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pETHITHULANOL _ KY THI TOT NGHIEP TRUNG HQC PI Noha 2024 BAMSATDETHAMKHAO —_Bai thi: NCOAT NCW; Mén thi: THE! 2024 Thai gian lam bai: 60 phiit khong nm elanphar de (Dé thi cé 04 trang) saneeenneeCodde 10 1-——=— S6 bao danh: SD KEY CHITIET Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in Pron in each of the following questions. 1. A knowledge oe enerous D. surgeon 2.A. equal uae female C enrol D. beng Mark the letter A, B,C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Ho, tén thi sinh: Question 3: Al purpose B. compose C. propose D. suppose Giai thich: Dap én A trong 4m 6 am thié nbét, céc dip an cén lai 6 am thé hai Phién am: A. /'pa:.pas B. /kam'pavz C. spra'pauz D. sa" pauz/ uestion 4: A entertain B engineer C committee D referee Giai thich: Dap 4n A trong 4m 6 Am tit hai, cdc dap an con lai 6 4m thé hai Phién am: A. /enta'tem/ —B. / endgr'ntan C. Aka’ muti D. /xefa'ri: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct an questions. ver to cach of the following Question 5: The woman. English at his school is Ms. Smita ‘A. who teach "Bo teaching C.taught D. was being taught Question 6: Lan is student in her class. A.the mosttall __‘ Buitlieltallest C. the more tall D. the taller Question 7: The passengers to board the game when it started to raia. “Alwere waiting B. was waiting C. waited D. would waiting Giai thich: Kién thitc ngit phap: Thi qua khué tiép dién (the past continuous tense) ~ Ta ding thi qua Khe tiép diga (QKTD) dé: didn ta hank déng dang xay ra thi hanh déng khac xen vio ~ Cau tric: QKTD + when/while ~ QKD (Qua kthir don) dién ta hanh dong dang xay 1a thi cé hanh dong khac xen v% Dich: Cac hinh khéch dang doi tein déu mé man thi tréi bat €éu mua, Question 8: Durian isnow ___ harvest season in Mekong Delta provinces Alin Bat C. under D.on Giai thich: Kién thite tir vung: gidi tir (preposition) in harvest season: trong muita thu hoach Dich: San signg dang trong miia thn hoach 6 céc tinh thanh ku ve séng Mé Kéng Méséng at ease: tha long at odds with sb/sth: bat déng véi ai at risk: trong tinh trang nguy hiém at will: thy y C. under under threat: gap nguy hiém under pressure: bi ap Ine D.on on the level: thinh that on the dot: diimg git téi ting giay, rimg phit on the way dang trén dvong on the table: cé sin Question 1 aN A. did he B. didn’t he C. had he D. hadn’t he Giai thich: Kién thite ngit phap: Ciu hoi dudi (tag question) = Vé truée cau hoi duéi dang khang dink => céu hoi duéi dang ph dink => Chon B Dich: Dao diéa Pham Thién An cam thay béi s6i khi dag Ay méi hoc vé phim phai khéng? Question 9: Director Pham Thien An felt confused when he first studied films, Question 10: Nobody died in the terrorism, but 20 people were: A. damaged B. injured C. spoiled D. wonnded Giai thich: Kién thitc tir vung: Tir dé gay ham lin (Confusing word) ~ injured: chan thong thé xac (do bi tan céng, tai nan) => “injured” cé thé chi viée bi gay tay, séi chan, bi theeng do tai nan giao théng. chan thuong thé thao ~ wounded: chi céc vét thuong hé. theéng gay ra béi wit kif nla dao, sing, hay cé thé la 6 vét cit. rch trén da va thudng gay chay mau. (théng ding trong chién tranh) Chon B Dich: Khong cé ai thiét mang trong cudc king bé nhung cé 20 ngudi bi throng My parents hope to travel around, world next summer Aa C the DO Giai thich: Kién thite ngie phap: mao tir (article) Chon “the” do “world” 1a mér danh tir da xac dinh trong cau (unique object) Dich: Bé me t8i hy vong s2 duoc di du lich vang quanh thé giéi vio nam sau. Question 12: The online game “Dumb ways to die” quickly_ swith young people after being released in 2013 A. took on B. caught up C. caught on D. took up thich: Kién thie tir vung: cum dng tir (phrasal verb) catch on (phr ¥): (C1) tré nén phé bién: (C2) nam bat kip nig gi dang dién ra sau khi lam quen Dich: Trd choi online “Dumb ways to die” nhanh chéng tré nén pho bién véi gidi tré sau khi duege phat hanh vao nam 2013 Cac dap an khéc take on sth: dam nhan, ganh vic take sb on: tuyén dung ai 46 take sth on board (idiom): tiép thu cai gi take sth out on sb: tit gidn lén ai do, B. catch up catch up with sb/sth: bat kip ai/cdi gi # keep pace/up with : git? phong 46 catch sb up on sth: cap nhat tin tire cho ai dé ~ keep sb posted D. take up take up arms: chuan bi chién dau take up residence /residency in: dén séng 6 déu take up the cudgels for/against someone/something: phan di ai kich liét Question 13: It was his own fault, bat I couldn't help sorry for him AL feeling B. to feel C. felt D. to have felt Giai thich: Kién thirc ngit php: to-V, try to do sti: cé ging lim gi Dich: Canh sat cho anh ta xem mit bitc hinh dé khién anh ta nhé lai nbing gi 4 xay 12 vio dém tnéc Khi vu trdm xay ra ing Question 14: He saw them watching him and bared his in the manner of an angry dog. Amouh — ——_B. tooth _ C. tet D. nose Giai thich: Kién thite tir vung: cum tir cé dinh (collocation) bare one’s teeth: nhe ring hic tite gién ich: Anh ta Mo réng: A. mouth live from hand to mouth: ira dit séng mouth off (about sth): néi lén tiéng vé chuy y ho dang xem minh nhe rang nhu mét con ché dang gidn dé from the horse's mouth: tec tép tir ngwei trong cudc B. tooth fight tooth and nail: dénh ahan di 461 cuta tooth: moc rang méi be long in the tooth: qua gia dé lam viée gi khac D. nose ‘on the nose: chinh xac (ding timg giay, timg déng) stick one’s nose into sth: soi méi, tim hiéu chuyéa gi under one’s nose: ngay tude mat Question 15 Question 15: Marry will joi us__ OD AA. a: soon as che had Ginished her homework, B. as soon as she will finish her homework, C. as soon as she finished her homework ( ) D. as soon as she finishes her homework Question 16: Amazon acquired Ring in 2018, the way for the e-commerce giant to get into the home security business A. getting B. putting C. paving D. showing Giai thich: Kién thitc tir vung: thanh ngit (idiom) pave the way for sth/sb: mé duréng cho céi gi/cho ai Dich: Amazon mma lai Ring vio nim 2018, mé dudng cho ga khéng 18 thuong mai dién ti tham gia vio link vue kinh doanh an ninh gia éinh Moséng getting get at sb: lim phién, get even: lém gi dé dé ngang bang ngwoi cén lai get one’s feet wet: quen din véi tinh hud: get in one’s hair= get under one’s skin: tréu choc ai 46, lamai dé khé chiu B. putting put on an act: ra.vé, t6 ve dé liy long ai put sb ina quandary: lim ai d6 phn van put sth into practice: dem vao thu té put one’s foot down: suy nghi ki vé viée gi put heads together: cing lam vige put sb on the spot: dura ai rao thé khé xi put paid to sth: két thuic hoac pha by diéu gi r3u choc ai Question 17: Over 700 durian trucks at the Vietnam-China border last year A. ore sticking B. were being stuck CG. qwere stuck D. are being stuck Question 18: What views do Americans and Asians have about love and marriage? A. tradition B. traditionally C. traditionalism DD) fraditionial Giai thich: Kién thite tir vung: tir loai (word form) Tinh tiebd nghia cho danh tir dieng sau tinh te dé => Chon D Dich: Nhttag quan niém truyén thong nao mi ngwéi My va ngudi Chau A cé vé tinh yeu va hon nhan? Question 19: His poor standard of play fully justifies his from the team for the next match. A. expulsion B. dismissal C. rejection D. exclusion Giai thich: Kién thie tir vung: nghia cita tir exclusion fiom sth: sv dudi ra khoi déu, ngin khéng cho lam gi Dich: Léi choi khong hét minh cia anh Ay ching minh cho viéc anh bi duéi ra khot 461 trong tran dau toi. Mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following exchanges. Question 20: Jani - Sack: ‘Could you show me the way to the station’ aN A. About ten minutes. B. The show is not interesting. C. The station is far from here. D. Go ahead, then turn lef. Giai thich: Kién thite : chit nang giao tiép Dich: - Jane: “Ban cé thé chi dvéag cho t6i véi ga tiu khong?” - Jack: “Di thing si ré ted.” Ci dap dn khéc khang phi hop A. Khoang mudi phir B. Budi biéu dién khong tho vi C. Nha ga 6 xa day Question 21: Peter: “The air quality in Hanoi is getting worse and worse” Jemny:” Ican’t see anything in the morning because of too much smoke.” A Tdon'tieally think so B. Idoa't quite agiee C. You can say that again. D. That's not a matter Giai thich: Kién thitc : chive nang giao tiép Dich: - Peter: “Chat luong khéng khi ¢ Ha N6i dang ngay cang té di” ~ Jack: “Cau néi ding day. T6 khéng thé thay gi vao busi sng vi cé qua nhiéu khéi.” (Cac dap an khéc khéng phat hep A. Toi khéag thuc sw nghi nl vay. B. Téi khéng hoan toan dong ¢ D. Dé khéng phai la vin de. Mark the letter A , B,C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word (5) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word (5) in each of the following questions. Question 22: Authorities in Bali will distribute a list of “dos and don'ts” for visitors arriving at the tourist island. A collect B. assign C. circulate D. delete Giai thich: Kién thie tir vyng: nghia cita tir distribute (©): phan chia, phan phét >< collect (v): thn gom (dap 4n B) Dich: Cac nha cluic trich 6 Bali s@ phat mét dank sich “nhiing diéu néa lam va khéng néa lam” cho du Ehéch khi dén hin dao du lich nay Question 23: I'm sure it won't sain, but I'll take an umbrella just to be om the safe sis A careful B easy C careless D. difficult Giai thich: Kién thitc tir vung: thanh ngit (idiom) on the safe side (idiom): cho can thin, dé dé phng ~ careful (adj) (Aap an A) >< careless (ad)): bat can (dap an C) Dich: Téi chac chin rang tréi sé khéng mva, nhvng tdi sé mang theo mét chiéc 6 dé 4? phang. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in each of the following questions. Question 24: The charming old buildings and cottages are a throwback to the colonial past. A. cunning B. exciting C. interesting D. fascinating Giai thich: Kién thitc tir vung: nghia cita tir chasming (adj): duyén dang, tao nha ~ cunning (adj): duyén dang, quyén 1 (4p an A)~ elegant Dich: Nhtng tha nha cé va nhtng ng6i nha wank duyén dang goi nhé vé thoi ki thuc dan uestion 25: Greater gender equality brings freedom, boosts prosperity and strengthens global security. A. wealth B. disadvantage. stagnation D. safety Giai thich: Kién thitc tir vung: nghia cita tir prosperity (n): sv giau cé, sv think vwong ~ wealthy (n): su giau cé Dich: Binh dang gidi lén hon mang lai sv ty do, ting cudng sv thinh vwong va cling cé an ninh toan céu Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to cach of the following questions. Question 26. Ihaven’t heard from him for ages A. I didn’t write to him for ages. B. Ilast wrote to him long time ago C. I wrote to him for ages D. Ihaven't wnitten to him long time ago. ‘Kién thie ngit phap: Cau déng nghia - Viét lai thi HTHT - Ta cé cong thite: $ +haven’y/hesn’t + V- pp +O + for + time = S + (last) + V-simple past + O + time + ago It's time + since +S + (last) + V-simple past + 0 = The last time + § + V-simple past + O + was + time +ago => Chon dap an B Dich: Cau géc: Téi da khéng nghe dtvoc tin gi v8 anh ta tir au Question 27: “ Where did you go last night?” she said to her boyfriend. A. She asked her boyftiend where did he go last aight B. She asked her boyfriend where he went the night before. C. She asked her boyfriend where had he gone the night before. D. She asked her boyfiiend where he had gone the night before Giai thich: Kién thirc: Cau tru tiép - gin tiep - Twéng thuat cau hoi: S~ asked + (0) + Ti aé hos + S+ V (liu thi) (khong léy tro déng tir vio) (Cau géc 1a qua khi don Idi sang qua kh hoan thanh => Chon D Dich: Can géc: * Anh 4a di dau t6i qua” c6 ay hoi ban trai cia minh, Question 28: Jane still wants to go to the supermarket although the fridge is full of fruits, ‘A. There is no need for Jane to go to the supermarket. B. Jane should go to the supermarket. C. Jane hadn't better go to the supermarket. D. Jane mustn't go to the supermarket. Giai thich: Kién thie: Viét lai ciu bang déng tir khuyét thiéu va cu tric “there is no need” - Had better/Shoud + V-bare infinitive: nén lam gi ~ Must aot/Mustn’t +V: khéng duge lam gi ~ There is no need for sb to do sth: Ai dé khéng can lam gi Cac dap an B, C, D sai nghia so véi cau géc => Chon A Dich: Cau géc: Jane van amuén di siéu thi mic di ti lank 42 day trai cy. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. Question 29: We couldn't see the mountains because of the rain. A. If oaly it didn’ train so we could see the mountains. B. If it hada’t rained, we could see the mountains ©. Lwish Ihad been able to see the mountains without rain D. But for the sain, I could see the mountains Giai thich: Kién thite: viét lai cau bang cau dk loai I, cau wee va ciu trac But for (Cau diéu kién loai III: f+ S + had + P2, § + would’ could’ might ~ have +P2 => Diga ta 1 digu kién trai voi qué kent. dan dén 1 ket qua trai véi qua Khir Cau wée 6 qua khi: $+ wish’ wishes + Clause Ifoaly + S + QKHT + Clause But for = Without. But for + N/V-ing, S~ V (Chc dap an A, B va D Adu sai nghia so véi cén gic => Chon C Dich: Cau g6c: Ching t6i khong thé nia thiy nhiing ngon mii vi mua Question 30: When we crossed the fields, we saw a tiny house at the foot of the mountain. A. No sooner iad we crossed the fields when we saw a tiny house at the foot of the mountain B. Not until we crossed the fields did we see a tiny house at the foot of the mountain. C. Scarcely had we crossed the fields than we saw a tiny house at the foot of the mountain. D. It was not until we crossed the fields did we see a tiny house at the foot of the mountain Giai thich: Kién thire: Ciu dao ngit (inversion) Not until/till + (S+V)/time + tro dong te + S + V: Mii dén khi... thi mei No sooner + tro déng tir + S+V + than +S +V: Vira mdi. thi Hardly / Barely / Scarcely had + § + V(PP/V3) + when / before + clause: vita méi......thi Ir was not until + § + V = tro dong tir+ S + V: Mai dén khi..... thi méi aN Cac dap an A, B, C khong phi hop vé nghia so vei cau 6c Cau gée: Khi bing qua cénh ding, ching téi thay mét ng6i nha aho dudi chan ati Mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 31: He was aizested at the aizport with a kilo of heroine secreted in his clothing. A arrested B. with Giai thich: Kién thitc: tir vung heroine (n): nit anh hag Sika: heroine => heroin (n): ma tiy C heroine D. clothing Dich: Anh ta bi bit ti sin bay véi mot kilogram ma tiy due gidu trong quan 40 Question 32: The national soccer team make every effort to win the match yesterday. A. make B. effort D. yesterday Giai thich: Kién thie: thi qua khw don (simple past tense) Sia. make => made Dich: Déi mayen bong da quéc gia da nd hxc hét minh dé thing wan dau hém qua Question 33: Animals like frogs have waterproof skin that prevents it from drying out quickly in air, sun, or wind. A have B. that Giai thich: Kién thie: tan ngie Sita: it => them Git D. wind Dich: Nhtiag lodi dng vat nl éch c6 da ching nude dé bao vé chiing khei viée bi khd mét céch nhanh chong trong khong khi. duéi ning hoac gi0. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or plirase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. There are many types of Euglish around the world, Some well-known varieties in Asia inchude Chinglish in China, Singlish in Singapore and Japanese English. A group of language experts in Japan is troubled by how the government uses English. __(31)__, it says the goverament uses computer or online translation too much. Researchers say many translations create strange and confusing words and expressions G3). are confusing to English speakers The researchers worry this could have a negative impact on Japan's tourist industry. They even say the increasing aumber of unsuitable words is becoming ¢ “national embarrassment” in Japan. The research team says computer software gives___36), os incorrect translations for individual kanji - the Chinese characters used in Japanese writing. There are___(37), examples of this, including “Hello Work” - the name for job centers, and “Go To Travel” a plan to help tourism in Japan during the COVID-19 pandemic. The team says software creates, “unintentionally funny translations that could easily be corrected if they were just checked by an. English speaker”. Businesses also create this English. The Christmas message being used by the Dich bai do Co rat nhiéu kidu tiéag Anh tén khap thé gidi, Mat sé phé bién 6 chau A bao gém Chinglish 6 Trung Quéc, Singlish ¢ Singapore va tiéng Anh ‘Nhat Ban. Mét nhém chnyén gia ngén agi¥ o Nhat Ban dang gap rac r6i v6i céch chinh phi sit dung tiéng Anh. Cu thé, ho aéi sing chinh phi sr duag dich bang may tiah hodc dich trec tuyéa qua nhieu. Cac nha nghién ctu cho biét nhiéu ban dich tao ra nhitng ti va cach dién dat ky la va kho hiéu, gay nham lan cho ngwéi adi tiéng Anh. Cac nha nghién cint lo ngai diéu nay c6 thé tac déng tién cue dén nganh du lich cia Nhat Ban. Ho tham chi cn n6i rang s6 Iwong cac tir khéng plti hop ngay cang tang dang wé thank mot “ndi xau hé quéc gia” 6 Nhat Ban Nhém nghién ctm cho biét céc phan mém my tinh dua ra nhitng ban dich ky la hoac khéng chinh xc cho céc ki tw kanji - nung ky tr Han ‘Nei duoc si dung trong van baa tiéng Nhat. Co rat nhiéu vi du v8 viée nay. ké ca "Xin chéo cing vic” - téa ciia céc tring tam viée lim va “Di da lich” métké hoach gitip 46 agaah du lich 6 Nhat Bin tong dai dich COVID-19. Nhém cho biét phan mém tao ra “cdc ban dich hai hnéc mét cach khéng chi ¥-c6 thé duoc siza chita mét cach dé dang néu ching duoc kiém tra béi mét ngwéi néi tiéng Anh’ Cac doanl nghiép cing gép phan tao ra kiéu tiéng Seibu Sogo department store has raised ___G8)_Tt says “Stay Positive.” Many people believe this is the wrong thing to say during coronavirus and “Stay Happy” would be better. ‘Anh nay. Thong diép Gu cia hing bach héa Se nguéi phai ahwéngdhay’ Thing dip néi “Ha tinh than lac quan” Niéiragudi cho ring day khéng phai la te ndi trong dai dich 6 digp “Hay git tink thin hanh hon. Tac quan (tinh thin), dong tinh (voi coronavinuy Question 34: A. Consequently B. While C.In particular D. Generally Giai thich: Kién thir ngit php: lién tir (conjunction) (Clue: A group of language experts in Japan is troubled by how the government uses English. In particular, it says the government uses computer or online translation too nich Dich: Mét nhém chuyén gia ngén ngit ¢ Nhét Ban dang gap rac r6i véi cach chinh pha str dung tiéng Anh. Cu thé, ho néi rang chin phi sir dung dich bang may tinh hode dich trac tuyén qué ahiéu. Question 35: A. whos B. who C. which D. whom Giai thich: Kién thirc ngit phap: ménh dé quan hé (relative clause) ‘Clue: Researchers say many translations create strange and confusing words and expressions which are confusing to English speakers. Dich: Cac aha nghien citu cho biét nhiéu ban dich tao ra nling te va cach dién dat ky la va kho hiéu, gay nham lan cho agwéi néi ting Anh, Question 36: A. foul B odd C flashy D precise Giai thich: Kién thitc : tie vung odd (adj): Kila ‘Clue: The research team says computer software gives odd or incomect translations for individual kanji - the Chinese characters used in Japanese writing Dich: Nhém nghién ci cho biét céc phan mém may tinh dwa ra nhimng ban dich ky la hoae khéng chinh xc cho céc Ki te kanji - nbiing ky nx Hén Ngit duoc str dung trong van ban tiéng Nhat Question 37: A. much B. many C.alot D. plenty Giai thich: Kién thitc ngit phap: lwong tir (quantifier) ~ much + N-uncouatable ~ many + N-phural ~ a lot offplenty of + N-plural (Clue: There are many examples of this, including “Hello Work” - the name for job centers, and “Go To Travel” a plan to help tourism in Japan during the COVID-19 pandemic Dich: Cé rit nhiéu vi du vé vige nay. ke ca “Xin chao céng vic” - tén ctia céc trang tém viée Lim va “Di du lich” mét ké hoach gitip 4@ nginh du lich @ Nhat Baa trong dai dich COVID-19. Question 38: A. Lands B. fingers C. voices D. eyebrows Giai thich: Kién thie : cum tir cé dinh (collocation) raise eyebrows : nluréag miy => thé hién sv hoai nghi, bat binh Clue: The Christmas message being used by the Seibu Sogo department store has raised eyebrows. Dich: Thong diép Ging sinh duoc siz dung béi cita hang béch héa Seibu Sogo da khién nhiéu ngwoi phai nhudng may. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Dich bai doe: The Chinese govemment has removed Chinh pli Trung Quéc da loai bo vay té té pangolin scales from its 2020 list of approved khdi dank sach cic nguyén liéu duoc phé dayét sir ingredients used in traditional Chinese medicine.a_| dung trong y hoc co truyén Trung Quoc nam 2020, No more campaigners describe as a “critical step towards saving the world’s most trafficked mammal Pangolins are highly valued in Asia for scales, which many people believe can improve blood circulation and reduce inflammation. Last year alone, authorities confiscated more than 130 tons of illegal pangolin related products. There are eight species of pangolin found in Asia and Aftica To date, three species are listed as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, while the remaining fi are listed as either vulnerable or endangered. O According to Chinese media, the latest edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia - an government list of drugs covering apigted traditional Chinese and Westert, ~no longer includes pangolin scalk nS ‘cision to remove the pangolin from the officil list comes just days after China’s vestry and Grassland Bureau announced inl che pangolin would be upgraded to a “first-letelprotected wild animal.” the highest possible protection status alongside pandas ond tigers While conservationists from China and other countries have praised the actions of Chinese authorities, some still felt that they came a bit too late. “Many years have passed. How many pangolins have already been hunted and killed?” said Sophia Zhang, director of the Pangolin Working Group at the China Biodivessity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (Adapted fiom Question 39: What is the best title for this passage? A. What We Can All Do To Protect Pangolins B. Why Are Chinese Pangolins Under Threat? C Pangolin Scales: How Valuable Are They? D. A Big Step In The Protection Of Pangolins quan trong” ahaim vt c6 vi bi buéa, mot dong thar ma cae sagt mo ta a “buee bén nhieu nbit tra fae Te té cd a ts co chéu A nhé vay ma nhiéu nguéi tit ramg cB thé cai thién hu thong mau. va giém vi jéng nam ngoai, co quan chite Oy on 130 tan sin phim bat hep quan déa té té. C6 tim loai té t8 duoc au A va Chau Phi. Cho dén nay, ba ai dc Lién minh Bao tén Thién nhién Quéc té gr PHO ching loai cue is) nguy cap, trong khi nam loal cém hai duoc ligt ké 14 dé bi tén thong hoac co guy co tayét ching, Theo truyén théng Trung Quéc, an ban mé: nhat cia Duoc dién Trung Quéc - danh sach chink thite iia chinh pint vé céc loai thude bao gém cde Joai thudc truyén théng cia Trung Quéc va phuong Tay - khéng cén bao gém vay té té. Quyét dinh loat tété khoi danh séch chinh thie duoc dua ra chi vai ngay sau hi Cuc Kiém Lam Trung Quéc théng bao rang té té Trung Quéc sé duoc nang Jén thanh “déng vat hoang da duoc bao vé cap mét”, tinh, trang bao vé cao nhat cé thé bén canh gau tric va ho, Trong khi cae nha béo tén tir Tring Quoc va cde quéc gia khac ca agoi haa déng ciia chinh quyén Trung Quéc, mét s6 ngwéi van cam thay rang nhimg hanh déng dién ra hoi muén. “Da nhiéu nam tréi qua. Khéng biét bao nhiéu con t€ 18 4 bi san giét?” Sophia Zhang, giém déc Nhém céng tic vé t8 18 tai To chite phat tien xanh va bao tén da dang sinh hoc Trung Quéc cho biét. thich: Dap an D. A Big Step In The Protection Of Pangolins ‘Van baa néi vé mét hanh dng cila chinh quyén Trung Quéc tong viée bao ve cc loai 2 1 Dap 4n A sai 6" What We Can All Do” do vin ban khéag éé cip din ating bién phép cé thé thue hién Dap anB sai o“Why" va “Under Threat”, bai doc khéng dé cap dén néi dung nay Dap an C sai 6 “Scales”, chi étroc nhac dén trong mét cau 6 doan 3, ko néi lén néi dung toan bai => Chen D Dich dap aa: A. Tat ca chiing ta cé thé lim gi 48 bio vé t8 18 ©. Vay Té Té: Gid Tri Nhw Thé Nao? Question 40: The word “confiscated” in paragraph 2 A sobbed B detained thich: Kién thite : tie vung Clue: Last year alone, authorities confiscated products. C. arrested B. Tai sao té t Trung Quéc dang bi de doa? D. Mét bude tién Ion trong vige bio vé t8 té is closest in meaning to D. seized more than 130 tons of illegal pangolin related aX Dich: Chi riéng nam ngodi, co quan chite nang da tich thu hon 130 tan san phim bat hop phap cé ign quan dén 18 08 confiscate ~ seize (v): adm git. bit gitt Question 40: How have conservationists in China and in other countries react to the Chinese government's actions? A. They are pleased but some felt that actions should have been taken sooner. B. They believe these actions are useless. given the number of pangolins killed C. They doubt whether these actions will prevent people from hunting pangolins D. They are all glad that Chinese authorities have taken measures at the right time. Giai thich: Dap an A. They are pleased but some felt that actions should have been taken ‘Clue: While conservationists from China and other countries have praised the actions of Chinese authorities, some still lt that they came a bit too late. => Chon A Dich clue: Trong khi cac aha bao ton tt Trung Quéc va cae quéc gia khac ca ngoi hanh déng cia chinh quyéa Trung Quéc, mét sé agudi van cam thay rang uhimg hink dong di Dich dap An A. Ho hai long nhung mét sé cam thay ring 18 ra nén hanh dng sém hon. B. Ho tin ring nhig hinh déng nay la vé ich, so véi s6 luong té té bi git. C. Ho nghi ng@ lién ning hanh déng nay cé gan cin con agudi san bat té té hay khéng D. Ho déu vui mimg vi chink quyén Trung Quéc 43 cé ahiiag bién phap kip thi. Question 42: Which of the following is NOT TRUE, according to the passage? A. tis widely believed that pangolin scales have medicinal powers B. The Chinese government has a list of approved medicines C. There ase fie species of pangolins that are not endangered. D. Pandas and tigers are first-level protected wild animals in China. Giai thich: Dap an C. There are five species of pangolins that are not endangered. ‘Clue: To date, three species are listed as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Natu, while the remaining five are listed as either vulnerable or endangered. Chon € Dich clue: Cho déa nay, ba loai duoc Lién minh Bao tén Thién nhién Quéc té iét véo ching loai cue ky aguy cap, trong khi nam lodi cén lai diege liét ké 1a dé bi tén thttong hoae cé nguy co tuyét ching, Dich dap 4a A. Naud ta tin ring vay té t2 06 the dung chita baa. B. Chinh pit Trung Quéc cé mét dah sich céc loai thuéc da duoc phé duyét C. Cé nam loai t8 18 khong bi de doa D. Gau trac va ho la ddng vat hoang da doc bao vé cap mot & Trung Quéc Question 43: The word “they” in paragraph 4 refers to A. conservationists B. countries C. actions D. authorities Giai thich: Dap an C. actions ‘Clue: While conservationists from China and other countries have praised the actions of Chinese authorities, some still elt chat they came a bit (00 late. Dich clue: Trong khi cdc nha bao tan tir Trung Quéc va cac quéc gia khac ca ngoi hanh déng cia chinh quyéa Trung Quéc, mét sé aguéi van cam thay rang nhirng hanh déng dién ra hoi muén, => they = actions => Chon C za hoi muda, Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Dich bai do Despite the easing of lockdowns across the Bat chap viéc néi long phong ta trén toan world, many businesses continue to operate largely | thé gidi, nhiéu doanh nghiép van tiép tuc hoat dong online. However, this new business model has chu yéu trén mang. Tuy ahién, mé hinh kinh doanh exposed a problem: cyber attackers are méi nay da 16 ra mét van 4é nhtng ké tan céng disproportionately targeting people of colourand | mang dang nhdm muc tiéu mét céch khong trong ethnic minorities during this pandemic xing vao ngvdi da mau va cdc sic tc thiéu sé Rashad Robinson, the executive director of Color of Change, the United States” largest online racial justice organisation, which has lobbied social media companies to address civil rights violations on their platforms through many public campaigas. says the Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) community faces “immediate danger” when working on the video call platform Zoom. where hackers are still actively searching for loopholes to specifically target BAME communities online Robinson explained that these are not random pranks by individuals, but a coor inaled ) effort. “Color of Change have been contaéted by least 15 groups who have had thew gat hijacked,” he added. For instance, a vikguhl.casting call for black actors, a meeting nority students and lecturers to discu! in universities, and a series of s about the aftermath of George Flog@'s degth were targeted on Zoom. Another Zoom Kean speakers from White Coats for Black Lix&, an organisation of BAME medical students tackling racism within the US's healthcare system, was hijacked. Lydia Amoah, a diversity specialist, was a target of a racially-motivated cyber-attack during a webinar with 100 of her colleagues. clients and. industry experts in April. “I felt sick for five days after the hackers attacked. I felt so unsafe online. where I have no choice but to work [..] Even now I feel hot [and] defenseless, they could see me but I couldn't see them.” Amoah is now advising businesses and other companies on how to deal with racism in the virtual workspace. Her new policy, the STOPIT Protocol, offers businesses a step-by-step guide on how to protect workers online, and has already been implemented by some UK charities and organisations. Color of Change has been in contact with Zoom and has asked the company to release a specific plan to combat racial harassment on the platform and apologise to targets of Zoom bombings, but Lydia believes responsibility also lies with employers who have not taken measures to protect minorities in the vistual workspace. “The first step is sharing our stories, the next is for SO" trong dai dich nay. N Rashad Robin; Sc dign hanh cia Color of Change. t6%phtt: 1 phép ching téc truc a Ry, d&van déng hah lang cae tuyén lon abit céng ty truyén' di giai quyét cdc vi pham quyén cén; dxf nén ting cia ho thong qua é céng khai, ngudi da den, ngwoi téc thiéu s6 (BAME) cho biet céng mit véi “uguy hiém trrée mat” khi wénnén tang goi video Zoom, noi tin tac fag tich cuc tim kiém so ho dé nim muc tién, cu thé vao céng déng BAME trén mang. Robinson giai thich rang day khong phai la tro dita ngau ahién cia cac ca nhan ma la mét nd. luc cé su phéi hop. “Color of Change da lign hé vei it nhat 15 nhom bi tan céng trong cuéc hop ” dng néi thém. Ching han, mot cuéc thi tuyén dién vién. inte tnyén cho céc dién vién da den, mét cude gap g@ gitta cac sinh vién thuéc nhém thiéu sé va giang vita dé thio Infn vé phi biét chting téc trong cde tnvéng dai hoc va mét loat cae cudc néi chuyén truc tnyéa vé hau qua cua cai chet cia George Floyd 44 duoc nham muc tiéu trén Zoom. Mét sw kign Zoom khac v6i cdc dién gia dén tis White Coats for Black Lives. mét t8 chite gém cée sinh vin y khoa BAME giai quyét van 4é phan biét cling téc trong hé théng cham séc stte khoe cta Hoa Ky, ¢a bi tan céng. Lydia Amoah. mét chuyén gia vé da dang sac téc, la muc tiéu ciia mét cuée taa cong mang co dng co phin biét chang téc trong mét hd: thao tue myén véi 100 déng nghiép. khach hang va chuyén gia trong nganh vao thang Tw. “Téi cam thay phat 6m trong nim ngay sau khi tin tac tan céng. Téi cam thay rat khong an toan khi dang true tuyén, noi t6i khong cé la chon nao khac ngoai Jam viée [...] Ngay ca bay gid tdi van cam thay, Khéng an toaa [vi] Kang cé Icha nang te vé. bon ho cé the nhin thay t6i nlaumng t6i khéng thé nhin thay bon ho.” Amoah hién dang te van cho cc doanh nghiép va cong ty khac vé céch 441 phé voi nan phan biét chung téc trong khéng gian lam vie 40. Chinh sch méi ciia c6 ay. Giao thite STOPIT, cung cap cho céc doanh nghiép huéng dan ting buéc vé cach bao vé nguéi lao déng truc tuyén va 48 duge mét 26 13 chute va td chite ti thién cha Vuong quéc Anb trien Khai. Color of Change da lign hé véi Zoom vi yéu cau cong ty dua ra mét ké hoach cu thé dé chéng lai hanh vi quay 1éi chung téc trén nén tang nay va xin 16i cée muc tiéu cia yu danh bom Zoom, nhung Lydia tin rang trach nhiém cing thude vé ahimg nguoi str dung lao déng ¢4 khéng thee hién cdc bién phap bao vé ngwéi thuéc nhém thiéu sé 10 policies thet will protect all of their users.” chia 92 céu chuyén cig thing ti, bude tiép theo 1a (Adapted from céc céng ty bat diysbuc higa cdc chinh séch thie su va lu dai dé.bao 4g tif'ca ngwai ding ctia ho.” ‘companies to startimplementing real andlasting | wong khong gian lam agp iu tien la Question 44: Which best serves as the title for the passage? A. New Measures That Can Be Taken To Deal With Online Racism B. Racism In The Virtual World: A Growing Problem C. Why Do Hackers Always Target Zoom For Security Loopholes? D. How Online Racism Affects People’s Meatal State thich: Dap an B. Racism In The Virtual World: A Growing Problem Dap an A sai 6 “New Measures” do van ban khéng 48 cip dén nhitag bién php. Dap an sai o “Why” va “Loopholes”, chi duoc nhac én trong mét céu 6 doan 2. khng néi én néi dung toan bai Dap an D sai do bai doc khong dé cap dén néi dung nay => Chon B Dich dap 4a A. Cac biga phip méi cé thé duoc thc hién dé déi phé véi phan biét chting téc trén mang B. Phan biét cling tc trong thé gidi a0: Mét van dé dang gia tang ©. Tai sao tin tic Inén nha muc tiéu vio Zoom 4é tim 16 hing bao mit? D. Phan biét chiimg tc truc tuyén anh hndng dén trang thai tinh thén cia moi ngwéi nh thé nio Question 45: The word “lobbied” in paragraph 2 can be best replaced by A. threatened B. forced C. urged D. deceived Giai thich: Kién thitc : tir vung ‘Clue: Rashad Robinson, the executive director of Color of Change. the United States” largest online racial justice organisation, which has lobbied social media companies to address civil rights violations on their platforms through many public campaigns. Dich: Rashad Robinson, gidm déc diéu hank cia Color of Change. té chitc tu phap ching téc true tuyén lan nhét Hoa K¥, 4 van déng hamh lang cac cdng ty truyén thang x4 hai gidi quyét cdc vi pham quyéa céng dan trén nén tang cia ho théng qua nbiéu chien dich céng kha, lobbied ~ urge («): yéu cau Question 46: Why does Rashad Robinson say in paragraph 2 that the BAME community face “immediate danger” when using Zoom? A. Because Zoom has not tried to tackle civil sights violations. B. Because this community is not being protected by Zoom. C. Because hackers are planning to attack all Zoom users. D. Because Zoom still has too many security loopholes. i thich: Dap An C. Because hackers are planning to attack all Zoom user ‘Clue: ....public campaigns, says the Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) community faces “immediate danger” when working on the video call platform Zoom, where hackers are still actively searching for loopholes to specifically target BAME communities online. => Chon C Dich clue chién dich céag khai, ngwéi da den, ngudi chau A va din téc thiéu sé (BAME) cho biét cng déng phéi 46i mat vi “nguy hiém tneée mat” khi lam viée trén nén ting goi video Zoom, noi tin tac van dang tich cw tim kiem so hé dé nham muc tiéu cu thé vao céng ding BAME trén mang. Dich dép aa: A. Béi vi Zoom da khong cé gang gidi quyét céc vi pham quvén céag din B. Boi vi cong déng niy khéng dwoc Zoom bao vé. C. Boi vi tin tic dang cé ké hoach tén céng tit ca ngudi ding Zoom D. Vi Zoom cén qua nhiéu 15 héng bao mat. Question 47: According to paragraph 3, which of the following is NOT an example of gatherings that have been hijacked by hackers? ‘A. A virtual casting call oa Zoom for actors who are black. B. A Zoom meeting between minority students to discuss racism. iL aN C. A series of talks about the aftermath of George Floyd's death. D. An event with speaters who are BAME medical students Giai thich: Dap an B. A Zoom meeting between minority students to discuss racism. ‘Clue: For instance, a virtual casting call for black actors, a meeting between minority students and lecturers to discuss racism in universities. a gida ging vidn VA sink vién => B sai “between minority students” Dich clue: Chang han. mét cuéc thi tuyén dién vién truc tuyén cho cdc diéa vién da den, mét cude gap g@ gitta céc sinh vién thuéc nhom thiéu s6 va giang vien dé thao Iuin vé phan biét ching 16¢ trong cac trong dai hoc.. Dich dap aa: . A. Métcuéc goi tuyén din vién ao tén Zoom din cho cac dién vien da den. B. Mét cnéc hop Zoom giita cic hoc sinh thiu s6 dé thao Iuén vé phan biét ching téc CC. Mot loat bas n6i vé hau qua cia cai chét cia George Floyd D. Métsu kien voi dién gia la sink vitn y khoa BAME Question 48: The word “coordinated” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to A. scheduled B. engineered C. programmed Di organised Gia thich: Kién thitc : tie vung ‘Clue: Robinson explained that these are not random pranks by individuals, but a co’ Dich: Robinson giai thich rang day khéng phai la tré dia ngau ahién ca cic ca nhan ma lA mét nd uc cé sw phéi hop. => coordinated ~ organised (adj): direc t6 chite, bai ban Question 49: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A. No social media company has addressed civil rights violations. B. White Coats for Black Lives is very popular with medical students. C. Lydia Amoah was deeply affected emotionally after a cyber-attack D. Zoom will soon release its plan to deal with racial harassment. Giai thich: Dap an C. Lydia Amoah was deeply affected emotionally after a cyber-attack. Clue Lydia Amoah, a diversity specialist. was a target of a racially-motivated cyber-attack during a webinar with 100 of her colleagues, clients and industry experts in Apri. “I felt sick for five days after the hackers attacked. I felt so unsafe online, where I have no choice but to work [...] Even now I feel hot [and] defenseless, they could see me but I couldn’t see them.” Lydia felt sick and defenceless after being hijacked Chen C Dich clue: Lydia Amoah, mét chuyén gia vé da dang sac téc, 1a muc tiéu cita mét cudc tan céag mang cd déng co phan bist chiing téc troag mét héi thao truc tuyén v6i 100 dong nghiép. khach hang va chuyén gia trong nganh vao thing Tu. “Toi cam thay phét 6m trong nim ngiy sau khi tin tac tin céng. Téi cam thay sat khong an toan khi dang tnrc myén, noi t6i khéng cé Ia chon nio khac ngoai Iam vié [..] Neay ca bay gid t6i van cam thay kh6ng an toin [va] khéng cé Icha ning tw vé, bon ho cé thé nhin thay t6i nung t6i khéng thé ahin thay bon ho.” Dich dap aa: A. Khéng cé cng ty tmyén thang x4 héi nao giai quy t cae vi pham quyén eéag din B. White Coats for Black Lives rét phd bién véi sinh vin y khoa. C. Lydia Amoah @ bi anh hwong nang né vé mat cam xic sau mét cudc téa céng mang D. Zoom sé sém cong bé ké hoaca déi phd vi hanh vi quay ri ching t6c Question 50: The word “them” in paragraph 4 refers to A. colleagues B. clients C. experts: D. hackers Giai thich: Dap an D. hackers ‘Clue: “I felt sick for five days after the hackers attacked. | felt so unsafe online, where I have no choice but to work [...] Even now I feel hot [and] defenseless, they could see me but I couldn't see them.” clue: “Téi cém théy phét 6m trong nim nai stu Kt tin te tin cng T5i cam théy t khong an toan khi dang tnrc tuyén, noi tdi khéng cé lwa chon nio khac ngoai lam viéc [...] Ngay c: ie t6i ran cém théy khong an toén [va] khong cé kha nang te vé, bon ho cé thé nhin thay toi nhung toi Ichéng thé nhin théy bon ho.” => them = hackers => Chon D er » © No 13

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