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High atop a windswept cliff, overlooking the vast expanse of the ocean, stands a solitary

lighthouse, its weathered exterior bearing witness to years of tumultuous storms and serene
sunsets alike. Perched on the edge of the world, it serves as a beacon of hope and guidance
for weary sailors navigating treacherous waters. The rhythmic pulse of its light cuts through
the darkness, offering a glimmer of reassurance to those lost at sea. Inside, the lighthouse
keeper tends diligently to the intricate machinery that powers the beacon, ensuring its
steadfast vigilance through the darkest of nights. As dawn breaks on the horizon, the
lighthouse stands tall against the backdrop of a fiery sky, a silent sentinel watching over the
ever-changing seascape below. It's a symbol of resilience and perseverance, a reminder that
even in the face of adversity, there is always light to guide the way.

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