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01/04/24, 13:11 Abstract: 0467

Evolution of the use of the BIM methodology in road infrastructure within the scope of

Bruna Cristina Beltrao Silva Beleigoli, Anna Luiza Braga Amaral

Departamento de Estradas de Rodagem de Minas Gerais DER-MG - Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais - Brasil

Building Information Modeling (BIM) has been established as a new paradigm for the development of engineering
projects, considering their entire life cycle, from project conception to construction monitoring and control, as well
as infrastructure management and maintenance. The construction industry and road infrastructure are becoming
increasingly competitive, with modern tools and improved management processes constantly seek to enhance
construction management and control techniques. The Building Information Modeling offers significant potential for
advancement in architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC), as it enables integrated work, where various
construction disciplines can design, build, and plan a building or facility. This article highlights the importance of
technological advancements and aims to demonstrate how the implementation of Building Information Modeling
technology contributes to the advancement of road infrastructure engineering, with a focus on the current scenario
of the Department of Highways of Minas Gerais (DER-MG) in Brazil. Some specific areas of study and projects in
road infrastructure were analyzed, such as topographic surveys, alignment studies, and elements of the executive
project focused on geometric, paving and drainage design, with the intention of presenting the advancements
achieved through Building Information Modeling implementation in this sector. Technical, scientific, and academic
articles were used as references for this research development.

Keywords: Road projects, BIM, technology

Status : Master Review
Presentation Preference : Poster Presentation
Abstract Category/Topic : C.07 Rural Roads for Development
Language : English
Saved: : 26.3.2024 21:57:02
Submit: : 30.3.2024 04:15:12

Confidential to Author and Editor

Note to Editor : The Department of Buildings and Highways of Minas Gerais is a state agency, with
administrative and financial autonomy, legal personality under public law,
indefinite duration, headquarters and forum in the State Capital and is linked to
the State Secretariat for Infrastructure and Mobility – Seinfra.
DER-MG is obliged, without prejudice to the provisions of specific legislation:
I – guarantee adequate solutions for the road transport of people and goods,
within the scope of the State;
II – plan, design, coordinate and execute engineering works of interest to the
public administration;
III – act as a road executive entity.
Presenter : Bruna Cristina Beltrao Silva Beleigoli (


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