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Labong Nuggets

Survey Questionnaire

I. Demographic Profile
Ethnic Affiliation:
Course and Year:

II. Survey questions

1. Do you eat Labong (bamboo shoots)?

__ Yes
__ No
2. Do you have an allergy in food particularly in Labong?
3. How often do you eat bamboo shoot/L
abong recipe?
___Very Often
4. How do you prefer nuggets you eat at home?

5. How much are you willing to pay for the bamboo shoots nuggets recipe?
___50 Php
___55 Php

III. Check the choices of your answer. Label it (3) if the recipe is very satisfying, (2)
if the recipe is satisfying then (1) if it is an average.

Items Taste Texture

Recipe 1
(Pure Labong)
Recipe 2
(Labong and 50%
Recipe 3
(Labong and 25%
Feasibility Study on
JHOMA’S Homemade Nuggets
(Labong Nuggets)

In Partial Fulfillment of Midterm Examination

THC 110 Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality

Submitted By:
Princess Madayag
Hanna Mae Seatriz
Jolema May Gaspar
Mara Jane Ambulario
Benelson Mark Ignacio

June 16,2023
I. Executive Summary

JHOMA’S Labong Nuggets are delicious and innovative plant-based food product that
caters to individuals seeking a sustainable and healthy alternative to traditional meat-based
nuggets. Labong, also known as Bamboo shoots, serves as the key ingredient in these nuggets,
providing a unique and delectable taste. These nuggets are expertly prepared to deliver a
satisfyingly crispy exterior while maintaining a tender and juicy texture on the inside. They are
suitable for vegans, vegetarians, and those looking to reduce their meat consumption. By
utilizing bamboo shoots as the base, we are able to reduce the environmental impact associated
with traditional meat production. Labong Nuggets is dedicated to promoting a sustainable and
healthier food culture offering a plant-based alternative that doesn’t compromise on taste or
quality. Whether enjoyed as a snack, a part of a meal, or a versatile ingredient in various recipes,
Labong Nuggets provide a convenient and delectable option for individuals looking to make
more mindful and sustainable food choices.

II. Product Description

JHOMA’S Labong Nuggets stand out int the market due to their unique and innovative
nature. While traditional nuggets are typically made from chicken or processed meats, labong
nuggets provide a distinctive vegetarian or vegan alternative. This uniqueness can attract a
specific target audience looking for plant-based options or seeking in variety in their diets.
Another advantage of labong nuggets is that they are free from common allergens such as
poultry, beef, and soy. This makes them suitable for individuals with specific dietary restrictions
or allergies. Their competitive advantages make them an attractive choice for consumers looking
for a delicious, sustainable, and vegetarian-friendly snack option.

The following are the ingredients:

 Labong or Bamboo Shoots

 2 cloves garlic, minced
 2 onions, cut in dice
 4 cups of All-purpose Flour
 3 eggs
 2 cups breadcrumbs
 2 tsp black pepper
 2 tsp salt
 1 pack of ginisa mix
 Oil (for frying)
1. Peel the outer layers of the bamboo shoots and cut off the tough ends. Rinse the labong
thoroughly under running water to remove any dirt or impurities. Then, finely chop the labong
into small pieces.
2. Boil for about 10-15 minutes to remove any bitterness. Drain and set aside to cool.
3. In one bowl, put the labong, chopped carrots, garlic, onion, all-purpose flour, salt, and pepper.
Mix all the ingredients.
4. Take a piece of Labong mixture and coat it in the flour mixture, shaking off any excess. Dip
the coated bamboo shoot into the beaten eggs, ensuring it is fully coated. Finally, roll the
bamboo shoot in the bread crumbs, pressing gently to help the crumbs adhere. Place the coated
nugget on a plate or baking sheet and repeat the process with the remaining bamboo shoots.
5. Heat cooking oil in a deep pan or pot to a medium-high temperature. Fry the nuggets until
they turn golden brown crispy, usually for about 3-5 minutes.

III. Product Market place

JHOMA’S Homemade Nuggets offering a pure Labong nuggets targets 20 customers. The
target market is the one who often eat labong.

IV. Organization and Staffing

Princess Madayag

Mara Jane Ambulario Hanna Mae Seatriz Benelson Mark Ignacio

(Marketing Manager) (Finance Manager) (Operation Manager)

Jolema May Gaspar

(Head Cook)
Manpower Requirements

Manpower Functions
The one who responsible for overall strategic
planning and decision-making. Provides
leadership and guidance to the entire
MARKETING MANAGER The one who develops marketing strategies
and campaigns. Conducts market research and
identifies target customers.
FINANCE MANAGER The one who manages financial planning and
budgeting. Provides financial analysis and
reports to the CEO.
OPERATION MANAGER The one who oversees the day-to-day
operations of the JHOMA’S Labong Nuggets
production Process. Manages production
schedules, inventory, and quality control.
HEAD COOK The one who cook plans, prepares, and cooks
food items to ensure the highest quality
service and experience for customers.

V. Marketing Strategy
Showcase the uniqueness of Labong Nuggets. Highlights their distinct taste, texture and eco-
friendly nature as a plant-based food option. Emphasize the sustainable sourcing of bamboo
shoots and their positive environmental impact. Develop an appealing brand image for Labong
Nuggets. Create a visually attractive logo package design, and branding elements that convey the
products key features.

VI. Financial projection


Pure Labong Nuggets 1 pack (6 pieces) 50 50
Total Price per pack 50 50

Labong= 35
Carrot= 19
Eggs =21
Flour = 35
Oil = 25
Tupperware = 35
Toothpick= 12
Breadcrumbs = 40
Seasonings= 20
Garlic and Onion= 20

VII. Findings and Recommendation

As the result of the findings, the customers prefer the Pure Labong Nuggets because of the

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