CPPBDN4103 Surs

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Student unit result summary

Unit code, name and release number
CPPBDN4103 - Use CAD software to produce drawings for building design projects (1)

Qualification/Course code, name and release number

CPP40121 | Certificate IV in Residential Drafting

Student details
Student number

Student name

Document title: CPPBDN4103_SURS Page 1 of 3

Resource ID: PRJ0044528_CPPBDN4101_SURS | Version: 20210716 RTO CODE: 90003
Result of assessment events

Project Assessment -
☐ Has the Assessment Declaration of the assessment event been signed and
dated by the student?

☐ Are you assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the student’s
own work?

Was reasonable adjustment in place for this assessment event?

If yes, ensure it is detailed on the assessment document.

Document title: CPPBDN4103_SURS Page 2 of 3

Resource ID: PRJ0044528_CPPBDN4101_SURS | Version: 20210716 RTO CODE: 90003
Overall result
The overall result for this unit is:

Competent (AC)

Not yet competent (NC)

Assessor name, signature and date:

Feedback from assessor on this assessment event (if provided)

Insert feedback here

Student declaration
I confirm I have been advised of the result and provided with feedback.

Student name, signature and date

Feedback from student on this assessment event (if provided)

Insert feedback here

[If the submission was received electronically, attach a copy of the email giving the student

Document title: CPPBDN4103_SURS Page 3 of 3

Resource ID: PRJ0044528_CPPBDN4101_SURS | Version: 20210716 RTO CODE: 90003

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