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Reinforced Concrete I

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

Reinforced Concrete I

Lecture: 2

Mechanism of Bond Transfer

Development of Anchorage
Splicing of Reinforcement
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper İLKİ

Room No : 211 (Structural Materials Lab.)

(Structural and Earthquake Engineering Lab.)

e-mail : ailki@ins.itu.edu.tr

Cem Demir, PhD Candidate

(Structural and Earthquake Engineering Lab.)

e-mail : cdemir@ins.itu.edu.tr

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

Codes and Standards

ITU-Table and Graphs Book

Turkish Seismic Design Code

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

Reference Books

U. Ersoy, G. Ozcebe, T. Tankut; Reinforced Conrete.

Z. Celep, N. Kumbasar; Betonarme Yapılar.

E. Atımtay; Reinforced Concrete, Fundamentals, Volume I, II.

A.H. Nilson; Design of Concrete Structures

U. Ersoy; Betonarme.

İ. Aka, F. Keskinel, T.S. Arda; Betonarmeye Giriş.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

Lecture 2

References for Lecture 2

U. Ersoy, G. Ozcebe, T. Tankut; Reinforced Concrete

Z. Celep, N. Kumbasar; Betonarme Yapılar.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

2.1 Introduction

A basic assumption of reinforced concrete theory is:

Perfect bond exists between concrete and reinforcing bars.

No slip (relative displacement) should occur between concrete and reinforcing


Bond is together working of concrete and reinfocement without slip.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

2.2 Flexural bond

Bond stresses can be considered as shear stresses at the bar surface.

Change in the bar stress is only possible with the existence of bond stress.

 b  u  x  T

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

Ersoy, et al.
2.2 Flexural bond

V x
C C + C
T T + T

At x distance : At x+x distance : M

T 
C=T C + C = T + T z
T=M/z T + T = M / z + M / z
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI
2.2 Flexural bond



At x distance : At x+x distance : M
T 
C=T C + C = T + T z
T=M/z T + T = M / z + M / z
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI
2.2 Flexural bond

 b  u  x  T T  M

 b  u  x 
or M V
2 V 3
b 
x uz
M 1
b   Flexural bond
x u  z formula

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

2.2 Anchorage bond

A bar subjected to tension should not be pulled out of concrete.

The resistance against pulling out should be high enough to permit yielding of
reinforcing bar.

A bar with adequate embedment

in concrete can not be pulled out.

In case of adequate anchorage

length (lb), the bar will carry the
tensile force of T=As.fyk

What should the adequate lb be

for providing this?
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI
2.2 Anchorage bond

The distribution of bond stresses

For the ultimate state, assuming a

uniform bond stress b along the
anchorage length lb :

  2
 b  l b      As f yd   f yd
Since bond strength is a
function of concrete tensile
strength. f yd
f yd lb  C o 
Combining ¼ and the lb   f ctd
coefficient between concrete 4  b
tensile strength and bond
strength. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI Anchorage length
(development length)
2.3 Nature of bond

Ersoy et al.

- Even a small tension force, causes large bond stresses in the vicinity of loading..
This causes slip in a small region.

-With the increase of tension force, high bond stresses (and slip) are distributed to a
longer area.

-When the tension force is increased so much that on all bond strnegth is achieved
(on all bar slip occurs), the bar isAssoc.Prof.Dr.
pulled out. Alper ILKI
2.3 Nature of bond

The resistance of a bar to pulling out is provided mainly by 3 factors:

1. Adhesion between steel and concrete (chemical)

2. Friction between steel and concrete
3. Bearing of deformations on the steel surface against surrounding concrete

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

2.3 Nature of bond

- For plain bars; main sources of bond are adhesion and friction.
(adhesion is lost in early stage, so, mostly friction)
(effect of corrosion, surface roughess, minimal corrosion, excessive corrosion)

if embedment length is adequate bar if embedment length is not adequate

yields slip occurs

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

2.3 Nature of bond

-For deformed bars; main source of bond is the bearing of the deformations of
bar against the surrounding concrete.

-In this case, adhesion and friction have minimal contribution.

Forces on bar Forces on concrete Force components on concrete

Splitting failure;
for deformed bars

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI Celep and Kumbasar

2.3 Nature of bond

So; in case of deformed bars; the thickness of cover concrete and tensile
strength of concrete are main parameters for bond strength.

Parameters, which are effective on bond strength:

-concrete tensile strength (for plain [adhesion] and deformed bars [splitting] )

-aggregates, cement type, mix-proportions

-pozzolans in the mixture may have inverse effect on bond

-light weight aggregate may cause a reduction in bond strength

-curing and compaction

-yield strength of steel (higher the strength, more critical the bond)

-surface irregularities of plain bars and corrosion

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI
-geometry of deformations for deformed bars
2.3 Nature of bond

-as the bar diameter increases, the ratio of perimeter/area decreases, so bond
strength becomes more critical

-bond strength increases with increasing anchorage length. However, the

increase is not linear. Doubling the anchorage length can not double the bond

-concrete cover around the bar (side, top or bottom) and the clear distance
between the bars influence the bond strength significantly, particularly for
deformed bars [splitting].

Ersoy, et al. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

2.3 Nature of bond

-effect of position on pull out behavior


gaps air

Celep and Kumbasar

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

2.3 Nature of bond

-local compressive stresses increase bond strength, while local tensile

stresses decrease the bond strength.

-transverse reinforcement, which confine concrete can increase bond stength.

(particularly for deformed bars)

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

2.3 Nature of bond

transfer of stresses from steel to

concrete before cracking



After formation of cracks

From steel From

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI
Celep and Kumbasar
to concrete
concrete to steel
2.4 Engineering problems

-codes used flexural bond approach for a long time.

-however, this approach is not always realistic, even for constant moment
zones, particularly, when after cracks occur.

-due to experimental evidence; flexural bond lost its practical meaning.

-in modern codes; emphasis is given on anchorage or development bond.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

2.5 Development length for tension bars

Tension bars should be anchored properly beyond the point where the stress is

2.5.1. Straight anchorage

>= lb

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

2.5 Development length for tension bars

2.5.2. Hooks or loops (kanca ve fiyong)

90 and 180 degree hooks are common. 90 degree for deformed bars, 180 degree for plain
bars. for hoops 135 degree hooks are common. Hooks are obligatory for plain bars.


>= lb-lb >=6, 60 mm, plain bars: >=8, 100 mm


Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI
2.5 Development length for tension bars

2.5.3. Welded transverse bars

Anchorage length can be reduced by welding transverse bars.

Transverse bars should at least resist 1/3 of tensile force.

< lb

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

2.5 Development length for tension bars

2.5.4. Mechanical devices

Performance of these devices should be verified by tests.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

2.6 Development length for compression bars

-absence of tension cracks

Smaller development length
-absence of local tensile stresses

-hoops should not be used for compression bars for not

causing buckling and cover splitting.
Ersoy et al.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

2.7 Splices

2.7.1. Tension splices

-Lapping (most common in Turkey)

Lapped bars are usually placed in contact with each other, however this is not
a must, they may be spaced up to 100 mm or 1/6 lap length

Due to concentrated stresses; 1 coefficient is

lo  1  lb introduced for the cases when a number of bars are
lapped at the same cross-section.

Ersoy et al.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI


Due to concentrated stresses; 1 coefficient is

lo  1  lb introduced for the cases when a number of bars are
lapped at the same cross-section.

Therefore codes encourage staggering of lapped splices. Staggered

lapped splices should be 1.5 l0 distant from adjacent splices.

Ersoy et al.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

Due to severe stress concentrations at the ends of spliced bars, the

splitting forces become severe.

Therefore, clear cover and distance between two spliced bars should be
chosen consrvatively.

Providing confinement with closely spaced transverse bars can also be

very helpful for preventing splitting..

Ersoy et al.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI
2.7 Splices

2.7.1. Tension splices


Ersoy et al.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

2.7 Splices

2.7.1. Tension splices

-mechanical devices (most effective particularly when >20 mm)

Ersoy et al.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

2.7 Splices

2.7.2. Compression splices

Splice length is smaller than tension splices.

(due to absence of cracks and local tensile stresses as well as transfer of

loads by end bearing of concrete)

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

2.7 Splices

2.7.3. Problems associated with hooks

Hooks are useful to reduce the development or lap length.

However, severe local stresses are created in the vicinity of hooks:

In such cases, horizontal hooks should be


Ersoy et al.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI
2.7 Splices

2.7.3. Problems associated with hooks

At exterior beam-column joints, 90 degree hooks can cause premature

splitting, if not well confined.

Ersoy et al.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI
2.7 Splices

2.7.4. Bundled bars

In case of bundled bars; an equivalent bar diameter is defined and the basic
development length is increased by a certain ratio, depending number of
bundled bars.

Codes put an upper limit on the number of bars in a bundle (3 in TS-500).

e e  e  1.2   n

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

2.8 Design requirements
Burada kaldık.
2.8.1. Basic development length Straight anchorage

f yd
Development length is a function of bond strength lb  C o 
f ctd

Bond strength depends mainly on bar type (plain/deformed)

concrete tensile strength

position of the bar

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

f yd Straight anchorage lb  C o 
f ctd
According to position of the bar bond is classified into two categories;

Class I: all case not included in Class II

Class II: all bars with an inclination of 45-90 degree to horizontal

all bars embedded in lower half of the member

all bars embedded at least 300 mm from top

For Class II bars; basic development length:

Plain bars Deformed bars

f yd f yd
lb  0.24   40 lb  0.12   20
f ctd f ctd
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI Straight anchorage

These equations are valid for ≤32 mm

For diameters between 32-40 mm, the development length should be

multiplied by:
 
132  

Plain bars Deformed bars

f yd f yd
lb  0.24   40 lb  0.12   20
f ctd f ctd
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI Straight anchorage

If the reinforcement area is larger than needed, the development length can be

As , required
l bn  l b  20 or lb / 2
As ,sup plied

Plain bars Deformed bars

f yd f yd
lb  0.24   40 lb  0.12   20
f ctd f ctd
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI Straight anchorage

For bars classified in Class I;

The development length should be determined by multiplying the below

equations by 1.4

Plain bars Deformed bars

f yd f yd
lb  0.24   40 lb  0.12   20
f ctd f ctd
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI Anchorage with hooks

The basic development length can be reduced by 25% when hooks are used.

For plain bars, hooks are mandatory.


Deformed bars

f yd
lb  0.12   20 >=6, 60 mm, plain bars: >=8, 100 mm
f ctd
Plain bars

f yd
lb  0.24   40
f ctd
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI
>=12 Anchorage with welded transverse bars

Used generally for wire meshes. Required development lengths are given as a
Table in TS-500, according to type of reinforcement (plain/deformed), Class (I/II),

diameter of bars and number of transverse bars.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI Mechanical anchorage

By welding or bolting plates at the end of bar.

Special permission required, based on test data.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

2.8.2 Anchorage of tension bars Straight anchorage

Only for deformed bars

f yd
lb  0.12   20
f ctd

Conditions given for basic development length in apply

No reduction in bond length allowed for bars resisting seismic action, even
the supplied amount of reinforcement is higher than required.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

2.8.2 Anchorage of tension bars Anchorage with hooks

Plain bars must be hooked.

Deformed bars may or may not be hooked.

When hooks are provided, the development length can be reduced by 25%.

Conditions given for basic development length in apply

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

2.8.2 Anchorage of tension bars Anchorage with welded transverse bars

Conditions given for basic development length in apply

When seismic loads are of concern;

-Number of transverse bars should be increased by 1

-The development length given by TS-500 should be increased by 100 mm

Generally for wire mesh.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

2.8.2 Anchorage of tension bars Mechanical anchorage

Should be justified by tests.

The slip should not exceed 0.1 and 0.5 mm at 70 and 90% of the ultimate load.

The anchorage force should be taken as 50 and 70% of the rupture forces,
when permanent or variable loads are predominant, respectively.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

2.8.3 Anchorage of compression bars

Anchorage length for compression bars should be at least ¾ of of basic

development length.

Hooks should not be used.

For Class I bars, the length must be multiplied by 1.4

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

2.8.4 Confining reinforcement

Very important for preventing premature splitting failure.

Improves bond behavior along the development length for tension and
compression bars.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

2.8.5 Anchorage of stirrups and hoops

Anchorage with hooks

135 degree 90 degree

For members subjected to seismic loads

or torsion, this is mandatory, with
straight portion minimum 6 or 80 mm
(10 or 100 mm for plain bars)

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

2.8.5 Anchorage of stirrups and hoops

Anchorage by lapping

Not allowed in seismic resistant structures

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

2.8.6 Splicing of reinforcement Lapped splices

Lapped bars should not be spaced more than lap length/6 or 100 mm.

The distance between two adjacent laps should not be less than 2 or 20 mm.

For staggered lapped splices, the distance between lapped splices should be at least
1.5 times the lap length.

If plain bars are used, the bars to be lapped must have hooks (either 90 or 180 degree)

The required lap length for tension bars:

lo  1  lb

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

2.8.6 Splicing of reinforcement lb: basic development length

f yd Lapped splices lb  0.12   20
f ctd

-The required lap length for tension bars: lo  1  lb lb  0.24

f yd
  40
f ctd
-If the lapped bars have hooks at the end, lo can be reduced by 25%.

-For Class I bars, lb should be multiplied by 1.4.

 1=1+0.5 r

r: ratio of lapped bars to the total bars at a section.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

2.8.6 Splicing of reinforcement lb: basic development length

f yd Lapped splices lb  0.12   20
f ctd
lo  1  lb f yd
lb  0.24   40
f ctd
-For section subjected to axial tension 1: 1.8

-The lap length >= 40  plain bars (50  ; seismic cases)

>= 30  deformed bars (40  ; seismic cases)

-At least 6 hoops should be provided along the lap length; spacing d/4, 200 mm.

-The diameter of hoops >= 1/3 of lapped bars.

-Bars in compression in all cases should be lapped without hooks. In this case, lap
length can be taken as lo=lb >= 40  plain bars (and closely spaced hoops)
>= 30  deformed bars
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI
2.8.6 Splicing of reinforcement Welded splices

-Welded conections must have adequate strength and ductility. So, suitable
welding method should be applied for the used reinforcement.

-Testing required. Joint should resist 1.1 time the yield strength of steel and a
force producing 0.04 strain outside the area influenced by yielding.

-Not recommended in seismic cases.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

2.8.6 Splicing of reinforcement Mechanical splices

-sleeves or couplings

-test data

-in seismic case, mechanical anchorages are required when >= 20 mm

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

2.8.6 Splicing of reinforcement Lapped splices in column reinforcement

- at midheight; lo=lb

- always compression; lo=lb

- if tension also present and lapped splices are at floor level:

a) if only 50% or less of bars are lapped at same section; lo>= 1.25 lb

b) more than 50%; lo>= 1.5 lb

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI


1. Derive the equation for development length for a typical pull-out case.

2. Calculate the development length for a 16 mm diameter bar deformed bar

(S420) in C20 class concrete in Class I location for;

a) Straight end,

b) End with a 90 degree hook

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Alper ILKI

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