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Klebsiella oxytoca: an efficient pyrene-degrading bacterial strain isolated

from petroleum-contaminated soil

Article in Archives of Microbiology · May 2022

DOI: 10.1007/s00203-022-02850-9


8 103

3 authors:

Abdulkhaleg Alfaify Mushtaq Mir

King Khalid University King Khalid University


Sulaiman A. Alrumman
King Khalid University


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Archives of Microbiology (2022) 204:248


Klebsiella oxytoca: an efficient pyrene‑degrading bacterial strain

isolated from petroleum‑contaminated soil
Abdulkhaleg M. Alfaify1 · Mushtaq Ahmad Mir2 · Sulaiman A. Alrumman1

Received: 20 November 2021 / Revised: 21 February 2022 / Accepted: 15 March 2022

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2022

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are the hazardous xenobiotic agents of oil production. One of the methods to
eliminate hazardous compounds is bioremediation, which is the most efficient and cost-effective method to eliminate the
harmful byproducts of crude petroleum processing. In this study, five pure bacterial isolates were isolated from petroleum-
contaminated soil, four of which showed a robust growth on the PAH pyrene, as a sole carbon source. Various methods viz
mass spectroscopy, biochemical assays, and 16S RNA sequencing employed to identify the isolates ascertained the con-
sistent identification of Klebsiella oxytoca by all three methods. Scanning electron microscopy and Gram staining further
demonstrated the characterization of the K. oxytoca. High-performance liquid chromatography of the culture supernatant of
K. oxytoca grown in pyrene containing media showed that the cells started utilizing pyrene from the 6th day onwards and by
the 12th day of growth, 70% of the pyrene was completely degraded. A genome search for the genes predicted to be involved
in pyrene degradation using Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) confirmed their presence in the genome
of K. oxytoca. These results suggest that K. oxytoca would be a suitable candidate for removing soil aromatic hydrocarbons.

Keywords Biodegradation · Pyrene · Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons · Contaminated soil · Petroleum

Introduction vegetation, aquatic animals and eventually to humans.

Because of their toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic, and tera-
Environmental hazards are associated with many pollutants togenic nature, PAHs are of public health and environmen-
including those produced during oil production. The most tal concern (Haritash and Kaushik 2009). Furthermore, the
significant environmental pollution is the contamination of fused benzene ring structure of PAHs renders them hydro-
the soil by hazardous hydrocarbons including low molecular phobic, stable and, hence, recalcitrant pollutants (Kanaly
weight (LMW) and high-molecular weight (HMW) hydro- and Harayama 2000). Many strategies including physical
carbons (Molina-Barahona et al. 2005; Robles-González (adsorption, volatilization, photolysis) and chemical treat-
et al. 2008). Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) ments are in use to remove PAHs (Robles-González et al.
composed of two or more benzene rings accumulate inces- 2008; Gan et al. 2009; Perelo 2010). Although these tech-
santly in soil, sediments, and water due to their long half-life niques are well developed, they are expensive, complex, and
and human activities (Ghosal et al. 2016; Singare 2016). have a regulatory burden.
From the soil and water, the hazardous hydrocarbons enter The most cost-effective and reliable mechanism for bio-
degradation involves microorganisms that remove xenobi-
otic contaminants including crude oil (Dua et al. 2002; Cap-
Communicated by Erko Stackebrandt. pello et al. 2007; Singh et al. 2008). There are several recent
reports about the biodegradation of the PAHs especially of
* Mushtaq Ahmad Mir LMW composed of fewer than four benzene rings (Tian
et al. 2008; Hesham et al. 2014). Biodegradation of LMW
Department of Biology, College of Science, King Khalid PAHs, especially of naphthalene has been studied exten-
University, Abha, Saudi Arabia sively in Pseudomonas (Vila et al. 2001; Kim et al. 2005).
Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences, College As hydrocarbon contamination of the soil has increased
of Applied Medical Sciences, King Khalid University, worldwide, the local environment is certainly affected by
P. O. Box 3665, Abha 61421, Saudi Arabia

248 Page 2 of 9 Archives of Microbiology (2022) 204:248

this worsening environmental problem. Therefore, there is of pyrene (0.1 mg/ml) dissolved in acetone. All the plates
an urgent need to find a safe method to remove PAH con- were incubated at 37 °C for 2–3 days. After two weeks of
tamination from the environment. There are reports of few further incubation, the markedly large-sized colonies show-
bacterial genera having the ability to degrade HMW hydro- ing distinct morphology and color were re-streaked on pyr-
carbons. PAHs of HMW like benzo[a]pyrene, fluoranthene, ene-coated MBM-agar plates. Isolates, which consistently
and pyrene are reported to be degraded by the actinomycetes produced a bigger size colony with distinct morphology and
group of bacteria, especially strains belonging to the Myco- color, were selected for pyrene degradation study.
bacterium and Rhodococcus genera (Rehmann et al. 1998;
Ghosh et al. 2014; Bourguignon et al. 2014; Subashchan- Growth kinetics using BD MGIT 960 BACTEC
drabose et al. 2019). Therefore, identification of the local
key microorganisms from contaminated soil that play an For growth kinetics, the Becton Dickinson MGIT 960
important role in the degradation processes of HMW PAHs BACTEC Automated Mycobacterial Detection system in
is one of the most effective and efficient ways to remove BSL3 mycobacterial laboratory at the Southern Region
toxic PAHs from the environment. In this study, we iso- Military Hospital, Khamies Mushayet, Saudi Arabia, was
lated and identified Klebsiella oxytoca from the petroleum- used. The cells were inoculated into 7 ml of MBM (control)
contaminated soil, which could efficiently degrade pyrene. or MBM supplemented with 0.01% pyrene at a very low
density ­(106 cfu/ml) in a test tube. The test tube contains a
fluorophore at its bottom, which fluoresces in the presence
Materials and methods of ­CO2 produced by the growing bacterial cells. The tubes
were incubated at 37 °C in the BACTEC system. Fluorescent
Chemicals and soil samples readings were recorded regularly at intervals of 24 h. The
fluorescence signal is displayed in the form of growth units,
Pyrene (purity 99%) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, which were plotted against the time.
USA. HPLC-grade acetone was purchased from Honeywell,
Inc. USA. Chemicals for mineral basal media (MBM) were Bacterial isolate identification methods
purchased from different suppliers. Pyrene was dissolved in
acetone at 10 mg/ml and the final concentration of pyrene VITEK® MS and V ­ ITEK® 2 COMPACT from bioMé-
used in liquid broth media was 0.1 mg/ml. rieux were used for the identification of bacterial isolates.
The oil-contaminated soil samples were collected in ster- ­VITEK® MS uses Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ioni-
ile 50 ml falcon tubes from three different sites located on zation Time-of-Flight (MALDI-TOF) technology to obtain
Banimalek road in Abha, Saudi Arabia. Sample A was col- the protein fingerprinting from whole bacterial cells, which
lected from the site where gasoline is spilled from trucks, it later uses to search the protein fingerprinting database
sample B was from a gasoline station, while sample C was of bacterial isolates. ­VITEK® 2 COMPACT works on bio-
collected from an oil exchange station. All the samples were chemical tests measuring carbon source utilization, enzy-
stored at 4 °C until further use. ­ ITEK® MS
matic activities, and antibiotic resistance. Both V
and ­VITEK 2 COMPACT in BSL3 mycobacterial labo-
Growth media and culturing conditions ratory at the Southern Region Military Hospital, Khamies
Mushayet, Saudi Arabia, were used as per the manufacturer’s
Tryptic soy broth (TSB) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, instructions.
USA and nutrient broth was purchased from TM Media,
India. Minimal base medium (MBM) [1 g ­(NH4)2SO4, Gram staining and scanning electron microscopy
0.8 g ­K2HPO4, 0.2 g ­KH2PO4, 0.2 g ­MgSO4⋅7H2O, 0.1 g
­CaCl2⋅2H2O, and 5 mg ­FeSO4⋅7H2O in 1 l of distilled water, Gram staining was performed on bacterial cells grown in
pH 7.2] supplemented with pyrene was used for the suspen- tryptic soy broth (company––) to an O­ D600 of 0.4. Cells were
sion of oil-contaminated soil samples. In brief, one gram of heat-fixed on a glass slide and flooded with crystal violet for
each contaminated soil sample was suspended in 100 ml of one min. After rinsing the slide with water, the cells were
MBM supplemented with 0.1 mg/ml of pyrene in 250 ml treated with iodine for one min. Subsequently, the slide was
flasks (Wu et al. 2013). The samples were incubated at 37 °C rinsed with water, and cells were flooded with counter stain
for 7 days at 200 rpm (Jin et al. 2017). Subsequently, 10 ml safranin for one min. The slide was rinsed with water and
from each culture were sub-cultured into 90 ml of the same observed under 100 × objective of Nikon microscope, fitted
media under similar growth conditions. After two more sub- with 10MP USB 2.0 color CMOS C-mount camera.
culturing under similar conditions, 100 µl from each culture For scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the bacterial
were plated on MBM-agar plates coated with 1 ml solution broth was centrifuged and fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde

Archives of Microbiology (2022) 204:248 Page 3 of 9 248

buffered to pH 7.2 with 0.1 M Na–phosphate buffer for High‑performance liquid chromatography
24 h at room temperature, and then washed thoroughly with
Na–phosphate buffer three times. The sample was then post- Pyrene degradation by the K. oxytoca (A12) and Brevibac-
fixed with 1% osmium in Na–phosphate buffer for 1 h and terium frigoritolerans (AA11) was estimated by high-per-
dehydrated successively with different concentrations of formance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of the superna-
ethanol of 30%, 50%, 70%, 95%, and 100%. For each etha- tant of the bacterial culture grown in MBM supplemented
nol volume, the sample was incubated for 10 min except with pyrene as a sole source of carbon. In brief, 1 ml each
100% ethanol, which was for 1 h. Subsequently, the sample of an overnight nutrient-broth-grown bacterial culture was
was immersed in a critical point dryer and mounted onto an inoculated into 100 ml of MBM supplemented with 0.1 mg/
aluminum metal stub. The sample was coated with a thin ml pyrene in triplicates. For the spontaneous degradation
layer of gold by Edward’s sputtering coater and examined of pyrene, 100 ml of MBM supplemented with 0.1 mg/ml
with a JEOL JSM 6360-LV (Tokyo, Japan) microscope in pyrene in a separate flask was included as a control. All the
the Electron Microscope Unit of King Khalid University triplicate cultures of each isolate including the control were
(KKU), Pathology department, College of Medicine. incubated at 37 °C for 12 days at 150 rpm. 2 ml samples (in
triplicates) for each bacterial isolate were withdrawn at the
DNA extraction and 16S rRNA sequencing regular time intervals of 3, 6, 9, and 12 days. After spin-
ning down the cells, the concentration of the pyrene in the
The genomic DNA of the bacterial isolates was extracted culture supernatant of each sample was determined using
using the ­DNeasy® Plant Mini Kit (QIAGEN). After check- HPLC coupled with Shimadzu UV–VIS Detector SPD-10A,
ing the purity and intactness of the genomic DNA on an 1% wherein 10 µl sample was subjected to 254 nm ultraviolet
agarose gel, it was sent to Macrogen, Korea (https://​dna.​ detection at 30 °C. Average values calculated at each time
macro​gen.​com/​eng/) for 16S rRNA sequencing. In brief, point were normalized with the control and presented as
PCR product of ~ 1.5 kb amplified from genomic DNA percentages.
using universal flanking primers 27F (5′AGAG ​ TTT​ GAT​ CC​
ACTT3′) were purified and sequenced by internal primers Results
785F (5′GGAT ​ TAG​ ATA​ CCC
​ TGG ​ TA3​ ′), 907R (5′CCGT​ CA​
ATTCMTTT​RAG​TTT3′) in both directions using an ABI Enrichment, isolation, and phenotypic
3730 automated sequencer (Macrogen, Seoul, Korea). characterization of bacteria growing in the presence
of pyrene
Sequence alignment, phylogenetic tree analysis
and gene search To isolate the bacterial strains that could degrade the
more complex PAH, pyrene, soil samples collected from
The 16S rRNA sequences of each bacterial isolate obtained various oil-contaminated sites were dissolved in pyrene-
were aligned and compared with the known 16S rRNA supplemented MBM. The mixtures were incubated over-
sequences in the GenBank database using the basic local night at 37 °C. Sub-culturing several times in the same
alignment search tool (BLASTN) available at the National media enriched the pyrene-degrading bacterial isolates.
Center for Biotechnology Information website (NCBI) The cultures were then plated on MBM-agar plates coated
(http://​www.​ncbi.​nlm.​nih.​gov/​blast). The nearest neigh- with pyrene. A total of 24 prominent colonies of small
boring sequences in the database with high homology per- (42%), smooth (88%), and creamy (54%) morphology were
centage scores were aligned using MEGA-11 (Molecular observed (Table 1).
Evolutionary Genetic Analysis, version 11). To determine Five among the twenty-four bacterial isolates consist-
the taxonomic position of the isolate, a phylogenetic tree ently produced bigger size colonies on the pyrene agar plate.
was constructed with MEGA-11 using a maximum likeli- Besides colony size, these five isolates showed consistency
hood algorithm. KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes in other physical characteristics of texture and color. The
and Genomes) was used to identify and locate the genes fives isolates (AA11, AA12, AA18, AA21, and AA23) were
involved in the catabolism of PAHs in the genome of a ref- chosen for pyrene broth growth assay.
erence strain K. oxytoca CAV1374 (GB; CP011636). Other
bacterial genomes taken for the search of genes involved in Growth kinetics of five isolates in pyrene broth
degradation and metabolism of PAHs, and other xenobiot-
ics were Klebsiella sp. LTGPAF-6F (GB; CP017450), Kleb- To further ascertain the ability of five isolates to utilize
siella michiganensis M1 (GB; CP008841), and Klebsiella pyrene as a sole carbon source, the growth assay was set
pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae KPNIH24 (GB; CP008797). up in BACTEC automated mycobacterial detection system.

248 Page 4 of 9 Archives of Microbiology (2022) 204:248

Table 1  Phenotypic Isolate Isolation site Size Texture Color Isolate Isolation site Size Texture Color
characteristics of bacterial
isolates growing in presence of AA1 A S Smooth Cream AA13 B S Smooth Colorless
AA2 A S Smooth Cream AA14 B S Smooth Cream
AA3 A S Smooth Cream AA15 B M Smooth Yellow
AA4 A S Smooth Cream AA16 B S Smooth Cream
AA5 A L Smooth Dark cream AA17 B S Smooth Cream
AA6 A M Smooth Cream AA18* B L Smooth Milky
AA7 A S Smooth Cream AA19 C S Smooth Cream
AA8 A M Smooth Cream AA20 C M Smooth Cream
AA9 A M Smooth Yellow AA21* C L Rough Light yellow
AA10 A L Smooth Milky AA22 C L Rough Colorless
AA11* A L Smooth Orange AA23* C L Smooth Buff
AA12* A L Rough Colorless AA24 C S Smooth Colorless

Size of colonies; S small, M moderate, L large

*Bacterial isolates chosen for pyrene growth assay

Identification of bacterial isolates by various


To identify the isolates, we took several approaches viz bio-

chemical assays, mass spectral fingerprinting of whole bac-
terial protein, and 16S rRNA sequencing. Bacterial strains
differ in their sources for carbon utilization, corresponding
enzymatic activities, and resistance to a particular antibi-
otic. The VITEK2 compact system from bioMérieux uses
reagent cards that contain substrates for several different
enzymes to measure either turbidity or colored products of
substrate metabolism. The reagent cards have 64 wells, each
containing an individual test substrate. Substrates measure
various metabolic activities such as acidification, alkalini-
zation, enzyme hydrolysis, and growth in the presence of
Fig. 1  Growth profile of bacterial isolates individually grown in
inhibitory substances. Comparison of the test results of a
MBM containing pyrene as a sole source of carbon. The growth units bacterial strain to a reference database of bacterial isolates
(Y axis) observed in BACTEC were plotted against the time in days identifies the bacteria rapidly. Furthermore, we took advan-
(X axis) tage of the ­VITEK® MS from bioMérieux to identify the
bacteria rapidly.
In addition to the biochemical methods and mass spec-
Taking the advantage of fluorescence signal produced by tral fingerprinting, 16S rRNA sequencing of each bacterial
a fluorophore in response to the production of ­CO2, the isolate was performed. The 16S rRNA sequences of each
growth of each isolate was monitored over time. All five bacterial isolate were blasted against the known 16S rRNA
isolates were individually inoculated in MBM supple- sequences in the GenBank database using BLASTN. The
mented with pyrene. For control, the isolates were inoc- first hit showing > 99% identity to query sequence identi-
ulated in MBM alone. The growth of each culture was fied the bacterial strain. The strains identified by VITEK2
recorded at regular 24-h time intervals for 12 days. It is compact system (S1), ­VITEK® MS (S2), and the 16S rRNA
clear from Fig. 1 that all the isolates took 5 days to accli- sequencing are listed in Table 2. The nucleotide sequences
matize to the pyrene growth media, except AA11 that took of 16S rRNA were submitted to the GenBank under the
10 days. Furthermore, among all the five isolates AA23 accession numbers given in Table 2.
showed relatively rapid growth contrary to slow growing The unique bacterial isolate that was identified as, Kleb-
AA11. None of the isolates showed any growth in minimal siella oxytoca by all three methods, was AA12 (Table 2),
media alone (data not shown), suggesting that the pyrene which was also found taxonomically related to genus Kleb-
was the sole source of carbon and energy. siella (Fig. 2D). We believe that AA18 and AA23 might

Archives of Microbiology (2022) 204:248 Page 5 of 9 248

Table 2  Bacterial isolate Isolates VITEK® MS VITEK® 2 COMPACT​ 16S rRNA sequencing
identification by various
methods Organism Organism Organism Identity (%) Accession Number

AA11 NA R. radiobacter B. frigoritolerans 99.87 MG571760.1

AA12 K. oxytoca K. oxytoca K. oxytoca* 99.93 MG571761.1
AA18 K. oxytoca K. oxytoca K. michiganensis 99.93 MG571764.1
AA21 B. subtilis S. lentus P. oryzihabitans 99.81 MG571765.1
AA23 K. oxytoca K. oxytoca K. sp. 99.53 MG571766.1

Fig. 2  Phylogenetic trees of five

bacterial strains: phylogenetic
analysis of 16S rRNA gene
of each isolate and its related
microorganisms by maximum
likelihood method. The numeri-
cal value on branch points
indicates the bootstrap value out
of 100

248 Page 6 of 9 Archives of Microbiology (2022) 204:248

be replicates of AA12, though their identification by 16S against days of incubation. The pyrene concentrations varied
rRNA sequencing is different. Bacterial isolate AA18 shared in K. oxytoca culture in the first week of the experiment,
99.93% identity with Klebsiella michiganensis and clustered probably due to the varying degree of solubilization, as a
with Klebsiella oxytoca in a single clade (Fig. 2C). Similarly, thin layer of pyrene was observed on the surface of media
bacterial isolate AA23 being 99.53% identical to Klebsiella and along the sides of the culture flask. It is clear from the
sp. clustered well with Klebsiella oxytoca (Fig. 2E). The degradation curves (Fig. 4) that K. oxytoca began pyrene
AA11 and AA21 isolates were identified as different bac- degradation on the 6th day of incubation and continued
terial species by all the three methods used in this study, thereafter. By the 12th day, the pyrene concentration in K.
which corroborate very well with the phylogenetic analysis, oxytoca culture reduced to 30.5% to that of the 3rd day. Con-
wherein AA11 and AA21 are taxonomically closely related trarily, B. frigoritolerans did not show any degradation of
to genus Bacillus and Pseudomonas, respectively (Fig. 2A, pyrene even up to the 12th day.
B). Consistent identification of AA12 isolate as K. oxytoca
by all three methods led us to characterize it further.
Characterization of K. oxytoca
PAHs are the major environmental pollutants causing
To ascertain the identification of K. oxytoca, Gram staining diverse effects of toxicity, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity
of the K. oxytoca grown in TSB was carried out wherein on human health. Their clearance from the environment is
safranin was used as a counterstain. The Gram staining of paramount importance. Bioremediation or using micro-
demonstrated that the bacterial strain is a Gram-negative organisms (mainly bacteria) for degrading PAH compounds
bacillus (Fig. 3). Similarly, the cells grown in TSB and sub- has been an environmentally safe and effective method to
sequently fixed with glutaraldehyde and osmium tetraoxide
were observed as rod-shaped cells under scanning electron
microscope (SEM) consistent with the identification as K.

Klebsiella oxytoca efficiently degraded pyrene

In order to investigate the pyrene-degrading efficiency of K.

oxytoca, the strain was grown in pyrene-supplemented MBM
at 37 °C in a shaking incubator (rpm; 200) for 12 days. To
compare its degradation efficiency with sluggishly grow-
ing bacterial isolate, AA11 (B. frigoritolerans) was grown
under similar conditions. For spontaneous degradation of
pyrene, MBM supplemented with pyrene was incubated
under similar conditions. The samples were withdrawn on
consecutive days of 3, 6, 9, and 12. The amount of pyrene in
Fig. 4  Pyrene degradation. Graph showing the concentration of pyr-
the culture broth of each strain was determined using HPLC
ene in the culture medium of K. oxytoca (AA12) grown over the time
after normalization with that of pyrene control in the media. in MBM containing pyrene as a sole carbon. Error bars are the stand-
The amount of pyrene in culture supernatant (%) was plotted ard deviations of three biological replicates

Fig. 3  Light microscopic (A)

and scanning electron micro-
scopic (B) images of K. oxytoca
(AA12) cells. Light microscopic
images were captured with
× 100 objective and a scale bar
of 2 μm

Archives of Microbiology (2022) 204:248 Page 7 of 9 248

dispose of the PAHs (Peng et al. 2008; Shahsavari et al. humans, which reflects the presence of different sets of
2016). Biodegradation of PAH has been under study for genes in its genome involved in its colonization to differ-
more than just the last decade. Numerous PAHs-degrading ent habitats. Different species of Klebsiella happen to have
strains have been isolated and characterized. At the same ample potential for the degradation of diverse pollutants,
time, the number of PAHs compounds degraded by these including pyrene and benzo[a]pyrene (Ping et al. 2014).
isolates has increased, too. Also, the pathways and mecha- The operons responsible for xenobiotic biodegradation and
nisms for PAHs degradation by several strains have been elu- metabolism are well conserved in K. oxytoca (Fig. 5). Due
cidated. The contaminated soil sample from petrochemical to the presence of several dioxygenase genes, K. pneumo-
refinery fields displayed a high diversity of microbial PAH- niae has an ability to oxidatively catabolize aromatic rings
degrading activities. An effective enrichment technique is an of HMW PAH of pyrene, chrysene, and benzo(a)pyrene
efficient method to discover the promising strains that could (Rajkumari et al. 2018). Several other genes predicted to
utilize PAHs as the sole carbon source. be involved in PAH catabolism, viz, aromatic ring-opening
In this study, an effective enrichment technique was 4,5-DOPA dioxygenase extradiol (ygiD), extradiol catechol
employed to isolate and identify efficient pyrene-degrading dioxygenase, catechol 1, 2-dioxygenase (catA), muconol-
bacterial strains. Only five (AA11, AA12, AA18, AA21, and actone (catB), muconolactone δ-isomerase (catC), catechol
AA23) out of twenty-four isolates maintained the morpholo- 2,3-dioxygenase, toluate 1,2-dioxygenase (benC), 3,4 dihy-
gies of large size, and color upon successive streaking on droxyphenylacetate 2,3-dioxygenase, benzoate dioxygenase
pyrene agar plates. All of them, except AA11, grew intensely large subunit (benB) and small subunit (benA) (Rajkumari
in pyrene broth, after five days of acclimatization to the new et al. 2018) are well conserved in amino acid sequence,
growth condition. Biochemical analysis, mass spectral fin- gene length and their organization in the K. oxytoca genome
gerprinting of whole proteins and 16S rRNA sequencing of (Fig. 5B). Another operon containing genes predicted to be
these isolates identified three of them (AA12, AA18, and involved in other types of xenobiotic biodegradation and
AA23) as replicas of K. oxytoca (see “Results”). The identi- metabolism (Fig. 5A) is also well conserved in K. oxytoca,
fication of the other two isolates (AA11 and AA21) was not
consistent between the three methods employed. With such
ambiguity, the identification by 16S rRNA was considered
authentic. Some of these bacterial species had been reported
earlier to be able to degrade PAHs (Singh et al. 2008; Sub-
ashchandrabose et al. 2019; Tian et al. 2008). Since only one
isolate AA12 was identified by all the three methods as K.
oxytoca, further characterization of AA12 isolate was car-
ried out using Gram staining and scanning electron micros-
copy. It was found that cells were Gram-negative and rod
shaped in their morphology.
Quantitation of the pyrene remaining in culture superna-
tant by HPLC was used to monitor the pyrene degradation by
K. oxytoca over time. The HPLC data analysis showed that
K. oxytoca took five days to acclimatize to new growth con-
ditions and by the 12th day, 69.5% of pyrene from the cul-
ture media was removed successfully. Similar to this study,
other bacterial strains isolated from soil took ten days to start
decomposition of PAHs (Vila et al. 2001).
Hydrocarbon catabolic microorganisms use the pollutants
as energy sources and remove contamination of petrochemi-
cals and petroleum products by a process known as bioreme-
diation. Analysis of hydrocarbon catabolic genes from dif-
ferent bacterial species reveals sequence–structure–function
relationships of diverse catabolic genes. Different gene sets
from different microorganisms are involved in the biodeg- Fig. 5  Operons involved in PAH degradation. Genes above and below
radation of PAHs (Ma et al. 2013; Yu et al. 2014; Xu et al. the line are in sense and antisense strand of chromosomal DNA,
respectively. ORF color indicates the metabolic pathways, blue; car-
bohydrate metabolism, crepe; xenobiotic biodegradation and metab-
Klebsiella oxytoca is a versatile microorganism tolerating olism, light green; basal cellular processes, pink; regulatory factors,
different microhabitats of soil, plants, and animals including dark green; lipid metabolism

248 Page 8 of 9 Archives of Microbiology (2022) 204:248

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Acknowledgements The authors thank Faris Saif Al Masoud and Sul- Kim Y-H, Freeman JP, Moody JD et al (2005) Effects of pH on the
tan Ahmad Alkahtani of Microbiology Laboratories, Southern Region degradation of phenanthrene and pyrene by Mycobacterium van-
Armed Forces Hospital, Khamis Mushait, Saudi Arabia, for allowing baalenii PYR-1. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 67:275–285. https://​
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Refaat A. Eid, Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, King Ma J, Xu L, Jia L (2013) Characterization of pyrene degradation by
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Author contributions AMA and MAM performed the experiment. 2013.​03.​184
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Funding The authors extend their appreciation to the King Abdul-Aziz Peng R-H, Xiong A-S, Xue Y et al (2008) Microbial biodegradation of
City for Science and Technology (KACST) for funding this work under polyaromatic hydrocarbons. FEMS Microbiol Rev 32:927–955.
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Perelo LW (2010) Review: in situ and bioremediation of organic pol-
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