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1. Work in a group of 6-7 students.

2. Record your observation in the following table weekly from sowing until harvesting.
Days after
Number Plant Nutrient deficiency Weeds/Disease/Pest Image
of leaves height (Symptoms/condition)* Present** (7 days
1 day 2 5 no no

8 day 6 15 no no

15day 15 24 no Uncinia

22day 20 32 no Shameplant black-

jack and fruit flies

*Refer module unit 6 for more information on nutrient deficiency

3. Place yellow sticky traps around the planting area and record observation on the presence
of weeds/ disease/ pest as shown in the following format (Refer module unit 7.6). Include
the image of weeds, insects, and plant disease symptoms.

Date :14 june 2022 time 9.45a.m -10.15a.m

Weather: sunny
Crops : water spinach group: 6

Crops damage small holes on the leaves

Insects found How many ? Remarks

1. Fruit flies 15 to 20

they transmit diseases such as

mosaic and sooty mold. Were
found a few weeks before

Weed species habitat remarks
1. Uncinia
2.shameplant Mimosa Pudica

it also called sensitive plant is a

creeping annual we remove from
our crops
3. black -jack Bidens Pilosa

bidens Pilosa is a widespread

weed of tropical ,subtropical and
warm temperate regions of the
world. This species has high
reproductive potential and fast
growing rates
Disease Symptoms
4. Record observation on the harvested vegetables (Refer unit 8)

Time of Weight before Weight after

Time of Maturity
Crop Harvesting trimming and trimming and
(am/pm) cleaning (g) cleaning (g)
Water 4 weeks 9.a.m 1.5 kg 800g

5. Prepare a narrated power point presentation in class which should covers the
following points in no more than 10 minutes (Refer to the scoring rubric for more
 Introduction
 Background
 Objectives
 Methods
 Results
 Discussion
 Conclusion
 Recommendations/suggestions
 Images

6. Convert your presentation slides into PDF which should include the Youtube link for
your narrated power point presentation (see below).

7. Submit your MINI PROJECT in PutraBlast by week 14.

PRT2009: Agriculture and Life
Scoring Rubric for Oral Presentations

Category Scoring Criteria Points Score
The type of presentation is appropriate for the topic 5
(15 points)
Information is presented in a logical sequence. 5
Presentation appropriately cites requisite number of 5
Introduction/ background 5

Objective 5
Methodology 10
Results 15
(50 points)
Discussion 10
Conclusion/ Recommendations 5
Speaker maintains good eye contact with the 5
audience and is
appropriately animated (e.g., gestures, moving
around, etc.).
Speaker uses a clear, audible voice. 5
(35 points)
Delivery is poised, controlled, and smooth. 5
Good language skills and pronunciation are used. 5
Visual aids are well prepared, informative, effective, 5
and not distracting.
Length of presentation is within the assigned time 5
Information was well communicated. 5
Score Total Points 100

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