Writing Evaluation Guidelines

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English Department

Dunalastair VN
8th grades
Writing evaluation- Unit 1: Our Society

Name: __________________________________________________ Class: ____________

Date: ___________________________________________________ Score: ______/ 12 points.


• Cellphones ARE NOT allowed to use during the evaluation.

• Be sure to use a clear handwriting; if it is not clear, it won’t be evaluated.
• Liquid papers ARE NOT allowed to use.
• Read carefully the instructions of the task and pay attention to grammar, spelling,
punctuation, and capitalization while writing.
• Pay attention to the required amount of words.

Writing as the Principal of Your School

Imagine that you are the principal of your school, and you need to propose changes or
improvements for the community and the school in general.

What would you do if you were the headmistress or headmaster of the school?

Think about what you would do about the following topics:

✓ Extracurricular activities.
✓ Technological devices within the classroom.
✓ Infrastructure of the school.

Remember to use the second conditional in your work.

Length: 150-200 words.

English Department
Dunalastair VN
8th grades


Word count:

________ words.
English Department
Dunalastair VN
8th grades

Criteria Total Your Further Comments

Score Score
The student develops the piece of text in a coherent and cohesive way, using the
structure asked correctly and appropriately and addressing the topics in the writing piece. 4
The student writes with the proper use of English, with no or just a few grammar or
spelling mistakes. 4

The student writes sentences with accurate capitalization and punctuation.

Second conditional is used in the piece of writing. 2
Total 12

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