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First Time Reading

1. Give a summary of the extract in 50 words or fewer.

2. What impressions do we get of Mrs Bendall (the main character)?

3. What do you think will happen as the story continues?

Closer Reading

4. What impressions do you have of Mrs Spears from this extract?

5. What is disturbing about Mrs Spears’ ‘gentler measures’?

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6. Mrs Bendall says she can imagine how much the father impresses the children when he whips
them. She says this ‘faintly’ according to the author. Why is the adverb ‘faintly’ used here?

7. Why do you think the boys prefer to play far away from the front hall?

8. Another student has said that: ‘The story is very effective in showing the characters of the two
women and their different attitudes to corporal punishment (beating).’ To what extent do you
agree with this comment? Explain yourself using examples from the text.

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