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ISSN 1886-5895

doi.org/ 10.52149/sp21
OCTUBRE 2022 Nº 66



María Meijide Bermúdez

Education Inspector of the Basque Country


The changes that are taking place in the environment of Vocational Training in the
Basque Country are causing a change in its social perception, associating it with high
levels of employability and a quality offer. A real commitment is being made to expand
this VT offer, understanding that vocational training provides the talent that any
economic system needs, but it is also necessary that this offer has all the guarantees of
a good educational system. The education inspectorate must also ensure the quality of a
new VT, and perhaps, in order to carry out its function, it will need to review what the
most appropriate intervention should be and propose the necessary updates.

Keywords: Vocational training, educational quality, professional competence

Edita: Unión Sindical de Inspectores de Educación · Página 1 de 16

Recepción: 10/10/2022. Aceptación: 20 /10/2022

Meijide Bermúdez, María (2022)
Intervention on the education inspection in FP centers in the Basque Country. Towards a new model?
Supervisión 21, n.º 66.
ISSN 1886-5895


The evolution experienced by Vocational Training (hereinafter FP) in recent years could
be described as an unstoppable rise in all the Autonomous Communities, but perhaps,
due to its strong tradition, especially in the Autonomous Community of the Basque
Country (hereinafter ACBC).

Not only has it become consolidated as an educational stage that offers many
possibilities to all types of students, both young and old, workers and unemployed, but
this recognition is changing the social image that FP had not so many years ago. It has
become a source of quality employment, which enhances its utilitarian value, as well as
an opportunity to remain in the education system for those students who do not fit into
the more traditional pathway, without limitations on their lifelong learning possibilities, or
an opportunity for the unemployed and workers to qualify and requalify.

The country's commitment to these studies, the recognition of the economic boost that
having suitably qualified workers provides to the regions, or being able to improve the
professional skills of young people who want to enter the world of employment, as well
as the versatility of the offer that is made, make FP, at this time, a territory of
opportunities, in which not only does the path not end, but it is a possible transit towards
very different scenarios, both academic and professional.

The EU has made it clear that the lack of suitably qualified people, especially in the field
of mid-level technicians, may be one of the difficulties that many of its members will
encounter, and companies will only be able to face their future by investing in people's
talent, talent that must be channelled in order to adapt to the changes that, it seems to
many, are still unknown and are yet to come.

Therefore, investment in quality vocational training can be a determining factor in

achieving economic growth, while at the same time contributing to the promotion of
innovation and the transformation of the productive fabric.

As Asegurado and Marrodán (A. Asegurado and J. Marrodán, 2022) point out, "it seems
clear that FP is not only an educational issue, but a development and innovation strategy
that should not belong to one ministry but should be planned and developed from an

Revista Supervisión 21, nº 66 Octubre 2022 ISSN 1886-5895 http://usie.es/supervision-21/

Recepción: 10/10/2022. Aceptación: 20 /10/2022 Página 2 de 16

Meijide Bermúdez, María (2022)
Intervention on the education inspection in FP centers in the Basque Country. Towards a new model?
Supervisión 21, n.º 66.
ISSN 1886-5895
integral perspective that involves different agents from the public administration and the
productive world...".


Although everyone, some more than others, has heard about FP and the transformation
it has undergone in recent years, the truth is that this stage is still largely unknown both
within and outside the education system itself.

To a certain extent, this is also the case for the education inspectorate, which, as a
technical teaching body, must also fulfil its role in FP centres. It must evaluate, supervise
and advise the centres, just as it does in other stages, but given the specific
characteristics of FP and the fact that it also has a different and detailed legislation, this
is not the scenario in which the generalist profile of the inspectorate feels most

If to this certain lack of knowledge, in some cases, we add that there have been major
changes such as the incorporation of dual training, with approaches that fully include the
company, new teaching-learning methodologies and the relevance that
entrepreneurship and innovation have gained in the curricula, it is understandable that
there is a certain fear of not being up to the task of what the FP centres may need,
simply out of professional respect.

However, aware of this situation, great efforts are being made to ensure that the
inspection competence is as adapted as possible to the profiles of the institutions in
which each intervention is carried out, including specific actions in the inspection plans,
especially in the field of vocational education and training.


In order to understand properly the conditions in which this binomial inspection-FP is

related, it is necessary to contextualise the immediate past and present of FP in the
ACBC, of Basque FP, which has become a brand synonymous with success and know-

Revista Supervisión 21, nº 66 Octubre 2022 ISSN 1886-5895 http://usie.es/supervision-21/

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Meijide Bermúdez, María (2022)
Intervention on the education inspection in FP centers in the Basque Country. Towards a new model?
Supervisión 21, n.º 66.
ISSN 1886-5895
From an organisational point of view, the Regional Ministry of Education of the Basque
Government has its own Vice-Ministry of Vocational Training. This structure already
shows the importance given to this stage of the education system. Two directorates
report to this Vice-Ministry, namely:

1. Centre management and planning.

2. The management of technology and advanced learning.

We could say, in a way, that there is one direction for what is real and another for
dreaming about what is to come...

But this commitment to anticipate, to foresee what companies' needs will be in the
future, is one of the reasons why the Basque Country's vocational training has even been
recognised in Europe. And proof that more needs to be done than said, the Basque
Institute for Future Apprenticeships has recently been created (Decree 62/2022 of 17
May). This technical body will be responsible for "defining the new professional profiles
and the training necessary to respond to present and future learning needs. In other
words, the aim is to identify and analyse future trends that will influence the
competitiveness of companies and the employability of individuals".

This body is the latest to be created under the 5th Basque FP Plan, in which the agents
that will make its development possible are indicated, and of which we highlight,
together with Tknika, in addition to the centres, the Basque Centre for Applied Innovation
in FP (which is taking on a new dimension) and the Basque Institute for Talent in FP
(replacing the former Institute of Knowledge):

Revista Supervisión 21, nº 66 Octubre 2022 ISSN 1886-5895 http://usie.es/supervision-21/

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Meijide Bermúdez, María (2022)
Intervention on the education inspection in FP centers in the Basque Country. Towards a new model?
Supervisión 21, n.º 66.
ISSN 1886-5895

Source: www.euskadi.eus/contenidos/informacion/fpgeneral/es_def/adjuntos/V-

This V FP Plan, which is now finalised and will give way in the coming weeks to the VI
Basque FP Plan, established the strategic lines which were to mark the future of
vocational education in the Basque Autonomous Community.

It also indicated a series of principles on which actions were to be based, such as:

Revista Supervisión 21, nº 66 Octubre 2022 ISSN 1886-5895 http://usie.es/supervision-21/

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Intervention on the education inspection in FP centers in the Basque Country. Towards a new model?
Supervisión 21, n.º 66.
ISSN 1886-5895

Source: www.euskadi.eus/contenidos/informacion/fpgeneral/es_def/adjuntos/V-

This FP Plan, as the other ones, responds to a living strategy, which can adapt to the new
times, and at the same time aims to be able to meet the needs of companies, and in the
case of the Basque Country, especially SMEs.

The Basque Competitiveness Institute, in its 2019 report, points out that:

A distinctive feature of this period (2016-2019) to achieve the involvement of small

enterprises that deserves to be highlighted, in addition to the work of the cluster
associations, is the turn of the local development agencies (as disseminating
agents of the activities of the steering groups) and the network of vocational
training centres coordinated by Tknika (in the fields of training, entrepreneurship

Revista Supervisión 21, nº 66 Octubre 2022 ISSN 1886-5895 http://usie.es/supervision-21/

Recepción: 10/10/2022. Aceptación: 20 /10/2022 Página 6 de 16

Meijide Bermúdez, María (2022)
Intervention on the education inspection in FP centers in the Basque Country. Towards a new model?
Supervisión 21, n.º 66.
ISSN 1886-5895
and support for non-I+D based innovation). In this regard, the Tkgune programme
deserves to be cited as an example, as it focuses on non-I+D based technological
innovation carried out by SMEs (it is a programme financed through the
Innovation Fund managed by Lehendakaritza). During 2017-18 it facilitated the
contact of 1,600 companies with vocational training centres to carry out around
400 innovation projects and improve them. (Aranguren et al. 2019).

In this scenario of experimentation, strategic priorities and niches of opportunity, and in

order to provide regulatory support for all the initiatives that were proposed, the Basque
Country Vocational Training Act (Act 4/2018, of 28 June, on Vocational Training in the
Basque Country - BOPV of 5 July 2018) was enacted. This law states in its preamble that
it is necessary to "break with previous schemes and evolve..." and proposes, among other

• Move towards a combined model, in which entrepreneurship and applied

innovation take on special relevance.

• Endow the centres with greater autonomy in management and organisation,

considering new organisational structures, more specific if necessary.

• Advance in general research or in the field of advanced learning, digital

environments, intelligent systems, or sustainability.

• Favour the versatility of the educational offer and the fact that it can be modified
in an agile manner according to the needs detected.

• Move towards flexible, agile, reliable and, above all, efficient approaches.

• Encourage the participation of social and labour agents to improve the FP system.

• Periodically evaluate the system itself through its own bodies or even
international committees.

In summary, it could be said that this framework law opens the door to scenarios in
which it is possible to experiment, test, design and, above all, transfer and share
between centres (both in the public and private networks) and with companies and other
agents. It is, in short, a tool for the Basque Government, and where appropriate, the FP
vice-counselling department, to be able to adopt the most appropriate measures, with

Revista Supervisión 21, nº 66 Octubre 2022 ISSN 1886-5895 http://usie.es/supervision-21/

Recepción: 10/10/2022. Aceptación: 20 /10/2022 Página 7 de 16

Meijide Bermúdez, María (2022)
Intervention on the education inspection in FP centers in the Basque Country. Towards a new model?
Supervisión 21, n.º 66.
ISSN 1886-5895
total flexibility and speed. It is a law that is clearly in line with, and in a certain sense a
precursor to, the new FP law, as many of the new features that are proposed are
perfectly recognisable.


The intervention to be carried out by the Education Inspectorate of the CAPV has
recently been reviewed and defined in order to draw up its Catalogue of Services, where
it is expressly stated that it aspires to "be a proactive and reliable organisation, which
adds value to all its activities".

Source: https://view.genial.ly/60f6b9b108cc870dc7c90e56/interactive-content-

The challenge, therefore, in terms of intervention in FP institutions, is to determine

whether the education inspectorate is able to provide value in its actions, whether it
proactively intervenes in a trustworthy and reliable manner. In order to achieve this, it will
probably be essential to improve the visibility of the inspectorate's work and the
knowledge and recognition of what is happening in these institutions.

The inspection plans themselves include among their objectives the need to expressly
monitor the strategic lines proposed by the Vice-Ministry of FP, with special attention to
the ETHAZI methodology (acronym for High Performance Cycles) and DUAL training. In

Revista Supervisión 21, nº 66 Octubre 2022 ISSN 1886-5895 http://usie.es/supervision-21/

Recepción: 10/10/2022. Aceptación: 20 /10/2022 Página 8 de 16

Meijide Bermúdez, María (2022)
Intervention on the education inspection in FP centers in the Basque Country. Towards a new model?
Supervisión 21, n.º 66.
ISSN 1886-5895
this sense, a systematic monitoring has been carried out for several years in which it was

• Compliance with regulations in the selection of students, project development

and coordination with the company.

• Guarantee of acquisition of competences both at the centre and in the company:

analysis of documentary evidence and records used for assessment, both at the
centre and in the company.

• Actions carried out by the centre and the teaching staff involved for the correct
monitoring of students.

• Integration between the implementation of new learning methodologies and Dual

training plans.

Likewise, in the latest Triennial Plan 2020-2023, the possibility of carrying out new
actions in the new areas of the world of FP is included as an opportunity. In the 2020-21
Annual Plan, for example, the possibility of identifying Good Practices that are developed
in FP centres in order to assess their possible transfer to other educational stages is
proposed. In short, the inspectorate is well aware that it must try to identify and specify
its intervention in FP institutions. In order to expressly address the needs expressed by
these centres, a working team specifically dedicated to FP was created, which has
become a permanent Commission, made up of a person from the head office and
inspectors from the three territories, who act as a chain of transmission of the
agreements or issues worked on in each territory.

Although many of the interventions carried out coincide in spirit with those carried out in
other stages, there are some that take on a special character, considering the current
context mentioned above. As Racero and Castillo (Racero, F.C. & Castillo, M., 2022) point
out, models should not be transferred without an assessment and contextualisation to
the specific reality of each territory, but rather it is necessary to adopt proposals for
action adapted to the needs of each place.

Examples of these differential interventions in FP in the Basque Country could be the

implementation of new learning models and the evaluation of the management function.

Implementation of new active-collaborative methodologies

Revista Supervisión 21, nº 66 Octubre 2022 ISSN 1886-5895 http://usie.es/supervision-21/

Recepción: 10/10/2022. Aceptación: 20 /10/2022 Página 9 de 16

Meijide Bermúdez, María (2022)
Intervention on the education inspection in FP centers in the Basque Country. Towards a new model?
Supervisión 21, n.º 66.
ISSN 1886-5895
For more than 10 years, a collaborative teaching-learning model based on challenges
has been explored, implemented and established in the centres of the CAPV.

The origin of this change stemmed from the need to incorporate into the explicit
curriculum all the transversal, personal and social competences that make a worker a
better qualified and, above all, versatile employee in the face of growing uncertainty in
almost all professional sectors.

Based on this concern, an attempt was also made to establish an approximation to the
real world, so that the learning would have a direct application and a clear connection
with what would later become their professional development field. On the other hand,
we could not leave out other issues, also of a cross-cutting nature, but which define a
society, such as values, and specifically gender equality, sustainability, for example, and
not forgetting creativity.

The result was the Challenge-based Collaborative Learning model, whose distinctive
elements are expressed in the following infographic:

Source: https://ethazi.tknika.eus/es/contexto/

After testing with five schools, the model was gradually extended, with the participation
of the teachers themselves and under the guidance and supervision of Tknika.

Revista Supervisión 21, nº 66 Octubre 2022 ISSN 1886-5895 http://usie.es/supervision-21/

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Meijide Bermúdez, María (2022)
Intervention on the education inspection in FP centers in the Basque Country. Towards a new model?
Supervisión 21, n.º 66.
ISSN 1886-5895
The good results and credibility achieved allowed the proposal to be extended little by
little, respecting the rhythms and possibilities of the centres and based, at all times, on a
strong investment in teacher training.

While this model was being installed in the schools, the inspectorate carried out an
accompanying role, with little interventionist supervision. After a few years in which its
progressive implementation was noted, it was decided to collaborate more decisively,
more proactively, providing regulatory support for all the actions that were being carried
out and collaborating with the vice-counselling department, for example, in the drafting
of instructions to this effect. It was also decided to invest in two types of training:

• On the one hand, more general training, aimed at all the inspection staff, in order
to find out first-hand what the FP centres were doing and the context in which the
5th Basque FP Plan was being developed.

• On the other hand, more specific training for all the people assigned to FP
centres, with special attention paid to new methodologies and innovation
projects that were being carried out in order to be able to carry out a more
adapted supervision of the centres.

Some of the steps that have been taken in this process have not been without
difficulties, especially in the area of evaluation, but there is a significant degree of
satisfaction with the results. Both in the analysis of the results and in ensuring that the
modifications are sufficiently solid and traceable, the inspectorate is able to provide
professional advice, as it has the technical training to do so.

During visits to schools, the inspectorate has come across different programming
models with an expanded curriculum, with forms of teaching organisation that vary from
the traditional FP and to which it was not accustomed, and even the combination of this
model with FP. Dual but we cannot ignore the fact that the inspectorate also has to
adapt its actions to the changes and new realities that arise.

Establishment of new organisational structures of the centre

To be able to do things differently, as the Basque Country's FP Law proposes, different

structures and formulas are required to those currently in use in order to be able to
evolve. New needs require new figures, new groupings and new ways of working. In

Revista Supervisión 21, nº 66 Octubre 2022 ISSN 1886-5895 http://usie.es/supervision-21/

Recepción: 10/10/2022. Aceptación: 20 /10/2022 Página 11 de 16

Meijide Bermúdez, María (2022)
Intervention on the education inspection in FP centers in the Basque Country. Towards a new model?
Supervisión 21, n.º 66.
ISSN 1886-5895
short, it is a question of Managing Complexity and being able to drive the necessary
change in organisations.

Although the aforementioned Law 4/2018 does not yet have the corresponding
regulatory development beyond the Resolutions at the beginning of the academic year,
different pilots have been carried out with regard to the new figures that needed to be
incorporated into the management of the centres, with new organisational structures.
Thus, transversal departments have been created with the aim of generating synergies
with the rest of the centre's structures, but focusing on a specific purpose:

• Department of information and vocational guidance.

• Applied Research and Innovation Department.

• Strategy Department.

• Operations Department.

• Internationalisation Department.

As can be seen, this structure is perfectly aligned with the objectives set out in the FP
Plan and only with new figures is it possible to face new challenges, especially if we
consider the overload that school management has to deal with on a daily basis.

Although the Basque Country's education inspectorate has a very detailed rubric for
dealing with the assessment of the management function as rigorously as possible, and
an adaptation had already been carried out with the characteristics of this educational
stage in mind, it is clear that the incorporation of new figures will require a review of the
assessment model used in public FP centres, as well as of the tools used for this
purpose. Logically, and prior to this, all the changes will have to be included in the
corresponding regulations, but this should not prevent the inspectorate from anticipating
what we know is to come.


La The new FP Law 3/2022, of 31 March, on the organisation and integration of FP,
introduces important new features in the organisation of the stage, but we will first

Revista Supervisión 21, nº 66 Octubre 2022 ISSN 1886-5895 http://usie.es/supervision-21/

Recepción: 10/10/2022. Aceptación: 20 /10/2022 Página 12 de 16

Meijide Bermúdez, María (2022)
Intervention on the education inspection in FP centers in the Basque Country. Towards a new model?
Supervisión 21, n.º 66.
ISSN 1886-5895
highlight the express reference to the functions attributed to the education inspectorate
in Article 110.2:

"All public administrations with competence in the matter shall ensure the quality
of all the actions and services of the Vocational Training System, especially
vocational guidance, the training provided in the two regimes, in all their
learning environments and in all their modalities, and the accreditation of
professional competences. To this end, the High Inspectorate of Education and
the Education Inspectorate will be involved in the inspection, supervision, and
evaluation of the Vocational Training System, under the terms established in
Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, on Education, and without prejudice to the
competences of other bodies".

The challenge facing the education inspectorate is no small one, given that, in addition
to all the organisational changes proposed, we must add the new scenarios in which,
until now, the department of education was not usually involved, but rather the
department of labour, such as training for employment, with the integration of the two
subsystems into one, or the field of accreditation of competences.

In line with the promotion of anticipation, the CAPV has been experimenting with some
of the novelties which will be incorporated with the regulatory development of this law.
Thus, for example:

• Attempts have been made to test the possibilities for all first-year students to
undertake in-company training, with mixed results, but which allow them to be
prepared to resolve the difficulties detected. The inspectorate, for its part, has
monitored these pilots more closely.

• Training for employment has been incorporated into normal teaching practice,
and has even been considered a public service, which has allowed the
inspectorate to include it in its supervision.

• More inclusive and adapted proposals have been explored, such as 3-year Basic
FP, and the inspectorate has collaborated in drawing up instructions for its
development, as well as the corresponding supervision. Similarly, the
inspectorate has collaborated in the general regulation of specialisation courses.

Revista Supervisión 21, nº 66 Octubre 2022 ISSN 1886-5895 http://usie.es/supervision-21/

Recepción: 10/10/2022. Aceptación: 20 /10/2022 Página 13 de 16

Meijide Bermúdez, María (2022)
Intervention on the education inspection in FP centers in the Basque Country. Towards a new model?
Supervisión 21, n.º 66.
ISSN 1886-5895
But there are many challenges on the horizon for the future... Education administrations
will decide, in application of their competence, how the new law is to be developed and
applied, but until then, the education inspectorate should reflect on certain issues, such
as the following::

• The new role of the inspectorate in a collaborative context with other entities,
bodies and institutions that participate in the development of a new FP model.

• The re-definition of the functions to be carried out by the inspectorate in the new
FP environment, with a special focus on "ensuring the quality of all its actions and
services", as stipulated in the new law.

• Consequently, the competence profile of the inspectorate should be reviewed in

order to be able to undertake these tasks, as well as the training plan necessary
to acquire it.

• The possibility for the inspectorate to be present in those forums in which the FP
system is evaluated, such as the Basque FP Council.

At the same time, if, as stated in its Strategic Vision, the education inspectorate aspires to
add value to all its activities, what could it do to achieve this?

• Perhaps it could improve its knowledge of the professional sectors linked to

vocational training cycles and the technical reports that carry out surveys in this

• Take on a didactic role with the schools, so that they better understand the
implications of the standard...

• Adopt a role of facilitator and transmitter of good practices among the centres,
seeking synergies that facilitate teamwork, applied innovation, optimisation of
material and, above all, personnel resources...

• Promote a culture of evaluation in the centres so that the changes ensure real
innovation and maintain the quality of the system...

A new and uncertain scenario is opening up for FP and, therefore, for the Education
Inspectorate. Collaboration and accompaniment will be useful tools for both parties in
the new path that is beginning, and in the midst of all the uncertainty, let us not lose

Revista Supervisión 21, nº 66 Octubre 2022 ISSN 1886-5895 http://usie.es/supervision-21/

Recepción: 10/10/2022. Aceptación: 20 /10/2022 Página 14 de 16

Meijide Bermúdez, María (2022)
Intervention on the education inspection in FP centers in the Basque Country. Towards a new model?
Supervisión 21, n.º 66.
ISSN 1886-5895
what gives meaning to education inspection: contributing to the improvement of the
education system.


• Aranguren, M.J., Magro, E., Morgan, K., Navarro, M. Y Wilson, J.: Apostando a largo
plazo: la experimentación de la especialización inteligente en el País Vasco
2016-2019. Cuadernos Orkestra 59/2019.

• Asegurado, A. y Marrodan, J (coord..): La nueva ley de FP y su análisis. Una

mirada técnica. Editex (2022).

• CaixaBank y Orkestra: Observatorio de la formación profesional. Informe 2021.

Available at: www.observatoriofp.com/downloads/2021/infografia.pdf

• Gobierno Vasco: PCTI Euskadi 2020, una estrategia de especialización

inteligente (2014). Available at n

• Navarro, M: El papel de los centros de formación profesional en los sistemas de

innovación regionales y locales. La experiencia del País Vasco. Cuadernos
Orkestra 7/2014.

• Plan de Modernización de la Modernización de la Formación Profesional (2020)

Available at: www.todofp.es/dam/jcr:5d43ab06-7cdf-4db6-a95c-

• V Plan Vasco de Formación Profesional 2019-2021. La Formación Profesional

en el entorno de la 4ª Revolución Industrial. Available at:

• Piñel, S.: “Competencias profesionales de la inspección de educación. esbozo de

necesidades formativas” SUPERVISIÓN 21. Nº 51/2019 https://usie.es/wp-

Revista Supervisión 21, nº 66 Octubre 2022 ISSN 1886-5895 http://usie.es/supervision-21/

Recepción: 10/10/2022. Aceptación: 20 /10/2022 Página 15 de 16

Meijide Bermúdez, María (2022)
Intervention on the education inspection in FP centers in the Basque Country. Towards a new model?
Supervisión 21, n.º 66.
ISSN 1886-5895
• Racero Montes, F. J., & Castillo García, M. (2022). La ley 3/2022, de ordenación e
integración de la formación profesional: una nueva oportunidad. SUPERVISIÓN
21, Nº 65/2022. https://doi.org/10.52149/Sp21/65.5

• Organic Law 3/2022, of 31 March, on the organisation and integration of

Vocational Training.

• Organic Law 4/2018, of 28 June, on Vocational Training in the Basque Country.

• Decree 62/2022, of 17 May, which creates the Institute for Future Vocational
Training - IVAF - and approves its list of posts.

Revista Supervisión 21, nº 66 Octubre 2022 ISSN 1886-5895 http://usie.es/supervision-21/

Recepción: 10/10/2022. Aceptación: 20 /10/2022 Página 16 de 16

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