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Android Application of library

resource Access Information
and data analysis

A Capstone Project
Documentation Presented to
The Institute of Information, Communication Technology

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the

Broqueza, Xander
Santos, Ralph
Torres, Wilfred
Sablay, Darylle Ian
Tabangcurra, Steve


Since the invention of telephone in the late 18th century by Alexander

Graham Bell , the invention of telephone in the field of telecommunications
had numerus major advances in modulation techniques, coding ,
information theory etc, As the communication theory grew, there are newer
telephone shed that need to be connected by wires and mobile telephones
were born, the 21st century mobile telephones allowed users to make
phone calls from anywhere, as long as they are in the radio coverage of
their base stations and able to maintain an active link , However these
mobile phones are incapable of doing anything other than making phone
calls and storing the user’s contact list.

With the explosive growth of the World Wide Web, the people’s need to be
connected to the internet all the time increased and these devices proved
to be extremely restrictive. As the variety of such needs increased, the new
model of smart devices was needed that had capabilities to run customized
and specialized applications to fulfil a user’s computing and connectivity

needs, These new devices are called Smartphone. The smart phones
matured to be a small computer on which the mobile telephone was also
nothing but one of many other applications , They featured music players,
camera, photo/video surfing programs, games, etc., These smart phones
are low powered, energy constrained computer which required a light -
weight but highly efficient operating system to run all of a user’s

Background of the study

With the traditional computers and Mobile are converge, there are new
smart device that capable of running customized application have been
on the rise. According to Data , there’s A total of 117.4 million
cellular mobile connections were active in the Philippines in early 2024, it
means that around 99.3 percent of the total population in the Philippines
use a smart phone . This number is expected to rise to 100 percent by the
year 2024 to 2025, An increasing number of people use their smart phones
to connect with others , to conduct ecommerce transaction, including
libraries , to embrace this new mode of information dissemination. Due to a
variety reasons, people prefer to use their mobile smart phone to get

information about their library, browse the catalog listing, check books
availability status, itd location, etc. This thesis is an attempt to provide a
mobile application solution for the Pateros Technological College library

This project was to create an Android application for the PTC library that
has all the features that a user would often use when he/she visit the
library website. It is a one-stop solution for retrieving all the library
related information news, events, maps , etc. Catalog search and
research/course/subject guides are two of the application’s primary
features. The application allows a user to search in the library’s catalog
(books and media ) based on the entered keywords. Bibliographic
information of any particular book/e-book, along with its status (location ,
call number and availability) is provide for each of the search results. The
application uses the worldCat Search API in the backend to retrieve these
results. With the library departmental information, staff details , and ability
to save the users selected search results, this application makes the PTC
library related information available at one’s fingertips

Statement of the Problem

The project aims to create an Android app that simplifies accessing library
resources, ensuring a user-friendly interface with fast loading times and a
powerful search function. The app will also feature features that allow users to
analyze their use of resources, allowing librarians and administrators to identify
popular areas for improvement. The app must also be compatible with other
library systems and tools, such as catalog databases, login systems, and resource
management, to ensure seamless functionality. The app will be the go-to tool for
anyone needing library resources, whether a student preparing for exams or a
researcher exploring new subjects. The goal is to make the library experience
more enjoyable for all involved.

The main objective of the proponents is to make an android application aims
to bridge the gap between library resources and users by providing a mobile
platform for easy access, information retrieval, and data analysis.

Specific Objective:

- Provide a simple, easy-to-use interface for searching the library's online catalog
for books, ebooks, journals, articles, and other resources.

- Offer helpful features like scanning barcodes to make it easy to find and
manage the resources you've borrowed.

- Implement advanced search options with filters and facets so it's easier to find
what you're looking for by narrowing down search results.

- Let users save searches, create personalized lists of sources, and manage their
reference lists.

- Let you keep track of your own borrowing history.


Significance of Study:

Enhanced User Experience: The study aims to develop an Android application

that provides seamless access to library resources. This will significantly enhance
the user experience by allowing users to easily search, access, and manage
library resources directly from their mobile devices.

Accessibility: The application will improve the accessibility of library resources,

enabling users to access information anytime, anywhere, without the constraints
of physical library hours or locations.

Efficient Resource Management: The study involves data analysis to identify

usage patterns, popular resources, and areas for improvement. This will help
libraries optimize their resource allocation, improve collection development
strategies, and enhance the overall efficiency of library operations.

Personalized Learning Experience: The application will allow users to personalize

their library experience by creating profiles, setting preferences, and receiving
tailored recommendations based on their interests and usage history, thereby
promoting lifelong learning and self-directed discovery.

Promotion of Digital Literacy: By developing and implementing an Android

application for library resource access, the study will contribute to promoting
digital literacy and fostering technological proficiency among library users,
thereby empowering them to effectively navigate and utilize digital resources
and technologies.

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