Prova Inglês 9ano

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Disciplina: Inglês Professora: Série: 9º ano Data: Nota:

Leslyane /40

Prova 1º Bimestre

1. Translate the Internet Slangs for ENGLISH.

a) BFF _____________________________ f) 2DAY ___________________________

b) 4EVER __________________________ g) THX ___________________________
c) DM _____________________________ h) XOXO ___________________________
d) U2 _____________________________ i) U ______________________________
e) ILU _____________________________ j) GR8 ____________________________

2. Choose the correct Relative Pronoun.

a) He went to the same college which/that my brother attended years ago.
b) The 3 a.m. flight is the one that/who you need to take.
c) We don’t know the person who/that donated all the clothes.
d) The dog, which/who had long hair, left fur balls everywhere he went.
e) Jeff is marrying a girl that/who his family doesn’t approve of.
f) Griff blamed himself for everything that/which happened in the backyard.

3. Complete the sentences with modal verbs Should/Shouldn’t or Must/Mustn’t.

a) You ______________ listen to loud music.
b) Humans ______________ drink water regularly.
c) You ______________ smoke in hospitals.
d) She ______________ go to school, it’s a holiday.
e) They ______________ study a lot to pass the exam.
f) You ______________ go to the party today.

4. Write True (T) or False (F).

a) The book that you are looking for is on the desk. ( )
b) He bought a purse who costs a lot of money. ( )
c) The day who we decided to go out is today. ( )
d) This is the woman who I met in Greece. ( )
e) The pasta that she made yesterday was great. ( )
f) That is the man which told me the truth. ( )
5. Choose the correct form of the modal verbs.
a) She feels tired. She should/shouldn’t take a nap.
b) The kitchen is a mess, you should/shouldn’t go in there.
c) I am feeling sick. I should/shouldn’t see a doctor.
d) Smoking is bad for your health, you should/shouldn’t stop it.
e) The kids should/shouldn’t go to bed late.
f) I should/shouldn’t study more to pass the exam.

6. Translate the text messages for ENGLISH.

a) GR8 to see you!
b) Call me 2DAY.
c) Send me a DM later.
d) You’re my BFF!
f) THX for the present!

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