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Design and cost menus

Assessment Task 1
Table of Contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS_________________________________________________________________________ 1

ASSESSMENT INFORMATION FOR LEARNERS _____________________________________________________ 2

HOW YOU WILL BE ASSESSED ___________________________________________________________________ 2

WHAT IF YOU DISAGREE ON THE ASSESSMENT OUTCOME?_________________________________________________ 3
WHAT IF I BELIEVE I AM ALREADY COMPETENT BEFORE TRAINING? ___________________________________________ 3
ASSESSOR RESPONSIBILITIES _____________________________________________________________________ 4
HOW SHOULD I FORMAT MY ASSESSMENTS? __________________________________________________________ 4
HOW LONG SHOULD MY ANSWERS BE? _____________________________________________________________ 4
ASSESSMENT GUIDE _________________________________________________________________________ 6

ASSESSMENT COVER SHEET ___________________________________________________________________ 8

ASSESSMENT TASK 1: WRITTEN ACTIVITY _______________________________________________________ 12

WRITTEN ACTIVITY CHECKLIST ________________________________________________________________ 17

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RTO Code: 41297

CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C

Choice Business College Pty Ltd trading as Choice Business College
ABN: 28 130 302 000 | ACN: 130 302 000

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Assessment Information for Learners
Throughout your training we are committed to your learning by providing a training and assessment
framework that ensures the knowledge gained through training is translated into practical on the job

You are going to be assessed for:

 Your skills and knowledge using written and observation activities that apply to the

 Your ability to apply your learning

 Your ability to recognise common principles and actively use these on the job

All of your assessment and training is provided as a positive learning tool. Your assessor will guide
your learning and provide feedback on your responses to the assessment materials until you have
been deemed competent in this unit.

How You Will Be Assessed

The process we follow is known as competency-based assessment. This means that evidence of your
current skills and knowledge will be measured against national standards of best practice, not
against the learning you have undertaken either recently or in the past. Some of the assessment will
be concerned with how you apply your skills and knowledge in the workplace, and some in the
training room as required by each unit.

The assessment tasks have been designed to enable you to demonstrate the requirements of the
performance criteria and knowledge in this unit to successfully demonstrate competency at the
required standard.

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RTO Code: 41297

CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C

Choice Business College Pty Ltd trading as Choice Business College
ABN: 28 130 302 000 | ACN: 130 302 000

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Your assessor will ensure that you are ready for assessment and will explain the assessment process.
Your assessment tasks will outline the evidence to be collected and how it will be collected, for
example; a written activity, case study, or demonstration and observation. The assessor will also
have determined if you have any special needs to be considered during assessment. Changes can be
made to the way assessment is undertaken to account for special needs and this is called making
Reasonable Adjustment.

Our assessment process is designed to answer the question “has the desired learning outcome been
achieved yet?” If the answer is “Not yet”, then we work with you to see how we can get there. In the
case that one or more of your assessments has been marked ‘NYS ’(not yet satisfactory), your trainer
will provide you with the necessary feedback and guidance, in order for you to resubmit your


You can appeal against a decision made in regard to your assessment. An appeal should only be
made if you have been assessed as ‘Not Yet Competent ’against a specific unit and you feel you have
sufficient grounds to believe that you are entitled to be assessed as competent. You must be able to
adequately demonstrate that you have the skills, experience and knowledge to be able to meet the
requirements of the unit/s you are appealing the assessment of.

Your trainer will outline the appeals process, which is available to you. You can request a form to
make an appeal and submit it to your trainer, the course coordinator, or the administration officer.
The RTO will examine the appeal and you will be advised of the outcome within 14 days. Any
additional information you wish to provide may be attached to the appeal form.


If you believe you already have the knowledge and skills to be able to demonstrate competence in
this unit, speak with your trainer, as you may be able to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning

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RTO Code: 41297

CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C

Choice Business College Pty Ltd trading as Choice Business College
ABN: 28 130 302 000 | ACN: 130 302 000

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Assessor Responsibilities
Assessors need to be aware of their responsibilities and carry them out appropriately. To do this
they need to:

 Ensure that participants are assessed fairly based on the outcome of the language, literacy
and numeracy review completed at enrolment

 Ensure that all documentation is signed by the learner, trainer, workplace supervisor and
assessor when units and certificates are complete, to ensure that there is no follow-up
required from an administration perspective

 Ensure that their own qualifications are current

 When required, request the manager or supervisor to determine that the learner is
‘satisfactorily’ demonstrating the requirements for each unit. ‘Satisfactorily’ means
consistently meeting the standard expected from an experienced operator

 When required, ensure supervisors and learners sign off on third party assessment forms or
third party report

 Follow the recommendations from moderation and validation meetings


Your assessments should be typed in an 11 or 12 size font for ease of reading. You must include a
footer on each page with the learner name, unit code and date. Your assessment needs to be
submitted as a hardcopy or electronic copy as requested by your trainer.


The length of your answers will be guided by the description in each assessment, for example:

Type of Answer Answer Guidelines

Short Answer 4 typed lines = 50 words, or

5 lines of handwritten text

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RTO Code: 41297

CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C

Choice Business College Pty Ltd trading as Choice Business College
ABN: 28 130 302 000 | ACN: 130 302 000

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Long Answer 8 typed lines = 100 words, or

10 lines of handwritten text = of a foolscap page


Include a reference list at the end of your work on a separate page. You should reference the
sources you have used in your assessments in the Harvard Style. For example:

 Website: Website Name – Title of information – (Year) WEB. Date i.e. 02 Sept. year.
Webpage link.

 For a book: Author surname, author initial Year of publication, Title of book, Publisher, City,

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RTO Code: 41297

CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C

Choice Business College Pty Ltd trading as Choice Business College
ABN: 28 130 302 000 | ACN: 130 302 000

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Assessment Guide
The following table shows you how to achieve a satisfactory result against the criteria for each type
of assessment task. The following is a list of general assessment methods that can be used in
assessing a unit of competency. Check your assessment tasks to identify the ones used in this unit of

Assessment Method Satisfactory Result Non-Satisfactory Result

You will receive an overall result of Competent or Not Yet Competent for this unit. The assessment
process is made up of a number of assessment methods. You are required to achieve a satisfactory
result in each of these to be deemed competent overall. Your assessment may include the following
assessment types.

Questions/short answer All questions answered Incorrect answers for one or

correctly more questions

Answers address the question Answers do not address the

in full; referring to appropriate question in full. Does not refer
sources from your workbook to appropriate or correct
and/or workplace sources.

Third Party Report Supervisor or manager Could not demonstrate

observes work performance consistency. Could not
and confirms that you demonstrate the ability to
consistently meet the achieve the required standard
standards expected from an
experienced operator

Written Activity The assessor will mark the Does not follow
activity against the detailed guidelines/instructions

Attachments if requested are Requested supplementary

attached items are not attached

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RTO Code: 41297

CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C

Choice Business College Pty Ltd trading as Choice Business College
ABN: 28 130 302 000 | ACN: 130 302 000

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Assessment Method Satisfactory Result Non-Satisfactory Result

You will receive an overall result of Competent or Not Yet Competent for this unit. The assessment
process is made up of a number of assessment methods. You are required to achieve a satisfactory
result in each of these to be deemed competent overall. Your assessment may include the following
assessment types.

All requirements of the written Response does not address the

activity are addressed/covered. requirements in full; is missing
a response for one or more

Responses must refer to One or more of the

appropriate sources from your requirements are answered
workbook and/or workplace incorrectly.
Does not refer to or utilise
appropriate or correct sources
of information

Observation/Demonstration All elements, criteria, Could not demonstrate

knowledge and performance elements, criteria, knowledge
evidence are demonstrated at and performance evidence at
the appropriate AQF level the appropriate AQF level

Case Study All comprehension questions Lack of demonstrated

answered correctly; comprehension of the
demonstrating an application knowledge required to
of knowledge of the topic case complete the case study
study. questions correctly. One or
more questions are answered

Answers address the question Answers do not address the

in full; referring to appropriate question in full; do not refer to
sources from your workbook appropriate sources.
and/or workplace

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RTO Code: 41297

CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C

Choice Business College Pty Ltd trading as Choice Business College
ABN: 28 130 302 000 | ACN: 130 302 000

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Assessment Method Satisfactory Result Non-Satisfactory Result

You will receive an overall result of Competent or Not Yet Competent for this unit. The assessment
process is made up of a number of assessment methods. You are required to achieve a satisfactory
result in each of these to be deemed competent overall. Your assessment may include the following
assessment types.

Practical Activity All tasks in the practical activity Tasks have not been
must be completed and completed effectively and
evidence of completion must evidence of completion has
be provided to your not been provided.
All tasks have been completed
accurately and evidence
provided for each stated task.

Attachments if requested are Requested supplementary

attached items are not attached

Assessment Cover Sheet

Assessment Cover Sheet

Learner’s name: Fiki

Assessors Name: Megan Edward 15/03/2024

The following questions are to be completed by the assessor:

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RTO Code: 41297

CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C

Choice Business College Pty Ltd trading as Choice Business College
ABN: 28 130 302 000 | ACN: 130 302 000

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Is the Learner ready for assessment? Yes No

Has the assessment process been explained? Yes No

Does the Learner understand which evidence is to be collected and

Yes No

Have the Learner’s rights and the appeal system been fully
Yes No

Have you discussed any special needs to be considered during

Yes No

The following documents must be completed and attached:

□ Written Activity and Checklist

The learner will complete the written activity provided to them by S NYS
the assessor. The Written Activity Checklist will be completed by
the assessor.

□ Practical Activity Checklist

The learner will demonstrate a range of skills and the assessor will S NYS
observe where appropriate to the unit. The Practical Activity
Checklist will be completed by the assessor.

□ Questions and Questions Checklist

The learner will answer a range of questions either verbally or S NYS
written. The Questions Checklist will be completed by the assessor.

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RTO Code: 41297

CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C

Choice Business College Pty Ltd trading as Choice Business College
ABN: 28 130 302 000 | ACN: 130 302 000

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Learner Declaration

I agree to undertake assessment in the knowledge that information gathered will only be used for
professional development purposes and can only be accessed by the RTO

I declare that:
□ The material I have submitted is my own work
□ I have kept a copy of all relevant notes and reference material that I used in the production of
my work
□ I have given references for all sources of information that are not my own, including the words,
ideas and images of others

Learner Signature: Fiki Date: 15/03/2024

Result and Feedback

Feedback to Learner:

Overall Outcome □Competent □Not yet Competent

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CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C

Choice Business College Pty Ltd trading as Choice Business College
ABN: 28 130 302 000 | ACN: 130 302 000

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Assessor Signature:

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RTO Code: 41297

CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C

Choice Business College Pty Ltd trading as Choice Business College
ABN: 28 130 302 000 | ACN: 130 302 000

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Assessment Task 1: Written Activity
Your task is to write the answers to each of the following questions. Answers should exceed 50
words but no more than 200 words for each question.

1. What techniques can you use for sourcing information on food service trends and market
-Market Research Firms, Industry Publications and Journals, Online Surveys and
Questionnaires, Customer Feedback and Reviews,Social Media Listening
2. Discuss the types of contemporary eating habits that impact on current and emerging food
service trends.

-Plant-Based and Flexitarian Diets:The rise of plant-based and flexitarian diets,

driven by health and environmental concerns, has led to increased demand for plant-
forward menu options and plant-based protein alternatives.

-Customization and Personalization:Consumers value the ability to customize their

meals to align with personal preferences and dietary restrictions. Customization options,
such as build-your-own bowls or DIY toppings, are popular.

-Snacking and Small Plates:has evolved into a meal alternative for many
consumers. Small plates, tapas-style dining, and snackable portions cater to those who prefer
grazing throughout the day.

3. What cultural and ethnic influences might influence current and emerging food service

-Asian Influences-Cuisines: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Indian, Vietnamese

Trends: Asian flavors, street food-inspired dishes, sushi variations, ramen,

bao buns, fusion cuisines, and the popularity of traditional Asian cooking
techniques like stir-frying and steaming.

-Mediterranean Influences-Cuisines: Greek, Italian, Spanish, Middle Eastern

Trends: Mediterranean diet, mezze-style dining, hummus variations, tapas,

olive oil-based dishes, and a focus on fresh, locally sourced ingredients.

4. What are the types of major festivals and events that may relate to current and emerging
food service trends?

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CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C

Choice Business College Pty Ltd trading as Choice Business College
ABN: 28 130 302 000 | ACN: 130 302 000

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-Food and Wine Festivals, Street Food Festivals, Farmers' Markets, Taste of [City/
Region] Events, Beer and Craft Brew Festivals,Chocolate and Dessert Festivals

5. How can media influence impact on current and emerging food service trends?

-Social Media Platforms

-Food Blogs and Online Publications

-Cooking Shows and Culinary Competitions

6. Discuss the ways that seasonal influences can have an effect on current and emerging food
service trends.

-Ingredient Availability: different seasons bring about variations in the availability of

fresh produce, fruits, and other ingredients.

-Seasonal Menus and Specials: restaurants and cafes frequently introduce seasonal
menus or specials to showcase ingredients at their peak.

-Farm-to-Table Emphasis: Seasonal influences promote the farm-to-table

movement, encouraging restaurants to source ingredients locally and support regional

7. Discuss how social media can influences current and emerging food service trends.

-Visual Appeal and Food Styling, Food Photography and Sharing,Influencer

Marketing, Real-Time Feedback,Menu Transparency, Recipe Sharing and DIY Trends

8. What sources of information might you access on market statistics?

-Government Agencies, Industry Reports and Publications, Trade

Associations,Market Research Firms,Financial News and Publications

9. List the sources of information that can be accessed relating to customer profiles and

-Customer Surveys,Online Reviews and Ratings, Social Media Listening, Customer

Feedback Forms, Point of Sale (POS) Systems

10. What types of products might be developed for menus to meet market requirements?

-Plant-Based and Vegan Options, Gluten-Free and Allergen-Friendly Items,

Customizable and Build-Your-Own Options,Low-Calorie or Lighter Fare, Interactive or
Shareable Platters, Dessert Specialties

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RTO Code: 41297

CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C

Choice Business College Pty Ltd trading as Choice Business College
ABN: 28 130 302 000 | ACN: 130 302 000

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11. Discuss the use of service styles to meet market requirements.

-Table Service, Buffet Service, Family-Style Service,Cafeteria Service,Counter

Service,Fast Casual Service

12. List the various quality expectations to include in menus to ensure that they meet market

-Diverse and Inclusive Offerings, Fresh and Seasonal Ingredients,Culinary Creativity

and Innovation,Clear and Descriptive Menu Descriptions,Consistency in Preparation

13. Identify and describe the financial operating costs for hospitality and catering organisations.

-Food Costs,Beverage Costs, Labor Costs, Utility Costs, Rent or Lease Costs,
Equipment and Supplies Costs,Insurance Costs

14. Identify and describe the different methods and formulas that can be used for calculating
portion yields and costs from raw ingredients.

-Edible Portion Percentage (EPP),Yield Percentage,As-Purchased (AP) Cost,Recipe

Costing,Plate Cost

15. Describe the different types and styles menus.

-À La Carte Menu, Table d'Hôte or Prix Fixe Menu, Cyclical Menu, Du Jour
Menu,Buffet Menu

16. What are the different types and styles food outlets?

Fine dining,Fast food

17. Identify the different types and styles food service.

Buffet service,Cart French service,Russian service,Cafeteria service

18. Describe the influence that seasonal products and commodities have on menu content and

-Seasonal produce grows in abundance, making it easier for you to source and
cheaper for you to purchase. What's more, if dishes are cheaper for you to create, you
can sell them to guests at more affordable prices, helping you to remain competitive

19. Outline the naming conventions and culinary terms for a variety of at least six (6) cuisines.

-Italian Cuisine- Antipasto: Appetizers served before the main meal.

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CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C

Choice Business College Pty Ltd trading as Choice Business College
ABN: 28 130 302 000 | ACN: 130 302 000

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-Japanese Cuisine-Sashimi: Sliced raw fish

-Mexican Cuisine-Salsa: Spicy sauce typically made with tomatoes, onions, and

-Indian Cuisine-Curry: A dish with a spiced sauce

-French Cuisine-Bouillabaisse: Fish stew

-Chinese Cuisine-Wonton: Dumplings filled with meat or seafood

20. Discuss the formats for and inclusions of menus presented to customers.

Single-page Menu,Bi-fold Menu, Tri-fold or Z-fold Menu,Booklet Menu, Table Tent

Menu,Specials Board or Chalkboard Menu

21. Identify and discuss the various qualitative methods that can be used to gain feedback on
menu performance.

Customer Surveys,Focus Groups,In-depth Interviews,Observational Research,Social

Media Monitoring,Culinary Workshops or Tastings

22. What quantitative methods can be used to gain feedback on menu performance?

-Social media: Facebook and Instagram can be used to obtain the reviews and

options of customers relating to the menu

-Customer surveys: Customer surveys are documents that contain a series of

questions that can be used to gain understanding of the customer experience

relating to menus

-Customer discussions: Customer discussions involve talking to the customer to

obtain an understanding of their option relating to items

-Staff discussions and meetings: Staff discussions and meeting can be used to assess

the observations and interactions they have had with customers

23. Identify and discuss the methods of analysing sales mix and profit performance of menu
Personnel should be aware of methods of analysing the sales mix and profit
performance of menu items and methods to do this are explained in the
following headings

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-Menu engineering analysis is the process of using food costs and sales data
together to group menu items into the following categories:

-It is important to have menu items that are either plow horses and stars in a good
balance or preferably with more stars than plow horses

-Dogs and puzzles should be re-engineered or removed

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CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C

Choice Business College Pty Ltd trading as Choice Business College
ABN: 28 130 302 000 | ACN: 130 302 000

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Written Activity Checklist
Written Activity Checklist

For this assessment, the learner must complete the written activity.

The written activity is a stand-alone activity that will allow the learner to display the requirements
of the performance criteria and knowledge evidence in this unit that are essential when deciding
overall competency.

Learner Name:

Assessor Name:

Has the learner satisfactorily

completed the written activity?

Yes No

Did the Learner provide evidence of their ability to:

What techniques can you use for sourcing information on food

□ □
service trends and market preferences?

Discuss the types of contemporary eating habits that impact on

□ □
current and emerging food service trends.

What cultural and ethnic influences might influence current and

□ □
emerging food service trends?

What are the types of major festivals and events that may relate
□ □
to current and emerging food service trends?

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RTO Code: 41297

CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C

Choice Business College Pty Ltd trading as Choice Business College
ABN: 28 130 302 000 | ACN: 130 302 000

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How can media influence impact on current and emerging food
□ □
service trends?

Discuss the ways that seasonal influences can have an effect on

□ □
current and emerging food service trends.

Discuss how social media can influences current and emerging

□ □
food service trends.

What sources of information might you access on market

□ □

List the sources of information that can be accessed relating to

□ □
customer profiles and preferences.

What types of products might be developed for menus to meet

□ □
market requirements?

Discuss the use of service styles to meet market requirements.

□ □

List the various quality expectations to include in menus to

□ □
ensure that they meet market requirements.

Identify and describe the financial operating costs for hospitality

□ □
and catering organisations.

Identify and describe the different methods and formulas that

can be used for calculating portion yields and costs from raw □ □

Describe the different types and styles menus.

□ □

What are the different types and styles food outlets?

□ □

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CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C

Choice Business College Pty Ltd trading as Choice Business College
ABN: 28 130 302 000 | ACN: 130 302 000

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Identify the different types and styles food service.
□ □

Describe the influence that seasonal products and commodities

□ □
have on menu content and price.

Outline the naming conventions and culinary terms for a variety

□ □
of at least six (6) cuisines.

Discuss the formats for and inclusions of menus presented to

□ □

Identify and discuss the various qualitative methods that can be

□ □
used to gain feedback on menu performance.

What quantitative methods can be used to gain feedback on

□ □
menu performance?

Identify and discuss the methods of analysing sales mix and

□ □
profit performance of menu items.

Feedback to Learner:

Result □ Satisfactory □ Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor’s Signature: Date:

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RTO Code: 41297

CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C

Choice Business College Pty Ltd trading as Choice Business College
ABN: 28 130 302 000 | ACN: 130 302 000

Page | 19
A la carte
$ 52 / PP

Chicken and spinach dumplings

a black vinegar, soy sauce, plum

sauce, hot chili sauce.

Ulimate Spagehti Carbonara

This classic Italian pasta dish combines a silky

cheese sauce with crisp pancetta and black


With the italian chocolate and cheese

$ 35 /pp
Scrambled Eggs

with a soy sauce and fresh egg.

Crunchy Fish

This classic Italian fish and the fresh fish.

Ultimate crème brûlée

With the blueberry and rasberry.

$ 160 / pp
This no-cook Crabmeat Mousse Recipe is from
"The Silver Palate Good.


Scallops with Bread Crumbs, Peas and Prosciutto


The good Wagyu with ad fresh creamy mushroom

Top slices croquettes with soured cream, chives and a dollop
of salmon ‘caviar’

King Prawn cooked with Shaoxing wine to mae a strong taste
Table D’Hotel
$ 81 / PP
Lobster Thermidor

Serve this indulgent classic with a big green salad

and plenty of crusty bread for mopping up that rich,
creamy sauce
Japanese Chicken Broccoli Curry

Try this Japanese chicken curry with broccoli and mushrooms.

Add white miso and soy sauce to your curry sauce for an umami-
rich midweek meal

Victoria Sponge Cake

Try our easiest ever recipe for a victoria sandwich cake. This classic
bake combines a light and fluffy sponge with a strawberry jam and
cream filling


Standard Recipe Card

Name of Dish: Portion No : 4
Chicken and Spinach Dumplings

Reference Source: In Chinesee Restaurant

Description: such as Chinese black vinegar, soy sauce, hot chilli sauce, plum sauce, swee
Cost per
Item Specification Quantity UOM Actual Cost
Spinach chop 1,000 bunch $5,90 $5,90
lilyade free range chicken mince 0,250 kg $16,00 $4,00
garlic cloves crushed 0,030 kg $12,90 $0,39
soy sauce ml 0,010 lt $3,00 $0,03
gow gee packet 1,000 packs $3,90 $3,90
Total Cost OF RECIPE $ 14,22

Portion Cost $ 3,55

Food Cost % 30,00% Sale Price $11,85

Gst (10%) $1,18


Method: Rinse spinach under cold water. Drain. Place in a microwave-safe dish. Cover.Microwave on
high (100%) for 1 to 2 minutes or until wilted. Place in a sieve. Drain excess liquid. Place spinach,
mince, garlic and soy sauce in a large bowl. Stir to combine. Place wrappers on flat surface. Spoon 2
teaspoons mince mixture on 1 half of each wrapper. Brush edges with cold water. Fold over to
enclose filling. Press edges together to seal. Place on a tray lined with baking paper. Place a steamer
lined with baking paper over simmering water. Cook dumplings, in batches, for 15 minutes or until
tender and cooked through. Serve.

Equipment required : bowl, pan, steamer, chop Photo of the dish

Main Course

Standard Recipe Card

Name of Dish: Portion No : 1
Ulimate spagethi carbonara

Reference Source: Italian restaurant

Discover how to make traditional spaghetti carbonara. This classic Italian
Description: pasta dish combines a silky cheese sauce with crisp pancetta and black
Cost per
Item Specification Quantity UOM Actual Cost
pancetta chop 0,150 kg $5,00 $0,75
pecorino cheese g 0,050 kg $4,00 $0,20
parmesan g 0,050 kg $5,00 $0,25
eggs crack 0,300 whole $8,00 $2,40
spaghetti g 0,350 kg $4,00 $1,40
garlic cloves peeleed 0,100 kg $5,00 $0,50
butter melt 0,500 kg $3,00 $1,50
salt g 0,010 kg $2,00 $0,02
black paper g 0,010 kg $3,00 $0,03
Total Cost OF RECIPE $ 7,05

Portion Cost $ 7,05

Food Cost % 30,00% Sale Price $23,50

Gst (10%) $2,35



Put a large saucepan of water on to boil. Finely chop the 100g pancetta, having first removed any
rind. Finely grate 50g pecorino cheese and 50g parmesan and mix them together. Beat the 3 large
eggs in a medium bowl and season with a little freshly grated black pepper. Set everything aside.
Add 1 tsp salt to the boiling water, add 350g spaghetti and when the water comes back to the boil,
cook at a constant simmer, covered, for 10 minutes or until al dente (just cooked).. Squash 2 peeled
plump garlic cloves with the blade of a knife, just to bruise it. While the spaghetti is cooking, fry the
pancetta with the garlic. Drop 50g unsalted butter into a large frying pan or wok and, as soon as the
butter has melted, tip in the pancetta and garlic. Leave to cook on a medium heat for about 5
minutes, stirring often, until the pancetta is golden and crisp. The garlic has now imparted its
flavour, so take it out with a slotted spoon and discard.

Equipment required Photo of the dish

bowl, pan, steamer, chopping board, knife.

Standard Recipe Card

Name of Dish: Portion No : 4

Reference Source: Italian Restaurant

Tiramisu is an Italian dessert that translates to “pick me up”, and it
Description: certainly does just that. This trifle consists of layers upon layers of
Cost per
Item Specification Quantity UOM Actual Cost
Black Cofffee Powder 0,050 kg $17,50 $0,88
Marsala Powder 0,100 kg $13,90 $1,39
Eggs whole 0,300 kg $8,00 $2,40
Caster Sugar cups 0,300 kg $4,00 $1,20
Mascarpone g 0,500 kg $7,00 $3,50
Thickened Cream ml 0,300 lt $9,00 $2,70
biscuit crumnb 1,000 kg $4,00 $4,00
Cocoa Powder powder 0,010 kg $3,00 $0,03
Total Cost OF RECIPE $ 16,10

Portion Cost $ 4,02

Food Cost % 30,00% . Sale Price $13,41

Gst (10%) $1,34



Pour coffee and marsala into a shallow dish. Beat egg yolks and sugar in a large bowl with
electric beaters until pale and thick. Add the mascarpone and whipped cream, mixing gently
until just combined. Beat egg whites in a medium bowl with electric beaters until soft peaks
form. Using a large metal spoon, gently fold eggwhites into the mascarpone mixture. Dip
enough biscuits into the coffee mixture to cover the base of a 19cm square ceramic dish.
Cover the biscuits with one-third of the mascarpone mixture. Repeat layers 2 times, ending
with the cream. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Dust generously
with cocoa powder and serve.

Equipment required : bowl , pan, mixer, spoon, oven Photo of the dish


Standard Recipe Card

Name of Dish: Portion No : 2
Scrambled Eggs

Reference Source: Breakfast food

Description: Scrambled Egg on Sourdough
Cost per
Item Specification Quantity UOM Actual Cost
egg crack 3,000 each $2,00 $6,00
sourdough 0,200 pack $6,50 $1,30
avocado fruit 1,000 each $2,00 $2,00
cherry tomato fruit 0,035 kg $2,00 $0,07
olive oil 0,035 ml $4,00 $0,14
salt flavour 0,050 kg $2,00 $0,10
pepper flavour 0,050 kg $3,00 $0,15
Total Cost OF RECIPE $ 9,76

Portion Cost $ 4,88

Food Cost % 30,00% Sale Price $16,27

Gst (10%) $1,63


Method: scramble the eggs on frying pan

toast sourdough into toaster…
spread mashed avocado on top of the toasted sourdough…
roast tomato in frying pan until caramelised…
fory Friting

Equipment required Photo of the dish

Frying pan, Spatula, Toaster, Spread Knife, saucepan

and spatula
Main Course

Standard Recipe Card

Name of Dish: Portion No : 10
Crunchy Fish

Reference Source: Fish Market

Description: Fish and Chips
Cost per
Item Specification Quantity UOM Actual Cost
fish fillet seafood 1,600 kg $ 8,00 $12,80
chips fish and Chips 0,800 kg $ 5,00 $4,00
lemon fruit 2,000 unit $ 0,80 $1,60
oil oil 2,000 lt $ 4,00 $8,00
salt flavour 0,010 kg $ 2,00 $0,02
pepper flavour 0,005 kg $ 3,00 $0,02
mayonnaise sauce 0,060 kg $ 11,00 $0,66
bread crumbs Crumbs 0,200 kg $ 3,00 $0,60
egg whole 0,300 kg $ 6,00 $1,80
baking powder powder 0,050 kg $ 21,00 $1,05
flour flour 0,200 kg $ 4,00 $0,80
Total Cost OF RECIPE $ 31,35

Portion Cost $ 3,13

Food Cost % 30,00% Sale Price $10,45

Gst (10%) $1,04


Method: pat dry fish fillet and season with salt and pepper
.. heat oil to 350f and fried chips until golden brown ..
squeze for garnish.. For Frying..
Side Sauce..
coat fish with the mix of eggs, flour, cornstarch and baking powder...
mix together with flour cornstrach baking powder .

Equipment required : Chopping Board, Paper towel, deep Photo of the dish
fryer, deep sauce

Standard Recipe Card

Name of Dish: Portion No : 10
Ultimate crème brûlée

Reference Source: Dessert Story. Com

Description: Ultimate crème brûlée with berries
Cost per
Item Specification Quantity UOM Actual Cost
cream cream 0,350 kg $6,70 $2,35
milk milk 0,100 lt $2,00 $0,20
vanilla paste 0,020 kg $40,00 $0,80
eggs whole 0,500 kg $6,00 $3,00
caster sugar sugar 0,050 kg $3,50 $0,18
icing sugar sugar 0,020 kg $5,00 $0,10
strawberry berries 0,400 kg $14,00 $5,60
blueberry berries 0,400 kg $19,00 $7,60
Total Cost OF RECIPE $ 19,82

Portion Cost $ 1,98

Food Cost % 30,00% Sc $6,61

Gst (10%) $0,66


Method: pour the cream and milk into medium saucepan ..

And heat on medium heat and take off as soon as start bubblying …
put vanilla inside of the pan and mix it well..
put egg yolk and sugar in a bowl and mix it until fluffy..
sprinkle on top of the baked crème brûlées and torch until caramelised..
slice thinly for decoration..
place in between sliced strawberry to make it look natural

Equipment required : Saucepan, stove, whisker, spatula, Photo of the dish

bowl, knifr and chopping Board

Course #

Standard Recipe Card

Name of Dish: Portion No : 8
CrabMeat Mouse

Reference Source: Filipino Restsaurant

Description: This no-cook Crabmeat Mousse Recipe is from "The Silver Palate Good
Cost per
Item Specification Quantity UOM Actual Cost
Unflavored Glatin Powder 0,500 kg $5,00 $2,50
Cold Water water 0,250 ml $0,00 $0,00
Boiling Water water 5,500 ml $0,00 $0,00
Mayonaise Saucee 0,500 kg $6,00 $3,00
Whipping Cream Cream 0,500 kg $9,00 $4,50
dill Herbs 1,000 bunch $4,00 $4,00
Onion vegetables 0,200 kg $5,00 $1,00
lemon Juice Juice 0,150 ml $5,00 $0,75
Crab Meat Meat 2,000 kg $30,00 $60,00
Salt Ingredientss 0,010 kg $3,00 $0,03
Prapika Ingredientss 0,250 kg $5,00 $1,25
Total Cost OF RECIPE $ 77,03

Portion Cost $ 9,63

Food Cost % 30,00% Sale Price $32,10

Gst (10%) $3,21


Method: In a large mixing bowl, soften the .25-ounce packet of unflavored gelatin in 1/4 cup cold
water for 3 minutes. Stir in 1/2 cup boiling water and slowly whisk until the gelatin dissolves. Cool to
room temperature. Add mayonnaise, finely snipped fresh chives, finely chopped fresh dill, grated
onion, lemon juice, a dash of Tabasco sauce, paprika and salt, and whisk until completely blended.
Refrigerate until slightly thickened, about 20 minutes.Fold 2 cups picked-over lump crabmeat into
the gelatin mixture. In a separate small bowl, whip cream until it forms soft peaks and gently fold into
the crab mixture. Transfer the mixture to a medium-size bowl or decorative 6- to 8-cup mold.
Refrigerate covered at least 4 hours.When ready to serve, unmold the mousse onto a serving platter
Equipment required Photo of the dish
Bowl, pan, wooden spoon, stovee, plate, spoon
Course #

Standard Recipe Card

Name of Dish: Portion No : 5
Scallops with Prosciutto

Reference Source: Fish Market

Description: Scallops with Bread Crumbs, Peas and Prosciutto
Cost per
Item Specification Quantity UOM Actual Cost
scallops with shells 0,800 kg $27,00 $21,60
prosciutto slice 0,150 kg $70,00 $10,50
chili flakes flakes 0,050 kg $21,00 $1,05
olive oil 0,080 lt $4,00 $0,32
peas vegetables 0,200 kg $10,00 $2,00
parsley herbs 0,050 kg $5,00 $0,25
pemesan cheese grated 0,100 kg $30,00 $3,00
white wine ml 0,070 lt $17,00 $1,19
bread crumbs crumbs 0,100 kg $3,00 $0,30

Total Cost OF RECIPE $ 40,21

Portion Cost $ 8,04

Food Cost % 30,00% Sale Price $26,81

Gst (10%) $2,68


Method: open and clean fresh scallop .. Combine parsley, garlic, prosciutto, chilli and breadcrumbs
in a mini…. Blanch peas in a pan of salted, boiling water for 2 minutes. Drain. Toss with parmesan
and season. Keep warm…. Drizzle scallops with wine, then grill for 1-2 minutes until crumbs are
golden and scallops are just cooked. Serve on a platter, scattered with parmesan peas.

Equipment required : Knife.. Food Proccessor.. Bowl. Griller Photo of the dish
Course #

Standard Recipe Card

Name of Dish: Portion No : 4
Wagyu A5 With Creamy Mushroom

Reference Source: Taste Better. Com

Description: Wagyu and Wine with creamyu mushroom sauce
Cost per
Item Specification Quantity UOM Actual Cost
wagyu A5 tenderloin beef meat 0,600 kg $60,00 $36,00
butter butter 0,200 kg $15,00 $3,00
rosemary herbs 0,500 bunch $3,90 $1,95
salt flavour 0,010 kg $2,00 $0,02
pepper flavour 0,060 kg $3,00 $0,18
mushroom vegetables 0,030 kg $15,00 $0,45
cream cream 0,200 kg $6,70 $1,34
Total Cost OF RECIPE $ 42,94

Portion Cost $ 10,74

Food Cost % 30,00% Sale Price $35,78

Gst (10%) $3,58


Method: Pat dry and season with salt and pepper. to cook with the steak as the oil for 4-6 minutes
for each side to get medium rare. chop mushroom. heat up pan and add butter until brown and add
cream and mushroom, cook until thicken to make mushroom sauce. Serve

Equipment required Photo of the dish

Chopping Board
Serving Plate


Standard Recipe Card

Name of Dish: Portion No : 5
Lobster Thermidor

Reference Source: Olive Magazine

Serve this indulgent classic with a big green salad and plenty of crusty
bread for mopping up that rich, creamy sauce
Cost per
Item Specification Quantity UOM Actual Cost
Butter butter 0,040 kg $12,90 $0,52
Plain flour powder 0,020 kg $3,90 $0,08
milk ml 0,350 lt $3,60 $1,26
shallots herbs 1,000 bunch $2,90 $2,90
white wine ml 0,100 lt $25,00 $2,50
mustard cream 0,020 kg $34,00 $0,68
parmesan grated 0,045 kg $16,90 $0,76
lobster meat 0,500 kg $120,00 $60,00
parsley chopped 1,000 bunch $2,90 $2,90
lemon juice 1,000 unit $0,80 $0,80
Total Cost OF RECIPE $ 72,39

Portion Cost $ 14,48

Food Cost % 30,00% Sale Price $48,26

Gst (10%) $4,83


Melt 20g of the butter in a pan. Once foaming, mix in the flour and cook for a few minutes. Gradually
add the milk a splash at a time, whisking throughout, only adding more once it is fully incorporated.
Season and simmer for 5 minutes, then remove from the heat. Melt the remaining butter in a small
frying pan and gently cook the shallot for 5 minutes until softened. Add the white wine and bubble
for a few minutes before adding the tarragon, dijon, parmesan and paprika. Stir this into the white
sauce you made and season. Use a sharp knife to cut the lobster in half, splitting the head and tail
down the middle. Use a teaspoon to remove all of the tail meat, and bash the claw to remove that
meat too. Roughly chop the meat and mix it into the sauce. Heat the grill to high. Put the empty
lobster shells onto a baking tray and spoon the lobster meat back into the shell. Sprinkle over a little
more parmesan and a pinch more paprika, and bubble under the grill for 4-5 minutes or until golden.
Sprinkle with parsley and serve with a green salad, lemon wedges and crusty bread.

Equipment required Photo of the dish

Chopping Board
Baking Tray
Serving Plate
Main Course

Standard Recipe Card

Name of Dish: Portion No : 5
Japanese Chicken Broccoli Curry

Reference Source: Japanese Restaurant

Try this Japanese chicken curry with broccoli and mushrooms. Add white
miso and soy sauce to your curry sauce for an umami-rich midweek meal
Cost per
Item Specification Quantity UOM Actual Cost
Broccoli vegetables 0,150 kg $5,00 $0,75
oil 0,500 lt $6,00 $3,00
chicken meat 0,400 kg $16,00 $6,40
mushrooms vegetables 0,100 kg $4,00 $0,40
spring onions chop 1,000 bunch $2,90 $2,90
garlic crushed 0,200 kg $12,90 $2,58
curry powder powder 0,100 kg $16,00 $1,60
miso miso 0,100 kg $12,00 $1,20
chicken stock stock 0,300 lt $10,00 $3,00
soy sauce sauce 0,150 lt $6,00 $0,90
Total Cost OF RECIPE $ 22,73

Portion Cost $ 4,55

Food Cost % 30,00% Sale Price $15,15

Gst (10%) $1,52


Method: Put the broccoli in a bowl, pour over a kettle of boiling water to cover, then leave for 5
minutes. Drain… Meanwhile, heat 1 tbsp of oil in a non-stick frying pan and cook the chicken for 2-3
minutes or until golden. Scoop out with a slotted spoon. Add the button mushrooms and cook for 2-
3 minutes or until golden, then scoop out. Add the spring onion, garlic, ginger and another tbsp of
oil. Cook for 2-3 minutes, then return the chicken and mushrooms to the pan. Stir in the curry
powder and cook for a minute...Add the miso paste and stock. Bring to a boil then turn down to a
simmer and cook over a medium heat for 15 minutes, adding the broccoli for the final 2-3

Equipment required : Pan, Chopping Board, knife, pan,tong, Photo of the dish

Standard Recipe Card

Name of Dish: Portion No : 8
Victoria Sponge Cake

Reference Source: Cafetaria dessert

Try our easiest ever recipe for a victoria sandwich cake. This classic bake combines a light
and fluffy sponge with a strawberry jam and cream filling
Cost per
Item Specification Quantity UOM Actual Cost
butter butter 0,175 kg $0,60 $0,11
caster sugar sugar 0,175 kg $0,50 $0,09
self raising flour flour 0,175 kg $0,05 $0,01
baking powder powder 0,200 kg $0,20 $0,04
vanilla extarct flavour 0,200 ml $4,50 $0,90
eggs whole 3,000 units $6,00 $18,00
milk ml 2,000 ml $3,60 $7,20
Strawbery jam jam 0,150 kg $4,50 $0,68
Total Cost OF RECIPE $ 27,02

Portion Cost $ 3,38

Food Cost % 30,00% Sale Price $11,26

Gst (10%) $1,13


Method: : Heat the oven to 180c/fan 160c/gas 4. Line and butter two 18cm sandwich tins. …
step 2 Beat together all the cake ingredients in a large bowl, adding the milk if the mixture is too stiff to drop off a
spoon when tapped gently….
step 3 Divide the mixture between the tins and level.step 4 Bake side by side for 20-25 minutes or until the
sponges are risen, slightly shrunk away from the edges of the tins and spring back when lightly pressed....
step 5 Leave to cool for 5 minutes then turn out onto a rack and peel off the paper.
step 6 Cool completely before filling.,,..
step 7 pread the jam onto the base of one sponge.
step 8 Spread the cream on top of the jam.
step 9 Sandwich the other sponge on top.
step 10 Dust with icing sugar.

Equipment required : Pan, whisk, chopping board, knife, Photo of the dish
Design and cost menus

Assessment Task 3
Table of Contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS _________________________________________________________________________ 1

ASSESSMENT INFORMATION FOR LEARNERS _____________________________________________________ 2

HOW YOU WILL BE ASSESSED ___________________________________________________________________ 2

WHAT IF YOU DISAGREE ON THE ASSESSMENT OUTCOME? _________________________________________________ 3
WHAT IF I BELIEVE I AM ALREADY COMPETENT BEFORE TRAINING?____________________________________________ 3
ASSESSOR RESPONSIBILITIES _____________________________________________________________________ 4
HOW SHOULD I FORMAT MY ASSESSMENTS? __________________________________________________________ 4
HOW LONG SHOULD MY ANSWERS BE?______________________________________________________________ 4

ASSESSMENT GUIDE _________________________________________________________________________ 5

ASSESSMENT COVER SHEET ___________________________________________________________________ 7

ASSESSMENT TASK 3: QUESTIONS _____________________________________________________________ 12

QUESTIONS CHECKLIST ______________________________________________________________________ 17

Version: 1.0

RTO Code: 41297

CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C

Choice Business College Pty Ltd trading as Choice Business College
ABN: 28 130 302 000 | ACN: 130 302 000

Page | 1
Assessment Information for Learners
Throughout your training we are committed to your learning by providing a training and assessment
framework that ensures the knowledge gained through training is translated into practical on the job

You are going to be assessed for:

 Your skills and knowledge using written and observation activities that apply to the

 Your ability to apply your learning

 Your ability to recognise common principles and actively use these on the job

All of your assessment and training is provided as a positive learning tool. Your assessor will guide
your learning and provide feedback on your responses to the assessment materials until you have
been deemed competent in this unit.

How You Will Be Assessed

The process we follow is known as competency-based assessment. This means that evidence of your
current skills and knowledge will be measured against national standards of best practice, not
against the learning you have undertaken either recently or in the past. Some of the assessment will
be concerned with how you apply your skills and knowledge in the workplace, and some in the
training room as required by each unit.

The assessment tasks have been designed to enable you to demonstrate the requirements of the
performance criteria and knowledge in this unit to successfully demonstrate competency at the
required standard.

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CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C

Choice Business College Pty Ltd trading as Choice Business College
ABN: 28 130 302 000 | ACN: 130 302 000

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Your assessor will ensure that you are ready for assessment and will explain the assessment process.
Your assessment tasks will outline the evidence to be collected and how it will be collected, for
example; a written activity, case study, or demonstration and observation. The assessor will also
have determined if you have any special needs to be considered during assessment. Changes can be
made to the way assessment is undertaken to account for special needs and this is called making
Reasonable Adjustment.

Our assessment process is designed to answer the question “has the desired learning outcome been
achieved yet?” If the answer is “Not yet”, then we work with you to see how we can get there. In the
case that one or more of your assessments has been marked ‘NYS ’(not yet satisfactory), your trainer
will provide you with the necessary feedback and guidance, in order for you to resubmit your


You can appeal against a decision made in regard to your assessment. An appeal should only be
made if you have been assessed as ‘Not Yet Competent ’against a specific unit and you feel you have
sufficient grounds to believe that you are entitled to be assessed as competent. You must be able to
adequately demonstrate that you have the skills, experience and knowledge to be able to meet the
requirements of the unit/s you are appealing the assessment of.

Your trainer will outline the appeals process, which is available to you. You can request a form to
make an appeal and submit it to your trainer, the course coordinator, or the administration officer.
The RTO will examine the appeal and you will be advised of the outcome within 14 days. Any
additional information you wish to provide may be attached to the appeal form.


If you believe you already have the knowledge and skills to be able to demonstrate competence in
this unit, speak with your trainer, as you may be able to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning

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CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C

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ABN: 28 130 302 000 | ACN: 130 302 000

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Assessor Responsibilities
Assessors need to be aware of their responsibilities and carry them out appropriately. To do this
they need to:

 Ensure that participants are assessed fairly based on the outcome of the language, literacy
and numeracy review completed at enrolment

 Ensure that all documentation is signed by the learner, trainer, workplace supervisor and
assessor when units and certificates are complete, to ensure that there is no follow-up
required from an administration perspective

 Ensure that their own qualifications are current

 When required, request the manager or supervisor to determine that the learner is
‘satisfactorily’ demonstrating the requirements for each unit. ‘Satisfactorily’ means
consistently meeting the standard expected from an experienced operator

 When required, ensure supervisors and learners sign off on third party assessment forms or
third party report

 Follow the recommendations from moderation and validation meetings


Your assessments should be typed in an 11 or 12 size font for ease of reading. You must include a
footer on each page with the learner name, unit code and date. Your assessment needs to be
submitted as a hardcopy or electronic copy as requested by your trainer.


The length of your answers will be guided by the description in each assessment, for example:

Type of Answer Answer Guidelines

Short Answer 4 typed lines = 50 words, or

5 lines of handwritten text

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RTO Code: 41297

CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C

Choice Business College Pty Ltd trading as Choice Business College
ABN: 28 130 302 000 | ACN: 130 302 000

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Long Answer 8 typed lines = 100 words, or

10 lines of handwritten text = of a foolscap page


Include a reference list at the end of your work on a separate page. You should reference the
sources you have used in your assessments in the Harvard Style. For example:

 Website: Website Name – Title of information – (Year) WEB. Date i.e. 02 Sept. year.
Webpage link.

 For a book: Author surname, author initial Year of publication, Title of book, Publisher, City,

Assessment Guide
The following table shows you how to achieve a satisfactory result against the criteria for each type
of assessment task. The following is a list of general assessment methods that can be used in
assessing a unit of competency. Check your assessment tasks to identify the ones used in this unit of

Assessment Method Satisfactory Result Non-Satisfactory Result

You will receive an overall result of Competent or Not Yet Competent for this unit. The assessment
process is made up of a number of assessment methods. You are required to achieve a satisfactory
result in each of these to be deemed competent overall. Your assessment may include the following
assessment types.

Questions/short answer All questions answered Incorrect answers for one or

correctly more questions

Answers address the question Answers do not address the

in full; referring to appropriate question in full. Does not refer
sources from your workbook to appropriate or correct
and/or workplace sources.

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CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C

Choice Business College Pty Ltd trading as Choice Business College
ABN: 28 130 302 000 | ACN: 130 302 000

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Assessment Method Satisfactory Result Non-Satisfactory Result

You will receive an overall result of Competent or Not Yet Competent for this unit. The assessment
process is made up of a number of assessment methods. You are required to achieve a satisfactory
result in each of these to be deemed competent overall. Your assessment may include the following
assessment types.

Third Party Report Supervisor or manager Could not demonstrate

observes work performance consistency. Could not
and confirms that you demonstrate the ability to
consistently meet the achieve the required standard
standards expected from an
experienced operator

Written Activity The assessor will mark the Does not follow
activity against the detailed guidelines/instructions

Attachments if requested are Requested supplementary

attached items are not attached

All requirements of the written Response does not address the

activity are addressed/covered. requirements in full; is missing
a response for one or more

Responses must refer to One or more of the

appropriate sources from your requirements are answered
workbook and/or workplace incorrectly.
Does not refer to or utilise
appropriate or correct sources
of information

Observation/Demonstration All elements, criteria, Could not demonstrate

knowledge and performance elements, criteria, knowledge
evidence are demonstrated at and performance evidence at
the appropriate AQF level the appropriate AQF level

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RTO Code: 41297

CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C

Choice Business College Pty Ltd trading as Choice Business College
ABN: 28 130 302 000 | ACN: 130 302 000

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Assessment Method Satisfactory Result Non-Satisfactory Result

You will receive an overall result of Competent or Not Yet Competent for this unit. The assessment
process is made up of a number of assessment methods. You are required to achieve a satisfactory
result in each of these to be deemed competent overall. Your assessment may include the following
assessment types.

Case Study All comprehension questions Lack of demonstrated

answered correctly; comprehension of the
demonstrating an application knowledge required to
of knowledge of the topic case complete the case study
study. questions correctly. One or
more questions are answered

Answers address the question Answers do not address the

in full; referring to appropriate question in full; do not refer to
sources from your workbook appropriate sources.
and/or workplace

Practical Activity All tasks in the practical activity Tasks have not been
must be completed and completed effectively and
evidence of completion must evidence of completion has
be provided to your not been provided.
All tasks have been completed
accurately and evidence
provided for each stated task.

Attachments if requested are Requested supplementary

attached items are not attached

Assessment Cover Sheet

Version: 1.0

RTO Code: 41297

CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C

Choice Business College Pty Ltd trading as Choice Business College
ABN: 28 130 302 000 | ACN: 130 302 000

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Learner’s name: Fiki

Assessors Name: Megan Edward 15/03/2024

The following questions are to be completed by the assessor:

Is the Learner ready for assessment? Yes No

Has the assessment process been explained? Yes No

Does the Learner understand which evidence is to be collected and

Yes No

Have the Learner’s rights and the appeal system been fully
Yes No

Have you discussed any special needs to be considered during

Yes No

The following documents must be completed and attached:

□ Written Activity and Checklist

The learner will complete the written activity provided to them by S NYS
the assessor. The Written Activity Checklist will be completed by
the assessor.

□ Practical Activity Checklist

The learner will demonstrate a range of skills and the assessor will S NYS
observe where appropriate to the unit. The Practical Activity
Checklist will be completed by the assessor.

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CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C

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ABN: 28 130 302 000 | ACN: 130 302 000

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□ Questions and Questions Checklist
The learner will answer a range of questions either verbally or S NYS
written. The Questions Checklist will be completed by the assessor.

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CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C

Choice Business College Pty Ltd trading as Choice Business College
ABN: 28 130 302 000 | ACN: 130 302 000

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Learner Declaration

I agree to undertake assessment in the knowledge that information gathered will only be used for
professional development purposes and can only be accessed by the RTO

I declare that:
□ The material I have submitted is my own work
□ I have kept a copy of all relevant notes and reference material that I used in the production of
my work
□ I have given references for all sources of information that are not my own, including the words,
ideas and images of others

Learner Signature: FIki Date: 15/03/2024

Result and Feedback

Feedback to Learner:

Overall Outcome □Competent □Not yet Competent

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ABN: 28 130 302 000 | ACN: 130 302 000

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Assessor Signature:

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CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C

Choice Business College Pty Ltd trading as Choice Business College
ABN: 28 130 302 000 | ACN: 130 302 000

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Assessment Task 3: Questions
The following questions may be answered verbally with your assessor or you may write down your
answers. Please discuss this with your assessor before you commence. Short Answers are required
which is approximately 4 typed lines = 50 words, or 5 lines of handwritten text.

Your assessor will take down dot points as a minimum if you choose to answer them verbally.

Answer the following questions either verbally with your assessor or in writing.

1. What information might you access and use to identify the current customer market?

-Demographic Data: age, gender,

-Geographic Location: local Residents vs. Tourists

-Psychographic Information: life style

-Behavioral Data: Purchasing Behavior, Frequency of Visits

2. Identify six (6) examples of the information you might use for a customer profile.

-Customer reviews, survey responses, and feedback on social media.

-Preferred devices (mobile, desktop), social media usage, online ordering habits,
and tech-savviness.

-Buying habits, frequency of dining out, preferred dining occasions, and loyalty

-Interests, hobbies, lifestyle choices, values, and attitudes.

-Location, city size, climate, and neighborhood characteristics.

-Age, gender, income, education level, marital status, and occupation.

3. What information sources might you use relating to current and emerging food service
trends and customer preferences?

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-Industry Reports and Publications, Food and Restaurant Magazines, Social Media
Platforms,Food Blogs and Websites, Industry Conferences and Events,Online Review
Platforms,Market Research Survey

4. Describe how to evaluate the market trends for relevance to the organisational service style
and cuisine.

-Define Your Service Style and Cuisine,Identify Key Market Trends, Analyze
Customer Demographics ,Monitor Competitor Activities,Gather Customer Feedback

5. What do you need to consider to identify the target market?

-Customer Feedback and Surveys, Technological Preferences, Cultural and Ethical


-Demographic Data: age, gender,

-Geographic Location: local Residents vs. Tourists

-Psychographic Information: life style

-Behavioral Data: Purchasing Behavior, Frequency of Visits

6. What elements might you consider when evaluating the food service preferences of target
markets to create menus to meet market needs and preferences? List five (5).

-Cultural and Culinary Influences:Understand the cultural and regional influences on

your target market's culinary preferences. Incorporate flavors, ingredients, and cooking techniques
that resonate with their cultural background.Identify popular and traditional dishes within the
target market. Offering familiar favorites can create a sense of comfort and familiarity
among customers

-Dietary Preferences and Restrictions: vegetarian and Vegan Options, gluten-Free

and Allergen-Friendly Choices

-Health and Wellness Trends:Nutritional Transparency, Superfoods and Functional


-Lifestyle and Convenience:Quick and Convenient Options, Flexible Dining Styles

-Technology Integration: online ordering and delivery

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CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C

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ABN: 28 130 302 000 | ACN: 130 302 000

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7. When developing menus to provide balanced variety of dishes for the style of cuisine, what
options should you include?

-Appetizers/Starters,Main Courses, Sides and Accompaniments, Desserts, Beverages

-Specialty or Signature Dishes,Healthy and Light Options,Kids' Menu

8. Outline the typical sequencing of menu items.

-Appetizer, salad, Main Course,Sides and Accompaniment, dessert, Beverages,

Digestifs and After-Dinner Drinks,Coffee or Tea

9. Identify four (4) examples of operational constraints that may apply to menus.

-Seasonal Availability of Ingredients, Kitchen Equipment and Space Constraints,

Staffing Levels and Skill Sets, Supply Chain Disruptions

10. Why is it important to itemise proposed components of included dishes?

-Transparency for Customers:Itemizing components helps customers understand

exactly what is included in each dish. This transparency is crucial for those with dietary restrictions,
allergies, or specific preferences.

-Dietary Preferences and Allergies: Clear itemization allows customers to identify

components that may not align with their dietary needs, such as gluten-free, vegetarian,
or nut-free options. This promotes inclusivity and accommodates a diverse range of dietary
preferences and restrictions.

-Customization and Substitutions: Itemization provides customers with the

information needed to make informed choices and allows for easy customization or
substitutions based on personal preferences. This empowers customers to tailor dishes to
their liking.

11. How can you calculate portion yields?

-Determine Edible Portion Percentage (EP%) or Yield Percentage:EP% = (Edible

Portion Weight / Total Weight) x 100

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-Calculate Portion Yield: EP% x Raw Weight

12. Explain how to determine the net production costs of menu items.

-Identify Direct Costs are expenses directly associated with the production of a
specific :Sum the costs of all raw ingredients, food items, and materials used in preparing the
menu item.

-Factor in Indirect Costs also known as overhead costs, are the expenses that
indirectly contribute to the production of all menu items. These include rent, utilities,
insurance, and administrative salaries. Multiply the proportion by the total indirect costs
to determine the indirect costs associated with the menu item

-Include Labor Costs

13. What is the common required profit margin for menu items?

-Fine dining restaurants may target higher profit margins, often in the range of 10% to
15%, due to the elevated service and experience they provide.

-Quick-service or fast-food establishments may operate on lower profit margins,

ranging from 5% to 10%, as they focus on high volume and lower price points.

-Cuisine and Ingredients: The type of cuisine and the cost of ingredients influence the
profit margin. Restaurants offering premium or specialty ingredients may aim for higher profit
margins to offset these costs

14. Explain what a menu with a balanced yield will look like.

-Consistent Portion Sizes, Optimized Ingredient Usage, Minimal Trim and Waste

Inventory Management

15. How can you make reasonable cost adjustments to help ensure that menus are price-

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-Regular Cost Analysis, Supplier Negotiation, Seasonal Menu Adjustments, Portion
Control, Menu Engineering,Regular Menu Review,Customer Feedback

16. What methods might you use to gather feedback on mu performance?

 New employee surveys. An employee's first 90 days at a new job are critical for their
overall engagement and satisfaction.

 Employee engagement surveys.

 Pulse surveys.

 Stay interviews.

 Review sites.

 Managers.

 Employee suggestion box.

 Exit interviews.

17. What do you need to consider when writing the menu?

 Develop your menu concept.

 Create a list of core ingredients.

 Taste test and adjust.

 Write out menu titles and descriptions.

 Price your menu for profitability.

 Divide the menu into logical sections.

 Select typography.

 Choose appropriate colors.

18. Why is it important to follow naming conventions for dishes?

Using the required naming conventions can help to establish the credibility of the
restaurant. Customers who are familiar with the style of cuisine will expect the restaurant to

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follow established conventions, and may be put of if the restaurant does not adhere to
these standards.

19. Discuss the sequence of service to include on printed menus for ease of customer reading

Designing a well-organized and reader-friendly menu is crucial for a positive dining

experience. The sequence of service on printed menus should guide customers through their
dining options in a logical and intuitive manner. The example: Menu title and logo,
introduction, beverage, starter, main course, side, dessert, price

20. What elements might you include in accurate and innovative dish descriptions?

Each technique focuses on five key food presentation factors: colour, arrangement, balance,
texture, and how easy it is for guests to eat.

Questions Checklist
Questioning Checklist

The assessor needs to indicate whether they have conducted the questioning as written questions
or as verbal questions by ticking the box below.

□ Written Questioning □ Verbal Questioning

The assessor must provide evidence with the assessment tool. For written questions, the assessor
must provide the learner’s original written responses. For verbal questioning, the assessor must
provide dot points as a minimum on the learner’s responses.

For details on how to conduct and contextualise this form of assessment, please refer to the
questioning checklist explanation in the assessor guide.

Learner’s name:

Assessor’s name:

If questions are answered verbally, the assessor must write detailed notes on Satisfactory

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the learners responses. If answers are recorded separate to this document, response
they must be attached to the assessment documents.
Yes No

What information might you access and use to identify the current
customer market? □ □

Identify six (6) examples of the information you might use for a
customer profile. □ □

What information sources might you use relating to current and

emerging food service trends and customer preferences? □ □

Describe how to evaluate the market trends for relevance to the

organisational service style and cuisine. □ □

What do you need to consider to identify the target market?

□ □

What elements might you consider when evaluating the food service
6 preferences of target markets to create menus to meet market needs □ □
and preferences? List five (5).

When developing menus to provide balanced variety of dishes for the

style of cuisine, what options should you include? □ □

Outline the typical sequencing of menu items.

□ □

Identify four (4) examples of operational constraints that may apply to

menus. □ □

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Why is it important to itemise proposed components of included
dishes? □ □

How can you calculate portion yields?

□ □

Explain how to determine the net production costs of menu items.

□ □

What is the common required profit margin for menu items?

□ □

Explain what a menu with a balanced yield will look like.

□ □

How can you make reasonable cost adjustments to help ensure that
menus are price-competitive? □ □

What methods might you use to gather feedback on mu performance?

□ □

What do you need to consider when writing the menu?

□ □

Why is it important to follow naming conventions for dishes?

□ □

Discuss the sequence of service to include on printed menus for ease

of customer reading □ □

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What elements might you include in accurate and innovative dish
descriptions? □ □

Feedback to Learner:

Result □ Satisfactory □ Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor’s Signature: Date: 12/03/2024

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CRICOS Provider Code: 03444C

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Experience the perfect union of succulent chicken and vibrant spinach in our Chicken and Spinach
Dumplings. Delicately handcrafted, each dumpling encases a flavorful blend of tender chicken, fresh
spinach, and aromatic herbs, creating a harmonious balance of taste and texture. Steamed to
perfection, these dumplings boast a light and pillowy exterior that gives way to a burst of savory
goodness with every bite. Served with a delectable dipping sauce, our Chicken and Spinach
Dumplings promise a delightful journey through the heart of Asian-inspired culinary artistry.

Target Audience:

1. Asian Cuisine Enthusiasts: Ideal for those who appreciate the intricate flavors and
craftsmanship of Asian-inspired dishes, offering a unique twist with the combination of
chicken and spinach.
2. Dumpling Aficionados: Caters to individuals who have a fondness for dumplings, seeking
new and innovative fillings that go beyond traditional options.
3. Health-Conscious Diners: Appeals to those looking for a nutritious and flavorful option, as
the inclusion of spinach adds a boost of vitamins and minerals to the dish.

2. Ultimate Spaghetti Carbonara

Spaghetti Carbonara, a classic Roman dish that celebrates simplicity and bold flavors. Al dente
spaghetti noodles are delicately coated in a luxuriously creamy sauce crafted from eggs, Pecorino
Romano cheese, and crispy pancetta. Every forkful delivers a perfect harmony of textures, with the
creamy sauce clinging to each strand of pasta and the savory pancetta providing a satisfying crunch.
Garnished with a sprinkle of fresh cracked black pepper and Parmesan cheese, our Spaghetti
Carbonara is a timeless tribute to the art of Italian comfort cuisine.

Target Audience:

1. Italian Cuisine Enthusiasts: Ideal for individuals who appreciate the authenticity and
traditional flavors of Italian dishes, especially those seeking a classic Roman pasta
2. Pasta Lovers: Caters to those with a love for well-prepared pasta dishes, offering a satisfying
and flavorful option that highlights the art of pasta perfection.

3. Tiramisu

Tiramisu, an Italian classic that promises a symphony of flavors and textures. Delicate ladyfingers are
soaked in rich espresso and layered with a velvety mascarpone cream, creating a decadent harmony
of coffee and creaminess. Each bite is a journey through the luscious combination of cocoa, the
subtle bitterness of coffee, and the sweet embrace of mascarpone. Topped with a dusting of cocoa
powder, our Tiramisu is a timeless and elegant dessert that captures the essence of Italian

Target Audience:
1. Italian Cuisine Aficionados: Perfect for individuals who appreciate the authenticity and
traditional flavors of Italian desserts, seeking a classic Tiramisu experience.
2. Coffee Lovers: Appeals to those with a love for the bold and rich flavors of coffee, as
Tiramisu highlights the essence of espresso in both taste and aroma.
3. Dessert Connoisseurs: Caters to individuals with a refined palate who appreciate the
delicate balance of flavors and textures in a well-crafted dessert.

1. Scramble Eggs

Scrambled Eggs, a classic breakfast favorite crafted to perfection. Lightly beaten eggs are expertly
scrambled to a velvety consistency, offering a fluffy and indulgent texture. Seasoned with a touch of
salt and pepper, these eggs are cooked to a golden hue, ensuring a rich and flavorful experience.
Served with a side of buttered toast or your choice of accompaniments, our Scrambled Eggs provide
a comforting and satisfying breakfast that never goes out of style.

Target Audience:

1. Breakfast Enthusiasts: Ideal for individuals who appreciate a simple and satisfying breakfast
option that caters to traditional tastes.
2. Health-Conscious Diners: Appeals to those looking for a protein-rich breakfast choice, as
scrambled eggs provide a nutritious and satiating start to the day.
3. Quick Breakfast Seekers: Perfect for those with a busy morning routine, as Scrambled Eggs
offer a quick and efficient yet delicious breakfast option.

2. Crunchy Fish

Crunchy Fish, a culinary masterpiece that combines succulent fish fillets with a golden, crispy
coating. Each bite unveils a harmonious blend of tender flakiness encased in a satisfying crunch.
Seasoned to perfection with a secret blend of herbs and spices, our Crunchy Fish promises a
delightful and flavorful experience. Served with a zesty dipping sauce and your choice of sides, this
dish is a celebration of impeccable taste and satisfying textures.

Target Audience:

1. Seafood Enthusiasts: Ideal for individuals who appreciate the delightful flavors and textures
of seafood, seeking a satisfying and well-prepared fish dish.
2. Comfort Food Seekers: Appeals to those who enjoy classic and comforting dishes, as
Crunchy Fish provides a comforting and familiar flavor with an added crunch.

3. Ultimate Crème Brulee

Crème Brûlée a timeless French dessert, epitomizes elegance and indulgence. Delight your
senses with this velvety vanilla custard encased in a thin, caramelized sugar crust. The
custard is crafted to a silky perfection, infused with Madagascar vanilla beans to impart a
fragrant and rich flavor. The dessert is baked to achieve a creamy consistency, then
meticulously finished with a delicate layer of sugar on top. Just before serving, the sugar is
caramelized to create a thin, crispy layer that shatters upon the first spoonful, revealing the
luscious custard beneath. This classic treat is a symphony of contrasting textures and flavors,
offering a sophisticated finale to your dining experience.

Crème Brûlée caters to a diverse audience of dessert enthusiasts, providing a luxurious and
satisfying conclusion to a memorable dining experience.


Drunken Prawn Menu, where succulent prawns are elevated to new heights with an infusion of bold
and spirited flavors. Indulge in the intoxicating harmony of perfectly cooked prawns bathed in a
tantalizing marinade featuring fine spirits, aromatic herbs, and a touch of spice. Each prawn is a
celebration of flavor, grilled to perfection and served with a side of zesty dipping sauce. Whether
you're a seafood enthusiast or a lover of adventurous tastes, our Drunken Prawn Menu promises an
unforgettable experience that will leave your taste buds longing for more.

Target Audience:

1. Seafood Enthusiasts: Individuals who appreciate the delicate and savory flavors of prawns,
seeking unique and exciting preparations.
2. Food Adventurers: Those who enjoy exploring bold and innovative flavor combinations,
especially when it comes to seafood.
3. Cocktail and Spirit Enthusiasts: The Drunken Prawn Menu is designed for those who
appreciate the infusion of spirits and the dynamic interplay of flavors in culinary creations.
4. Dining Out Explorers: People who seek out distinctive and memorable dining experiences,
appreciating the creativity and craftsmanship behind unique menu offerings.
5. Celebratory Groups: Ideal for groups celebrating special occasions, where the festive and
flavorful nature of the Drunken Prawn Menu adds a celebratory touch to the dining
6. Foodies and Social Media Influencers: The visually appealing and innovative nature of the
Drunken Prawn Menu can attract those who enjoy sharing their dining experiences on social
7. Night Out Diners: Perfect for those looking to elevate their night out with a menu that
combines the richness of prawns with the spirited essence of fine beverages.

This menu is crafted for individuals who crave an adventurous and spirited dining experience,
celebrating the bold fusion of flavors in each delectable prawn dish.


Scallops with Prosciutto, a sublime dish that brings together the delicate sweetness of perfectly
seared scallops and the savory allure of thinly sliced prosciutto. Each plump scallop is carefully
seared to achieve a golden caramelization, creating a tender interior that complements the
crispiness of the prosciutto. The dish is elevated with a drizzle of balsamic reduction, adding a touch
of sweetness and acidity. Served with a bed of sautéed greens, our Scallops with Prosciutto promise
a symphony of flavors and textures that dance on the palate.

Target Audience:
1. Seafood Connoisseurs: Ideal for individuals who appreciate the nuanced flavors and
textures of seafood, offering a sophisticated and flavorful scallop dish.
2. Fine Dining Enthusiasts: Appeals to patrons seeking refined and elegant dining experiences,
appreciating the meticulous preparation and presentation of premium seafood dishes.
3. Gourmet Food Lovers: Caters to those who enjoy exploring and savoring gourmet cuisine,
appreciating the balance of flavors and textures in expertly crafted dishes.


Wagyu A5 with Creamy Mushroom, a gastronomic delight that marries the unparalleled richness of
Japanese A5 Wagyu beef with the velvety allure of a decadent creamy mushroom sauce. Savor each
melt-in-your-mouth bite of the perfectly seared Wagyu A5, renowned for its marbling and
tenderness, complemented by a luscious sauce crafted from a medley of sautéed mushrooms, fresh
herbs, and a touch of cream. Each plate is a symphony of flavors, where the umami of Wagyu meets
the earthy notes of mushrooms, creating an unforgettable dining experience that is both opulent
and gratifying.

Target Audience:

1. Fine Dining Enthusiasts: Perfect for patrons seeking refined and luxurious dining
experiences, appreciating the meticulous preparation and presentation of premium dishes.
2. Wagyu Aficionados: Appeals to those with a discerning palate who appreciate the exquisite
qualities of Japanese A5 Wagyu beef, seeking a dish that highlights its unparalleled marbling.
3. Gourmet Food Lovers: Caters to individuals who enjoy exploring and savoring gourmet
cuisine, especially dishes that feature premium ingredients like Wagyu A5 beef.


Delight your palate with our Crab Meat Mousse, a culinary masterpiece that combines the
delicate sweetness of premium crab meat with the airy sophistication of a perfectly whipped
mousse. Each bite unveils a symphony of flavors, with the crab's richness complemented by
subtle hints of herbs and spices. Served in an artful presentation resembling a mouse, this
dish is as visually charming as it is delicious. Experience the essence of coastal indulgence
with our Crab Meat Mousse – a unique and savory creation that promises to captivate your

This dish is crafted for individuals who appreciate the artistry of culinary creations, offering a
delightful and savory twist on crab meat in an imaginative and visually captivating form.


Caviar Röstis, a sublime blend of crispy golden potato pancakes adorned with the finest caviar. Each
rösti is expertly crafted to achieve the perfect balance of crispy exterior and tender interior,
providing a delectable canvas for the rich and delicate flavors of premium caviar. Crowned with a
dollop of velvety crème fraîche and garnished with chives, this dish offers a symphony of textures
and tastes that will transport you to a world of unparalleled sophistication.

Target Audience:
1. Caviar Connoisseurs: Perfect for individuals who appreciate the unique and exquisite flavors
of caviar, seeking a dish that highlights its delicate taste and texture.
2. Fine Dining Enthusiasts: Ideal for patrons of upscale restaurants who seek refined and
elegant dining experiences, appreciating the meticulous preparation and presentation of
luxurious dishes.
3. Gourmet Food Lovers: Caters to those who enjoy exploring and savoring gourmet cuisine,
especially dishes that feature premium ingredients like caviar.

Lobster Thermidor, a luxurious and indulgent seafood sensation. Succulent lobster meat,
delicately poached and enveloped in a velvety brandy-infused béchamel sauce, is artfully
combined with a medley of shallots, mushrooms, and herbs. This decadent mixture is then
delicately placed back into the lobster shell, topped with a golden-brown Gruyère cheese
crust, and broiled to perfection. The result is a symphony of flavors, where the sweetness of
lobster harmonizes with the richness of the sauce, creating a culinary masterpiece that is
both classic and unforgettable.

1. Seafood Connoisseurs: Perfect for individuals with a discerning palate who appreciate the
delicate and exquisite flavors of lobster prepared in a sophisticated manner.
2. Fine Dining Enthusiasts: Ideal for patrons of upscale restaurants who seek refined and
elegant dining experiences, appreciating the meticulous preparation and presentation of
premium dishes.
3. Celebratory Diners: Well-suited for those celebrating special occasions, milestones, or
romantic dinners, where the Lobster Thermidor adds a touch of opulence to the festivities.
4. Gourmet Food Lovers: Individuals who enjoy exploring and savoring gourmet cuisine,
appreciating the complex blend of flavors and textures in a dish like Lobster Thermidor.


Japanese Chicken Broccoli Curry, a culinary masterpiece that blends the rich umami of Japanese
curry with succulent chicken and vibrant broccoli. Tender pieces of chicken are simmered to
perfection in a luscious curry sauce infused with aromatic spices and a hint of sweetness. The
addition of crisp broccoli adds a delightful crunch and freshness to every bite. Served over a bed of
steamed rice, our Japanese Chicken Broccoli Curry is a delightful journey through the savory and
comforting tastes of Japanese-inspired cuisine.

Target Audience:

1. Japanese Cuisine Enthusiasts: Ideal for individuals who appreciate the authentic and
nuanced flavors of Japanese cuisine, providing a unique twist with the combination of curry,
chicken, and broccoli.
2. Curry Lovers: Appeals to those who enjoy the comforting and aromatic qualities of curry,
showcasing a Japanese interpretation with a blend of savory and sweet notes.
3. Health-Conscious Diners: Caters to individuals looking for a well-balanced dish, as the
inclusion of chicken and broccoli provides a nutritious and satisfying option.
3. Victoria Sponge Cake

Victoria Sponge Cake, a classic British delight that captures the essence of simplicity and exquisite
taste. Layers of light and fluffy sponge cake are generously spread with velvety strawberry jam and
delicate whipped cream, creating a perfect marriage of textures and flavors. Topped with a dusting
of powdered sugar, our Victoria Sponge Cake is a delicate masterpiece that embodies the
quintessential charm of a traditional tea-time treat.

Target Audience:

1. Tea Enthusiasts: Ideal for those who appreciate the tradition of tea time and seek a sweet
accompaniment to their favorite tea or coffee.
2. Dessert Connoisseurs: Appeals to individuals with a refined palate who enjoy the delicate
and classic flavors of a well-crafted sponge cake.
3. Celebratory Diners: Well-suited for individuals celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, or
special occasions, where the elegant simplicity of the Victoria Sponge Cake adds a touch of
sophistication to the dessert table.

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