 25,000.00

Supplies 10,000.00

Activities 100,000.00 135,000.00

Gross Profit P 115,000.00

Operating Expense

Water 2,000.00

Maintenance 2,000.00 P 4,000.00

Net Income Before Tax P 111,000.00

Less: Income tax (10%) 0.00

Net income After Tax P 111,000.00

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Table 2 College of Business and Technology Income Statement

For the year ended December 31, 2022


Departmental fee P 300,000.00 P 300,000.00


Cost of Operation 15,000.00

Supplies 11,000.00

Activities 100,000.00 126,000.00

Gross Profit P 174,000.00


Operating Expense

Water 2,000.00

Maintenance 2,000.00 P 4,000.00

Net Income Before Tax P 170,000.00

Less: Income tax (10%) 0.00

Net income After Tax P 170,000.00

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West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Table 3 College of Business and Technology Balance Sheet

As of December 31, 2021


Cash P 20,000.00

Equipment 5,000.00

Vehicle 5,000.00

Less Accumulated Depreciation 2,000.00 12,000.00

Total Assets P 32,000.00

Liabilities and Owner’s Equity

Capital P 32,000.00

Total Liabilities and Owner’s Equity P 32,000.00

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Table 4 College of Business and Technology Balance Sheet

As of December 31, 2022


Cash P 30,000.00

Equipment 7,000.00

Vehicle 6,000.00

Less Accumulated Depreciation 3,000.00 16,000.00

Total Assets P 46,000.00

Liabilities and Owner’s Equity

Capital P 46,000.00

Total Liabilities and Owner’s Equity P 46,000.00

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Table 5 College of Business and Technology Comparative Income Statement

Vertical Analysis For the period

December 31, 2021, and December 31, 2022

December 31, 2022 December 31, 2023


Departmental Fee 100% 100%

Total Income 100% 100%


Cost of Operation 18.52% 11.90%

Supplies 7.41% 8.73%

Activities 74.07% 79.37%

Total Cost 54% 42%

Gross Profit 46% 58%


Operating Expense

Water 50% 50%

Maintenance 50% 50%

Operating Expense 44.4% 56.67%

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Net Income Before Tax 44.4% 56.67%

Less: Income Tax 0% 0%

Net Income After Tax 44.4% 56.67%

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Table 6

College of Business and Technology Comparative Balance

Sheet Vertical Analysis For the period ended

December 31, 2021 and December 31, 2022

December 31, 2021 December 31, 2022


Cash 62.5% 65.22%

Equipment 15.63% 15.22%

Vehicle 15.63% 13.04%

Less accumulated Depreciation 6.24% 6.52%

Total Assets 100% 100%

Liabilities and Owner’s Equity

Capital 100% 100%

Total Liabilities and Owner’s Equity 100% 100%

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Analysis of the Financial Statement

The analysis of the College of Business and Technology financial statement is given


1. The increase in cash by 100% could be attributed to the increased income from fees by 50%

for a departmental fee, respectively.

2. Increase in equipment by 50% is due to the purchase of additional equipment to further

improve the quality of services provided by the department to its students.

3. The total assets increased by 44.4% as a result of the acquisition of additional equipment.

4. The increase in capitalization by 56.67% could be attributed to the increase in the total income

by 50%.

5. Business progress could be gauged through an increase in gross profit by 56% against a 44%

increase in the total cost and 10% in operating expenses. There was a slight cost of operation and

operating expenses because the services rendered remain the same regardless of the increase in

the total number of students giving higher income.

6. Net income increased considerably by 188%. This high increase in income could be explained

by a minimal increase in the total cost which is 23.36% and in the operating expenses which is

only 10%. The cost of operation had increased minimally because fees for the services of the

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department remain the same regardless of the number of students. The slight increase recorded

was due to an increase in section since enrolment in the department also increasing.

Ratio Analysis

The financial ratio is the most widely used method to determine the organization's

strengths and weaknesses in investment. The financial areas of the business are so closely

related, that financial ratios can signal strengths or weaknesses in management, operation,

marketing, production, research, and information system activities.

The financial ratio presents the significant relationships among the items in the financial

statements expressed in mathematical form. These ratios are used as tests to measure liquidity,

solvency, and profitability.

Financial ratio analysis for the College of Business and Technology was computed and

compared. These ratios are as follows:

1. Test of Liquidity- measures the ability of a business to pay its current liabilities and to convert

current assets into cash.

1.1 Current ratio- measures the number of times that the current liabilities could be paid with the

available current assets. The extent to which the establishment can meet its short-term

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obligations. The current ratio should not be too low (lower than 1:1) because the business would

find it difficult to pay its current obligations when they mature. Neither should the ratio be too

high (i.e 5:1) for this means an excessive investment in current assets that do not produce many

returns for the company. The formula for the current ratio is current assets/current liabilities.

Since the College of Business and Technology has no current liabilities, then it can be said that

the business is very sound.

1.2 Acid Test Ratio- is another measure of the ability of the business to pay current liabilities

from the more liquid assets or quick assets, which are cash, receivables, and marketable

securities. The extent to which a firm can meet its short-term obligations without relying upon

the sale of its inventories. It is similar to the current ratio except that inventories and pre-

payments are excluded from the numerator. Only those current assets like the cash quickly are

included so that the resulting ratio can indicate the company's paying ability in the very near

term. The acid test ratio is computed by dividing the quick assets by the current liabilities. Since

the College of Business and Technology had no current liabilities, there is no point in computing

for acid test ratio of the business.

1.3 Inventory turn over- measures the number of times that inventory is placed during the period.

If turnover becomes very high, the possibility of running out of stock is great and may result in

losing customers. On the other hand, if turnover is too low, it means that the company is keeping

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in storage merchandise (Students) for quite a long period which may entail additional storage

costs, maintenance, and obsolescence. Inventory turnover is the ratio of the cost of sales to the

average inventory. Since the College of Business and Technology nature of business is not about

products, there is no inventory and this ratio cannot be computed.

2. Test of solvency measures the company’s ability to pay all its debts, whether it is current or


2.1 Debt Ratio indicates the percentage of total assets provided by creditors. It is computed as the

ratio of the total liabilities to the total assets (total liabilities/total assets). Again this test of

solvency cannot be computed for the College of Business and Technology because there is no

reported liability of the business.

2.2 Equity ratio indicated the percentage of total assets provided by the owner(s). If the ratio is

exactly to 1, this means that the creditors and owners provided an equal amount of capital. As the

ratio increases (more than 1), the amount of risk assumed by the creditors also increases.

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December 31, 2021 December 31, 2022

Total Owner's Equity P 32,000 P 46,000.00

Equity Ratio = ----------------------------- ------------ ------------------

Total Assets P 32,000 P 46,000

100% 100%

The ratio indicated that the creditors and owners provided an equal amount of capital. In the case

of the College of Business and Technology, the incorporators are the creditors and the owners at

the same time.

3. Test of Profitability measures the ability of a business to generate results of operation like net

income or operating margins to some measure of activity such as sales or to measure inputs

committed to such assets.

3.1 Gross Profit Ratio is the ratio of gross profit to net sales.

December 31, 2021 December 31, 2022

Gross Profit P 115,000 P 174,000

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West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Gross Profit Ratio = ------------------------------------------- --------------

Net Sales 250,000 300,000

46% 58%

The ratio indicates an increase in income after two years of operation of the College of Business

and Technology. This is computed as the ratio of net income to net sales.

December 31, 2021, December 2022

Net Income P 32,000 P 46,000

Net Profit Ratio = ------------------------- --------------- ------------------

Net Sales 250,000 300,000

12.8% 15.33%

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West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

The NPR values indicate an increase in return for December 31, 2022. The values

indicated that for every P 100 income from departmental fees, the College of Business and

Technology earned P 12.8 for December 31, 2021, and P 15.33 for December 31, 2022.

X. Organization and Management

The organization is the grouping of people working together to achieve a common

purpose. It is a unique social phenomenon that enables its members to perform tasks for beyond

the reach of individual accomplishment.

Organizational structure is the formal relationship and functions of people in an

organization. To assess an organization's strengths and weaknesses, its structure must be

evaluated. Figure 1 gives the present organizational structure of the College of Business and


The Department is headed by a Dean who resides in Iloilo. The Dean oversees the overall

operation of the department. Under the Dean is the Secretary who decides for and on behalf of

the Dean most of the time.

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West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

The Dean is responsible for overseeing the actual operation of the department. She is

responsible for the recruitment of the office personnel, advertising the courses offered by the

department. She also recruits and selects the instructors.

The Curriculum Director identifies the topics to be covered by the department for specific

courses program. He works with the Dean in identifying the students for a specific subject. She

also prepares the manual for each course subject program offered by the department. She works

closely with the course coordinator on this aspect.

Finance Officer takes care of money matters of the business. She prepares the vouchers

and financial statements of the business. Disbursement of funds for official purposes is also the

responsibility of the finance officer.

Secretary is accountable to all the administrators of the department. She is responsible for

keeping records of the department. She assists all officers in their needs.

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Figure 1 gives the organizational setup of the College of Business and Technology

Figure 1

College of Business and Technology

Organizational Set up


Program Director Curriculum Director Finance Officers


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West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

XI. SWOT Matrix

SWOT Matrix is an important matching tool that helps managers develop four types of

strategies. SO (strengths-weaknesses) Strategies, WO (weaknesses-opportunities) strategies, ST

(strengths-threats) strategies, and WT (weaknesses-threats) strategies.

SO – will make use of the center’s internal strengths to take advantage of external opportunities.

WO – aims at improving internal weaknesses by taking advantage of external opportunities.

ST – uses the department’s strengths to avoid or reduce the impact of external threats.

WT – are defensive tactics directed at reducing internal weaknesses and avoiding external


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West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Internal Environment Strengths Weaknesses

1. Highly Competent 1. Insufficient resources

Instructors 2. Shortage of CBT
External Environment 2. The well-disciplined Faculty
conducive academic 3. Outdated equipment
3. Dedicated faculty
4. The focus of synergy
between teaching and
development of
Opportunities S-O Strategies W-O Strategies

1. Economic Factors 1. External image 1. Intensive promotions

2. Technological Factors improvement and advertisement
3. Social Factors 2. Increase in the should be done
number of 2. Establish linkage and
educational aspirants form networks with
3. Innovate materials colleges and
process. E.g. on-line universities in the
or through the web region
Threats S-T Strategies W-T Strategies

1. Potential competitors 1. Improve materials 1. Identify advertising

2. Tuition Fees and manual and promotion
3. Rapid changes in 2. Adjust fees

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West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

XII. Domain
In business, it is important to define the domain which is the definition of the product that the

department can offer and the group of customers being serviced.

Figure 3 gives the domain of the College of Business and Technology.

Service Category Customers

BSIT New graduates of Senior High School

BSBA New graduates of Senior High School

XIII. Differential Advantage

The other pillar essential in a company strategy is defining one or more basis on which the

company seeks superiority over its competitors. To gain an advantage over competitors means

performing industry tasks with distinction.

College of Business and Technology seeks a competitive advantage over its competitors based

on the following:

1. Quality student product

2. Acknowledge excellence in the league of schools here in Iloilo City

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3. High business profitability

XIV. Strategic Thrusts

Strategy is a comprehensive plan guiding resource allocation to achieve long-term organizational

goals. It is the determination of the basic long-term objective of the enterprise, the adoption of

the course of action, and the allocation of resources necessary to achieve the company vision.

The predetermined objectives and strategies should match each other to achieve organizational


The following are the proposed strategies that will achieve College of Business and Technology


Objective 1: To have a higher standard of courses by hiring the best, talented, and credentialed,

lecturer available.

There are two approaches to improving the quality or standard of courses by the College of

Business and Technology.

1. Get quality students as lecturers/instructors even at a high or premium rate. Their

presence in the department could boost the morale of the students. Moreover, this quality

student can share first-hand experience in techniques for studying these courses.

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2. Offer higher salaries to high-caliber lecturers/instructors of other schools with

outstanding track records.

Objective 2: To maintain excellence by providing students with materials and manuals necessary

for an excellent course environment.

Since BSBA/BSIT profession is a very dynamic one, the following strategies will be instituted:

a. Continuously download online materials from the US. There are periodic changes in

materials and the department must keep abreast with these changes.

b. Provide state of an art classroom environment to the students. Computer-aided instruction

may be followed if necessary to improve course instructions.

Objective 3: To provide an environment conducive to learning innovation and growth.

a. Exposure to innovations in the field of Business and Technology through computer-aided

instructions, or other web pages on the computer could provide a good condition for

learning innovations and growth

The strategies formulated must be translated into the necessary specific action programs that

should answer the following basic questions: What goals (objectives) should be achieved? What

to do (strategic thrusts)? What measures to evaluate performance? (target results) What specific

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West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

actions will be done? (Activities) Who will do it? (Persons Responsible) When will it be done

(Time frame)? How much will it cost? (Budget

XV. The Action Plan for College of Business and Technology

Objectives Strategic Target Activities Persons Time Frame Budget

Thrusts Products Involved
To provide Exposure Classroom Actual -do- -do- 200,000 for
an to s with constructio the initial
environmen innovation innovation n of the constructio
t conducive s in the classroom n to be
to learning field of with state allocated
innovation business of the with an
and growth and teaching additional
technology materials 100,000
yearly for
To provide Starting Satisfied Actual Curriculum Continuousl Fees of
honest and courses students courses director y done students
efficient session on started and starting
service with time within the program 2024
the utmost scheduled coordinato
integrity time and r
To have a Get quality Quality Recruitmen Curriculum Continuous 50,000 and
higher students students t of quality Director, every year increased
standard of as an students as Dean starting 10% per
course by instructor an 2023 year
hiring the instructor

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West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

d materials

XVI. Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

A five-year strategic plan was prepared for the College of Business and

Technology based on the analysis of its external and internal environment. The major

strength of the business is its low capital requirements. The obvious opportunity is the

increasing number of educational aspirants. The apparent threat is the existence of high-

caliber universities and colleges and the definite weakness of the department shortage of

CBT Faculty. The financial analysis of the business showed its profitability.

From the SWOT analysis, the researchers concluded that the College of Business

and Technology's current operation is sound from the sound point of profitability despite

its weaknesses and the threats to its existence. The strategic plan prepared could boost

further the income-generating capacity of the business.

The researchers recommend that the College of Business and Technology should

look at the strategic plan prepared to improve the performance of the business for the

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West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

next five years. They also recommend that the components of the action plan be given

due attention since it is their guide for the improvement of the income-generating

capacity of the department for the next five years.

XVII. Bibliography

Alba, A. Hortillas., & Esclada A.J., Three Years Strategic plan of Kimoni Philippines

Incorporated (Iloilo Branch).

Anlocotan, R.S. Strategic Planning Process (MBA Series) Notes given to graduate students,

Graduate School, University in Agustin.

David, F.R. (1994). Strategic Management An Integral Approach 8th ed.

Poter C. M. (2021) Strategic Planning in Education

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