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Homework 1/2/1

Part I - Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the verbs. ( Use the present tense.)
Example: A: Does the bus pass every ten minutes? ( pass )

B: No, it doesn't pass every 10 minutes. It passes every 15 minutes.

1. A: _______________ play
Christine _______________ the piano? ( play )
doesn't play plays
B: No, she _______________ the piano. She _______________ the drums.
2. A: _______________ the students _______________French
speak during the break? ( speak )
B: No, they _______________French
don't speak speak
during the break. They _______________ English.
3. A: _______________
does belong to
this book _______________ you? ( belong to )
doesn't belong to
B: No, it _______________ belongs to
me. It _________________ Anne.
4. A: _______________ teach
Mr. Thayer _______________math? ( teach )
B: No, he doesn't teach
_______________math. He teaches
_______________ physics.
5. A: _______________ do
you two _______________ your homework together? ( do )
don't do
B: No, we _______________ do
it together. We _______________ it separately.
6. A: ________________ rise
the sun _______________ in the west? ( rise )
doesn't rise
B: No, the sun _______________ rises
in the west. It ________________ in the east.
7. A: _______________ drink
you ________________ a lot of coffee? ( drink )
don't drink
B: No, I _______________ drink
a lot of coffee. I _______________ a lot of tea.
8. A: _______________ you _______________
have Mark's cell phone number? ( have )
don't have
B: No, I _______________ have
his cell number. I only _______________ his fax number.
9. A: _______________ your children _______________
look like you? ( look like )
B: No, they don't look like
_______________ me. They both look like
_________________ their father.
10. A: _______________Allison go
_______________ straight home after work? ( go )
B: No, she _______________
dosn't go straight home. She goes
_______________ to the gym first.
11. A: _______________ finsh
the class _______________ at 8 o'clock? ( finish )
dosn't finish
B: No, it ________________ finishes
at 8 o'clock. It _______________ at 8:30.
12. A: _______________
does rely
your mother _______________ on you to take her places? ( rely )
B: No, she _______________
doesn't rely relies
on me. She ________________ on my younger sister.
13. A: ____________ supply
the teacher _____________ all of the materials you need for the course? ( supply )
doesn't supply
B: No, he _______________ supplies
all of the materials. He _______________ only the books.
14. A: _______________ Nancy and Lucas ________________
stay with you when they visit? ( stay )
don't stay
B: No, they _______________ with me. They _______________
stay at the hotel.
15. A: _______________
do remind
I _______________ you of your father? ( remind )
don't remind
B: No, you _______________ remind
me of my father. You _______________ me of my brother.
Homework 1/2/2

Part II - Complete the following sentences with the appropriate object pronoun. ( Use the words in italics as a
reference. )
Example: A: Can you give Linda the message for me?
B: Sure! I'll give her the message as soon as she comes in.

1. A: Do you know my father?

B: Yes, I know __________
him very well.
2. A: What do you want me to do with the contracts?
B: them
Just leave ___________ on the desk.
3. A: What do you think of my new apartment?
B: it
I like __________ very much.
4. A: Is that for me?
B: you
No, it's not for __________. It's for Joanne.
5. A: What do you want me to tell you?
B: Just tell __________
me the truth. That's all I ask.
6. A: I don't know if I should tell you what happened.
B: Oh, come on! Tell __________. us You know we can keep a secret.
7. A: When do they announce the names of the winners?
B: They announce __________them at the end of the show.
8. A: Do you have a surprise for us?
B: Yes, I have a wonderful surprise for the two of __________. you
9. A: What should I get mom for her birthday?
B: Why don't you get __________ her a subscription to her favorite magazine?
10. A: Can you read that sign?
B: it
No, I can't read __________. It's too far away.

Part III - Complete the following sentences with the appropriate subject or object pronouns. ( Use the words in
italics as a reference. )
Example: A: Do you want to stay home or do you want to go out with me?
B: I want to go out with you .

1. A: Does Jennifer like her job?

B: she
No, __________ it
doesn't like __________ at all.
2. A: Does Paul see Susan often?
B: Yes, ___________
he sees __________
her almost every day.
3. A: Where are the children?
B: they
__________ them
are outside. Why? Do you want to speak to __________?
4. A: Lucy, this is for you.
B: me
For __________!!!? it
What is ___________?
5. A: What do you want to see me about?
B: __________
i want to discuss something with __________.

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