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UNiGUE fncbom

The Spta the Excel Parametexs Argnets
Condtion l, conditiona
waut to test. Thene can
The co ndition thot
be up to 27 ondii ßns entoed
pheee netusnl, yetun,retion 12
(oegulred - the
aaytetuon Uniue alues
value indicabg hoy to -he value thact s getuned if the cormespordg
By-ol Cotioral)data: londiton s TRUE. Al condions ae evaluatel
re is ted B0 once
compne dota alres in the orde that
condition hat evaluates
"TRUE - Compares the kuncton yindi a
omited ldetput) ompares data aos rs fnction ol setuem the
- Frtse to TRUE, the
Yalue t h t defines hat iomes ponding value and stap the procekig
Conditi oms,
value cane cnsidened wrane
" RUE - etm Values
that 0(ar
ony once
9hich s the database noton o Uneue. Desttíon: the
FersE'omted (deut) - retuu al disn. The niiest Exel CoUNTIFS untion cont
mumbern os cells in a that mect

mltiple cntea aa
The CaNTIFS ncbon is a bilt-in unchion in Excel
thot s Btats al Foncbion
at-goigad as a

The Miaso7 Excel IE hun tion Lets you

Apeikt ulnple IF corditions wtin ene tonction naoDsolt
Cal. The Syntax tor the CoUNTIFS 4un cti'on in
- The IFs tonction s a but-in tun ction in
Excel dhat ts categaiz ed. as a Funbon. CoUNTTP Etevia l; lrang ed, cniteua ,. age-n,
the IEs hunct'on in Msoft hOant to
range 1 The
di tion), vebun 1f Condialong, retun..
IF8 (onditionl,
a u condtti on12?, etuon coteia wed to detennine
12?).c) - (iteua Q' The
cells to coUnt. (nteeia 4 is applied
gain t
n angei
Optional. t is the
- rarge 2,--7ange-n
ae o cely thact ou oat to apry citea Q,,n
Citena -n .Then e can be lp to AvERÐGETS Tonction
-cntoia d,.. Cn teria n -The iornsdt Excel tvERAGEZES unction vetuory the
wed to deteiùne phich Qvenage (aithmetic mean runbes

Covnt iteiaQ is opplied gainst 2ange d,otenaz of cdls, based on

ulti ple cotenia
iA applied agoint oanges , and so on. Thene The AUERAGEFS tuncon buil- in fn cti on în
Can be uptD 12 (nteria EXcel that i catgoriged Statis ical fnchon

SUMTP6 tunc on. The the AvERAGE FS tnction n

Mtresot "Excel iá:
Deletpton Coftenia t-7ange ; niteria 4,
- The uiurosat Excel SoMIFS tention adds all ninberu
AUERAGEIFS (avengge -ong
foiteu'a 2-rang eniteta 2 , cr+teia 3-7enge ,
Pange ot cells, based on, a single mutbp le Caiteia 3, .I).
The SoMIPS unction i a bult-fn nctien in Excel
Pasamekers trgmenth.range oy cells that ish
a Math
) avegeange
Funcion. to

The to appy the aouated
The guncbion in Münact Excel is: 29 arjesg aKO iat ed coteia
Thene Can be upto
SoMIFS Sum-lange, ttoua- vange l, citeua f, loniteràarg crteial, cfteia a, , a 1
C¾teria Q, -- Criteùa rangen itoia n]) yainst the asouatd
The crteria to appy crbena Lrange
So coteuia is appied gonst -rang,ondioon
Panamekea egmernts
: The cells to gum Cnteia ià ap pied aginst cnteia
b) Citena nnge1 : The Tiarge ay cels that fou ant sto
cooy Cotteriat Cntria Count Resutt
tean -Cost
)cteua 1i t is wsed to dtemine ohich celle to cddd. 32:51,5)
Cniteia ! ia appied gaintt iteua -ang e, Bananas
Citenia yarge a,_citoia-7ange-n. Apples
O3 83S
age a cells -that you Jant Bananes

CiteiQ,.iteua gut .Theae

Q013 Peass
e cnteria 2i.. Cnterta n
optioral I is ued to detenmìne ohich cell to add
ateua ls app icd agalnst teza sange2, cnbga
apped aqai nst eiteria-irge 3,9. on(UTheie
VLookup Funcon (hs)
The HLOckuP un th on A a bui lt -in
Desuiption categoizet tnction
Lockup JReference Fncion.
n Excel

he Vcokup untion pento ms a vesti cal JonR Syataene

a value in the tos calumn ok Sg ttoe or the HLoOKUp tenchon
Excel isi
a table and eetuoning he value in the snme MIcokue (value, tatb le, indes nmb , ppoximate _math])
im the /n deoc- number position Porometou gunets
Naue; The vaue to seanch Gor in sthe fist
the table
gt tabe Joo e more 6alns o} data that is soted
fon the yLcokup un ction in Ntrogoyt
Excel t8 asconding ondes
inde unb er : The calumn rumben n table
V Lo kup (value , table ,indecrumber,appoximatemath Value st be etun ed
hich dhe
Poramees o tgum ert. The
erten tôLSE t find
yaue e value to eanh torin approxImate moth ; Optional an
he ist calumn o RUE to find
the table. an escact math. erte is omited
- mte match. T} thç panametor
talbe i T30 more colm ot dota that is s0dted TRUE s the aut
in ascerding orden. VLDoKUP Result
Unit Pice
Qsde Td
irdex number: The lolunn nunben in talble om Fake)
value must beretumed Apples
hfch. dhe mateiy 10249

The tist onn s1. Banana $34,80
appoximate mateh |0QSI Pears 418.6o HO
$UQ. 30
-Ophonal . Erter fALSE to 7ind an esla t math0)
Erte RUE to gind an apoxinate match.n
thi poameten is omitad .TRUE 0s he defaut. 10QSa
$ 16. 8o $S.00
HLookUP Funcon Cws) UnitPre $l4.00 Ho.
- Tne mi crosat EXcel Heookup unt on ogmnd $14.00
chokup CtoQu &,B1: G,3 ,a,TGue
hoaigontal Lokup y seamching tor a yalue in teswit

the top o the bable

in the sane Calmn based On the hndese

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