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अनुबंध मांक|Contract No: GEMC-511687747153070

अनुबंध त थ|Generated Date : 16-Mar-2024
बोली/आरए/पीबीपी सं या|Bid/RA/PBP No.: GEM/2024/B/4697035

संगठन ववरण|Organisation Details खरीदार ववरण|Buyer Details

प|Type : State Government पद|Designation : SDO Garoth Mandsaur
मं ालय|Ministry : - संपक नंबर|Contact No. : -
वभाग|Department : Forest Department Madhya Pradesh ईमेल आईडी|Email ID :
संगठन का नाम|Organisation Name : N/A जीएसट आईएन|GSTIN : -
कायालय े |Office Zone: Mpfdit Office of Divisional Forests Officer (T) Mandsaur,
पता|Address :

व ीय वीकृ त ववरण|Financial Approval Detail भुगतान ा धकरण ववरण|Paying Authority Details

आईएफडी सहम त|IFD Concurrence : No Role: PAO
शास नक अनुमोदन का पदनाम| भुगतान का तरीका|
Designation of Administrative Approval: Payment Mode:
व ीय अनुमोदन का पदनाम| पद|Designation : DFO T Mandsaur PAO
Designation of Financial Approval : ईमेल आईडी|Email ID :
जीएसट आईएन|GSTIN : -
Office of Divisional Forests Officer (T) Mandsaur,
Mandsaur, MADHYA PRADESH-458001, India

व े ता ववरण|Seller Details
जेम व े ता आईडी|GeM Seller ID : B8B4200001063331
संपक नंबर|Contact No. : 09200736322
ईमेल आईडी|Email ID :
पता| Address :
Satna, MADHYA PRADESH-485005, -
एमएसएमई पंजीकरण सं या|MSME Registration number : UDYAM-MP-40-0014792
एमएसई सामा जक ेणी|MSE Social Category : General
एमएसई लंग ेणी|MSE Gender : Male
जीएसट आईएन|GSTIN: 23AXTPG2535L2Z7

* जसके नाम के प म GST/TAX इनवॉइस पेश कया जाएगा|GST / Tax invoice to be raised in the name of - Buyer

वतरण नदश | Delivery Instructions : NA

उ पाद ववरण|Product Details

मू य
(INR म सभी
आइटम इकाई मू य शु क और कर
ववरण| इकाई | (INR)| कर वभाजन (INR)| स हत)|
# आइटम ववरण|Item Description
Ordered Unit Unit Price Tax Bifurcation (INR) Price
Quantity (INR) (Inclusive of
all Duties and
Taxes in INR)
उ पाद का नाम |Product Name : RCC WATER TANK
ांड|Brand : RCC WATER TANK
ांड कार|Brand Type : Unbranded जीएसट |GST (18%) : 51,864.407
कैटलॉग क त|Catalogue Status: Catalogue not जीएसट उपकर 1|GST Cess 1 (0%) : 0
verified by OEM जीएसट उपकर 2|GST Cess 2 (0 per accounting unit) : 0
1 कैसे बेचा जा रहा है|Selling As : Reseller not verified by 1 UNIT 340,000 जीएसट पर इनपुट टै स े डट (आईट सी)|Input Tax Credit 340,000
OEM (ITC) on GST। : -
ेणी का नाम और चतुथाश|Category Name & Quadrant : जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 1|ITC on GST Cess 1 : -
BOQ (Q3) जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 2|ITC on GST Cess 2 : -
मॉडल|Model: RCC TANK
एचएसएन कोड|HSN Code: 0000

उ पाद का नाम |Product Name : WATER TANK MS-DOOR

ांड कार|Brand Type : Unbranded जीएसट |GST (18%) : 3,050.847
कैटलॉग क त|Catalogue Status: Catalogue not जीएसट उपकर 1|GST Cess 1 (0%) : 0
verified by OEM जीएसट उपकर 2|GST Cess 2 (0 per accounting unit) : 0
2 कैसे बेचा जा रहा है|Selling As : Reseller not verified by 1 UNIT 20,000 जीएसट पर इनपुट टै स े डट (आईट सी)|Input Tax Credit 20,000
OEM (ITC) on GST। : -
ेणी का नाम और चतुथाश|Category Name & Quadrant : जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 1|ITC on GST Cess 1 : -
BOQ (Q3) जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 2|ITC on GST Cess 2 : -
मॉडल|Model: 3*2 FT
एचएसएन कोड|HSN Code: 8544

उ पाद का नाम |Product Name : PONTOON

ांड|Brand : PONTOON
ांड कार|Brand Type : Unbranded जीएसट |GST (18%) : 36,610.169
कैटलॉग क त|Catalogue Status: Catalogue not जीएसट उपकर 1|GST Cess 1 (0%) : 0
verified by OEM जीएसट उपकर 2|GST Cess 2 (0 per accounting unit) : 0
3 कैसे बेचा जा रहा है|Selling As : Reseller not verified by 1 SET 240,000 जीएसट पर इनपुट टै स े डट (आईट सी)|Input Tax Credit 240,000
OEM (ITC) on GST। : -
ेणी का नाम और चतुथाश|Category Name & Quadrant : जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 1|ITC on GST Cess 1 : -
BOQ (Q3) जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 2|ITC on GST Cess 2 : -
मॉडल|Model: ISI MARK
एचएसएन कोड|HSN Code: 0000

उ पाद का नाम |Product Name : NYLON ROPE

ांड|Brand : NYLON ROPE
ांड कार|Brand Type : Unbranded जीएसट |GST (12%) : 1,285.714
कैटलॉग क त|Catalogue Status: Catalogue not जीएसट उपकर 1|GST Cess 1 (0%) : 0
verified by OEM जीएसट उपकर 2|GST Cess 2 (0 per accounting unit) : 0
4 कैसे बेचा जा रहा है|Selling As : Reseller not verified by 200 MTSR 60 जीएसट पर इनपुट टै स े डट (आईट सी)|Input Tax Credit 12,000
OEM (ITC) on GST। : -
ेणी का नाम और चतुथाश|Category Name & Quadrant : जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 1|ITC on GST Cess 1 : -
BOQ (Q3) जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 2|ITC on GST Cess 2 : -
मॉडल|Model: 20 MM
एचएसएन कोड|HSN Code: 0000

उ पाद का नाम |Product Name : HDPE PIPE

ांड|Brand : HDPE PIPE
ांड कार|Brand Type : Unbranded जीएसट |GST (18%) : 8,408.898
कैटलॉग क त|Catalogue Status: Catalogue not जीएसट उपकर 1|GST Cess 1 (0%) : 0
verified by OEM जीएसट उपकर 2|GST Cess 2 (0 per accounting unit) : 0
5 कैसे बेचा जा रहा है|Selling As : Reseller not verified by 150 MTRS 367.5 जीएसट पर इनपुट टै स े डट (आईट सी)|Input Tax Credit 55,125
OEM (ITC) on GST। : -
ेणी का नाम और चतुथाश|Category Name & Quadrant : जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 1|ITC on GST Cess 1 : -
BOQ (Q3) जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 2|ITC on GST Cess 2 : -
मॉडल|Model: 10 KG
एचएसएन कोड|HSN Code: 0000

उ पाद का नाम |Product Name : HDPE PIPE

ांड|Brand : HDPE PIPE
ांड कार|Brand Type : Unbranded जीएसट |GST (18%) : 57,203.39
कैटलॉग क त|Catalogue Status: Catalogue not जीएसट उपकर 1|GST Cess 1 (0%) : 0
verified by OEM जीएसट उपकर 2|GST Cess 2 (0 per accounting unit) : 0
6 कैसे बेचा जा रहा है|Selling As : Reseller not verified by 1,500 MTRS 250 जीएसट पर इनपुट टै स े डट (आईट सी)|Input Tax Credit 375,000
OEM (ITC) on GST। : -
ेणी का नाम और चतुथाश|Category Name & Quadrant : जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 1|ITC on GST Cess 1 : -
BOQ (Q3) जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 2|ITC on GST Cess 2 : -
मॉडल|Model: ISI MARK
एचएसएन कोड|HSN Code: 0000

उ पाद का नाम |Product Name : SUBMERSIBLE CABLE

ांड कार|Brand Type : Unbranded जीएसट |GST (18%) : 3,053.898
कैटलॉग क त|Catalogue Status: Catalogue not जीएसट उपकर 1|GST Cess 1 (0%) : 0
verified by OEM जीएसट उपकर 2|GST Cess 2 (0 per accounting unit) : 0
7 कैसे बेचा जा रहा है|Selling As : Reseller not verified by 140 MTRS 143 जीएसट पर इनपुट टै स े डट (आईट सी)|Input Tax Credit 20,020
OEM (ITC) on GST। : -
ेणी का नाम और चतुथाश|Category Name & Quadrant : जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 1|ITC on GST Cess 1 : -
BOQ (Q3) जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 2|ITC on GST Cess 2 : -
मॉडल|Model: 4 SQMM
एचएसएन कोड|HSN Code: 3901

उ पाद का नाम |Product Name : EARTHING COMPOUND

जीएसट |GST (18%) : 1,525.424
ांड कार|Brand Type : Unbranded
जीएसट उपकर 1|GST Cess 1 (0%) : 0
कैटलॉग क त|Catalogue Status: Catalogue not
जीएसट उपकर 2|GST Cess 2 (0 per accounting unit) : 0
verified by OEM
8 2 SET 5,000 जीएसट पर इनपुट टै स े डट (आईट सी)|Input Tax Credit 10,000
कैसे बेचा जा रहा है|Selling As : Reseller not verified by
(ITC) on GST। : -
जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 1|ITC on GST Cess 1 : -
ेणी का नाम और चतुथाश|Category Name & Quadrant :
जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 2|ITC on GST Cess 2 : -
BOQ (Q3)
मॉडल|Model: ISI MARK
एचएसएन कोड|HSN Code: 0000

उ पाद का नाम |Product Name : GI STRUCTURE

ांड|Brand : GI STRUCTURE
ांड कार|Brand Type : Unbranded जीएसट |GST (18%) : 27,000
कैटलॉग क त|Catalogue Status: Catalogue not जीएसट उपकर 1|GST Cess 1 (0%) : 0
verified by OEM जीएसट उपकर 2|GST Cess 2 (0 per accounting unit) : 0
9 कैसे बेचा जा रहा है|Selling As : Reseller not verified by 25 KW 7,080 जीएसट पर इनपुट टै स े डट (आईट सी)|Input Tax Credit 177,000
OEM (ITC) on GST। : -
ेणी का नाम और चतुथाश|Category Name & Quadrant : जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 1|ITC on GST Cess 1 : -
BOQ (Q3) जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 2|ITC on GST Cess 2 : -
मॉडल|Model: ISI MARK
एचएसएन कोड|HSN Code: 85417092

उ पाद का नाम |Product Name : FITTING ACCESSORIES

ांड कार|Brand Type : Unbranded जीएसट |GST (18%) : 5,338.983
कैटलॉग क त|Catalogue Status: Catalogue not जीएसट उपकर 1|GST Cess 1 (0%) : 0
verified by OEM जीएसट उपकर 2|GST Cess 2 (0 per accounting unit) : 0
10 कैसे बेचा जा रहा है|Selling As : Reseller not verified by 1 SET 35,000 जीएसट पर इनपुट टै स े डट (आईट सी)|Input Tax Credit 35,000
OEM (ITC) on GST। : -
ेणी का नाम और चतुथाश|Category Name & Quadrant : जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 1|ITC on GST Cess 1 : -
BOQ (Q3) जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 2|ITC on GST Cess 2 : -
मॉडल|Model: ISI MARK
एचएसएन कोड|HSN Code: 0000

उ पाद का नाम |Product Name : SOLAR PANEL

ांड|Brand : SOLAR PANEL
ांड कार|Brand Type : Unbranded जीएसट |GST (12%) : 81,402.643
कैटलॉग क त|Catalogue Status: Catalogue not जीएसट उपकर 1|GST Cess 1 (0%) : 0
verified by OEM जीएसट उपकर 2|GST Cess 2 (0 per accounting unit) : 0
11 कैसे बेचा जा रहा है|Selling As : Reseller not verified by 74 NOS 10,267 जीएसट पर इनपुट टै स े डट (आईट सी)|Input Tax Credit 759,758
OEM (ITC) on GST। : -
ेणी का नाम और चतुथाश|Category Name & Quadrant : जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 1|ITC on GST Cess 1 : -
BOQ (Q3) जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 2|ITC on GST Cess 2 : -
मॉडल|Model: ISI MARK
एचएसएन कोड|HSN Code: 85417092

उ पाद का नाम |Product Name : SOLAR PUMP SET

ांड|Brand : 20 HP SOLAR PUMP SET
ांड कार|Brand Type : Unbranded जीएसट |GST (12%) : 45,112.5
कैटलॉग क त|Catalogue Status: Catalogue not जीएसट उपकर 1|GST Cess 1 (0%) : 0
verified by OEM जीएसट उपकर 2|GST Cess 2 (0 per accounting unit) : 0
12 कैसे बेचा जा रहा है|Selling As : Reseller not verified by 25 HP 16,842 जीएसट पर इनपुट टै स े डट (आईट सी)|Input Tax Credit 421,050
OEM (ITC) on GST। : -
ेणी का नाम और चतुथाश|Category Name & Quadrant : जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 1|ITC on GST Cess 1 : -
BOQ (Q3) जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 2|ITC on GST Cess 2 : -
मॉडल|Model: ISI MARK
एचएसएन कोड|HSN Code: 85417092

उ पाद का नाम |Product Name : INSTALLATION

ांड कार|Brand Type : Unbranded जीएसट |GST (18%) : 15,254.237
कैटलॉग क त|Catalogue Status: Catalogue not जीएसट उपकर 1|GST Cess 1 (0%) : 0
verified by OEM जीएसट उपकर 2|GST Cess 2 (0 per accounting unit) : 0
13 कैसे बेचा जा रहा है|Selling As : Reseller not verified by 1 SET 100,000 जीएसट पर इनपुट टै स े डट (आईट सी)|Input Tax Credit 100,000
OEM (ITC) on GST। : -
ेणी का नाम और चतुथाश|Category Name & Quadrant : जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 1|ITC on GST Cess 1 : -
BOQ (Q3) जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 2|ITC on GST Cess 2 : -
मॉडल|Model: 25 KW
एचएसएन कोड|HSN Code: 0000

उ पाद का नाम |Product Name : FREIGHT

ांड|Brand : FREIGHT
ांड कार|Brand Type : Unbranded जीएसट |GST (18%) : 7,627.119
कैटलॉग क त|Catalogue Status: Catalogue not जीएसट उपकर 1|GST Cess 1 (0%) : 0
verified by OEM जीएसट उपकर 2|GST Cess 2 (0 per accounting unit) : 0
14 कैसे बेचा जा रहा है|Selling As : Reseller not verified by 1 SET 50,000 जीएसट पर इनपुट टै स े डट (आईट सी)|Input Tax Credit 50,000
OEM (ITC) on GST। : -
ेणी का नाम और चतुथाश|Category Name & Quadrant : जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 1|ITC on GST Cess 1 : -
BOQ (Q3) जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 2|ITC on GST Cess 2 : -
मॉडल|Model: NA
एचएसएन कोड|HSN Code: 0000

उ पाद का नाम |Product Name : SOLAR PANEL

ांड|Brand : AMRUT ENERGY
ांड कार|Brand Type : Unbranded जीएसट |GST (12%) : 3,300.107
कैटलॉग क त|Catalogue Status: Catalogue not जीएसट उपकर 1|GST Cess 1 (0%) : 0
verified by OEM जीएसट उपकर 2|GST Cess 2 (0 per accounting unit) : 0
15 कैसे बेचा जा रहा है|Selling As : Reseller not verified by 3 NOS 10,267 जीएसट पर इनपुट टै स े डट (आईट सी)|Input Tax Credit 30,801
OEM (ITC) on GST। : -
ेणी का नाम और चतुथाश|Category Name & Quadrant : जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 1|ITC on GST Cess 1 : -
BOQ (Q3) जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 2|ITC on GST Cess 2 : -
मॉडल|Model: ISI MARK
एचएसएन कोड|HSN Code: 85417092

उ पाद का नाम |Product Name : SOLAR STRUCTURE

ांड कार|Brand Type : Unbranded जीएसट |GST (12%) : 758.571
कैटलॉग क त|Catalogue Status: Catalogue not जीएसट उपकर 1|GST Cess 1 (0%) : 0
verified by OEM जीएसट उपकर 2|GST Cess 2 (0 per accounting unit) : 0
16 कैसे बेचा जा रहा है|Selling As : Reseller not verified by 1 KW 7,080 जीएसट पर इनपुट टै स े डट (आईट सी)|Input Tax Credit 7,080
OEM (ITC) on GST। : -
ेणी का नाम और चतुथाश|Category Name & Quadrant : जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 1|ITC on GST Cess 1 : -
BOQ (Q3) जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 2|ITC on GST Cess 2 : -
मॉडल|Model: ISI MARK
एचएसएन कोड|HSN Code: 85417092

उ पाद का नाम |Product Name : SOLAR INVERTER

ांड कार|Brand Type : Unbranded जीएसट |GST (12%) : 1,746
कैटलॉग क त|Catalogue Status: Catalogue not जीएसट उपकर 1|GST Cess 1 (0%) : 0
verified by OEM जीएसट उपकर 2|GST Cess 2 (0 per accounting unit) : 0
17 कैसे बेचा जा रहा है|Selling As : Reseller not verified by 1 KW 16,296 जीएसट पर इनपुट टै स े डट (आईट सी)|Input Tax Credit 16,296
OEM (ITC) on GST। : -
ेणी का नाम और चतुथाश|Category Name & Quadrant : जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 1|ITC on GST Cess 1 : -
BOQ (Q3) जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 2|ITC on GST Cess 2 : -
मॉडल|Model: 1 KW OFF GRID SYSTEM
एचएसएन कोड|HSN Code: 85417092

उ पाद का नाम |Product Name : SOLAR BATTERY

ांड कार|Brand Type : Unbranded जीएसट |GST (12%) : 4,320
कैटलॉग क त|Catalogue Status: Catalogue not जीएसट उपकर 1|GST Cess 1 (0%) : 0
verified by OEM जीएसट उपकर 2|GST Cess 2 (0 per accounting unit) : 0
18 कैसे बेचा जा रहा है|Selling As : Reseller not verified by 2 NOS 20,160 जीएसट पर इनपुट टै स े डट (आईट सी)|Input Tax Credit 40,320
OEM (ITC) on GST। : -
ेणी का नाम और चतुथाश|Category Name & Quadrant : जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 1|ITC on GST Cess 1 : -
BOQ (Q3) जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 2|ITC on GST Cess 2 : -
मॉडल|Model: UTL SOLAR
एचएसएन कोड|HSN Code: 85417092

उ पाद का नाम |Product Name : FITTING ACCESSORIES

ांड कार|Brand Type : Unbranded जीएसट |GST (18%) : 762.712
कैटलॉग क त|Catalogue Status: Catalogue not जीएसट उपकर 1|GST Cess 1 (0%) : 0
verified by OEM जीएसट उपकर 2|GST Cess 2 (0 per accounting unit) : 0
19 कैसे बेचा जा रहा है|Selling As : Reseller not verified by 1 SET 5,000 जीएसट पर इनपुट टै स े डट (आईट सी)|Input Tax Credit 5,000
OEM (ITC) on GST। : -
ेणी का नाम और चतुथाश|Category Name & Quadrant : जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 1|ITC on GST Cess 1 : -
BOQ (Q3) जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 2|ITC on GST Cess 2 : -
मॉडल|Model: NA
एचएसएन कोड|HSN Code: 85417092

उ पाद का नाम |Product Name : EARTHING COMPOUND

जीएसट |GST (18%) : 457.627
ांड कार|Brand Type : Unbranded
जीएसट उपकर 1|GST Cess 1 (0%) : 0
कैटलॉग क त|Catalogue Status: Catalogue not
जीएसट उपकर 2|GST Cess 2 (0 per accounting unit) : 0
verified by OEM
20 1 SET 3,000 जीएसट पर इनपुट टै स े डट (आईट सी)|Input Tax Credit 3,000
कैसे बेचा जा रहा है|Selling As : Reseller not verified by
(ITC) on GST। : -
जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 1|ITC on GST Cess 1 : -
ेणी का नाम और चतुथाश|Category Name & Quadrant :
जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 2|ITC on GST Cess 2 : -
BOQ (Q3)
मॉडल|Model: ISI MARK
एचएसएन कोड|HSN Code: 0000

उ पाद का नाम |Product Name : INSTALLATION

ांड कार|Brand Type : Unbranded जीएसट |GST (12%) : 535.714
कैटलॉग क त|Catalogue Status: Catalogue not जीएसट उपकर 1|GST Cess 1 (0%) : 0
verified by OEM जीएसट उपकर 2|GST Cess 2 (0 per accounting unit) : 0
21 कैसे बेचा जा रहा है|Selling As : Reseller not verified by 1 SET 5,000 जीएसट पर इनपुट टै स े डट (आईट सी)|Input Tax Credit 5,000
OEM (ITC) on GST। : -
ेणी का नाम और चतुथाश|Category Name & Quadrant : जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 1|ITC on GST Cess 1 : -
BOQ (Q3) जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 2|ITC on GST Cess 2 : -
मॉडल|Model: NA
एचएसएन कोड|HSN Code: 0000

उ पाद का नाम |Product Name : FREIGHT

ांड|Brand : FREIGHT
ांड कार|Brand Type : Unbranded जीएसट |GST (12%) : 321.429
कैटलॉग क त|Catalogue Status: Catalogue not जीएसट उपकर 1|GST Cess 1 (0%) : 0
verified by OEM जीएसट उपकर 2|GST Cess 2 (0 per accounting unit) : 0
22 कैसे बेचा जा रहा है|Selling As : Reseller not verified by 1 SET 3,000 जीएसट पर इनपुट टै स े डट (आईट सी)|Input Tax Credit 3,000
OEM (ITC) on GST। : -
ेणी का नाम और चतुथाश|Category Name & Quadrant : जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 1|ITC on GST Cess 1 : -
BOQ (Q3) जीएसट उपकर पर आईट सी 2|ITC on GST Cess 2 : -
मॉडल|Model: NA
एचएसएन कोड|HSN Code: 0000

कुल ऑडर मू य |Total Order Value (in INR) 2,725,450

परे षती ववरण|Consignee Detail

वतरण पूरा कब
दनांक के बाद तक करना है|
डलीवरी शु Delivery To
लॉट नंबर|
.सं.|S.No परे षती|Consignee व तु|Item मा ा|Quantity करना है| Be
Lot No.
Delivery Start Completed
After By
RCC WATER TANK - 1 16-Mar-2024 31-Mar-2024

WATER TANK MS-DOOR - 1 16-Mar-2024 31-Mar-2024

PONTOON - 1 16-Mar-2024 31-Mar-2024

NYLON ROPE - 200 16-Mar-2024 31-Mar-2024

HDPE PIPE - 150 16-Mar-2024 31-Mar-2024

HDPE PIPE - 1,500 16-Mar-2024 31-Mar-2024

SUBMERSIBLE CABLE - 140 16-Mar-2024 31-Mar-2024

- 2 16-Mar-2024 31-Mar-2024

GI STRUCTURE - 25 16-Mar-2024 31-Mar-2024

पद| Designation : - FITTING ACCESSORIES - 1 16-Mar-2024 31-Mar-2024

ईमेल आईडी|Email ID :
संपक|Contact : - SOLAR PANEL - 74 16-Mar-2024 31-Mar-2024
जीएसट आईएन|GSTIN : -
SOLAR PUMP SET - 25 16-Mar-2024 31-Mar-2024
पता|Address : Office of Divisional Forests Officer (T) Mandsaur,
MANDSAUR, MADHYA PRADESH-458001, India INSTALLATION - 1 16-Mar-2024 31-Mar-2024

FREIGHT - 1 16-Mar-2024 31-Mar-2024

SOLAR PANEL - 3 16-Mar-2024 31-Mar-2024

SOLAR STRUCTURE - 1 16-Mar-2024 31-Mar-2024

SOLAR INVERTER - 1 16-Mar-2024 31-Mar-2024

SOLAR BATTERY - 2 16-Mar-2024 31-Mar-2024

FITTING ACCESSORIES - 1 16-Mar-2024 31-Mar-2024

- 1 16-Mar-2024 31-Mar-2024

INSTALLATION - 1 16-Mar-2024 31-Mar-2024

FREIGHT - 1 16-Mar-2024 31-Mar-2024

व नदश|Specification1

व श ता द तावेज़|Specification Document
े ता बीओ यू द तावेज़|Buyer BOQ Document
बीओ यू व श ता और सहायक द तावेज़ का अनुपालन|Compliance of BOQ Specification And Supporting Document

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

व नदश|Specification2

व श ता द तावेज़|Specification Document
े ता बीओ यू द तावेज़|Buyer BOQ Document
बीओ यू व श ता और सहायक द तावेज़ का अनुपालन|Compliance of BOQ Specification And Supporting Document

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

व नदश|Specification3
व श ता द तावेज़|Specification Document
े ता बीओ यू द तावेज़|Buyer BOQ Document
बीओ यू व श ता और सहायक द तावेज़ का अनुपालन|Compliance of BOQ Specification And Supporting Document

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

व नदश|Specification4

व श ता द तावेज़|Specification Document
े ता बीओ यू द तावेज़|Buyer BOQ Document
बीओ यू व श ता और सहायक द तावेज़ का अनुपालन|Compliance of BOQ Specification And Supporting Document

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

व नदश|Specification5

व श ता द तावेज़|Specification Document
े ता बीओ यू द तावेज़|Buyer BOQ Document
बीओ यू व श ता और सहायक द तावेज़ का अनुपालन|Compliance of BOQ Specification And Supporting Document

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

व नदश|Specification6

व श ता द तावेज़|Specification Document
े ता बीओ यू द तावेज़|Buyer BOQ Document
बीओ यू व श ता और सहायक द तावेज़ का अनुपालन|Compliance of BOQ Specification And Supporting Document

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

व नदश|Specification7

व श ता द तावेज़|Specification Document
े ता बीओ यू द तावेज़|Buyer BOQ Document
बीओ यू व श ता और सहायक द तावेज़ का अनुपालन|Compliance of BOQ Specification And Supporting Document

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

व नदश|Specification8

व श ता द तावेज़|Specification Document
े ता बीओ यू द तावेज़|Buyer BOQ Document
बीओ यू व श ता और सहायक द तावेज़ का अनुपालन|Compliance of BOQ Specification And Supporting Document

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

व नदश|Specification9

व श ता द तावेज़|Specification Document
े ता बीओ यू द तावेज़|Buyer BOQ Document
बीओ यू व श ता और सहायक द तावेज़ का अनुपालन|Compliance of BOQ Specification And Supporting Document

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

व नदश|Specification10

व श ता द तावेज़|Specification Document
े ता बीओ यू द तावेज़|Buyer BOQ Document
बीओ यू व श ता और सहायक द तावेज़ का अनुपालन|Compliance of BOQ Specification And Supporting Document

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

व नदश|Specification11

व श ता द तावेज़|Specification Document
े ता बीओ यू द तावेज़|Buyer BOQ Document
बीओ यू व श ता और सहायक द तावेज़ का अनुपालन|Compliance of BOQ Specification And Supporting Document
ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

व नदश|Specification12

व श ता द तावेज़|Specification Document
े ता बीओ यू द तावेज़|Buyer BOQ Document
बीओ यू व श ता और सहायक द तावेज़ का अनुपालन|Compliance of BOQ Specification And Supporting Document

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

व नदश|Specification13

व श ता द तावेज़|Specification Document
े ता बीओ यू द तावेज़|Buyer BOQ Document
बीओ यू व श ता और सहायक द तावेज़ का अनुपालन|Compliance of BOQ Specification And Supporting Document

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

व नदश|Specification14

व श ता द तावेज़|Specification Document
े ता बीओ यू द तावेज़|Buyer BOQ Document
बीओ यू व श ता और सहायक द तावेज़ का अनुपालन|Compliance of BOQ Specification And Supporting Document

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

व नदश|Specification15

व श ता द तावेज़|Specification Document
े ता बीओ यू द तावेज़|Buyer BOQ Document
बीओ यू व श ता और सहायक द तावेज़ का अनुपालन|Compliance of BOQ Specification And Supporting Document
ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

व नदश|Specification16

व श ता द तावेज़|Specification Document
े ता बीओ यू द तावेज़|Buyer BOQ Document
बीओ यू व श ता और सहायक द तावेज़ का अनुपालन|Compliance of BOQ Specification And Supporting Document

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

व नदश|Specification17

व श ता द तावेज़|Specification Document
े ता बीओ यू द तावेज़|Buyer BOQ Document
बीओ यू व श ता और सहायक द तावेज़ का अनुपालन|Compliance of BOQ Specification And Supporting Document

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

व नदश|Specification18

व श ता द तावेज़|Specification Document
े ता बीओ यू द तावेज़|Buyer BOQ Document
बीओ यू व श ता और सहायक द तावेज़ का अनुपालन|Compliance of BOQ Specification And Supporting Document

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

व नदश|Specification19

व श ता द तावेज़|Specification Document
े ता बीओ यू द तावेज़|Buyer BOQ Document
बीओ यू व श ता और सहायक द तावेज़ का अनुपालन|Compliance of BOQ Specification And Supporting Document

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

व नदश|Specification20

व श ता द तावेज़|Specification Document
े ता बीओ यू द तावेज़|Buyer BOQ Document
बीओ यू व श ता और सहायक द तावेज़ का अनुपालन|Compliance of BOQ Specification And Supporting Document

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

व नदश|Specification21

व श ता द तावेज़|Specification Document
े ता बीओ यू द तावेज़|Buyer BOQ Document
बीओ यू व श ता और सहायक द तावेज़ का अनुपालन|Compliance of BOQ Specification And Supporting Document

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

व नदश|Specification22

व श ता द तावेज़|Specification Document
े ता बीओ यू द तावेज़|Buyer BOQ Document
बीओ यू व श ता और सहायक द तावेज़ का अनुपालन|Compliance of BOQ Specification And Supporting Document

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

ट पणी|Note:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

शु प |Corrigendum

1. तक बढ़ाया गया|Extended Upto : 2024-03-13 11:00:00

ईपीबीजी ववरण | ePBG Detail

सलाहकार बक | Advisory Bank : NA

ईपीबीजी तशत (%) | ePBG Percentage(%): NA

आरसीएम/एफसीएम के संबंध म सामा य खंड |General Clauses w.r.t RCM/FCM

1. Where ever RCM is applicable, for sellers (Regular GST registered seller who opted out of FCM as per notifications of GST like GTA , unregistered seller), Buyer have liability of
paying the GST and GST cess to the government on the specified rate mentioned by them in this contract. Seller will invoice buyer with Zero GST and GST cess.
2. For Registered sellers as per FCM, rates will be inclusive of prescribed rate of GST and GST cess. ITC available to buyer as shown in the bid document have been applied while
evaluating the bids. Seller has liability of paying the GST and GST cess to the govt and same will be charged from buyer while invoice.
3. For Registered sellers who opted for RCM while quoting for specified category under section 9(3) like GTA rates will be exclusive of GST and GST cess. GST and GST cess as
indicated by the buyer in the bid document payment of GST and GST Cess will be the liability of buyer.
4. For Unregistered sellers Liability of payment of GST and GST cess is in Buyers scope. GST and GST cess as indicated by the buyer in the bid document will be the liability of
buyer . Unregistered seller will invoice buyer with zero GST and Zero GST cess.
5. For sellers under Composition Scheme: There is no liability of payment of GST and GST cess in Buyers cope. Seller will invoice Zero GST and GST cess in the invoice to buyer.

नयम और शत|Terms and Conditions

1. General Terms and Conditions-

1.1 This contract is governed by the General Terms and Conditions , conditions stipulated to this Product/Service as provided in the Marketplace.
1.2 This Contract between the Seller and the Buyer, is for the supply of the Goods and/ or Services, detailed in the schedule above, in accordance with the General Terms and
Conditions (GTC) unless otherwise superseded by Goods / Services specific Special Terms and Conditions (STC) and/ or BID/Reverse Auction Additional Terms and Conditions
(ATC), as applicable

2. Buyer Added Bid Specific Terms and Conditions-

2.1 Generic:
OPTION CLAUSE: The Purchaser reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity to be ordered up to 25 percent of bid quantity at the time of placement of contract. The
purchaser also reserves the right to increase the ordered quantity by up to 25% of the contracted quantity during the currency of the contract at the contracted rates. Bidders
are bound to accept the orders accordingly.

2.2 Buyer Added Bid Specific ATC :

Buyer uploaded ATC document Click here to view the file .

नोट: यह स टम जनरेटेड फाइल है। कोई ह ता र क आव यकता नह है। इस द तावेज़ का ंट आउट भुगतान/लेनदे न उ े य के लए मा य नह है।

Note: This is system generated file. No signature is required. Print out of this document is not valid for payment/ transaction purpose.

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