Is G. Cambogia A Promising Treatment? Effects On Cultured Nasal Epithelial Cells

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European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2022; 26: (2 Suppl): 15-24

Is G. cambogia a promising treatment?

Effects on cultured nasal epithelial cells

Otorhinolaryngology Section, Dilber Private Clinic, Istanbul, Turkey
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine, Kirikkale University, Kirikkale, Turkey
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Eskisehir Technical University, Eskisehir, Turkey
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine, Eskişehir Osmangazi University,
Eskişehir, Turkey

Abstract. – OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this CONCLUSIONS: G. cambogia may offer clini-
study is to assess the effects of applying Gar- cal benefit as a supplementary topical treatment
cinia cambogia to cultured human nasal epithe- for inflammation of the nose and sinuses, as
lial cells. seen in chronic and acute rhinosinusitis, or na-
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cell culture sal polyps. The plant appears to increase nasal
was set up consisting of human primary nasal epitheliocytic proliferation slightly, as revealed
epithelial cells harvested during septorhinoplas- by the MTT assay. There were no indications of
ty from volunteers. The cells came from individ- a cytotoxic effect on epithelial cells of the nose.
uals with no history of rhinosinusitis. One assay
for assessing cytotoxicity in cell culture utilis- Key Words:
es MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphen- Garcinia cambogia, Cultured human nasal epitheli-
yltetrazolium bromide). This method allows vi- al cells, Confocal microscopy, Viability, toxicity.
sualization of fragmented DNA, condensation of
nuclei and changes to the external cellular mem-
brane or cytoskeleton. Our study employed this
method. Nasal epithelial cells at 37°C were ex- Introduction
posed in culture to G. cambogia for a period of
24 hours. Afterwards an MTT assay was used in
conjunction with confocal microscopy to assess The US Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
evidence of toxicity. The proliferative capability (FD&C Act) was amended in 1994 by the Dietary
of the nasal epithelial cells was also evaluated Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA).
by inducing a scratch injury to cultured cells fol- The DSHEA stipulates that a dietary supplement
lowed by light microscopic examination. is any vitamin, mineral, herb or other plant or ami-
RESULTS: Testing for cytotoxicity in this man- no acid, taken in order to increase the amount of a
ner indicates that G. cambogia does not appear
harmful to cultured nasal epithelial cells when ap- specific dietary component1,2. Supplements may be
plied directly. The cells exposed to this plant ex- prepared as a concentrate, be a metabolite of anoth-
tract were still fully viable 24 hours afterwards. er substance or form a constituent of another prod-
There was no increase in viability at the level of uct. They may be an extract or be compounded as
statistical significance. It was noted, however, a combination of forms1-3,4”. Supplements may be
that proliferation did increase slightly within the sold as tablets, capsules, soft gels, gelatinous cap-
exposure period. The MTT assay and confocal
microscopy confirm these findings. Under con-
sules, liquids, teas, or powders. The officially ap-
focal microscopic examination, a compact mor- proved reference for the documentation of herbal
phology with unaltered nuclear and cytoskeletal medicinal products in the US is the United States
appearances was observed. Thus, there is no ev- Pharmacopoeia-National Formulary (USP-NF)1,4.
idence suggesting viability is impaired or that cy- This document sets out the official public stan-
totoxicity occurs. Ordinary light microscopic ex- dards for all medicinal products permitted to be
amination showed the area denuded of cells had manufactured and sold within the USA. It covers
become re-covered completely within 24 hours
in the cultures where G. cambogia had been ap- both prescription-only and over the counter prod-
plied. The result suggests that exposure to G. ucts5. The pharmacopoeia also defines standards
cambogia has no significant effect in terms of relating to ingredients in food and the composition
stimulating or inhibiting cellular proliferation. of dietary supplemental products6.

Corresponding Author: Muhammet Dilber, MD; e-mail: 15

M. Dilber, N. Bayar Muluk, C. Vejselova Sezer, H. Mehtap Kutlu, C.C. Cingi

Garcinia cambogia, also known as Garcinia There is a requirement in the DSHEA that the
gummi-gutta is a common ingredient in fish cur- safety of supplements be proven prior to their be-
ries. Many people enjoy the powerful tangy taste of ing marketed. It is the responsibility of the man-
the fruit rind. It is used ethnobotanically as an aid ufacturer to label the product truthfully and in
to digestion and for alleviating bowel complaints, ways that are not open to misinterpretation. The
preventing parasitic infections of the gut and re- manufacturing company must be clearly identi-
lieving rheumatic complaints. In appearance, the fied, and the ingredients must be listed in their en-
unprocessed plant is a small-sized fruit resembling tirety. Claims that cannot be clearly justified must
a miniature pumpkin. It is frequently sold and used also be avoided. This covers purported benefits
as an aid in dieting. Scientific evidence indicates on health, nutritional values and claims regarding
that G. cambogia fruit rind extract contains abun- effects on body structure or function10.
dant hydroxycitric acid (HCA). This compound ex- Claims about structure or function refers to
erts an effect on weight loss by altering serotonin statements that a particular benefit to physiologi-
levels. This leads to lower intake of calories by in- cal function or healthy anatomy is linked to use of
creasing satiety. Furthermore, metabolic changes the supplement. For example, a manufacturer may
include greater fatty acid oxidation and a reduction claim use of a calcium-containing product results
in de novo lipid synthesis. HCA strongly inhibits in stronger bones. Functional claims may also be
the enzyme adenosine triphosphate citrate lyase, made about how a supplement may achieve these
preventing citrate’s conversion to acetyl-coenzyme benefits, e.g., that high fibre content promotes regu-
A. This conversion is a vital step in lipogenesis, lar bowel habits. Claims are sometimes made more
including production of fatty acids, cholesterol vaguely, such as stating that a particular nutrient
and triacylglycerides. Certain other benefits of promotes greater well-being. A manufacturer may-
unrefined extracts of G. cambogia have also been claim that a product protects against a disorder
demonstrated. It lowers lipid levels in blood, is an- caused by a nutrient deficiency, such as vitamin C
tidiabetic and reduces inflammation. Furthermore, used to prevent scurvy. In these cases, for US-mar-
it decreases malignant potential, is toxic to helmin- keted supplements, the consumer must be in-
thic parasites, inhibits cholinesterase activity and formed how common a particular disorder actually
protects the liver. These effects have been shown is. Claims related to structural or functional benefit
both in vitro and in animals7. must carry the following disclaimer, as mandated
The DSHEA enshrines the responsibility of by the DSHEA: “This statement has not been eval-
the US FDA to establish safety concerns and re- uated by the FDA. This product is not intended to
spond to warnings about supplements deemed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease6”.
endanger patient safety once they enter the mar- G. cambogia is a tree of considerable economic
ket. Supplements which entered the market before importance. Its fruit, when smoked and sun-dried,
1994 may still be sold. However, for these prod- enjoys widespread culinary use, particularly to fla-
ucts, there is a lack of rigorous scientific data re- vour fish curries. Dried fruit rind prevents bacterial
garding efficacy and safety. Their continued sale growth and can be used, together with salt, to cure
reflects an approach based upon trial-and-error. It fish. It is used in this way in India and Sri Lanka11-13.
is not a legal requirement for companies which It may sometimes be used as a replacement for Goa
manufacture or distribute dietary supplements to butter made from Garcinia indica and is often add-
seek registration as a manufacturer. They also do ed to meals to increase their bulk11,14. The fruit peel
not need approval before manufacturing or dis- is employed as a herbal medicine to treat joint pains
tributing supplements1,8. However, they must re- and gastrointestinal disorders. It also works as a pur-
port any known adverse effects and are obliged to gative, promoting watery discharge from the bowels,
ensure supplements remain unadulterated. There is toxic to helminthic parasites and can cause vom-
is FDA monitoring of claims about supplements iting. It may be used in animal medicine as a mouth
and labelling of particular products. In addition, a rinse in cows15. Although the pulp can be eaten, it is
system exists for reporting of side effects related very tart-tasting and is not generally consumed un-
to dietary supplements, although participation is cooked11,13. In India, G. cambogia is used to prepare
voluntary. There have been FDA warnings issued a tonic with a high level of vitamin C which is then
for supplements found to be hepatotoxic9. How used to treat a number of cardiac disorders16.
manufacturers may advertise dietary supple- It has already been shown that an extract of
ments is under the regulation of the Federal Trade 60% HCA obtained from G. cambogia is capable
Commission8. of preventing adipocytes developing and lipid being

Is G. cambogia a promising treatment? Effects on cultured nasal epithelial cells

stored in the cytoplasm of cells. This was shown in sterile Petri dishes, then transferred into a medium
cell cultures using the 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine, containing freshly constituted DMEM-F12. This
dexamethasone, and insulin (MDI)-induced mouse medium contained 1% penicillin-streptomycin and
embryonic fibroblast-adipose-like cell line (3T3-L1). 10% bovine foetal serum. The cells were main-
The extract significantly reduced the levels of per- tained at 37ºC in high humidity with 5% carbon
oxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-γ2, dioxide. Any excess fragments were washed off
CCAT/enhancer-binding protein a (CEB-Pa), and on Day 7. The cells that remained adherent to the
adipocyte protein aP217. According to Blunden’s plates were washed in phosphate-buffered saline
research18 carried out in vitro, the plant extract pre- (PBS) then treated with trypsin prior to being pas-
vents lipids being accumulated in adipocytes but saged onto T25 cell culture plates. The experiment
does not affect liposynthesis. A mouse model, where proper was deemed feasible when 85% of the cells
the animals were fed a lipid-enhanced diet to induce on the plate formed a confluent sheet21.
obesity, showed that G. cambogia extract decreased
gain in body mass. It also decreased the deposition MTT Cytotoxicity Assay Following
of adipose tissue around the viscera, lowered lipid Application of G. Cambogia
levels both within the liver and in the circulation, After being treated with trypsin, primary epi-
and lowered the circulating leptin and insulin con- thelial cells were transferred to a plate containing
centrations. The same extract was noted to offer 96 individual wells. The number of epithelial cells
benefit in terms of genetic expression in adipocytes within each well was around 5,000. The test re-
induced by a lipid-rich diet. It lowered levels of adi- agents were employed at different concentrations,
pocyte protein 2, sterol regulatory element-binding the most diluted being at a concentration of 0.15
factor 1c, PPAR-y2 and CEB-Pa19,20. mg/ml, whilst the highest concentration was 5 mg/
The current study aims to assess how an extract ml.These plates remained at a temperature of 37°C
of G. cambogia affects nasal epithelial cells in cell in a humid atmosphere with 5% carbon dioxide.
culture when applied directly to them. This is the The G. cambogia extract (Natural Factors, Co-
first study to investigate the effects of topically ap- quitlam, Canada) was prepared for topical applica-
plied cambogia, including the potential for toxicity. tion by being first mixed with dimethylsulfoxide,
giving a concentration of 5 mg/ml. Varying con-
centrations of the cambogia-DMSO mixture were
Materials and Methods applied to the cells in each well, the range being
from 0.15 to 5 mg/ml. The mixture then remained
This study was a collaborative effort between for 24 hours. After this incubation was complete,
the ENT Department of EskişehirOsmangazi 20 µL of 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphen-
University and the Department of Biology in the yltetrazolium bromide (MTT) in phosphate-buff-
Science Faculty of Eskişehir Technical Universi- ered saline (PBS, Invitrogen) was placed in each
ty. The primary nasal epithelial cells used were well. The MTT concentration was 5 mg/ml. With-
sourced from healthy tissue excised during the out altering the culture conditions in any other
course of rhinoplasty. Written consent for the tis- way, the plates then remained under incubation
sue to be used in this way was provided by the for 4 more hours, after which the cell culture me-
patients concerned. Once harvested, the muco- dium was replaced by 200 µL DMSO. The evalu-
sae were kept in a cyto-preservative medium for ation used an ELISA plate reader, the wavelength
transportation to the Cell Culture Laboratory at of which was set to 570 nm. The absorbance re-
the Eskişehir Technical University. corded allowed calculation of the percentage via-
ble tissue remaining and the value of IC50, i.e., the
half maximal inhibitory concentration21.
Confocal Microscopic Examination
Primary cell culture Nasal epithelial cells were cover-slipped and
Nasal epithelial tissues were surplus tissues ob- placed in a 6-welled plate. Each of the wells held
tained routinely at operation in five patients under- around 30,000 epithelial cells. The IC50 dose for
going septoplasty. They were transferred into cell an extract of cambogia had previously been ascer-
culture. None of these patients exhibited rhinosi- tained. A volume of G. cambogia extract deliver-
nusitis. To obtain individual nasal epithelial cells, ing this concentration was applied to the epithelial
the tissues were dissected into small fragments in cells for a 24-hour period. The controls consisted

M. Dilber, N. Bayar Muluk, C. Vejselova Sezer, H. Mehtap Kutlu, C.C. Cingi

of epithelial cells not exposed to the extract. After performed in the GraphPad prism 6.0 for Win-
the incubation period, the medium was removed dows software, manufactured by GraphPad Soft-
and the epithelial cells were washed with PBS. The ware Inc. (La Jolla, CA, USA).
cells were then fixated for quarter of an hour in 2%
glutaraldehyde at ambient temperature. The fixated
cells were washed once more with PBS and stain-
ing was then performed. The staining agents were Results
Alexa Fluor-488 phalloidin and acridine orange. A
Leica SP5-II microscope was employed for confo- MTT Assay Results
cal microscopic examination. In particular, frag- No evidence of toxicity arising from topical
mented DNA, condensed nuclei or changes in the application of G. cambogia was seen. The pri-
cellular outer membrane or cytoskeletal framework mary nasal epithelial cells remained fully viable
were considered indicators of cellular toxicity21. after 24 hours’ incubation. Although there was no
increase in cellular viability at the level of statisti-
Wound Healing Assay cal significance, there was a slight increase in the
Plates containing 6 wells were seeded with nasal rate of cellular proliferation within the incubation
epithelial cells, each well containing 30,000 cells. period (p>0.05) (Figure 1).
The incubation lasted 24 hours. A single layer of
cells forming a confluent layer was noted. This lay- Results of Confocal Microscopic
er was then disturbed by scratching with the sterile Examination
tip of a pipette, of the size used to transfer between The results obtained using confocal microsco-
20 and 200 microlitres of fluid. The scratched cul- py are in agreement with those seen in the MTT
tures were washed with PBS. Control cells had 3 ml assay. The epithelial cells which were not exposed
of fresh medium applied, whilst the test cells had to the extract (i.e., control cultures) exhibited a
3 ml of medium plus cambogia extract. All these compact morphological appearance. The overall
wells were visualised by light microscopy to record shape of the cell was fusiform, and the nucle-
the initial appearances. The light microscope was us possessed a clear boundary (see Figure 2A).
then used at 8-hour intervals to record progression The epithelial cells that were incubated with the
of healing. Non-scratched epithelial cells formed a G. cambogia extract were also seen to possess
further control group22. a compact morphology. They exhibited no indi-
cations of damage to the nuclear envelope or the
Statistical Analysis cytoskeletal elements. Thus, it appears the extract
A statistical analysis was undertaken. One- is not cytotoxic and does not impair cellular via-
way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was employed bility. These findings accord well with the results
for multiple comparisons. All calculations were of the MTT assay (Figure 2B).

Figure 1. Curve of viability of primary

nasal cells exposed to different concentra-
tions of G. cambogia for 24 hours.

Is G. cambogia a promising treatment? Effects on cultured nasal epithelial cells

Figure 2. Confocal microscopy images of primary cultured nasal cells. A, Control group and test cells exposed to G. cambo-
gia (B). Arrows indicate nucleus, whereas asterisks indicate the cytoskeleton.

Wound Healing Assay Results Discussion

The width of the induced scratch injury was
noted prior to and following exposure for 24 The plant previously and still frequently re-
hours to the G. cambogia extract. The area de- ferred to in the scientific literature as Garcinia
nuded of cells by the pipette tip had been partially cambogia (Gaertn.) Desr. (Clusiaceae), is now
re-covered by epithelial cells at the end of the 24 more properly termed Garcinia gummi-gutta (L.)
hours incubation period. The initial and final ap- Roxb. It may also be called the Malabar tamarind.
pearances are shown in Figures 3A and 3B, and This species is indigenous to Southeast Asia. The
4A and 4B, respectively. The appearances at the rind of the fruit is often utilised in preserving
end of the 24 hours in which the epithelial cells food, adding flavour or increasing the volume of
were in contact with the G. cambogia extract sug- food23. It has been used medicinally to remedy
gest that this extract neither impairs nor increases constipation, haemorrhoids, joint pains, swelling
cellular proliferation rates (Figure 4B). and irregularity of the menstrual cycle. It is also

Figure 3. Wound healing images of primary nasal cells at the initial stage (0th hour). A, Untreated (Control) cells and cells
exposed to G. cambogia (B).

M. Dilber, N. Bayar Muluk, C. Vejselova Sezer, H. Mehtap Kutlu, C.C. Cingi

Figure 4. Wound healing images of primary nasal cells at the end of incubation period, i.e., at 24th hour. A, Untreated (Con-
trol) cells and cells exposed to G. cambogia (B).

employed in treating parasitic intestinal infec- loss37,38. HCA is an α-, β-dihydroxy tricarboxylic
tions across Asia24. Phytochemical analysis has acid37. Between 10 and 30% of the fruit consists of
identified the following as compounds of interest: HCA, which occurs as an unconjugated acid, as hy-
organic acids25, benzoyl benzene26 and 9-oxoxan- droxycitrate or in lactone form39. HCA is marketed
thene27 and related molecules. These compounds in the form of calcium, magnesium or potassium
appear to possess bioactivity with potential bene- hydroxycitrate40. HCA is also synthesised by a num-
fit in obesity19,20, hyperlipidaemia28 and malignan- ber of different types of bacteria. It may be extract-
cy29, as well as other conditions. ed in future from a bacterial source41. HCA may be
Dietary supplements manufactured from G. formed in the laboratory by using citric acid as feed-
cambogia are widely sold. They are promoted as stock. To achieve this conversion, a water molecule
enhancing weight loss. However, with increasing is removed from citric acid, resulting in aconitic
use, there have been reports in the USA of acute acid, which is then oxidised to HCA42. The mech-
hepatitis and even acute liver failure, for which he- anism by which HCA contributes to weight loss is
patic transplantation was required30-32. The com- through inhibition of a key enzyme in aliphatic acid
pound responsible for hepatic toxicity has been lipogenesis, ATP citrate lyase. This enzyme catal-
speculated to be HCA and this is now amongst yses the breaking down of citrate into oxaloacetate
the compounds blacklisted by the US FDA on ac- and acetyl-CoA. The latter is a building block for
count of potential liver toxicity. The same agency manufacturing aliphatic acids43.
has also advised against use of certain prepara- It has been demonstrated by Bilal et al44 that,
tions where G. cambogia is a constituent, since although rats fed with a specially designed diet
these products were contaminated with sibutra- resulted in atherosclerosis. On the contrary, feed-
mine33. Sibutramine is itself hepatotoxic and has ing the animals G. Cambogia 4.5% w/w reduced
been denied marketing authorisation due to toxic the development of obesity and atherosclerosis44.
effects on the cardiovascular system34. This effect potentially occurred via an increase in
G. cambogia-containing dietary supplements circulating non-esterified fatty acid levels, reflect-
usually consist of between 20 and 60% HCA. They ing raised lipolysis. The same researchers also
also frequently contain constituents derived from discovered later28 that providing G. cambogia as
sources other than just G. cambogia35. The varied 4.5% of the total dietary mass for a period of 30
nature of G. cambogia extracts needs to be borne days to rats resulted in raised circulating apolipo-
in mind when making judgements about quality, protein A1 and the overall cholesterol level. Apo-
safety, and efficacy. There are numerous reports lipoprotein A1 is protective against atherogenesis.
claiming that many such extracts contain less HCA The ratio of apoliprotein A to B was unaffected.
than the normally expected concentration36. When a similar G. cambogia-containing diet was
However, it is HCA which is the key constituent fed to rats, metabolism of lipids and proteins by
of cambogia extracts in terms of promoting weight the heart was reduced45.

Is G. cambogia a promising treatment? Effects on cultured nasal epithelial cells

One study46 looked at the effects of G. cam- 116, which are derived from human adenocarci-
bogia fruit rind extract on inflammatory bowel nomas, and IEC-6, derived from immortalised
disease. Rats had colitis artificially induced using normal rat gut cells, these cell lines no longer
TNBS (2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid). A synthesised the products of arachidonic acid me-
preparation administered at a dose of 500 or 1,000 tabolism. It is hypothesised that these metabol-
mg/kg, and containing 51.2% of the negative iso- ic alterations occur due to an inhibitory effect
mer of HCA resulted in improvements visible to on the addition of phosphoryl groups to cPLA2
the naked eye, as well as lower levels of expres- (hence lower levels of arachidonic acid metab-
sion of MPO, COX-2 and iNOS. There were also olites). Furthermore, STAT-1 does not become
lower levels of PGE2 and IL-1β in the animals’ active, which then reduces synthesis of inducible
colon. There was no evidence of toxicity46. The nitric oxide synthase48.
authors concluded that G. cambogia may offer It has been previously shown that an extract
benefit in treating inflammatory disorders of the of G. cambogia fruit rind is an effective antiox-
intestines secondary to imbalance of the immune idant in vitro. This has been demonstrated using
system within the mucosa7. several different assays, i.e., DPPH, hydroxyl rad-
The objective of the current study was to as- ical scavenging, total peroxyl radical trapping and
certain whether cytotoxicity occurs when G. cam- lipid peroxidation49. For these assays the IC50 for
bogia extract is applied to nasal epithelial cells in the fruit extract were 36, 50, 44 and 62 μg/ml, re-
cell culture. Our findings suggest that G. cambo- spectively. For comparison, the following values
gia does not cause cytotoxicity in primary epithe- of IC50 are available: for ascorbate in the DPPH
lial cells. Incubation with the fruit extract did not and lipid peroxidation assays, 10 and 24 μg/ml,
diminish the viability of cells after 24 hours. Al- respectively; for quercetin in the hydroxyl radical
though viability was not increased at the level of assay, 36 μg/ml; and for TROLOX in the peroxyl
statistical significance, there was a mild increase radical assay, 18 μg/ml. These authors49 hypoth-
in proliferation within the incubation period. This esised that the antioxidant activity arose due to
increase was evident on both MTT assay and con- the presence of phenol moieties. A later study
focal microscopy. The confocal microscopic ap- by Shivakumar et al50 demonstrated antioxidant
pearances of the control epithelial cells, namely abilities in vitro for a G. cambogia fruit extract
compact morphology, clear nuclear outline and prepared using a hydroalcoholic or ethanolic ex-
intact cytoskeletal framework were the same as traction method50. The researchers employed the
those seen in the epithelial cells exposed to cam- DPPH, hydroxyl radical and ferric thiocyanate
bogia. This finding implies that cytotoxic effects assays. There was 79% inhibition of DPPH us-
do not occur. ing the hydroalcoholic extract, or 87% with the
The findings from the scratch assay depend ethanolic extract. In both cases the concentration
upon light microscopy-guided interpretation of was 300 μg/ml. In comparison, 94% inhibition
the extent to which the epithelial cells re-close the was noted with ascorbic acid, used at the same
denuded area within the 24-hour incubation ex- concentration.
posure. The findings here were that the denuded G. cambogia extracts prepared using ethyl
area was re-covered to the same extent by control ethanoate, ethanol or a hydroalcoholic extraction
and exposed cell cultures. Thus, the extract nei- method have been demonstrated to possess an-
ther increases nor decreases cellular proliferation. tibacterial action. They are capable of inhibit-
There are a number of phytochemical com- ing the growth of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella
pounds found in G. cambogia with the potential pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus
to suppress inflammation. Garcinol (5 μM) can subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus. One study
prevent NF-κB and/or JAK/STAT-1 from being found that these extracts produced a zone of in-
activated. This effect was shown in RAW264.7 hibition on culture media ranging from 15 to 34
macrophages in mice which had been activated mm across50. The extract of highest potency was
by exposure to bacterial lipopolysaccharides47. prepared using ethyl ethanoate, with the ethanol
Garcinol also suppresses the synthesis of iNOS only or hydroalcoholic preparations somewhat
and COX-2 in histiocytes rendered active by li- less effective in bacterial inhibition. However, an
popolysaccharide exposure, as well as suppress- extract prepared using hexane did not have any
ing the production of reactive oxygen species antibacterial activity, regardless of the bacterium
within the cell. When 1μ M garcinol 40-50% was involved. Furthermore, the aqueous and ethanolic
administered to the cell lines HT-29 and HCT- extracts of fruit rind also possessed an inhibito-

M. Dilber, N. Bayar Muluk, C. Vejselova Sezer, H. Mehtap Kutlu, C.C. Cingi

ry action versus HIV-1 protease and HIV-1 inte- Funding

grase, which are enzymes of major importance in The study was not funded by any company or association.
the pathogenesis of HIV. With an aqueous extract, There are no financial disclosures of the authors.
the IC50 for HIV-1 protease was 67 μg/ml and 70
μg/ml for the viral integrase. An extract prepared
using ethanol had lower potency, the IC50 value Authors’ Contributions
being 100 μg/ml for either enzyme51. Muhammet Dilber: Planning, designing, literature survey,
interpretation of the results, active intellectual support, sub-
So far there have been no other reports of stud- mission.
ies investigating how a G. cambogia extract can be Nuray Bayar Muluk: Planning, designing, literature sur-
utilised in the nasal interior and how toxic or other- vey, interpretation of the results, active intellectual sup-
wise G. cambogia is to nasal epithelial cells. How- port, writing.
ever, this plant is of significant medical interest to Canan Vejselova Sezer: Planning, designing, data collec-
tion, literature survey, interpretation of the results, active
rhinologists, as it possesses antioxidant49,50, anti- intellectual support.
microbial50,51 and anti-inflammatory actions47,48. Hatice Mehtap Kutlu: Planning, designing, data collection,
Thus, it may be suitable for use in acute or chronic performing the study, literature survey, interpretation of the
inflammatory conditions affecting the nose and si- results, active intellectual support, writing.
nuses. This study provides the useful information Cemal Cingi: Planning, designing, literature survey, per-
forming the study, interpretation of the results, active intel-
that local toxicity to G. cambogia does not appear lectual support, English editing.
to occur within the nasal epithelium.

It is proposed that G. cambogia may offer
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ORCID ID   4) US Food & Drug Administration. Dietary Sup-
Muhammet Dilber: 0000-0001-5835-3181 plement Products & Ingredients. Available at:
Nuray Bayar Muluk: 0000-0003-3602-9289
Canan Vejselova Sezer: 0000-0002-3792-5993 dietary-supplement-products-ingredients (Ac-
Hatice Mehtap Kutlu: 0000-0002-8816-1487 cessed on March 28, 2021).
Cemal Cingi: 0000-0003-3934-5092
   5) United States Pharmacopeia (USP). About USP.
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Ethics Approval   7)
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Is G. cambogia a promising treatment? Effects on cultured nasal epithelial cells

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