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FBM1-Balla Nikolett

The Norlec is an electronic goods manufacturing company that maintains a
connection with consumers and the market. The company has decided to explore
which advertising methods are the most effective in reaching customers. To
achieve this, the marketing department has surveyed customers to inquire how
they first discovered Norlec. In this report, we seek answers to the question of
which marketing and advertising strategies hold the most promise for Norlec.

Research methods
We selected online websites, radio, email, magazines, billboards as our research
methods, and based on these, we summarized the questions. Using this
approach, we obtained answers to our queries, allowing us to identify our
strengths in various advertising channels. It also provided insights into areas
where improvements can be made and highlighted areas for further

Key research findings

The direct mail received a 9% response rate, which is the lowest, as people tend
to overlook these communications. Next in line is the website with a 10%
response rate, but here we anticipate growth as we plan to revamp and invest
more in the website, modernizing its appearance and structure to captivate users.
Following this is the billboard, which shows a 17% response rate; however, this
advertising method will be discontinued due to an anticipated increase in costs
that no longer justifies its effectiveness. The next in line is magazines, with a
24% response rate, prompting the company to invest in more magazines in
hopes of further increasing this number. Lastly, the radio scored the highest with
a 40% response rate, securing the top spot. This may be attributed to its
extensive reach, as it can effectively deliver messages to numerous listeners.
Credibility could also play a role, as people often perceive radio content as

Based on the results, we recommend that Norlec strengthen those
advertisements that bring significant reach to the company. Invest more in them
and develop a marketing strategy. Consider developing targeted advertising
campaigns to ensure that messages reach the intended audience precisely.
Creativity is also advisable; capturing people's attention can be more effective
with a creative campaign, perhaps incorporating a bit of humor to bring a smile
to consumers' faces.

1. Organizing community events could enhance brand visibility.
2. Collaborating with influencers aids in increasing brand recognition and
attracting new customers to the company.
3. Creativity can capture people's attention and curiosity.
4. Modernizing and updating the website regularly attracts more customers
to the company.
5. Supporting charitable organizations may evoke empathy from people,
making the company more likable to them.

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