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Badillo, Patricia Marie B.

Velarde, Sheridan Meridith

June 19, 2022

Parang Sabil of Abdulla and Putla Isara: The Ghastly Acts of Vengeance

Religion in Hook: “Religion is never the problem; it’s the people who use it to gain
power” (Casablancas, n.d.). The Tausug Folktale “Parang Sabil of Abdulla and Putla Isara
During the Spanish Times," written by Indah Annura, deals with the story of a Tausug hero
who seeks guiltless death in the hands of foreign invaders in defense of Islam.
In Spanish times, one of the most prominent tribes is the Tausug. Muslims groups are
recognized for their strong resistance from other countries. Sulu, the homeland of the
Tausugs, already existed under rule or Islam. (Ingilan, 2015). The Philippine history testifies
that the land of Sulu is considered to be one of the longest history of anti-colonial resistance
in Southeast Asia.
Parang Sabil do not depict bloodthirsty and treacherous Muslims, but rather those who
are willing to die for their loved ones. One, in the following texts “Abdulla, I would like to
inform you that I was insulted because a soldier seized me.” and “The reason he was slain
was that he had abused (her)” (Annura, para 63 & 69), it shows how the Spanish lieutenant
shamed Isara by embracing her in the river. In the teachings of Islam, the person who has
committed intimacy such as being alone, touching, and staring are considered haraam as such
things lead to the greater evil which is Zina and must repent to Allah. In Islam, Zina is
forbidden and considered to be one of the most serious major sins after committing murder.
The punishment of Zina is the harshest, as it violates people’s honor and exposes them to
humiliation. Second, Panglima’s wife, Matagpis, wanted to raise her family’s dignity by
doing Parang Sabil. Even though she knew that she would meet the same fate as her
daughter’s, she still went straight to the headquarters with Kris in her hands and killed
several soldiers. Regardless of the fact that she died in the hands of the Spaniards, she was
content that her final moments before her death were spent showing her unwavering love for
her daughter. In the same way, Isara’s brother also continued to do Parang Sabil. Unlike his
father, Panglima, the young boy was selfless. At an early age, he was already willing to risk
his life to exact vengeance for his family.
The folktale of Parang Sabil of Abdulla and Putla Isara shows how Muslims are being
treated during the Spanish colonization. Parang Sabil was their way of fighting infidels who
tried to seize and control the whole Archipelago of Sulu. Parang Sabil portrays violence and
brutality but as you look at the bigger picture, you’ll see that their actions have reasons
behind it. It was never to gain power from other religions. These people want to be free from
foreign invaders who tried to control them, and the only way they could do so was to use

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