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In-text citations and reference list Activities

For the following reference, provide the in-text citation in the sentence:

Book title: Problems of Working Women in Pakistan

Year: 2008

Pages: 292 page number: 10

Author: Iffat Hussain

Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Location of publication: Newcastle upon Tyne

Country of publication: UK

The women of Pakistan have always experienced disadvantages relative to men of the same
class _____________________________________.


Give the in-text citation of the following secondary source in the space provided below:

Ali et al. (2010) stated that social and cultural factors have historically kept women from
entering the job market.


Book title: Problems of Working Women in Pakistan

Year: 2008

Page number: 10

Author: Iffat Hussain



Write the parenthetical and narrative in-text citations in the following paragraph:

Book title: Judicial resource book on violence against women for Asia

Author: Niaz A Shah

Published: Commonwealth Secretariat

Year: 2018

Location of publication: London

Country of publication: UK

Pages: 210 page number: 95

In Pakistan, leave to appeal has been sought the dismissal by the High Court of petitioner’s
Civil Revision ______________________________. ______________________________
stated that the respondent has filed a suit disputing the petitioner’s claim that he had been
betrothed with her for marriage.

TASK 4: Citing Multiple Works

Write the in-text citation in alphabetical order of the given works in the space provided

Humour plays an important role in everyday life, from interacting with strangers to attracting
mates ______________________________________________________________.

Tornquist & Chiappe, 2015

Earlywine, 2010

Bressler & Balshine, 2006

TASK 5: Direct quotation

Write the in-text citation of the direct quotations. The information can be used from
task 3.

The petitioner’s Civil Revision in the High Court against the appellate order, having been
dismissed he has not sought leave to appeal in the case of “Issa Khan Vs Mst Ramza 1991
SCMR 2454” _____________________________. _______________________ highlighted
the issue of forced marriage with the above mentioned case and expressed her concern that
“coercion or duress may be used to extract consent from a woman or girl at varying levels
TASK 6: Using the given source information, Create the reference according to APA 7 th
Style and also identify the reference category along with reference elements.
1. Source Information

• Document type: Journal article

• Authors: Katharina Bernecker and Jule Kramer
• Publication year: 2020
• Article title: Implicit theories about willpower are associated with exercise levels during the
academic examination period
• Journal information: Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, Volume 9, Issue 2,
pages 216–231
• DOI:

2. Source Information
 National Alliance on Mental Illness.
 (n.d.).
 Mental health conditions.

3. Source Information
 Schneider, Z., Whitehead, D., & Elliott, D.
 (2007). Nursing and midwifery research:
 Methods and appraisal for evidence-based practice (3rd ed.).
 Elsevier Australia.

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