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CCA Script in CSS NCII

I. Checking Of facilities (Before / Prior Assessment)


 Check List Of Tools, Equipment And Facilities

 Specific Instruction For Candidates
 Competency Assessment Result Summary (Cars)
 Written exam,Answer Sheet, Written Report
 Rating Sheet
 Admission Slip (given to candidates)
 Attendance Sheet
 Medicine Kit
 Numbers

A. Greetings
Good morning Candidates!

B. Welcome.
Welcome to Achievers International College of Culinary Arts and
Technology, Inc.

C. Introduce yourself.
My name is _____________, I am your accredited Competency assessor
for Events _____(NC)____. And here is my ID as Proof of my

D. Acknowledgement.
I would like to acknowledge the presence of Ms Princess
Nelaine S. Yting our Assessment Center Manager, Mr/Ms
(Tesda Rep) our Tesda Representative from TESDA Provincial
Office. Good morning ma'am!, Good morning Sir!

E. Purpose of their Presence

You do not have to worry about their presence. They are here to oversee
the conduct of Competency assessment and to check if the conduct is in
accordance with the prescribed Competency Assessment Methodology
and procedures (CAMP). They will not assess you.

D. Checking of Attendance
Before we start, let me check first the attendance. As I call your name
please come forward and present to me your admission slip and sign the
attendance sheet (execute!)

(Attendance sheet;Call the name of the candidate 1, 2, 3.)

1. _____________
2. _____________

E. Acknowledging the SAG (Self- Assessment Guide)

I have here with me your accomplished Application Form and Self-
Assessment Guide. This is an indication that you know and can perform
all the units of Competency enumerated for (NC)_____________.

F. Purpose of Assessment
The purpose of our assessment for NC _________ is to determine the
level of your competency.

G. Giving Review of the Qualification

Today, I am going to administer competency assessment for
(NC)___________. The qualification is composed of Basic, Common and
Core Competencies. For the core competencies we have namely;
(Enumerate The Core Competences)

H. Qualification
The units of Competency to be assessed in NC_________ are in the 4
core competencies as stated earlier.

I. Tasks to be performed and the evidence to be collected.

The different tasks to be performed for NC________ are the following:
A. Written Exam (30 mins)
B. Demontration (2hours)
C. ORAL Questioning (30 mins)
You will be given 2 hours to perform the task. I will collect evidences
through demonstration, written test and interview.

J. Assessment Method
To determined your knowledge and skills for (NC)_______, the
assessment method we will use will be written test, demonstration and
oral questioning. This method can help to measure your underpinning
knowledge and skills.

H. C / NYC
The result of this assessment can be either you are COMPETENT or

If you have doubt about the result of the assessment, you can make an
appeal. All you have to do is write a letter indicating the name of the
assessor, name of the assessment center, date of assessment, nature of
complain, sign it and submit it to the TESDA Provincial Office where the
assessor and assessment center is accredited . However, rest assured that
the result of the assessment shall be treated with strict and confidentiality.
This is to ensure your integrity. The result will only be available for

K. Needs of Candidates
In this center we have different areas, for your personal needs, the
lavatory and comfort rooms are located beside the assessment area. And
you can also take your meal at our canteen which is located at the lobby.

L. Difficulty in Understanding
If you can’t understand the given instruction please do not hesitate to
approach me because I am willing to translate it for you, on your local
dialect. If you need you have a quiet time for any religious practices, we
can allow you to do so. If during the assessment, if you have physical or
any forms of difficulty do not hesitate to call my attention so that we can
address to it immediately.

M. Do’s and Don’t’s During Assessment

However, once the assessment has started, please refrain from asking
questions it is no longer allowed, you can ask question prior to
assessment. Same with your cellphone kindly put it in silent mode or
turned it off. And also, you are not allowed to leave the premises of the
training center.

N. Issuance of NC
For the Issuance of the National Certificate, you can claim it at TESDA
Provincial Office within 3-5 working days after the assessment. Just bring
with you 3 pieces ID passport size, and some amount of money for
processing fee and the CARS.

O. Not Yet Competent / Reassessment

After the assessment and you found out that you are not yet competent
don’t worry you can come back for reassessment subject to the
availability of the assessor or when you feel confident enough that you
have acquired the competence. In case the reassessment is full
qualification, you have to undergo the whole assessment process. And if
you are competent in some units of competencies, the reassessment shall
focused on the units of competencies where you are found to be not yet
competent. Also if you did not pass two consecutive assessments you
will be advised to undergo a refresher course before applying for
P. During Assessment / Safety
During the actual assessment, please observe safety as you perform the
different tasks. Make sure to check your tools and equipment, the proper
handling of tools and materials to avoid accident. In case accident
happen, please call my attention immediately, so we can provide you with
first aid; our medicine cabinet is located beside the tool cabinet.

Q. Administer Written Exam

Do you have any questions or clarifications? If none, I will give you a
written exam. (Give) This is good for 30 minutes.
Your 30 minutes starts now.
Ok, time is up. Please pass your paper.

R. Specific Instruction and Assign number to the Candidates

Then now, I will administer the specific instruction and your assign

Mr/Ms. ___________you are Candidate No. 1

Mr/Ms. ___________you are Candidate No. 2
& Here’s your specific instruction (give).

S. Instruct the candidate / Demonstration Proper

Okay, everybody must be very ready now. All candidates must proceed to
the assessment area. Then find the computer with the number that
corresponds to your assigned number. Candidates welcome to the
assessment area. Given the necessary tools materials, equipment and
facilities needed you are required to perform in accordance with the
standard procedure. You must practice safety and health standard and
finish the task within 3 hours. If you have any questions you may ask
now, if none you may start your demonstration.

 Candidates time is up for your demonstration.

T. Oral Questioning
We will proceed now to the interview portion. (Interview and Provide
feedback on the assessment ).
1. Candidate #1 Ms/Mr___________ please take your seat; For the
names that I did not call, please wait to the waiting area. So we are
done with the demonstration and now it’s time for the interview
portion in relation to what have you performed a while ago. Interview
2 questions. Thank you Ms/Mr______ . Please go back to the waiting
area and please call candidate # 2 for me.
2. Candidate #2 Ms/Mr please take your seat, so we are done with the
demonstration and now it’s time for the interview portion in relation
to what have you performed a while ago. Interview 2 questions.Thank
you Ms/Mr were done with the interview. Please go back to the
waiting area

1. Candidate #1 Ms/Mr___________ please take your seat; For the names
that I did not call, please wait to the waiting area. So we are done with the
demonstration and now it’s time for the interview portion in relation to
what have you performed a while ago. Interview 2 questions. Thank you
Ms/Mr______ you were able to answer all the questions correctly. For
your demonstration, as I observed that you performed different skills in
this qualification. Like safety handling of computer parts, safety
procedure of splicing cable, setting servers. However during the cable
splicing make sure that you always wear your PPEs for your safety.
Based on the evidences I have gathered in the assessment I found out that
you are already competent in performing the different skills required in
CSS NC II. You were able to answer all questions correctly during
interview and perform task during demonstration and performed the task
in the Standard Requirement of the Qualification(STR). For that
Congratulations!You are COMPETENT. Please sign the rating Sheets
and the CARS. I will endorse the CARS to the AC Manager. You can get
your CARS from him/her and use your CARS in claiming your National
Certificate level II or NC II at TESDA Provincial Office 3 working days.
Congratulations once again and you may leave this area.

2. Candidate #2 Ms/Mr please take your seat, so we are done with the
demonstration and now it’s time for the interview portion in relation to
what have you performed a while ago. Interview 2 questions.Thank you
Ms/Mr were done with the interview. Thank you Ms/Mr______ you were
able to answer all the questions correctly. For your demonstration, as I
observed that you did not well performed the different skills in this
qualification. Like safety handling of computer parts, safety procedure of
splicing cable, setting servers. Based on the evidences I have gathered in
the assessment I found out that you are not yet competent in performing
the different skills required in CSS NC II. You were able to answer all
questions correctly during interview and during the demonstration you
did not perform correctly the task in the Standard Requirement of the
Qualification(STR). For that, You are NOT YET COMPETENT. Please
sign the rating Sheets and the CARS. If you have doubt about the result
of the assessment, you can make an appeal. All you have to do is write a
letter indicating the name of the assessor, name of the assessment center,
date of assessment, nature of complain, sign it and submit it to the
TESDA Provincial Office where the assessor and assessment center is
accredited . However, rest assured that the result of the assessment shall
be treated with strict and confidentiality. This is to ensure your integrity.
The result will only be available for authorized.


But before you go, please answer The Assessment Session Evaluation
Form. This would help me improve or enhance the conduct of the
competency assessment and the assessment sessions.

Thank you and GOD Bless in your next journey.

Prepared by:

Geneveve O. Lopez

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