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GMAT能为申请加分不少: 2. 每年
Locust Valley, N.Y.— Friends Academy 如果是想拿到香港科技大学的offer,热门商科以及
上),雅思7以上,托福100以上。 就2021Fall的以上的学生案例来看,拿到岭南大学offer
的学生基本上都在这个背景: The bus drives over a speed bump faster than it should have, and
I’m jolted back to the present. I try to take my mind off Shahriyar and look out the window at the
world around me. Everything is so much different than it is in Deerfield, yet it all somehow feels
very natural to me. To my left I see an elderly woman wearing a mask sweeping dust off the street; I
smile at her, but she doesn’t notice. As the bus gets closer and closer to JPA, the fact that I will have
to teach today’s lessons by myself begins to set in. I wonder if I’m physically capable of teaching
three hours of class by myself in the ninetydegree heat and 90 percent humidity. In the past, 可能是
解答。 I entered the surprisingly cool car. Since when is Beijing Line 13 air-conditioned? I’ll take it.
At four o’clock in the afternoon only about twenty people were in the subway car. “At least it’s not
crowded,” one might have thought. Wrong. The pressure of their eyes on me filled the car and
smothered me. “看看!她是外国人!”(Look, look! She’s a foreigner!) An old man very loudly
whispered to a child curled up in his lap. “Foreigner,” he called me. I hate that word, “foreigner.” It
only explains my exterior. If only they could look inside.… — British Vietnamese International
School As the bus pulls into JPA’s driveway, the rest of the teachers begin gathering their materials. I
remain seated, deep in thought. “Are you coming?” I hear a familiar voice ask me. I look up and see
Deidre looking at me. 贯穿本文的主题是毅力和坚韧:那才华横溢的“勇气”使这名学生与
努力实现这一目标。 邮箱 凡是采用COMMON APPLICATION系统
申报的学校,都可以理解成需要的。Through our Odd Couple dynamic, we found an endless
number of conversation topics. Every day was a new, “Did you see what the Tea Party’s newest
legislation entails?” countered by a, “How about that Scott Brown, eh?” I was the Michele
Bachmann to his Al Gore. But the remarkable thing about our debates was not their intensity or their
depth, but how much I was learning by listening to him talk. 报完考试我就开始全脱产备考托
套阅读,每周两套写作。 With heartrending pathos, I recalled how I had studied A-Level
Mathematics with calculus a year before the rest of my cohort, bravely grappling with such perverse
concepts as the poisson distribution to no avail. I decried the subject's lack of real-life utility and
lamented my inability to reconcile further effort with any plausible success; so that to persist with
Mathematics would be a Sisyphean endeavor. Since I had no interest in becoming the entrepreneur
that my father envisioned, I petitioned the court for academic refuge in the humanities. The members
of the jury exchanged sympathetic glances and put their heads together to deliberate. I tried to shake
off the sadness dominating my thoughts. I should not have been bothered by my empty passport or
its pending expiration date. But I was. It was a painful reminder that I had never left the country, not
once in my entire life. Enter Jacob Mueller. Literally the son of a preacher man (his father is the
minister at Trinity United Methodist Church), his political views on Facebook are listed as “Member
of the Communist Party of America.” Oh, boy … He entered my Advanced Scene Work class in its
second semester, and as is the Drama Studio custom, I welcomed him with open arms and
commenced what I soon discovered to be the long and interesting process of getting to know him.
Through this, I discovered a few important things; like me, he loved politics. Like me, he was well
informed. And, like me, he was more than willing to argue his opinion. Before I was anemic, the
correlation between hard work and success was something that only appeared in the cliché success
stories of the talented few. Now, I am running more mileage than I ever have before. And my violin
teacher still complains. 包括申请人的:基本情况,教育经历,活动经历、个人获奖情况,
特长和爱好及其它有关情况。 On the bus ride back from the meet, one of my long-standing
dreams came true. I pretended to ignore Coach sitting next to me, but he kept on giving me glances.
He was excited about my time. We talked a lot about the race. We talked about my continuous and
dramatic improvement. He said it was early in the season and that I would break 5 minutes after only
a few weeks of training. “简历” 突出的是“简”,不是写论文,不能过于冗长,需要清晰
明了,让人看上一眼就能抓住你的“特征、闪光点”。 Total: 94 miles in 17.5 hours. A typical
Tuesday bleeds into a typical week, adding up to a total of over 600 miles. Nearly three hours each
day before I add in school, work, swimming and commitments as a brother, as a son. 在线时
间09:00~18:00 然而,莱瑟德非常有效地将自己定位为本文的作者,是一个乐于接受新
I am a conservative. Point-blank. I’m not talking “hardcore, no gay marriage, abortion equates to
eternity in Hell, Catholicism is the only religion worthy of my acknowledgment” conservative, but I
believe in limited government intervention in private business. I may seem like an unlikely candidate
for such beliefs; I live in Springfield, Massachusetts, an urban environment where the majority of the
population utilizes some sort of government assistance to supplement the costs of living. Well, maybe
not the absolute majority, but I certainly see a lot of it. Though raised as a Catholic, I believe in
nothing more than simple spirituality, and do not abide by all the stipulations of the strict Catholic
community (although I do continue to attend church because I find the environment welcoming and
the people overwhelmingly happy and uplifting). I attend the Drama Studio, a small, conservatory
style acting community where I am considered the token Republican (artsy and conservative—is this
what Harold Camping meant by the Rapture?) Not surprisingly, my colleagues have made many
attempts at conversion (“Watch MSNBC, Danielle; I promise you’ll love it!”) But I stick to my
guns— no pun intended. However, I have found that sharing the majority of my time with those of
conflicting opinions has enlightened me in the ways of respect and compromise. 12篇各种主题、
各种风格的精选PS优秀范文。来自The College Essay Guy网站,由美国著名大学申请顾
问和文书辅导老师Ethan Sawyer运营,靠谱度和含金量杠杠的! I have always had a deep
longing for more. I was named Jaylen after a basketball player, but I tell people I was named after the
blue jay. Inside me, a small bird, like my namesake, was desperately trying to fly. I wanted to leave,
because I was ashamed, and by wanting more for myself, I forgot to want more for everyone else.
Successful Harvard Essay by Nicolas A strange thing was happening to me. For the girl who had
always been staunchly opinionated and stubborn, who had never been one for agreeing with the
opposition, who took pride in her ability to stand her ground even when she represented the minority
view, compromise suddenly had a new meaning. Its connotation was no longer negative. And, in turn
my ability to not only understand but also respect a view contradictory to my own was growing in
strength. In order to foster this newfound mind-set, I presented myself with the ultimate challenge.
In a moment of excited passion, I logged on to and, for $4.95, ordered a copy of
The Communist Manifesto. The little book, with its floppy laminated cover depicting a hammer and
a sickle on a glossy black background and plain white block letters spelling out its title with
inconspicuous innocence, took its place at the head of my bed, where it resided for the next month.
Bit by bit, it began to fill with marks of pensive notation, speckles of yellow appearing in odd places
where the highlighter had bled through, its fragile pages curving with the insistent pen marks that
filled their margins. 需要准备的纸质材料即在读证明/双证、成绩单、等级证明的中英文
质材料,快递直接寄顺丰(需要在DDL之前寄到)。 HONORS AND AWARDS:荣誉奖
项(9-12 年级获得的荣誉奖项,需写清楚奖项名称和获奖原因) ✔ 以下内容还包含香港
高校介绍+专业申请难度+就业前景分析(总有你想看的专业) My friend and co-teacher,
Shahriyar, is in the Angkor Hospital recovering from a serious bout of amoebic dysentery. I visited
him yesterday. He was lying in bed with his summer reading in his right hand and an IV in his left.
Looking pale and exhausted, he weakly lifted his head and greeted me. “I don’t know if you know
this yet,” he said, “but I’m flying home tomorrow. Are you My mom finds a baffling delight from
drinking from glass, hotel-grade water dispensers. Even when three-day-old lemon rinds float in
stale water, drinking from the dispenser remains luxurious. Last year for her birthday, I saved enough
to buy a water dispenser for our kitchen counter. However, instead of water, I filled it with
handwritten notes encouraging her to chase her dreams of a career. As the bus pulls into JPA’s
driveway, the rest of the teachers begin gathering their materials. I remain seated, deep in thought.
“Are you coming?” I hear a familiar voice ask me. I look up and see Deidre looking at me. At first, it
did not fit with the decor of the rest of my room, which even now appears boxy and stark next to my
grandiosely elegant writing desk, but its quiet strength is unafraid of individuality, just as I have
learned to become. It has watched as I grew stronger branches, a straighter trunk, firmer roots;
whereas I had once been but a shy young seedling, I sprouted leaves and with them the ability and
yearning to provide shade for others. I have certainly physically grown into it, but although I would
like to think that I have become completely independent, I remain human; in inevitable times of
need, it is still my steadfast, sturdy desk that offers its support. Becoming “lost” for pursuing
seemingly unconnected interests was not what they envisioned for me, but I realized that the best
way to fully take advantage of my privileges was to explore all my curiosities. I stopped emulating
the identities of my family and realized that my hands would eventually bear the weight of my
pursuits. 香港 澳门 新加坡读研,找荆旭国际就够了! 一般是商科需要,文社科不用。
议申请者提交,尤其是会计/ 金融这种热门商科,680+的GMAT能为申请加分不少:
Despite the loud busking music, arcade lights and swarms of people, it was hard to be distracted
from the corner street stall serving steaming cupfuls of tteokbokki — a medley of rice cake and fish
cake covered in a concoction of hot sweet sauce. I gulped when I felt my friend tugging on the
sleeve of my jacket, anticipating that he wanted to try it. After all, I promised to treat him out if he
visited me in Korea over winter break. 文书主题内容围绕如何处理个人或家庭突如其来的
何改变了她的人生,分享了一段深刻的个人旅程。These humble spaces are created by
people who do not have much. Meanwhile, in America, we possess all the tangible resources. Why is
it, then, that we fruitlessly struggle to connect with one another? On some corners of Mill Basin,
Brooklyn, I discovered that some people don’t lead their lives as selflessly. 本作品内容为2020年
大学生入党申请书范文, 格式为 docx, 大小1 MB, 页数为10, 请使用软件Word(2010)
打开, 作品中主体文字及图片可替换修改,文字修改可直接点击文本框进行编辑,图
品中的内容, 源文件无水印,欢迎使用熊猫办公。 如认为平台内容涉嫌侵权,可通过
邮件:tousu@tukuppt.com提出书面通知,我们将及时处理。 (50 Successful Harvard
Application Essays by Staff Of The Harvard Crimson) At every seemingly inconsequential
expenditure, I weigh the pros and cons of possible purchases as if I held my entire fate in my hands.
To be generously hospitable, but recklessly drain the travel allowance we needed to stretch across two
weeks? Or to be budgetarily shrewd, but possibly risk being classified as stingy? That is the
question, and a calculus I so dearly detest. A light breeze caressing the cornfield makes it look like a
gentle swaying sea of gold under the ginger sun of late summer. A child’s chime-like laughter
echoes. As I rush through the cornfield, I hear the rustling of leaves and the murmur of life hidden
among the stems that tower over me. 谈论节俭似乎并不是一个容易出彩的题目。然而在一
Skills and Interests:特长与兴趣(列出你真正喜欢或擅长的活动,最好用时间、证书等证
明) When I received my first paycheck, accompanied by a stack of cash tips, I questioned the
compromises I was making. In this physical and mental space, I searched for my identity. It was
simple to explore gender roles in a classroom or through complex characters in a Kate Chopin novel.
My heroes, trailblazing women such as Simone de Beauvoir and Gloria Steinem, had paved the road
for me. In my textbooks, their crusading is history. But the intense Saturday night crucible of the
restaurant, with all the unwanted phone numbers, catcalls and wandering hands, jolted me into an
unavoidable reckoning with feminism in a professional world. I returned a well-practiced smile with
just my eyes, as the eight guys started their sixth bottle of Brunello di Montalcino. Their carefree
banter bordered on heckling. Ignoring their comments, I stacked dishes heavy with half-eaten rib-eye
steaks and truffle risotto. As I brought their plates to the dish pit, I warned my female co-workers
about the increasingly drunken rowdiness at Table 44. 背景图 ✔ 以下内容还包含香港高校介
绍+专业申请难度+就业前景分析(总有你想看的专业) In moments such as these I always
take out the ultimate weapon against gloominess: the picture of my family. I look at myself, my
parents, my little sister, and my grandfather at the countryside, under a clear blue sky, hugging,
sharing the joy of being together. It reminds me of the old times, when life was simpler, but it also
reminds me of why I came to Bucharest to live in a dormitory. It was because mathematics fascinated
me with its beautiful and intricate theories and configurations, and my parents and my family
supported me 150 percent. They put in long hours at work to pay for school costs and they selflessly
accepted my long absences. I decided then to honor their support, follow our common dream, and
become an accomplished mathematician. 香港需要寄送纸质材料的学校有港大、港中文以
准备一份。 Unable to secure subsequent employment and saddled by alimony complications, there
was no room in my dad’s household to be embarrassed by austerity or scraping for crumbs. Ever
since I was taught to dilute shampoo with water, I’ve revised my formula to reduce irritation to the
eye. Every visit to a fast-food chain included asking for a sheet of discount coupons — the
parameters of all future menu choice — and a past receipt containing the code of a completed
survey to redeem for a free cheeseburger. Exploiting combinations of multiple promotions to
maximize savings at such establishments felt as thrilling as cracking war cryptography, critical for
minimizing cash casualties. 本作品内容为大学文艺部门申请书3000字, 格式为 docx, 大
小1 MB, 页数为8, 请使用软件Word(2010)打开, 作品中主体文字及图片可替换修改,
猫办公。 如认为平台内容涉嫌侵权,可通过邮件:tousu@tukuppt.com提出书面通知,我
们将及时处理。 Shahriyar and I had always taken turns leading the class, giving each other a few
moments to rest and rehydrate while the other taught. A part of me is afraid to do it. I’ve never had
to lead the class without the comfort and support of having Shahriyar by my side. As I think about
the challenges I will face, I realize how easy it would be to turn back. I only have to call Sokun—a
local tuk-tuk driver and he’d take me to the airport. Knowing my co-teacher has become seriously ill,
nobody would think less of me if I went home today. I ran the mile again, this time outdoors. Coach
had me seeded at a 5:30. I ran the first lap, holding back. I didn’t want to overextend myself. I
hoped to squeeze by with a 5:35. The euphoria was unprecedented as I realized by the second lap
that I was a dozen seconds ahead and still holding back. I finished with a 5:14. 另外,城大和浸会
情况,我不建议,因为雅思的选择更多,并且更有优势。 本科:北京航空航天大学申
请美国本科需要提供一系列的材料,包括个人基本信息、在校成 绩、标化成绩、课外
形象。 Successful Harvard Essay by Nicolas 如果你问我,文书书写的时候最需要注意
胜任。 I am a globe-trotter. Travel costs may prove too great a financial strain for my parents, but
my world map and ingenuity are free. So while my passport pages are empty, my limitless
adventures are being vividly stamped in my mind forever. 申请TOP30 的学生都非常优秀,以
申请,那么如何能够脱颖而出呢,重任就落在了Personal Statement上,当然,有趣的灵魂
生官们到底会对什么样的文书青睐有加呢? 平台声明:该文观点仅代表作者本人,
搜狐号系信息发布平台,搜狐仅提供信息存储空间服务。 GPA的重要性类似于留学门
槛一样存在。因此越高的GPA对于申请者来说优势就越大,如果想去香港留学,GPA 至
业(商科、传媒等),GPA至少要85以上,才能有机会。版权声明 The room was stuffy,
cramped and packed with teenagers. I was about to embark on a new adventure — my first job. I
made sure I brought everything listed on the required materials list: Social Security card, passport,
student ID, work permit. ‼今年的申请工作已经开始,大部分同学都开始了文书创作,希
望对未来的申请者一点启发。 地址:上海延安中路1440号阿波罗大厦5楼 本期课程第
情互动! Lucien 的文章描述了与他的社区服务活动之间的个人联系,并为可能显示大
第一次雅思考试,5.5分... 再继续练。期间我并未真正的报过雅思训练班。而是以网上
下载真题为主,练了一套又一套的试题,每天都是不停的做题看书听单词... 从10月,到
年不碰的学习生疏感,我的印象中,只能以“黑暗”来描述那年的悲惨。联系我们 入读
大商业数据模式),便可以走出一个医生的狭隘圈子,去拥有更大的发展。 But, I thought
more meant better. My treasure was occupying my time and mind. Overflowing piles, boxes and
chaos tornadoed around me. 申请去城大留学,哪怕你是二本的学生,只要你的均分达 标,
和浸会也会是一个很好的保底选择。 Total: 94 miles in 17.5 hours. A typical Tuesday bleeds
into a typical week, adding up to a total of over 600 miles. Nearly three hours each day before I add
in school, work, swimming and commitments as a brother, as a son. ✔ 以下内容还包含香港高
校介绍+专业申请难度+就业前景分析(总有你想看的专业) 纽约时报连续10年,在每年
发表,这些文书涉及金钱、工作,或社会阶层。 And, like a mother, it always turns out to be
right. Beneath my seemingly chaotic coat of papers and objects; beneath the superfluous, temporary
things that define my present life, my desk and my heart remain still—solid, stable, and evergreen,
ready to be written onto and scratched into by experience. 来自约翰霍普金斯大学官方网站,
是由学校权威发布的近几届录取学生的真实文书。 沈阳办事处 I don’t need to rely on
items, wealth and friends to be content. Others’ opinions of my display of wealth are not necessary
to me. Without these items gluing me down, I easily settle from place to place. The internet was
right. I can experience life now, for new challenges, opportunities and experiences. 专业:软件工
程 你是否也想写出这样出彩的文书呢?我们聚集文书主创团队的精锐力量与创作
的文书解决方案。 I hate the letter “S”. Of the 164,777 words with “S”, I only grapple with one.
To condemn an entire letter because of its use 0.0006% of the time sounds statistically absurd, but
that one case changed 100% of my life. I used to have two parents, but now I have one, and the “S”
in “parents” isn’t going anywhere. Each day, these mountains became mountain ranges. As time
passed by, I thought this accumulation would make me better. More items, more wealth and more
friends. Having more meant a better life, right? 根据以上的案例,相信我们对自己的背景以
Skills and Interests:特长与兴趣(列出你真正喜欢或擅长的活动,最好用时间、证书等证
明) I am standing behind my high school when a snowball pelts my side with a thud and splatters
across my jacket, covering me with a fine, icy dust. My bewildered eyes trace the snowball’s
trajectory until they fall upon a pair of snickering hoodlums crouched behind a small mountain of
snowballs. They must have been waiting all afternoon for an unsuspecting student to walk by, and
perhaps for emphasis, one of the boys looks me in the eye and raises a grimy middle finger. Quickly,
I mold a handful of snow into a sphere with cupped hands and cock my arm back. 在线时
间09:00~18:00 好简历是这样的: EDUCATION:教育经历(按照高中、初中、小学的顺序
写明时间段,学校的名称,所在城市及国家)Jack also showed me the ropes of Western
culture. Heaven knows how embarrassing my birthday party would’ve been if he hadn’t told me
about those so-called “loot-bags” beforehand. 包括申请人的:基本情况,教育经历,活动
经历、个人获奖情况,特长和爱好及其它有关情况。Setting goals and working to achieve
them empowers me. After an early alarm and my daily decision to sacrifice sleep and free time, the
tough morning workouts motivate me to push through obstacles. I can carry these lessons through
college, my future career, my personal life. Rather than focus purely on the loss of one of her parents
to cancer, Abigail reflects on her life and the adjustments she has had to make. It is particularly
poignant how she expresses the sense that her life with only one remaining parent seems somehow
anomalous, that the constant reminders of the completeness in the familial structures of others haunts
her. Successful Harvard Essay by Nicolas A strange thing was happening to me. For the girl who had
always been staunchly opinionated and stubborn, who had never been one for agreeing with the
opposition, who took pride in her ability to stand her ground even when she represented the minority
view, compromise suddenly had a new meaning. Its connotation was no longer negative. And, in turn
my ability to not only understand but also respect a view contradictory to my own was growing in
strength. In order to foster this newfound mind-set, I presented myself with the ultimate challenge.
In a moment of excited passion, I logged on to and, for $4.95, ordered a copy of
The Communist Manifesto. The little book, with its floppy laminated cover depicting a hammer and
a sickle on a glossy black background and plain white block letters spelling out its title with
inconspicuous innocence, took its place at the head of my bed, where it resided for the next month.
Bit by bit, it began to fill with marks of pensive notation, speckles of yellow appearing in odd places
where the highlighter had bled through, its fragile pages curving with the insistent pen marks that
filled their margins.

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