Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B

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ISSN 1990-7931, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2018, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 412–421. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.

, 2018.



Spectral and Mechanistic Investigation of Oxidation of Rizatriptan

by Silver Third Periodate Complex in Aqueous Alkaline Medium1
Aftab Aslam Parwaz Khana, b, *, Anish Khana, b, Abdullah M Asiria, b, **, and Heba A Kashmerya
Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, 21589 Saudi Arabia
Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials Research, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, 21589 Saudi Arabia
Received August 3, 2017

Abstract⎯The oxidation of Rizatriptan by diperiodatoargentate(III) has been studied by spectrophotometry at neu-

tral pH. The kinetics of the reaction of Rizatriptan has been shown to principle of non-complementary oxidation
steps. The initial step involves the deprotonated of the diperiodatoargentate(III) with the alkali; this rearranges during
the displacement of a ligand to give free periodate and takes up another ligand monoperiodateargentate(III), com-
bines with a substrate to endow with an intermediate complex which decomposes within a slow step to provide the
final product in the following step with a first-order rate constant. The main product was identified by spot test, Fou-
rier-transform infrared spectroscopy, Nuclear magnetic resonance and Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
spectrum. A conceivable mechanism including pre equilibrium of adducts development between the complex and
reductant was planned from the kinetics study. The rate conditions got from system can clarify all exploratory phe-
nomena, and the activation parameters alongside rate constants of the rate determining step were ascertained.

Keywords: dihydroxy diperiodatoargentate third, rizatriptan, mechanistic reaction

DOI: 10.1134/S199079311803003X

INTRODUCTION AND STATEMENT metric [11–14], electrochemical sensor [15], Fluori-

OF THE PROBLEM metric and colorimetric [16] techniques. Diperioda-
Rizatriptan was first synthesized by the pharma- toargentate third is an effective oxidizing agent in ant-
ceutical company Merck Sharp and Dohme Ltd., in the acid medium with a reduction potential of 1.74 V [17].
year 1994. Rizatriptan chemical name is N,N-dimethyl- Many researchers have utilized diperiodatoargentate
amino-2-[5-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl-methyl)-1H-indol- third as an oxidizing agent for the oxidation of different
3-yl] ethanamine and shown balls and sticks 3D view organic and inorganic substrates [18–20]. It was
in Fig. 1. The molecular formula of Rizatritan (RTB) accounted for that they didn’t touch base at the conceiv-
is C15H19N5 · C6H5COOH and its molecular weight is able active species of diperiodatoargentate(III) (DPA) in
soluble base medium. However a few researchers to give
391.47 g mol–1. Physically pure RTB is a white amor- confirm for the reactive type of DPA in alkaline medium
phous and odorless powder [1]. RTB is soluble in rely on pH values [21]. However, here is scarcely a few
water, chloroform, dimethyl form amide, methanol, references in the direction of the vitro kinetics of oxida-
acetonitrile and acetic acid. It is used for the acute tion of RTB in the literature. Therefore understanding
treatment of migraine in adults and the activation of the mechanism of oxidative degradation of RTB is of
5-HT1B/1D receptor leading to selective vasocon- importance in medicinal and redox chemistry. In this
striction of certain cranial extra cerebral blood vessel manner RTB has been chosen as a substrate with a spe-
segments [2–6]. The metabolism, disposition and in cific end goal to investigate its oxidation by diperioda-
vitro pharmacokinetics of RTB has been reported. It toargentate(III) in basic medium and expected to explore
has been done that metabolic pathway of rizatriptan the kinetics of redox nature of the Ag(III) in such media
for the oxidative deamination, aromatic hydroxylation and to land at a conceivable mechanism.
by N-oxidation in presence of air [7]. Several methods
have been explored for RTB including liquid chroma-
tography [8], Liquid chromatography-mass spectrom- EXPERIMENTAL
etry spectrum (LC-MS/MS) [9], High-performance Materials and Methods
liquid chromatography (HPLC) [10], spectrophoto-
The reagents utilized as a part of this examination
1 The article is published in the original.
were all of scientific quality and arranged in double


in escapable contamination of carbonate in the basic

medium, the effect of carbonate was also done the study.
Included carbonate had no effect the response rate.

Kinetic Measurements
The kinetic study were performed on a Lamda-
950, Perkin Elmer, Germany UV-Visible Spectropho-
tometer under pseudo first request condition where
[RTB] > [DPA] at 25°C, unless appeared. The reac-
tion was started by mixing the DPA to RTB solution,
which correspondingly contained all required concen-
tration of KNO3, KOH, and KIO4; and the progress of
reaction was taken by spectrophotometrically at 360 nm
by checking decrease in absorbance as a result of DPA
Fig. 1. 3D balls and sticks view of RTB. (Fig. 2). It was experimental that there is an immate-
rial interference from other species show up in the
reaction mixture at this wavelength. The pseudo-first
distilled water was utilized all throughout the experi- order rate constants, kobs, were determined from the
mental. A stock solution of RTB was set up by dissolv- log abs versus time graphs. The graphs were prompt up
ing appropriate amount of sample in double distilled to 75% completion of reaction. The rate constants
water. The required concentration of RTB was utilized were replicate to within ±5%.
from its stock solution. KNO3 and KOH were utilized
to keep up the ionic strength and alkalinity of the reac- DESCRIPTION OF THE RESULTS
tion, individually. AgNO3 solution was utilized to AND DISCUSSION
study the product effect of Ag(I). A stock solution of
IO4- was prepared by dissolving a known weight of Examination of Oxidation of Products
KIO4 in hot water and used after keeping overnight to Different set of reaction mixtures with varying con-
attain equilibrium. Its concentration was determined centrations of reactants diperiodatoargentate to RTB
iodometrically, [22] at neutral pH maintained, using in presence of [OH–] and KNO3 were kept for 6 hours
phosphate buffer. Diperiodatoargentate was synthe- in shut vessel under nitrogen environment. The rest of
sized by Ag(I) in being there of KIO4 while as the concentration of DPA was assessed by spectropho-
described somewhere else [23–25]. The complex of tometrically at 360 nm (Fig. 2). The outcomes demon-
DPA was characterized as of its UV spectra, its exhib- strate that 1 : 2 Stoichiometry as given in condition (1).
ited 3 peaks at 216, 225 and 362 nm. These spectral
features were the same to those revealed for diperioda-
toargentate [23]. The magnetic moment review
revealed to the composite is diamagnetic. The com- N
pound prepared was examined [26] for silver and KIO4 N
N + 2Ag(III) + 2OH−
by acidifying of the material with HCl, recovering and N
measuring the AgCl used for Ag, and titrating the iodine H
liberated when excess of KI was placed into the filtrate (1)
for periodate. The stock solution of diperiodatoargen- N
tate was used for the required concentration of diperio- O
datoargentate in the reaction system. During the stud-
ied constant concentration (1.0 × 10–4 dm–3 mol) of N
KIO4 was utilized all through the experiment unless or N + Ag(I) + 2H+.
else avowed. In this way, the possibility of oxidation of O H H
RTB by IO4− was tried and found to there was no tre- The RTB–DPA reaction was allowed to progress
mendous interference due to periodate under expei- for 24 h under stirred conditions in alkali condition. After
mental form. The total [IO4− ] and [OH–] was calcu- completion of the reaction, water insoluble and water sol-
lated by considering the quantity present in the diperi- uble products were observed. The water insoluble prod-
odatoargentate solution and that furthermore uct was filtered, dried and the purity was checked using
included. Study runs were also done in nitrogen air to thin-layer chromatography (TLC) technique with 1 : 1
grasp the effect of dissolved oxygen on the rate of the benzene and ethanol as eluting solvent. The main reac-
reaction. No significant difference in the results was tion product was identified as 1-({3-[2-(dimethyl-
gotten under a nitrogen environment. In context of the amino)ethyl]-1H-indol-35-yl}methyl)-1,2,4-triazoli-







300 350 400 450 500
Wavelength, nm

Fig. 2. UV-Vis spectra of product, 1-({3-[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl]-1H-indol-5-yl} methyl)-1,2,4-triazolidine-3,5-dione

obtained during the oxidation of RTB by DPA in aqueous solutions recorded at room temperature.

dine-3,5-dione. The nature of product was confirmed Effect of [Rizatriptan]

by its IR spectrum. IR spectrum of product showed a The Effect of RTB on the rate of reaction was deter-
sharp absorption peak at 3287 cm–1 (due to N–H mined at constant concentrations of OH–, DPA, and
stretch), 3125 cm–1 (due aromatic secondary N–H periodate at a constant ionic strength of 0.25 dm–3 mol.
stretch), 1262 (due to aliphatic amine), 1755 (due to The substrate, RTB was varied in the range of 0.2 ×
imide in phase) and 1655 (due to imide out of phase)
(Fig. 3). Further these products were also confirmed 10–3–2 × 10–3 dm–3 mol. The kobs values increased
by 1HNMR (Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)). with increasing concentration of RTB. The order with
1HNMR for product, δ/ppm (500 MHz, DMSO): respect to [RTB] was found to be less than unity (r =
2.00–2.25 [m, 4H, –CH2], 4.70 [s, 6H, –N(CH3)2, 0.9878, S = 0.239) (Table 1).
6.98–7.27 [m, 4H, Aromatic H], 7.80–8.41 [s, 2H,
Heterocyclic H] and 8.39 [s, 1H, N–H]. Additional Effect of [Alkali]
these product was characterizedby HR-MS that gives
m/z at 300 amu. The molecular weight of RTB being The effect of salt on the reaction has been exam-
269 amu clearly indicates the oxidized product. The ined in the range of 6.0 × 10–4 to 1.0 × 10–3 dm–3 mol
development of Ag(I) in reaction was distinguished by at constant concentrations of RTB, DPA, and a con-
adding KCl for the reaction mixture, which created stant ionic strength of 0.25 dm–3 mol at 25°C. The rate
white turbidity because of the formation of AgCl. constants increase with increase in [alkali] and order
was found to be less then unity (Table 1).
Evaluation of Reaction Order
Effect of [Periodate]
Reaction orders were determined from the slope of
logkobs vs. logConc graphs by varying the concentra- Periodate was varied from 1.0 × 10–4 to 1.0 ×
tions of RTB, alkali, and periodate, in turn, while 10 dm–3 mol keeping all other reactant concentra-

keeping all other concentrations and conditions con- tions fixed. It was experimental that the rate constants
sistent. diminished with increase in [IO4] (Table 1).

Effect of [DPA(III)] Effect of Ionic Strength and Dielectric

Consistent of the Medium
The oxidant of DPA concentration was varied in
the range of 1.0 × 10–5–1.0 × 10–4 dm–3 mol and the Both had no effect on the rate of reaction.
genuinely constant kobs values show that order with
respect to [DPA] was one (Table 1). It was confirmed Effect of Temperature
by linearity of the plots of log [absorbance] versus time
(r = 0.9934, S = 0.03) up to 75% completion of the The effect of temperature on the kobs values were
reaction. calculated at 25, 30, 35 and 40°C. The rate constants,



Transmittance, %

4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000
Wavelength, nm
Fig. 3. FTIR (Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy) spectrum of product, 1-({3-[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl]-1H-indol-5-yl}
methyl)-1,2,4-triazolidine-3,5-dione obtained during the oxidation of RTB by DPA.

1/[OH–] × 10–2 dm6 mol–2

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
0.30 0.5

1/kobs × 103, s


1/kobs × 103

0.05 0.1

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
1/[RTB] × 103 dm3 mol–1
Fig. 4. Plots of 1/kobs versus 1/ [OH–] and 1/ [RTB] for verification of rate law 7 at 25°C.

k, of the slow step of Scheme were obtained from the involving that free radicals are most likely not included
graph of 1/kobs versus 1/[RTB] (Fig. 4). The values are in the reaction medium, which is the situation in prior
given in (Table 2). The activation parameters for the work [27–29]. Under the there examination, we have
rate determining step were acquired by the least square gotten the confirmation for the reactive species of
method for plot of logk versus 1/T and are displayed in diperiodatoargentate in basic condition. In perspec-
(Table 2). tive of the solid adaptable environment of silver third
species, considers on the kinetics of oxidation of a
Effect of Initially Added Products variety of organic and inorganic substrates have pulled
in consideration. Among the different types of
The initially added products, Ag(I) did not have
any noteworthy effect on the rate of the reaction. Ag(III), Ag(OH)4–, diperiodatoargentate, and eth-
ylenebis(biguanide), silver(III) occupied the greatest
consideration of scientists on account of their relative
Free Radical Trapping Experiment stability [30]. The stability of Ag(OH)4– is extremely
In the reaction conditions utilized for kinetic esti- touchy on the way to traces of dissolved oxygen and
mations, the redox coordination be full of 8% acrylo- different impurities in the reaction medium, and this
nitrile did not initiate polymerization of acrylonitrile, had not pulled in much consideration. Be that as it



Table 1. Effect of variation of [DPA], [RTB], and [OH–] on the rate of oxidation of RTB at 298 K
[DPA] × 105, [RTB] × 10 4, [OH] × 103, [IO4− ] × 10 4,
kobs × 103, s–1 Kcal × 103, s–1
dm–3 mol dm–3 mol dm–3 mol dm–3 mol
Variation of DPA
1.0 1.0 3.0 0.4 3.98 4.12
3.0 1.0 3.0 0.4 3.97 4.12
5.0 1.0 3.0 0.4 3.99 4.12
6.0 1.0 3.0 0.4 3.98 4.12
8.0 1.0 3.0 0.4 3.97 4.12
10.0 1.0 3.0 0.4 3.98 4.12
Variation of RTB
5.0 0.4 3.0 0.4 2.92 2.90
5.0 0.5 3.0 0.4 3.75 3.72
5.0 1.0 3.0 0.4 3.98 4.12
5.0 2.0 3.0 0.4 4.42 4.45
5.0 3.0 3.0 0.4 4.85 4.72
5.0 4.0 3.0 0.4 5.15 5.10
Variation of OH
5.0 1.0 0.6 0.4 2.86 2.88
5.0 1.0 0.8 0.4 3.54 3.56
5.0 1.0 3.0 0.4 3.96 4.12
5.0 1.0 4.0 0.4 4.35 4.36
5.0 1.0 5.0 0.4 4.86 4.85
5.0 1.0 6.0 0.4 5.14 5.10
Variation of IO4−
5.0 1.0 3.0 0.1 5.25 5.24
5.0 1.0 3.0 0.2 4.84 4.85
5.0 1.0 3.0 0.4 4.15 4.12
5.0 1.0 3.0 0.6 3.98 3.96
5.0 1.0 3.0 0.8 3.25 3.22
5.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 2.72 2.71

may, the two types of Ag(III), DPA and EBS, are sig- H4IO6− and H2I2O104−
may be ignored as the reaction
nificantly stable [20, 21, 31, 32]. DPA is utilized as a
medium is basic and little [IO4] used in the studies.
part of exceptionally basic medium, and EBS is utilized
as a part of especially acidic medium. A writing study Therefore, in the present basic medium, the primary
uncovers that the H2O soluble diperiodatoargentate has species are relied upon designate H3IO62 − and H2IO36− .
a chemical formula [Ag(IO6)2]7– with dsp2 arrangement Diperiodatoargentate may be showed as [Ag(H3IO6)2]–/
of square planar structure, like DPA complex with two [Ag(H2IO6)]3– depending on pH of the reaction
bidentate ligands, periodate to shape a planar atom. At medium. The similar speciation of periodate in alkali
the point when a similar atom is utilized as a part of was reported in lieratures [33]. Given that, the reaction
basic medium, it is probably not going to exist as
was upgraded through concentration of OH–, included
[Ag(IO6)2]7– as periodate is known to be in different
protonated frames dependent upon pH of the solution [IO4−] hindered the rate and first order reaction in con-
centration of diperiodatoargentate and partial order in
as H5IO6 and H4IO6− in pH ≤ 7; H3IO62 − and H2IO36−
[RTB], the accompanying mechanistic reaction has
in pH > 7 and dimeric form, H2I2O10 in alkaline been proposed which additionally clarifies all explor-
medium with concentrated solution. Though, H5IO6, atory perceptions in Scheme 1.



Table 2. Activation and thermodynamics parameters for the oxidation of RTB

Temperature, K k × 103, s–1 logk 1/T × 103
(a) Effect of temperature with respect to slow step of the Scheme 1
293 3.71 0.5694 3.413
298 4.12 0.6148 3.356
303 5.26 0.7209 3.300
308 6.35 0.8027 3.246
Parameters Values
(b) Activation parameters
Ea, kJ mol–1 48.20
ΔH±, kJ mol–1 42.50
ΔS±, J K–1 mol–1 –120.00
ΔG±, kJ mol–1 85.40
(c) Temperature, K K1, dm6 mol–2 K2 ×10–4, dm3 mol–1 K3 × 10–4, dm3 mol–1
293 3.98 3.67 3.87
298 4.12 4.12 4.12
303 5.57 5.35 5.68
308 6.16 6.54 6.74
(d) Thermodynamic
Using K1 values Using K2 values Using K3 values
ΔH±, kJ mol–1 47.0 14.2 -21.5
ΔS±, J K–1 mol–1 174 14.8 26.22
ΔG±, kJ mol –25.2 11.5 -16.52

[Ag(H3IO6)2]− + OH− [Ag(H2IO6)(H3IO6)]2− + H2O

[Ag(H2IO6)(H3IO6)]2− + 2H2O [Ag(H2IO6)(H2O)2] + [H3IO6]2−

N N K3
N + [Ag(H2IO6)(H2O)2] Complex (C)
k N
Complex (C) HN
N + [Ag(I) + H2IO6(H3IO6)]2−

H+ + OH− H2 O
N N fast N
N + [Ag(H2IO6)(H2O)2] HN
N + [Ag(I) + H2IO6(H3IO6)]2− .
Scheme 1. Detailed Scheme for the oxidation of RTB by diperiodatoargentate in basic medium.



In the prior equilibrium step 1, the concentration of

OH- deprotonated the DPA to give a deprotonated
DPA; in the second step displacement of a ligand,
periodate happens to give free [IO4− ] which is confirm
by decrease in the rate with increase in [periodate]
(Table 1). It might be normal that lower silver perio-
date species, for ex ample, monoperiodateargentate is
more important in the reaction than the diperioda-
toargentate. The inverse fractional order in [H3IO6]2–
may likewise be because of this reason. Within the pre
rate determining step, this monoperiodateargen-
tate(III) (MPA), combines with a molecule of RTB to
give an intermediate complex which decomposes in a
slow step to give the final product as shown in Fig. 5 Fig. 5. 3D balls and sticks view of the product of RTB.
balls and sticks 3D structure. Thus, all these results
toward a mechanism of the type as in Scheme 1. On
the basis of square planar configuration of DPA, the
configuration of MPA and complex might be sug- [DPA]T = [DPA] f + K1[DPA] f [OH− ]
gested as shown in Fig. 6. K 2[Ag(H2IO6 )(H3IO6 )]2 −
Spectroscopic confirmation in favor of the com- + 2−
[H3IO6 ]
plex formation between oxidant and substrate was −
obtained through UV vis study. A bathochromic shift K1K 2 K 3[RTB][DPA] f [OH ]
of around 4 nm from 336 to 340 nm into the spectrum + ,
[H3IO62 − ]
of diperiodatoargentate was observed (Fig. 2).
The rate law utilized for the Scheme potentially [DPA]T = [DPA] f + K1[DPA] f [OH− ]
could be determined as:
K1K 2[DPA] f [OH− ]
−d[DPA] +
Rate = = kK 3[RTB][Ag(H2IO6 )(H2O)2 ] [H3IO6 ]
dt −
kK 2K 3[RTB][Ag(H2IO6 )(H3IO6 )]
2− K1K 2 K 3[RTB][DPA] f [OH ]
= (2) + ,
[H3IO6 ] [H3IO62 − ]
kK1K 2 K 3[RTB][DPA][OH− ]  K K [OH− ]
= . −
[DPA]T = [DPA] f 1 + K1[OH ] + 1 2 2 −
[H3IO62 − ]  [H3IO6 ]
The total [DPA]T, is given as K K K [RTB][OH ] −
+ 1 2 3 .
[DPA]T = [DPA] f + [Ag(H2IO6 )(H3IO6 )]2 − [H3IO62 − ] 
+ [Ag(H2IO6 )(H2O)2 ] + [Complex (C)], Therefore,

[DPA]T [H3IO62 − ]
[DPA] f = . (3)
[H3IO62 − ] + K1[OH− ][H3IO62 − ] + K1K 2[OH− ] + K1K 2 K 3[RTB][OH− ]

Similarly, Similarly
− −
[OH ]T = [OH ] f [RTB]T = [RTB] f + [Complex (C)],
K1K 2[DPA] f [OH− ] K1K 2 K 2[RTB][DPA][OH− ]
+ K1K 2[DPA][OH ] + −
. [RTB]T = [RTB] f + 2−
[H3IO62 − ] [H3IO6 ]
In perspective of the low concentrations of diperioda- In perspective of the low concentrations of diperioda-
toargentate and H3IO62 − used in the experiment second toargentate, OH–, and H3IO62 − used,
and third terms may be neglected.
[RTB]T = [RTB] f . (5)
Substituting equations (3)–(5) in equation (2) and
[OH− ]T = [OH− ] f . (4) omitting the subscripts T and f, we get,





Fig. 6. Square planar configuration of DPA, MPA and complex.

−d[DPA] kK1K 2 K 3[RTB][DPA][OH− ]

Rate = = 2− − 2− − −
dt [H3IO6 ] + K1[OH ][H3IO6 ] + K1K 2[OH ] + K1K 2 K 3[RTB][OH ]

kK1K 2 K 3[RTB][OH ]
kobs = .
[H3IO6 ] + K1[OH ][H3IO62 − ] + K1K 2[OH− ] + K1K 2 K3[RTB][OH− ]
2− −

The rate law (6) can be rearranged into the following According to equation (7), other conditions being
form (7), which is suitable for verification constant, the graphs of 1/kobs vs. l/[OH–], 1/[RTB]
and [H3I06]2– be linear as showed up in Figs. 4 and 7.
[H3IO62 − ] [H3IO62 − ] From the intercepts and slope of such plots, the reac-
1/kobs = + tion constants K1, K2, K3 and k were calculated in
K1K 2 K 3[RTB][OH− ] kK 2K 3[RTB] (7) Tables 1 and 2 respectively. On the other hand, Com-
+ 1 + 1. plex formation was demonstrated kinetically through
kK 3[RTB] k the non-zero intercept of the graph 1/kobs versus
1/[RTB] (Fig. 4) for conceivable arrangement of an
intermediate complex between the oxidant and sub-
strate, alike to the renowned Michaelis–Menten [34]
1/kobs × 103, s mechanism designed for enzyme substrate reactions.
The equilibrium constant K1 is more prominent than K2.
3.5 This might be ascribed to the more noteworthy pro-
pensity of diperiodatoargentate to experience depro-
3.0 tonation contrasted with the hydrolyzed species in
basic medium. The insignificant effect of ionic
strength(I) and dielectric constant of medium (D), on
2.0 the rate of reaction clarifies subjectively the inclusion
of neutral molecule, as found in Scheme 1.
The thermodynamic amounts for dissimilar equi-
1.0 librium steps, in Scheme 1 can be assessed as takes
0 1 2 3 4 5 after. The RTB periodate and hydrox ide ion concen-
6 ] × 10 –4
, mol dm–3
trations were changed at a variety of temperatures as
given in Table 2. A van’t Hoff plot was made for the vari-
Fig. 7. Verification of rate law 7 for ortho periodate in favor ety of K1 with temperature (logK1 versus 1/T (r > 0.9824,
of the oxidation of RTB. S < 0.1211) and the estimations of the enthalpy of reac-



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