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Symposium Oil R emovable Partial Del/lures

RPI (Rest, Proxim~1 Plate, I Bar) Clasp

Retainer and Its Modifications

Arthur J . Krol , D.D.S*

In the last few yea rs various clasp designs fo r removable pa nial d e n-

tures havc evolved fro m a cO lllinuing eff'on 1.0 prescrve the teeth a nd
1he ir su pportin g structu res, Emphasis o n prevcnti vc de ntistry has add ed
further in1petus to this e Ro n . This anicle wi ll prese nt o ne of these newer
clasp des igns a nd the ratio nale f'or its usc.
h mi ght be well <u th e outset to indicate twO impo rtant co nside ra-
tio ns d erived from conce pts of prevenli ve d e ntistr y I.h a t. wi ll be e mph a-
sized ill I.his a rticl e: minimal tooth (o verage and millimal gillgi'ual cuverage.
Th ese facto rs are eq ua l to stress control in importa nce,
The ro le o f plaque in d e nLaI caries and pe ri odo nta l di sease is now
be n er unde rstood. T he co nce pts of minima l lOath coverage and m ini-
ma l gin giva l cove rage arc based on an attempt to minimi ze plaque ac-
cu m ula tio ns under clasps a nd o th e r compo ne nts I.h a t may enda nge r the
hea ll.h o f the l.Ooth a nd its suppo rtin g struCLlIres.
T he reanion of the bone 10 stress still need s funher stud y. Sl.ress in
the abse nce of infla mmatio n , however , does not appear to ca use vertical
bo ne loss aro und ab ut me nt teeth . Yet in lhe presence of infl am mation
stress does appea r to increase ve rtica l bone loss sign ifi can tly. The ro le of
infla mma n thus seems paramoun t. On lhe o th er hand. th e bone of
th e residu al rid ge co ntinues to resor b e ve n in I.h e abse nce o f inflamma-
tio n and th e rate of resorptio n a ppea rs to accelerate unde r increased
stresses. The diffe re nce in the res po nse of the bo ne suppo rtin g t.hc teel.h
a nd bo ne of the edentu lo us rid ge is a ppare ntly due to the prese nce of
th e pe riodomalligamcnll.hat con ve rts pressure on a LOol.h in to I.e n sion
on bone, which e nab les it to maintain ils int egrity.

* Professor and Chairma n . Depart I11Cnl of Remov;tole l'roslhodont ics . Univc rsit yoI' t he Pa-
cifi c, School of De ntistry . S,Ul Fran cisco , Ca lifornia

Den /al Clinirs oj Nor/h AlIIl'fira - Vol. 17, No.4, Octoher 1973 631
632 AH:T H U R J. KROL



Th e esse ntia l di ssimila rity or the tooth borne an d th e ex te nsion base

re movable pa rti al d e nture must. be recogni zed . In th e Loothborne rc- -
movable par tial de nture, the occlusal stresses a re lransmiuc d to the bone
by way o f the pe riod o ntal Iiga me nL. Because a ll the ecle nlUio lis spaces
arc bounded by na tural Leeth , this class of prosthesis functio ns like a jiXf'r/
partial denture. Since the abutment teeth provide re latively un yieldin g
support, the choice of structural e le me nts is based o n co nvenience and
th e ir abilit.y LO provide rigidity, th e re by using each re ma ining LOoth lO
co nt r ibu te to th e stability of the olh e rs.
The exte nsio n base removable partial denture , the I. r ue pa nial d e n-
ture, mli SI d e pe nd for its suppo rt upon IwO completel y diffe re nt tiss ues.
Th e teeth represent a relatively immovable su ppon, while the soft tiss ues
coverin g the ede ntulou s rid ge have va l-ying deg rees o f dis placea bility.
The proble m of designin g a re movable pa rtial d e nture t.h a t. wi ll p rotect
both from cvenlUa l destruction constantly plagues th e dent ist. Any sli ght
yie ld of t.h e so ft tissue structures, I.Ogether with the residual rid ge
resor ption , will pe rmit ve nical displace me nt of the base a nd subsequen t
tilting of the a butment toolh . Thi s potential hazard LO th e a butment
tooth in the ex tension base pania l d e nture is quile uni ve rsall y recog-
ni zed . Many ways lO protect a n ab utmen t tooth from d estru ctio n , pe r-
mitting it 1.0 funClion satisfactoril y fo r a n exte nded pe riod o f time, ha ve
been proposed . These approaches a re a ll intended to in sure aga in st the
tippin g actio n d escribed a bove.
Most a utho riti es agree Ih at in additio n to th e vario us types of stress
directors, th e dentist can control the amount o f relative force d e li ve red
to the a butme nt by pro pe r selectio n of clas ps. Th is is du e in pan to the
diffe re nt degrees o f Aex ibility possessed by the va rious types.



511./)/)ort: the resistance to the ve rtical compone nts of masticator y

force which preve nts th e pa nial fro m be in g displaced towa rd the so ft tis-
sue. It is prov ided by the occlusa l rest.
B racing (s tabili zation): the resista nce to hori zonta l compo nents of
force_ It is provided by the ri gid co mponents of the cI ~l S p incl udin g the
occlusal rest a nd th e minor connecto r.
Retelltion: th e res istance to dislodgeme nt in an occlusa l direction. It is
provided by the clasp tip engagin g the undercut whe n a dislod gin g fo rce
is applied.
Adequate Encirclement: The clasp asse mbl y mu st e ngage more tha n
1800 (more tha n ha lf the circumfe re nce) LO prevent the LOoth fro m mov-
in g o ut or the clasp .
R('(ijJ rocatiulI (reciproca l action): Each fo rce e xe rted on a LOoth by a
clas p arm must be offset by an equal and o ppos ite (compe nsatin g) fo rce.
T his is provided by th e reciprocal a rm lotat.ed o n t.he opposite side o f the
LOo t.h . Normally. t.he reci proca l ar m d oes not e ngage an unde rcut.
Passivity: ' '''he n th e clas p is in place o n t.he t.ooth , it. sho uld be aL rest.
Its re te nti ve fun ct.ion is acti va t.ed o nl y whe n a dislod gin g fo rce is a pplied .
A fo rce in a n occlusal directio n causes the re te nti ve arm to en gage th e
unde rcut from a gingival direction and so re ta in the partial d e nture in
place. Th e clasp should ne ve r "grip" the t.oo th.



Agreement ge ne rall y ex ists tha t t.he cast. circumfe re ntial clas p,

es pecia ll y the Akers, bein g rel at.i vel y ri gid , is considered best suited for ng abutment teeth becau se it transmits th e force direCll y to the too th
a nd provides the best braci ng e ffect. It. is. the re fo re , lI sed more oft.e n in
all LOOlhbo rn e re movable pa rtia l de n tures a nd in those ex te nsio n base
parti al de ntures whe re th e a butment teeth a re unusuall y stro ng.
Ba r or Roach ty pe clas ps, usua ll y bei ng mo re fl ex ible, are freque ntly
used fo r somew ha t wea ke r abutme nt teeth . Applegate ,! ho weve r, ex-
pressed fe ar th at the bar t.ype cl as p tran smit.t.ed too much g st.ress to
th e a butm e nt. He based hi s sta tement. upon th e fact that it is half round
and has there fore undergo ne a ma ximu m redu ction of fle xibility. The
use o f thi s type o f clas p in a d istal e xte nsio n pa rtial d e nture, he felt .
shou ld be combined with some form of stress brea ke r. McCrac ke n" a lso
wa r ned agai nst the lise o f a bar clasp in exte nsio n base pa rtia l d e nl.ll res.
O n ly whe re it was possible to utili ze a dista l rest a nd e ngage distal unde r-
cut. d id he e mplo y this type o f clasp , because o f its ri gidity (Fi gs. I a nd 2).
Swenson's so lution 7 for the exten sion base partia l denture was the
provision of two nt.s for each base with rest. areas which were not
adjace nt to the ede nt.u lous rid ge. For di st.a l ext.e nsion base pa rtia l d e n-
I ures , clas pin g is acco mpli shed by a mesia ll y o ri g inatin g back ac tion clas p
using d istal re te ntion (Fi g. 3). Howeve r , such clas p design te nds LO exert
a buccal force on th e abutme nt tooth whe n the base a nd distal portio n o f
the clasp moves lissueward unde r fun ctio n (Fig. 4).
The cast combinatio n clasp (half cast a nd ha lf wrou ght wire), utili z-
in g a di st.a l rest for di st.a l extension base partia l d e nture is re port ed by
man y a uthors to have stress breakin g actio n (Fig . 5) . Appl egate] claim ed
that the n clas p dissipated the stress o f torq ue a nd levera ge
besl because the ret.~nti ve a rm is ro und and the refore fl ex ible in a n y di-
rectio n . He claimed that sin ce it is of wro ug ht st.ructure, it is t.o ughe r a nd
Text continued 011 jJage 636.
634 ART H U R .J. K ROL

Figure I. i\·fodified T bar buccal clasp arm of a combina tion Glsl clasp utili zing a
di stal rest a nd distal undercut.

Figure 2. Ci rcu mfer e ntial C clasp wit h a di stal re st engagi ll g a d istal unden:u l that
be used in an extension base panial denture to provide stress release. ILs main di s-
advantage is its excessive tooth eO\'crage.

Figure;l, Occl usa l vic\\' of a back actiOn clasp wit h a mesialrcsl.

Figure 'I. Oingrarmllacic illustration of a

d istal view of a bac k act ion clasp orr a bicuspid
with a rrow (A) re presenting a buccal force ex-
erted 011 the toot h \\,hcn all occ.:ius<rI force o n
' 1Il extension base ten ds to 1II0V(' th e clasp in a
gingi\'al dil'cClioll (It ), The lingual arm , \\'hich
is ;Ibove t lIe height of contour, is rigid and wi ll
nO( fl ex, Co nsequ e ntl y. a ll ) mO\'CmClll of the
lingual arm ill ~I gingiva l direction must neces-
sarily produce bu ccal mo \'c rncrrt of th e tooth,
T he li se of th is cln sp on a ll extcnsion base
pani .. 1 de mu re sho uld hc a\'oided .
636 AKTl I U R J. KRO L

Figure 5. Akers clasp with a wroug ht wi re buccal arm a nd a lingua l G i s t arm. !\d\'o-
Giles or this clasp for ex tension base partial dentures claim thal lhe fl ex ibl e wrouglll wi n:
bu cca l ar m minimi zes IOHluing of the abu lmelll tooth unde r funct ion .

can be used in srna ller ga u ges, which furth e r increases flex ibility. Thi s
in creased fl ex ibi lity o f th e rete ntive arlll permitted the clasp to fUIlCl ion
as a stressbreaker. Because the reci procal arm of the combination clasp is
cast and th ere fo re ri gid , it is able to resist latera l forces e ffectively and
also 1.0 recip rocate th e force e xe rted by th e rClcrllive wro uglu wire arlll
as th e partial d e nture is placed o r re moved. Th e supposed fl ex ibilit y of
the rete nti ve wro ught wi re clasp ar m has bee n questioned in a cl inica l
stud y' a nd more recently by ClaYlOn and J aslow. 2


This concept of clas ping a butme nt teeth is a modification of the con-

ce pt presented by Kratochvil. 4 T he compone nts o f the clas p a re a rest
with its minor co nneclOr,:! proxima l p late , and an I bar clas p. (Fi g. 6) .
The RPI clasp fu lfills the req uireme ills or proper clasp d esign , a nd
minimizes stress o n the ab utme nt tooth. The rest, located on th e mesi al
occl usa l surface of th e ab utme nt tooth, ac ts as the point of rOL<uion and
exerts a mesial fo rce on the lOo th rather th an a distal disp lacin g force.
Press u re exerted o n th e ex te nsion base moves the proximal p late tis-
suewa rd witho ut torquing the tooth. The I bar a lso mo ves mesiogingi-
va ll y away from th e tooth unde r masticator y load (Fig. 7).

*FrOllllhe ;:llllhor·s OUllin e syll abus fo r relllO\·ablc pan ial denture dcsigll al Ihe Un i-
\·crsil.y o f the Paci fi c School of Demislr)" Nove mber. 19i2.
RP I eL/\ S!' R f:~ TAI N E~ 637

Fib'l.lre 6. A. Huecal (I) and lingual (2 ) views of a n RPI clasp 1'01- the c Xlellsion base
panial denture . B, Occl usal view (J) of <-In RPI clasp fo r an eX lc ll sion base p;'l1'Iiat d emul'c .



Fig-un:: i. Dia gTanlmalic illuSII-aliOIl showing Illo\'c mCll t o r RPI clas p wi l h IIlcsiall'csl.
A, Approxim:llc cent cr of I'otalion . B. Cuidc plane that is 110t cIIgaged br the pmximal
plalC. C. Proxi mal plat e . Curvcd arrows indicatc the path of mOVC )11 Cllt of th e I bal' and
proximal pl'llc uncl eI' occlusal force .
638 A RTH U R J. K ROL


Rest Seat Preparations

For di sta l ex ten sio n base pa rtia l d e ntures where a bicuspid serves as
th e a butm e nt LOoth , a mesia l res t pre para ti o n is mad e. For poste r io r
tee th , whe re resto rations a rc not placed . this rest sea l ca n be pre pared in
th e a ppropriate tri a ng ul a r fossa with a No. 6 carbide bur or di a m o nd
SlOne. The marginal r idge must be lowe red a bo ut 1.5 mm . a nd the
resultin g pre pa ration must have Lhe d ee pest po rti o n in t he cenle r o f th e
trian g ular rossa .
Sufficie nt bulk of me ta lmllst be provided to pe rmit th e rest to fun c-
tion witho llt fracturin g or be ndin g. Go ld requires la r ge r and d ee pe r
pre para tion s th an the non-precio us metals (c hro me co ba lt, nickel cobalt,
etc.). This pre paration sho uld be rounded and full y polished to pe rmit
some ro ta tio n whe n d e pressio n o f the exte nsion base occurs. If a cli sp id
is to se rve as th e abutme nt, a mcsio lin gual rest pre paration is mad e. The
rest seat mll st be deep e no ug h to prevent th e metal rest from slipping
gingivall y (Fi g. 8). As a gene ral rul e, mandibular cuspids have a thin
e name l cove rin g and whe n pre p a rin g an adequat.e rest seat, penetra tion
into th e d e ntin is o f Len in evita ble. If d entin is ex posed , th e pre paratio n
should be d ee pe ned and mod ir·ied to accept a gold fo il , amal gam , o r
othe r resLO r aLi o ll wh ic h ca n be pro pe rl y conto ured (Fi g. 9).
Guide Planes
A g uid e pla ne is pre pared o n th e distal surface o f th e abutme nl
looth at the occlusal one third as pro posed by Poue r6 a nd associates, a nd
should ex te nd ling uall y ju st f~lI' e no ugh so th at th e proxima l pla te
togethe r with th e m esial mino r co nn ecto r will preve nt ling ual mi g r at io n
of th e too th (Fig. 68). The g uid e pla nes should be app rox ima tel y 2 to 3
mm . in heig ht occlusog ing iva ll y (Fig. 7). T his g uid e p la ne will o fte n pe r-
mi t t he proximal pla te a nd th e mesia l mino r con necl.O r to co ntac t t he

Fig u,'c 8, Hall bur n is hCI'

placcd ill rcst preparation to dete r-
mine adeq ll :lc )' of sha pc and dept h,
When fun:c is placed un 1he ball
bu rnisher in a n axial direct io n Ull
th e (;us pid , iT should not slip OUI 01
til e prc llaralioll ,

Figure 9. Ama lga m rcsto ral iOll is

placed in mandibul ar w spid to permit
prope r pre para tion of a rounded occlusal
Iy pe r~ s t withou t exposure of de nt in.

lOoth simultaneollsly a nd provide prope r reciprocatio n agai nst the fo rce

exerted by the retenti ve buccal clas p arm durin g the seating a nd removal
of the d e nlllre. I f th e mesia l minor connector a nd proxima l plate ca nno t
contact sinwlta neo usly, as may occur with cuspid a butme nts, the n th e re -
te nti ve I bar should e ngage the mesio buccal unde rcut a nd receive its re-
ciprocatio n fro m the prox imal p la te alo ne (Fi g. 10).

FigU 1"(! 10. J ncisa J view of Rill cI<l sp o n maxi llary cu spid . 1'1 :u.;e mCnL ofl he J ba r to th e
mesia l of the grea test promi nence per mits reciprocation from the prox ima l pbtc du dn g
insertion and remova l of the pa rtial dcntu l"c. On c uspid s the m ino r co nnecto r cannot be
lI sed for reciprocation du ring seating of the pani<ll dent u re si ncc il usually does not con-
lact the toot h tlIlI i1 the partial de nture is in p lace.
640 A~T H U R J. KROL


Mesial Rest
T he a bu tme nt LOo th contains th e mesioccl usal rest with the mino r
co nnector pl aced into the rn esiolin gual embras ure bUl no t. co ntactin g li1C
adj ace nt tooth .
Proximal Plate
""he n viewing a ma ndibul ar pa rtial de n tu re o n the maste r cast, the
s uperio r ed ge of the prox im al plme is located at th e bottom of the
p re pa red guide pla ne which sho uld be a llhej ullctio n o f the occlusa l o ne
th ird and mid d le o ne thi rd o f the tooth (the re mai nder o f the p rox ima l
p late lies belo w th e guide plane) (Fig. II A, C a nd D ). T he p roxi ma l plate
extends lin guall y just fa r e nou gh so that the dista nce betwee n the m ino r
connector a nd prox imal pla te is less th a n the mesiodista l width of the
toot h (Figs. II Band 12A, B a nd C). It sho uld be I mm . t.hick a nd j o in the
framewo rk a t a ri gh t a n gle. At the j unctio n with th e framewo rk , the
prox imal plme is relieved so as not to con tact the gin giva a nd is h ig hl y
poli shed . A fi n is hin g line is placed at the base o f the proximal pla te LO
pe rmit a butt joint with the resin base (Figs. 13 a nd 14).
I bar
The a p proach a rm of the I bar exte nds from the fra mework so as LO
re ma in at least 3 m m. from the gin gival ma rgi n a nd then crosses the
gin gival ma r gin at ri ght a n gles (Fi g. IIA). Approximatel y 2 mm . o rth e I
ba r contacts the tooth surface, u suall y at the gin gival one third o f th e
LOOlh (Fig. I I A). The bo tto m po nio n o f the I bar co ntac ting the toot h
surface sho uld e ngage 0.0 I in . undercu t. Th e I ba r should ta pe r slightly
fro m th e base LO the tip. It is usua ll y placed at the grea test mesiodista l
promin ence o n the buccal surface or towa rds th e mes ia l, but no t toward
the dista l. This is necessar y to permit moveme nt o f th e I ba r away fro m
the e ntire buccal surface in fUIlClio n. Wh e n the I bar is placed to ward t.h e
mesial , it has the adva ntage that when pro pe rl y adjusted it brin gs th e
prox ima l plate into tig ht contact with th e dista l surface (Fig. 10).


Ve rtica l masticatory force o n the d istal exte nsion base causes the I
bar to move mesiogin givall y away fro m the tooth a nd th e prox ima l p lat.e
to move furth e r into th e unde rcut of th e tooth . T hu s, both th e I ba r a nd
th e proximal plate disen gage the a butme n t a nd the reby red uce to rq u-
ing o f the too th . T he mesial minor conn ector togeth er with the p rox-
im al plate provide the necessary reciprocmio n a nd e liminate the need
RP I eL f\S!' RET /\ I N ER 641

..... :; ~ gp

Figure II. Diagranllnati(' illuslI'ation showing four views of an RPI cla sp.
A. Di stal view. The guide plane (gjl) is approximatelr 2 to 3 mTl1. in height occ1usogin-
gi\'a1J)'. Th e bu ccolingual width of the guide plane and proximal plat.e (p) is de1.ermined by
the contour of the tooth. The I bar (I) makes <l 2 mDl. contact with the tooth in an ocdu-
sogingi\'al direction . Note the slight relie f ove r gingival margin .
/J, Occlusal \pjew. The prox im al plate (p) extends far enough bu cco lingu ally so th at the
distance between its lingua l margin and the mesial minor connecto r (r) is less than the
width o f the tooth . The Illesial minor co nn ector shoul d not contact th e acljaccill tooth. T he
p roximal platc should extend buccally 1:11' enough to perlllit developmen t of a normal em-
brasure wit h the artificial tooth. The major conneclOl" comprising a pan of the clas p assem-
bly shou ld be located at least 3 mill . away fro m the gin giva l (g) margin for mandibul al"
pa l"tial dentures and at least 6 mill . away from the gingival Illargi n for max illar)" partial
den tures.
C, Bu ccal vie\\·. The guide plane (gJ)) is ap proximately 2 to 3 min . in height occ1 uso-
gi ngiva ll)'. T he proximal plate (p) co ntaClS approximately 1 mm. of (he gi ngiva l portion of
the guide p lane (gJ). The proximal plate should be approx imaleJ)' I to 1.5 mill. thide The
appmach arm of the I bar mllst be located at least 3 mm. fmm the gingi,<al margin (g) an d
lila )' he des igned to follow its comOlll". The I bar itself approaches the tooth in a "e nic il
D. Lin gual view. T he g uide plane (gP) is approximately 2 to 3 mill. in heig ht ocdll so-
gingiva ll y. The occl usal rest preparation should be ,,'ell ro unded or spoon-sh aped to per-
mit rotation of the occlusal rest (f). The proximal plate ext.ends li nguall y far enough so that
togcthe r with the mesia l minor con nector (c) Lhey preve nt lingual mi gration of the lOot h.
The distance be twecn the proxi mal plate and mesial minor conneCto r shou ld be no less
than 5 linn. Tile maj or con ncctor comprising a p;'Irt of the dasp assembly should be located
al. least :3 mm. away from the gingi,'al margi n for mandibular partial dentures and at least
6 mm. awa y fr om the gi ngival m::lrgin for maxillar), partial demure-so
642 ART H U R J. KRO L

Fig u re 12. ,-I, r'rox ima l pl att'

(jJ) ,'clati vely narrow due to the
w pc ring comou r of the first bi;.
cusp id . The proxima l plate shou ld
be dcsigllcd 10 be as narrow as possi-
ble but stilt be able to preve nt li ngual
mig ratio n of the tomh . A n<IITOW
p roximal plat e pCnll ilS g ]-ealCr ex-
posure of th e g ingival tiss ues (g).
H, I)roxi mal pla te properly COIl -
SlrllCICd makes minima l tooth con-
tact alld permi ts grea te r exposu r e o f
th e gi ng iva l tiss ues. C, Proximal plat.e
made too wide buccolinguall y for the
con lO U r of 1he t.oot h.
1'"""1'- - , . .


Figure 13. Diagramm atic illu stra tion showi ng prope r con slnl ct ion of the proximal
plat e. A, Ju nction of proxima l plate with the framewor k. T oo mu ch bu lk ill . his a rea would
present a problem in position ing th e a nifi ci;ll tooth. /J , Finis h line rOl" inl wil li resin
basco C, Undersi de o r prox imal p late shou ld be hig hl y polished a nd should!l o[ contact th e
gin gival ti ss ues. A reli ef of a pproximmclr 30 ga uge rna )' be used effectivel y. The mesiodi s-
ta l width or this portion shoul d be approx irna tei), 3 nlln.
RP I e L/\ SP R ETt\lNER 643

Figure 14 . Und ers ide of maxillary partia l de nlure casting. Arrows POilll lO un der-
side of prox ima l pl ate: \... ith fmish line permiuing a butljoi nl with the resin base .

for a lin g ual arm . The mesial rest eliminates th e pot.entia l "pump
handle" effect t.h at a force o n the base o ft.e n induces with a distal rest.
The RPI clas p contacts th e LOoth minim all y and is advantageous ly
lIsed o n cari es pro ne patient.s. and sin ce th e I bar itse lf makes very little
co ntact wit h the LOath , it. is usually more esthe tic than most ot.he r clasp


Any o f the following conditio ns wo uld precl ude the use of the RP[
clasp : ( I) insuffi cie nt de pth of vestibule to pe rmit t.he approach arm o f
the I ba r to be located at least 3 mm . from gingiva l margin (Fi g. 15) ;
(2) a tooth which has a severe lingual tilt and no lab ial o r bucca l under-
cut (Fig. 16A); (3) tissue undercut so seve re tha t the a pproach arm o f
th e I bar wo uld be too far away fro m the tissue and act as a food trap or
irri tate th e mucosa of the lip or cheek (Fi g. 16B) ; (4) teeth which are
severel y fl ared labia ll y or bucall y (Fig. 16B) ; (5) a tooth which has o nl y a
distobu ccal re ten tio n unde rcut a nd does not require a res toratio n; and
(6) a mOllth wit h a hi g h Aoor in which a lin g ual plate is used on the
lin g ual surface of th e ab utm en t LOa th .


T he RP A clasp is similar to the RPI clasp exce pt that in place of the I

bar a circurnferential A ke rs clas p arm ar ises fro m the proximal plate.
644 A RT I-I U R J. KROL

Fi gure 15. 11, Soft tissue ir riw l iO l1 unde r base I ba r du e 10 insufficie nt depth of ves-
tibul e. T he depth of the vestibu le should be care rully exa mi ned before decid ing to utilize
an I ba r clasp arm since the a pproac h arm of (he I b,lr Illll S! be localed at least 3 mm. from
th e gin gival margin . B, Ulcera tio n ca used by the approach arln of lh e I ba r is apparent.
Also nOte innammation of g ingiva l marg in .

Figure I(1. II, Diagrammalic i liu SIJ":lIio n of sc\'creiy lih ed bicuspids whcre no und er-
is prcsCIlI as indicated by (I ). B. Diagrammalic illustl"atio n of sC\'crel y tilled bicuspid
whe re an cxccss i\'c tissue undercut is indicatcd b)' (2).

The RPA clasp ma y be used in place of th e RPI clas p when th e re is insu'"·

fi cie nt d e pth in th e buccal ves tibule or wh e n th e buccal tissue undercut is
LOa g reat (Fig. 17). The shou lde r of the clasp arm Illust be constructed so
th at o nl y its occlusal border contacts th e LOmh aL th e hei g ht of conLOur.
The und erc ut area in that portion of th e clasp arlll must be bloc ked OUl.



Wh e n two teeth are splinted th e mesial rest is placed on th e anterio r

LOath and th e proximal plate on the posterior LOot h with the I ba r o n th e
mesiob ucca l surhlce of the posterior LOath (Fig. 18).
I r a three unit fix ed prosth esis is constru cte d , th e mesial rest is
placed in the anterior abutme nt and the prox im a l plate on th e poste ri or
abutme nt with the I bar placed o n th e mesiobu cca l su rface of the poste-
rior abUl.menl.
Wh e n desig nin g an extension base partial d e nture. where an iso-
lated LOath is in vol ved , the RPI clasp may be placed on th e LOolh an te ri o r
LO th e isolated tooth and prox imal plates on th e mesial and distal sur-
faces o f th e isolated tOoth wilh no resl. Th is d esign perm its re mo va l of
stress on th e isola ted LOoth (Fig. IS). It is imponant that the superior
borde r o f th e mesial proximal plate on the isolated tooth be located a t o r
gin giva l to I.he level of th e occlusal rest of th e RPI clasp.
Th e RPI clasp ma y be designed not to rel ease in function by ex te nd ·
in g the proxima l plate 1.0 contac t the entire guide plane. This l ype o f'
clasp may be used ", here it is d esirable to load th e tooth more than the
ed en lUlous ridge.
T('xt continued 011 page 648.

Fi gure 17. A, RP[ clasp pennitlcd on right second bicuspid c\'cn though a sli ght li s·
sue un derCLIt ex isIS. 8, RPA clasp . Akers arm on' proximal plate. Du e 10 seve re tissue un-
d ercli t the I bar bu ccal arm cou ld n OI be used.

Fi gure 18. Panial delllure showing modified RPI clasp used on spli nted ma xillary
left bicuspids. Resl is located 0 11 lIlesial of first bi cuspid wit h proxi mal plate onlhc distal of
the second bicli spid. The I ba r (nol visi ble) is loca led 011 the Illesiobucc;ll o r I he lefl second
bicus pid . :\ole I he usc of t\\'o proxi mal plates on I he 1l1;lxillary riglll SCCOlld bicllspid with-
OU I Ihe li se or rests to reduce possible 100'quing of the loot h, An RPI clasp is localed on the
maxillar), righl cu spid .

Figure 19. Clasps on biclispid and mol"r fulfilling the requirements of proper cla sp
des ign. :Htlxilllll)' jirsl biruspirl: Suppon is provided by occlu sal rest: braci ng is provided by
minor con nector. occlusal reSI, and proximal plate: retention is provided by I bar on Ihe
buccal; reCiprOGllioll is provided by Illcsial minor co nn ector and proxinlai plate ; cng"gc-
ment of more tha n 180" uf the circulnl"cl'cncc o f the (oolh is pro\'idcd by proper placement
of mesial rest with its minor con n eCLO r . proximal plate. a nd I bar.
M axilhll)' :)/?/"Qlltllllular: Su ppon is provi ded by mesial rest; bracing is provided b}' oc-
cl usa l rest, lIlesial minor co nneClo r. and rig id lingual I bar: r CICllliOIl is provided b)' bucca l
I bar: reciprocation is provided by mesialminorconneclor and rigid lingual I bar: e ngage-
ment of lllore than 180 of Ihe circumference of the tOOl h is prov ided by propel' p lace-
lllent of Illesial rest with its minor COI1llC(;lOI' and buccal and lingua l I bars.

Although the RP.I clasp has been presented for use in extension
base removable partial dentures, a number of its characteristics make
th is clasp s uitable for use in LOolhborne removable partia l dentures as
well. Such an RPI clasp and its modificatio ns are shown in Figure 19.


A clasp design that ca n be employed for abutment teeth on exten-

sion base remova ble partial dentures has bee n presented. The clasp
referred lO as an RPI clasp retaine r minimizes lOoth coverage and
reduces stress o n the abutment LOat h. T his sa me design ma y a lso be used
LO adva ntage on a ll toothbor ne removable partial dentures.

I. Applegate. O. c.: Esse ntials of KelllO\·ahlc Pania l De nture Prosthesis, 3rd cd. Philadel-
phia. W. B. Saunders Co., 1965.
2. CIa)'lOll ,J . A., and .las low. c.: A nlcaSllrc mCl'l1 of cla sp fOI'ces on tee t II. J. Pros. Dent. 25:
21-4 3. 1971.
3. Fe n ller. W.. Ged>el'. A .. ;l llci Muhle llla nn . 1-1 . R.: T ooth mo bil ity cha ngcs d uring treat-
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4. Krat oc hvil. F. J. .: Influc nce or occlu sa l res t posilion and clasp on move ment o f abU! -
Hl cm tceth . j. Pros. Dml. lJ: 11 4- 124. 19t):-J.
5. Mt:C rack('ll. W. L. : I'anial Dcmure Con stru ction. 51. Lou is, C. v. ~ I ()s b)' Co. , 1964.
6. POllel'. R. B" Apple by. R. C .. and Adams , C. D.: -Rcmovable pa nial de nture d esign : a
rcvic w and a challc n){c . .J. I'ros . De nt. 17: 63-68. [96i.
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