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Sample questions for ME2135 Part 2 Viscous flows and Boundary layer flows.

The symbols have usual meanings. The answers are provided at the end.

1. In the continuity equation !# + ∇ ∙ (𝜌𝑽) = 0 for a 2-D flow, we consider the density 𝜌
to be time-independent. This means that the local time derivative term is zero. Which
of the following statements is/are valid?

(A) Under this circumstance, the density must also be space-independent to satisfy
the conservation of mass.
(B) We will have ∇ ∙ 𝑽 = 0.
(C) If additionally 𝜌𝑢 is constant, then the value of 𝜌𝑣 does not change in 𝑦
(D) None of the above options is valid.

2. A better understanding of the transitional process in a laminar flow to turbulence can

enable us to control flows for advantageous outcomes. With the application of this
knowledge, we can achieve________.

1. More efficient oil transport in pipeline for less power consumption.

2. A better design of airfoil.
3. A more accurate and reliable strategy for drug deliver in blood flows.

(A) Only 1 and 2.

(B) Only 1 and 3.
(C) All the options.
(D) None of the above options is valid.

!$ !$ !" $
3. The temperature equation reads + 𝑢% !& = 𝛼 !& " , where 𝑇 is the temperature, 𝑢%
!# ! !
denotes the velocity vector and 𝛼 is the thermal diffusivity coefficient. We
nondimensionalize the equation using length scale 𝐿, velocity scale 𝑈, time scale 𝐿' /𝜈
with 𝜈 being the kinematic viscosity coefficient. Star superscript indicates
nondimensional variables. Which option presents the correct nondimensionalized

(A) The question is invalid because the temperature scaling has not been provided
and thus we cannot nondimensionalize this equation.
!$ ∗ !$ ∗ !" $ ∗
(B) !# ∗
+ 𝑢%∗ !& ∗ = !&!∗"
!$ ∗ !$ ∗ ) !" $ ∗ ,-
(C) !# ∗
+ 𝑢%∗ !& ∗ = *+ !& ∗" , where 𝑅𝑒 = .
! !
!$ ∗ !$ ∗ ) !" $ ∗ ,- 1
(D) !# ∗
+ 𝑅𝑒 𝑢%∗ !& ∗ = /0 !& ∗" , where 𝑅𝑒 = 1
and 𝑃𝑟 = ..
! !

4. Navier-Stokes equations are difficult to solve. Which of the following statements is/are
I. The reason for the difficulty partly lies in the nonlinearity and the second-order
spatial derivatives in Navier-Stokes equations.
II. Exact solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations are rare, existing in simplified
laminar flows.
III. Numerical method is often adopted for solving high-Reynolds-number flows.

(A) Only II
(B) I, II and III
(C) Only I and III
(D) None of the above options is valid.

5. Consider the unsteady three-dimensional velocity field 𝑽 = 2𝑡𝑥𝑧 𝒊 − 4𝑦𝑡 ' 𝒌, where 𝒊
and 𝒌 are the unit vectors in the 𝑥 and 𝑧 directions. Calculate the acceleration vector 𝒂
at 𝑡 = 1 at the point (𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧) = (1,0,5).

(A) 𝒂 = (110,0,0)
(B) 𝒂 = (10,0, −8)
(C) 𝒂 = (10,0,8)
(D) 𝒂 = (10,0,0)

6. Two viscous flows have the same Reynolds number. Which of the following statements
is/are valid?

(A) If the fluid of one flow is oil and the other is air, then the inertial effect in the
oil should be weaker than that in the air.
(B) If the two fluids in the flows are the same, then the flows have the same length
and velocity scales.
(C) Studying one of the two flows can offer insights into the dynamics of the other,
even when they involve different fluids.
(D) None of the above options is valid.

7. Regarding the convective terms in the Navier-Stoke equations, which of the following
statements is/are valid?

(A) Convective terms are nonlinear.

(B) The existence of the convective terms because we formulate the Navier-Stokes
equations in a Lagrangian framework
(C) Convective terms can be linear, when the Reynolds number is small.
(D) None of the above options is valid.

8. A velocity field is given as 𝑽 = 𝑡 𝐢 + 2 𝐣 , where 𝐢, 𝐣 are unit vectors in the 𝑥, 𝑦

directions in a Cartesian coordinate and 𝑡 is the time variable. Suppose a fluid particle
initially located at (0, 0). What is its location when 𝑡 = 4? Note that you need to do the
integration of velocity in time to obtain the distance.

(A) (4, 2).

(B) (13, 2).
(C) (8, 8).
(D) None of the above options is valid.

9. When you solve for the exact solution to the Navier-Stokes equations in parallel flows,
you integrate the simplified equation to obtain the solution for 𝑢. Examples include the
plane Poiseuille flow and the Couette flow. Which of the following statements is/are

(A) The nondimensional velocity profile for the plane Poiseuille flow is 𝑢 = 1 − 𝑦 ' ,
which is a nonlinear function of 𝑦. This is because the Navier-Stokes equations are
(B) The integration constants can only be determined using boundary conditions.
(C) The abovementioned exemplary flows are 2-D. Because turbulence is 3-D in
nature, we cannot have 3-D laminar solutions.
(D) None of the above options is valid.

10. When solving for the exact solution of a parallel flow, e.g. the Poiseuille flow, we
23 !" 4 23
integrate the 2-D steady parallel flow equation 0 = − 2& + 𝜇 !5 " , where − 2& and 𝜇 are
constant. The origin of the Cartesian coordinate is located at the channel centerline. The
flow extends from 𝑦 = −1 at the bottom plate to 𝑦 = 1 at the top plate. The boundary
conditions read 𝑢(𝑦 = −1) = 1 and !5 (𝑦 = −1) = 0. Determine the exact form of
this flow.

5" 6
(A) '
+ 𝑦 + '.
) 23 5 " ) 23
(B) 7 2&
N ' + 𝑦O + '7 2& + 1.
(C) We cannot solve this problem because the boundary condition at 𝑦 = 1 has not
been specified.
(D) 1 − 𝑦'.

11. Regarding the laminar and turbulent boundary layer flows, which of the following
statements is/are valid?

(A) The thickness of a laminar boundary layer is always thinner than that of a
turbulent boundary layer.
(B) The boundary layer thickness will increase with weakened viscous effects.
(C) Laminar boundary layer flows are characterized by stronger interchange of
mass, momentum and energy, compared to their turbulent counterpart.
(D) None of the above options is valid.

12. Estimate the boundary layer 99% thickness of the flow over a flat plate with 𝑈 =
10𝑚/𝑠 at the downstream position 𝐿 = 100𝑚. The origin of the boundary layer is at
the leading edge of the plate that is 0𝑚 . The kinematic viscosity of water is
1.0 × 1089 𝑚' /𝑠. The transitional 𝑅𝑒& is about 10: .

(A) 0.586𝑚
(B) 1.581𝑚
(C) 1.215𝑚
(D) None of the above options is valid.

13. Regarding the governing equations for the laminar and turbulent boundary layer flows,
which of the following statements is/are valid?

(A) The time-averaged pressure along the 𝑦-direction in the turbulent boundary
layer is constant.
(B) One of the key steps in deriving these equations is to realise that the length scale
in the 𝑥 direction is much larger than that in the 𝑦 direction.
(C) In the turbulent boundary layer, the laminar shear stress 𝜏; = 𝜇 !5 is always
smaller than the turbulent shear stress 𝜌𝑢′𝑣′
(D) None of the above options is valid.

14. The turbulent boundary layer has a unique flow structure in the wall-normal direction.
Which of the following statements is/are valid?

(A) The viscous sublayer has a linear velocity profile 𝑈 = = 𝑦 = . This implies that
the governing equation for the turbulent boundary layer is in fact linear.
(B) The log layer is also called the law of the wall and its velocity profile is 𝑈 = =
>? 5 $
(C) The velocity 𝑈 = is obtained by normalizing the velocity profile 𝑈 by the
friction velocity as in 𝑈 = = 𝑈/𝑢A , where 𝑢A = W "% .
(D) None of the above options is valid.

𝑢 𝑦
15. Calculate the momentum thickness 𝜃 for the velocity profile 𝑈 = 𝛿 , 0 < 𝑦 < 𝛿 and
= 1, 𝑦 ≥ 𝛿, where 𝛿 is the 99% boundary layer thickness.

(A) 2
(B) 6
(C) 𝛿.
(D) None of the above options is valid.

16. When deriving the Blasius solution 2𝑓 BBB + 𝑓𝑓 BB = 0, we have used the streamfunction
𝜓. Which of the following statements is/are valid?

(A) The advantage of using the streamfunction is that we don’t have to consider the
continuity equation in the derivation because the continuity equation is satisfied
automatically when using 𝜓.
!C !C
(B) The definition of 𝜓 reads 𝑢 = !& , 𝑣 = − !5 .
(C) In the derivation, 𝜓 has been expressed as a function of 𝜂, which is a similarity
variable satisfying 𝜂~ & .
(D) None of the above options is valid.

17. When a flow is separated, which of the following statements is/are valid?

(A) Once a laminar boundary layer is separated, it can hardly become turbulent
because the separated flow will not change its nature.
(B) The local velocity gradient !5 |5DE can solely indicate the flow separation.
(C) In the separated region, the local pressure gradient is against the flow direction.
(D) None of the above options is valid.

Reynolds stress 𝜌𝑢′ F 𝑢′G appears in the equations for turbulent flows. Which of the
following statements is/are valid?

(A) The Reynolds stress can be calculated and treated as a known quantity in the
equations for turbulent flows.
(B) The reason for the appearance of the Reynolds stress in these equations lies in
the nonlinearity of the original Navier-Stokes equations. It has nothing to do with the
second-order nature of the spatial derivatives of the viscous terms.
(C) The Reynolds stress tensor can be non-symmetric when the turbulence is strong
enough to break the symmetry.
(D) None of the above options is valid.

19. A boundary layer flow forms due to the viscous effect. Which of the following
statements is/are valid?

(A) In the boundary layer, the scale of the 𝑥-velocity is much larger than that in the
𝑦 direction.
(B) The local Reynolds number is usually very large inside the boundary layer.
(C) Outside the boundary layer, the viscous effect is stronger than the inertia force.
(D) None of the above options is valid.

20. The von Karman integration equation for constant 𝑈+ reads 𝜏H = 𝜌𝑈+' 2& . Which of
the following statements is/are valid?

(A) 𝜃 in the above equation is called the momentum boundary layer thickness. It is
in general greater than the displacement thickness 𝛿 ∗ in value.
(B) When a non-zero pressure gradient is imposed in the uniform flow, the above
equation is still valid.
(C) When the momentum thickness 𝜃 decreases at a certain 𝑥 station, the local 𝜏H
(D) None of the above options is valid.

Explanation of Q20

Options A,B are not correct. Option C is also not correct, as explained below.

In either laminar or turbulent boundary layer flows, 𝜃 is related to 𝛿. In the drawing below, I
J I 2J 2I
listed the & and & relations for the laminar boundary layer flow. So you will get 2& ~ 2& . This
means the variation of 𝜃 in the 𝑥 direction is proportional to that of 𝛿. We can more easily
visualize 𝛿, which is represented by the red and green curves below.

When 𝜃decreases at a certain 𝑥 station, 𝛿 also decreases, so in this process you go from the red
curve to the green curve. Then look at the gradient represented by the dashed lines for 2& . The
green gradient is smaller than the red gradient, which means that when you decrease the
2J 2I
boundary layer thickness 𝛿 or 𝜃, the gradient of 2& (also for 2& ) decreases. Then, according to
𝜏H = 𝜌𝑈+' 2& , 𝜏H should decrease, rather than increase. Thus, the option C is incorrect. The
answer is D.

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